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Is America at war with radical Islam?


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..and most of those thousands of americans died in iraq, after they overthrew iraq's secular government that kept christians and minorities safe and that gave women rights.. they overthrew that government because they said Saddam was a 'brutal dictator' who 'had weapons of mass destruction'-that is chemical weapons , something that any poor underdeveloped country may have..

..and between iraq and syria-whos civil war which was a direct result of the american action in iraq, millions of arabs have died and many more have had their lives destroyed and their countries ruined..+ afghans and pakistanis killed in that other war.. meanwhile the entire western worlds death toll when you include the 9/11 attacks, the terror attacks in europe, all the americans that died in iraq and afghanistan, all the israelis that died fighting with hamas and hezbollah.. whats the total there?10,000? i think 15000 at the top end.. think we worry too much about our people who get killed and not enough about the destruction military interventions inflict on these countries where the hot war is being waged on.

i don't blame the sunnis in iraq for being really pissed off, which at the end of the day is what all this ISIS extremism is.

Yep, silly to think that people win't savagely and brutally rape, kill, behead and burn others if not kept in check by leaders willing to use chemical weapons on them or willing to commit acts of genocide. They are not evil killing evil Westerners. They are going after their own brothers.

One would hope that, given the opportunity, people would try and better themselves, rebuild their country and try to prosper instead of sinking to a new and inexplicable lows. This is what European countries and Japan did after conflicts, but apparently not Muslims who apparently rather be bearded savages running around in bed sheets when left unchecked.

That's a highly racist post.

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..and most of those thousands of americans died in iraq, after they overthrew iraq's secular government that kept christians and minorities safe and that gave women rights.. they overthrew that government because they said Saddam was a 'brutal dictator' who 'had weapons of mass destruction'-that is chemical weapons , something that any poor underdeveloped country may have..

..and between iraq and syria-whos civil war which was a direct result of the american action in iraq, millions of arabs have died and many more have had their lives destroyed and their countries ruined..+ afghans and pakistanis killed in that other war.. meanwhile the entire western worlds death toll when you include the 9/11 attacks, the terror attacks in europe, all the americans that died in iraq and afghanistan, all the israelis that died fighting with hamas and hezbollah.. whats the total there?10,000? i think 15000 at the top end.. think we worry too much about our people who get killed and not enough about the destruction military interventions inflict on these countries where the hot war is being waged on.

i don't blame the sunnis in iraq for being really pissed off, which at the end of the day is what all this ISIS extremism is.

Yep, silly to think that people win't savagely and brutally rape, kill, behead and burn others if not kept in check by leaders willing to use chemical weapons on them or willing to commit acts of genocide. They are not evil killing evil Westerners. They are going after their own brothers.

One would hope that, given the opportunity, people would try and better themselves, rebuild their country and try to prosper instead of sinking to a new and inexplicable lows. This is what European countries and Japan did after conflicts, but apparently not Muslims who apparently rather be bearded savages running around in bed sheets when left unchecked.

That's a highly racist post.

Oh Dear God. Therein lies the problem. Humor is interpreted as racial by a bunch of thin-skinned zealots. I suppose I deserve to be gunned down now just like the France cartoon dude.

This us assuming you are offended by my bearded savages in bed sheets statement. That us actually a kind way if describing ISIS.

If other parts of my post offended you, you are beyond think-skinned.

Edited by F430murci
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..and most of those thousands of americans died in iraq, after they overthrew iraq's secular government that kept christians and minorities safe and that gave women rights.. they overthrew that government because they said Saddam was a 'brutal dictator' who 'had weapons of mass destruction'-that is chemical weapons , something that any poor underdeveloped country may have..

..and between iraq and syria-whos civil war which was a direct result of the american action in iraq, millions of arabs have died and many more have had their lives destroyed and their countries ruined..+ afghans and pakistanis killed in that other war.. meanwhile the entire western worlds death toll when you include the 9/11 attacks, the terror attacks in europe, all the americans that died in iraq and afghanistan, all the israelis that died fighting with hamas and hezbollah.. whats the total there?10,000? i think 15000 at the top end.. think we worry too much about our people who get killed and not enough about the destruction military interventions inflict on these countries where the hot war is being waged on.

i don't blame the sunnis in iraq for being really pissed off, which at the end of the day is what all this ISIS extremism is.

Yep, silly to think that people win't savagely and brutally rape, kill, behead and burn others if not kept in check by leaders willing to use chemical weapons on them or willing to commit acts of genocide. They are not evil killing evil Westerners. They are going after their own brothers.

One would hope that, given the opportunity, people would try and better themselves, rebuild their country and try to prosper instead of sinking to a new and inexplicable lows. This is what European countries and Japan did after conflicts, but apparently not Muslims who apparently rather be bearded savages running around in bed sheets when left unchecked.

That's a highly racist post.

Oh Dear God. Therein lies the problem. Humor is interpreted as racial by a bunch of thin-skinned zealots. I suppose I deserve to be gunned down now just like the France cartoon dude.

This us assuming you are offended by my bearded savages in bed sheets statement. That us actually a kind way if describing ISIS.

If other parts of my post offended you, you are beyond think-skinned.

I see nothing remotely humorous or witty in your post.

Maybe you do, maybe you were chuckling away to yourself when you wrote it.

And your back-tracking explanation re ISIS has me questioning your intellect.


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It's not Islam that's the problem - it's terrorists.

It is terrorists that take Islam literally.

What are your opinion about people that consider practising the Torah or the Bible literally. Stoning isnt something that was added in fairy tales version three (the Koran)?

I don't care much for any religious zealotry. Fact is that most current issues are with the Muslim version.

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..and most of those thousands of americans died in iraq, after they overthrew iraq's secular government that kept christians and minorities safe and that gave women rights.. they overthrew that government because they said Saddam was a 'brutal dictator' who 'had weapons of mass destruction'-that is chemical weapons , something that any poor underdeveloped country may have..

..and between iraq and syria-whos civil war which was a direct result of the american action in iraq, millions of arabs have died and many more have had their lives destroyed and their countries ruined..+ afghans and pakistanis killed in that other war.. meanwhile the entire western worlds death toll when you include the 9/11 attacks, the terror attacks in europe, all the americans that died in iraq and afghanistan, all the israelis that died fighting with hamas and hezbollah.. whats the total there?10,000? i think 15000 at the top end.. think we worry too much about our people who get killed and not enough about the destruction military interventions inflict on these countries where the hot war is being waged on.

i don't blame the sunnis in iraq for being really pissed off, which at the end of the day is what all this ISIS extremism is.

Yep, silly to think that people win't savagely and brutally rape, kill, behead and burn others if not kept in check by leaders willing to use chemical weapons on them or willing to commit acts of genocide. They are not evil killing evil Westerners. They are going after their own brothers.

One would hope that, given the opportunity, people would try and better themselves, rebuild their country and try to prosper instead of sinking to a new and inexplicable lows. This is what European countries and Japan did after conflicts, but apparently not Muslims who apparently rather be bearded savages running around in bed sheets when left unchecked.

That's a highly racist post.

Oh Dear God. Therein lies the problem. Humor is interpreted as racial by a bunch of thin-skinned zealots. I suppose I deserve to be gunned down now just like the France cartoon dude.

This us assuming you are offended by my bearded savages in bed sheets statement. That us actually a kind way if describing ISIS.

If other parts of my post offended you, you are beyond think-skinned.

Thanks for the chuckle. A humorous description indeed.

Muslims dont really do humour, millions on the street over a cartoon are testimony to that.

Some people really need to get a life.

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Oh Dear God. Therein lies the problem. Humor is interpreted as racial by a bunch of thin-skinned zealots. I suppose I deserve to be gunned down now just like the France cartoon dude.

This us assuming you are offended by my bearded savages in bed sheets statement. That us actually a kind way if describing ISIS.

If other parts of my post offended you, you are beyond think-skinned.

I see nothing remotely humorous or witty in your post.

Maybe you do, maybe you were chuckling away to yourself when you wrote it.

And your back-tracking explanation re ISIS has me questioning your intellect.


So, are you saying that non-ISIS Muslims are also running hacking off heads, raping women and burning people? Those are the facts I referenced in my post. If you are correct and this is ALSO being done by non radical Islamist ISIS, we may have a bigger than we realize.

Sounds a but like you guys just throw the PC racial thing around to try and censor the hard-core and unpleasant truth.

Edited by F430murci
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It's not Islam that's the problem - it's terrorists.

It is terrorists that take Islam literally.

What are your opinion about people that consider practising the Torah or the Bible literally. Stoning isnt something that was added in fairy tales version three (the Koran)?

My opinion is that there is such a tiny number of them that it is not worth worrying about. On the other hand, there are millions that feel that the Koran is meant to be followed to the letter, including all the hateful parts.

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I've just realized, there is a logical fallacy in the OP, as there so often is. There is no such thing as radical Islam, all Islam is radical. Fundamentalist (original 7th century) Islam is at war with the non-Muslim world, by it's own definitions (house of war, house of submission). What I suspect is intended by the use of the word radical are those who by terrorism, genocide or ethnic cleansing make their fundamentalism visible. Many choose not to do so, at least not yet, their beliefs are still radical to the core and totally incompatible with any liberal democracy.

Amazing reading of the minds of 1.6 billion people!

You're sweeping all-encompassing generalisation is a few things unsavoury, but most of all it is hateful scaremongering.

Say that when in 15-20 years, you have Sharia Law in the UK!

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More to the point is the World at war with radical Islam?

Yes, Islam, an ideology rather than a religion, is at war with the entire world. Much of the world does not yet know it is at war, but will eventually wake up.

How do you make the argument that Islam is somehow a different case from all other major religions? Islam clearly parallels the other monotheistic religions, with concepts of a single god, an afterlife, and an eschatology. ISIS simply espouses an orthodox version of Islam, not anything particularly radical, just as Saudi Arabia embraces, with beheadings included, that same orthodox version of the religion of Islam. The only difference is that ISIS is willing to export this orthodoxy by military force whilst the Saudis are happy to simply export it by financially supporting the Wahabi (Salafi) based schools (madrasas). The US is in a quandary as this orthodox version of Islam is embraced by both friend and foe. Thus neither Obama nor his counterpart in Houston, King James the Baker, are at liberty to be honest to the American people on this issue.

But this is not a religious war as the West is not advocating any religion but, and here we do have an ideology, the ideology of "democracy" which is the chosen path to riches for the ruling corporate elite. The religious battle being quietly fought is the war by atheists against all the religions that espouse an invisible man in the sky (Zeus) who rules the planet which of course is a great detriment to the planet as can be seen in the degradation of the environment. Sorry, but to defeat ISIS you will have to abandon your Jesuses and Moseses in order for the others to give up their Muhammeds. Because as long as you embrace your version of a Zeus then you justify ISIS to embrace its own orthodox Islamic version of Zeus.

Say it loud,

I'm atheist and I'm proud

Say it loud,

I'm atheist and I'm proud, one more time

Say it loud,

I'm atheist and I'm proud, huh

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What is the purpose of this OP other than to stir the pot about the US? As an American I don't give a damn what happens to other countries so a good plan would be to stay home and let others rot.

Brilliant plan. Cause the problem, then run away from it. rolleyes.gif

Caused the problem. You don't know much about history, do you?

Oh, I remember. Tony Blair told Parliament and the UK people that Saddam had WMD's. Bush believed him and 21 countries went to war against Iraq including Australia and Thailand.

That UK that started it? I get it. coffee1.gif

In the buildup to the 2003 war, the New York Times published a number of stories claiming to prove that Iraq possessed WMD. One story in particular, written by Judith Miller helped persuade the American public that Iraq had WMD: in September 2002 she wrote about an intercepted shipment of aluminum tubes which the NYT said were to be used to develop nuclear material.[citation needed] It is now generally understood that they were not intended (or well suited) for that purpose but rather for artillery rockets.[citation needed] The story was followed up with television appearances by Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice all pointing to the story as part of the basis for taking military action against Iraq. Miller's sources were introduced to her by Ahmed Chalabi, an Iraqi exile favorable to a U.S. invasion of Iraq.[citation needed] Miller is also listed as a speaker for The Middle East Forum, an organization which openly declared support for an invasion.[citation needed] In May 2004 the New York Times published an editorial which stated that its journalism in the build up to war had sometimes been lax. It appears that in the cases where Iraqi exiles were used for the stories about WMD were either ignorant as to the real status of Iraq's WMD or lied to journalists to achieve their own ends.[citation needed]

Despite the intelligence lapse, Bush stood by his decision to invade Iraq stating:

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This is 100% politics. The GOP cannot provide a reasonable solution to the problem. Because there is no solution. The President wants to get a handle on the radical Muslims without antagonizing the other 1 billion moderate Muslims because frankly, we need them. The Republican party is of no help at the moment in trying to solve this problem.

Oh yeah? Watch Jordan go after those bastards for burning one of its pilots. THEY know how to deal with these people.

It's the West that believes the lies you believe.

I have been lighting a candle for the murder of the Jordanian Pilot - and I sincerely hope Jordan joins Israel, and other ME countries to exterminate the animals ............... both countries have bought US Fighter Jets and Bombers............Let Them Rock n Roll.thumbsup.gif

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Get Obama out and the west will go into the middle east and wipe them out like the Nazi's.

Then build camps like we did in Germany and Poland after ww2 to stop them starting again.

The US and UK are pulling out of Europe as Germany are not a threat and getting ready for the middle east.

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Get Obama out and the west will go into the middle east and wipe them out like the Nazi's.

Then build camps like we did in Germany and Poland after ww2 to stop them starting again.

The US and UK are pulling out of Europe as Germany are not a threat and getting ready for the middle east.

Also the press in Israel say IS are heading north to invade.

The Israeli army are stock piled and ready for an attack.

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Get Obama out and the west will go into the middle east and wipe them out like the Nazi's.

Then build camps like we did in Germany and Poland after ww2 to stop them starting again.

The US and UK are pulling out of Europe as Germany are not a threat and getting ready for the middle east.

If we have a clash of civilizations this will only work in part, mass deportations will also be necessary from western nations.
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US rightwing numbnuts are calling Islamists terrorists. how about looking in the Mirror. These same dingbats who supported Iraq when Saddam was the most cruel dictator in the arab world. try reading the Bible where it mentions treat others as you want to be treated.

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US rightwing numbnuts are calling Islamists terrorists. how about looking in the Mirror. These same dingbats who supported Iraq when Saddam was the most cruel dictator in the arab world. try reading the Bible where it mentions treat others as you want to be treated.

Thanks for that idea! Means we get to burn alive all Muslims, terrorists of course.

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The US is NOT at war with radical islam and will not be as long as the POTUS cannot muster the words, "radical islam"...

I rest my case...


In describing terror networks, the administration does not use the term Islamist nor Islamic as an adjective (unless it’s to use ISIL’s full name) and states: “We reject the lie that America and its allies are at war with Islam.” This could annoy some critics who say the Obama administration is ignoring the religious inspiration of many of these groups.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/02/president-barack-obama-list-global-dangers-114976.html#ixzz3R17pEc9h

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I'm atheist and I'm proud, huh

There have been plenty of bad atheists who killed and exploited millions. Getting rid of religion is no guarantee that mankind will evolve in a positive direction. However, putting a stop to radical Islam looks like a safe bet for improving the world.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Does Saudi Arabia count as "radical Islam"?

Saudi Arabia, which is the closest US allied arab country in the middle east is the most extreme and radical arab country in the arab world. They also are the biggest funders and exporters of islamic fundamentalist ideas.

But, US says Saudi Arabia is "moderate"

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Does Saudi Arabia count as "radical Islam"?

Saudi Arabia, which is the closest US allied arab country in the middle east is the most extreme and radical arab country in the arab world. They also are the biggest funders and exporters of islamic fundamentalist ideas.

But, US says Saudi Arabia is "moderate"

They are moderate, they must be seeing as the U.S administration put Saudi citizens on the most trusted flyer list, so they can breeze through airport security with just their eyes showing whilst your granny gets frisked and you get a cavity search if you complain.
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Does Saudi Arabia count as "radical Islam"?

Saudi Arabia, which is the closest US allied arab country in the middle east is the most extreme and radical arab country in the arab world. They also are the biggest funders and exporters of islamic fundamentalist ideas.

But, US says Saudi Arabia is "moderate"

I wouldn't call them moderate, but I would refer to them as insular. The Saudi's don't want non-Muslims in their country (except for utilitarian purposes) and they seem to be obsessed with keeping a lid on the current situation.

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It's easy to fault a person for what they didn't say or didn't do. Did Churchill ever say the British would "eradicate the Nazi death camps"? No. But both Churchill did, and Obama is doing what they think is best, in the circumstances.

Judge a man by his deeds, not by his words. Is Obama perfect? No. No man is. But given his position as the most powerful leader of the world, he's doing a rather good job, in my view.

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Does Saudi Arabia count as "radical Islam"?

Saudi Arabia, which is the closest US allied arab country in the middle east is the most extreme and radical arab country in the arab world. They also are the biggest funders and exporters of islamic fundamentalist ideas.

But, US says Saudi Arabia is "moderate"

They are moderate, they must be seeing as the U.S administration put Saudi citizens on the most trusted flyer list, so they can breeze through airport security with just their eyes showing whilst your granny gets frisked and you get a cavity search if you complain.


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