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Police: 5 dead, including gunman, in US shooting

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We can compare with the northern neighbors Canada, where guns are prohibited, there is no comparison. The country is safer and number of crimes is a way less.

Same thing apply for more civilized countries such Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Police should be the protectors, if not you can consider living in jungle.

No, those countries aren't safer. They are in real danger. That includes the rest of W. Europe.

Police should be the protectors? How's that working out in W. Europe where the PC governments and police don't protect the natives? How did that work out for the parents of 1400 children molested in the UK with no one stepping up to do anything about it?

What are the native citizens of these countries going to do as this gets worse and the killers and rapists outbreed them as they continue to immigrate? Are the police going to stop that, or stop the consequences of it? What are Europeans going to do when they are no longer safe in their own countries? That day is coming and they are sleeping while their countries begin to burn.

People in the PC countries don't have a long view. They aren't thinking of their children and grandchildren.

The first thing any government does when it wants to control its population is to disarm it. It's happened too many times. Now Europeans are completely controlled not only by their governments, but by bigger international groups which they have joined and the people have lost all power.

The days is soon coming when I will be able to say that I told you so and that I warned you, but then it will be too late for you. Go ahead. Drink a toast to your feelings of superiority. They will do you no good when your country and culture are soon overrun by outsiders, encouraged by your governments.

Rapists?? What is the link to guns? Immigrants?

Really lost....

I don't know where you live and where you get your information from.

Canada is thousands times more safer than US and same for all European countries.

Rapists and molesters are most of time very close people to the victims.

There is no plot from nobody, it's only in your head and in fox news headlines and we all know that those who propagate the plot theory are really totally irrational.

I still enjoy walking in most Canadian or Europeans cities without fear of being shot anytime, I can not do it in Los Angeles and many other cities in states.


He lost me 30 seconds in when he said "god gave" .

he is a moron but a perfect sample of "pro firearms" fans.

The second amendment sucks balls.



We can compare with the northern neighbors Canada, where guns are prohibited, there is no comparison. The country is safer and number of crimes is a way less.

Same thing apply for more civilized countries such Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Police should be the protectors, if not you can consider living in jungle.

No, those countries aren't safer. They are in real danger. That includes the rest of W. Europe.

Police should be the protectors? How's that working out in W. Europe where the PC governments and police don't protect the natives? How did that work out for the parents of 1400 children molested in the UK with no one stepping up to do anything about it?

What are the native citizens of these countries going to do as this gets worse and the killers and rapists outbreed them as they continue to immigrate? Are the police going to stop that, or stop the consequences of it? What are Europeans going to do when they are no longer safe in their own countries? That day is coming and they are sleeping while their countries begin to burn.

People in the PC countries don't have a long view. They aren't thinking of their children and grandchildren.

The first thing any government does when it wants to control its population is to disarm it. It's happened too many times. Now Europeans are completely controlled not only by their governments, but by bigger international groups which they have joined and the people have lost all power.

The days is soon coming when I will be able to say that I told you so and that I warned you, but then it will be too late for you. Go ahead. Drink a toast to your feelings of superiority. They will do you no good when your country and culture are soon overrun by outsiders, encouraged by your governments.

"The days is soon coming when I will be able to say that I told you so and that I warned you, but then it will be too late for you. Go ahead. Drink a toast to your feelings of superiority. They will do you no good when your country and culture are soon overrun by outsiders, encouraged by your governments."

I think the day is comming soon when we will have another nut with a firearm in US killing without any reason because of the so called "freedom"...

Just a quick question :

do you drive at 200m/ h? probably not because the law forbid this and strangely since there is a limit speed regulation in a country, the deat toll on the road decrease...maybe it's linked...

The worse law the US has ever put in place was the "stand your ground" sh.t...

Anyway it's a useless discussion

You don t have a gun for your protection, you have it because you like gun.

Do you go to some Safety door show ? probably not.

About your culture, i m not sure weapon is a cultural thing and help protect culture.

  • Like 1


We can compare with the northern neighbors Canada, where guns are prohibited, there is no comparison. The country is safer and number of crimes is a way less.

Same thing apply for more civilized countries such Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Police should be the protectors, if not you can consider living in jungle.

No, those countries aren't safer. They are in real danger. That includes the rest of W. Europe.

Police should be the protectors? How's that working out in W. Europe where the PC governments and police don't protect the natives? How did that work out for the parents of 1400 children molested in the UK with no one stepping up to do anything about it?

What are the native citizens of these countries going to do as this gets worse and the killers and rapists outbreed them as they continue to immigrate? Are the police going to stop that, or stop the consequences of it? What are Europeans going to do when they are no longer safe in their own countries? That day is coming and they are sleeping while their countries begin to burn.

People in the PC countries don't have a long view. They aren't thinking of their children and grandchildren.

The first thing any government does when it wants to control its population is to disarm it. It's happened too many times. Now Europeans are completely controlled not only by their governments, but by bigger international groups which they have joined and the people have lost all power.

The days is soon coming when I will be able to say that I told you so and that I warned you, but then it will be too late for you. Go ahead. Drink a toast to your feelings of superiority. They will do you no good when your country and culture are soon overrun by outsiders, encouraged by your governments.

"The days is soon coming when I will be able to say that I told you so and that I warned you, but then it will be too late for you. Go ahead. Drink a toast to your feelings of superiority. They will do you no good when your country and culture are soon overrun by outsiders, encouraged by your governments."

I think the day is comming soon when we will have another nut with a firearm in US killing without any reason because of the so called "freedom"...

Just a quick question :

do you drive at 200m/ h? probably not because the law forbid this and strangely since there is a limit speed regulation in a country, the deat toll on the road decrease...maybe it's linked...

The worse law the US has ever put in place was the "stand your ground" sh.t...

Anyway it's a useless discussion

You don t have a gun for your protection, you have it because you like gun.

Do you go to some Safety door show ? probably not.

About your culture, i m not sure weapon is a cultural thing and help protect culture.

The best gun to protect myself is my brain. Thinking two seconds before adhering to extremists groups motivated by hate of others and violence.

I am still alive without a gun in my environment since I was born and feel safer being close to a bench of crazy pro arms zealots.

Have a great day.

Hope you didn't acquire illegally a gun here in Thailand hhhhh


It's all been said before.

So many innocent deaths for the right to bear arms.

How many deaths and what is that as a % of the US population and the US gun owning population?

In China nutters kill innocents with knives and hatchets. It's their habitual weapon. There is no right to bear arms in China.

Nutters are nutters and will find a way to kill if they wan't to.

Banning weapons deprives the vast, by far the vast, majority of normal law abiding citizens of a means of protecting themselves and their families from attacks by nutters, criminals and extremists. It puts the onus on the police and law enforcement services, who response rates are governed by manpower, policy and procedures.

Only the naive think banning crime will deter or stop criminals or extremists.

This is the theory of pro guns and all war munitions that has no sense. No need to be Einstein to realize this is not a solution. More than 15000 homicides committed every year more than american soldiers killed in 4 years war in Iraq.

We can compare with the northern neighbors Canada, where guns are prohibited, there is no comparison. The country is safer and number of crimes is a way less.

Same thing apply for more civilized countries such Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Police should be the protectors, if not you can consider living in jungle.

Details and links please. Don't be throwing out so called facts that came to you in the wind. Canada's population relative to America's has just as many gun crimes per ca-pita and murders. The guns come through the porous borders and well equip America's soon to be 51st state. LMAOgiggle.gif



We can compare with the northern neighbors Canada, where guns are prohibited, there is no comparison. The country is safer and number of crimes is a way less.

Same thing apply for more civilized countries such Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Police should be the protectors, if not you can consider living in jungle.

No, those countries aren't safer. They are in real danger. That includes the rest of W. Europe.

Police should be the protectors? How's that working out in W. Europe where the PC governments and police don't protect the natives? How did that work out for the parents of 1400 children molested in the UK with no one stepping up to do anything about it?

What are the native citizens of these countries going to do as this gets worse and the killers and rapists outbreed them as they continue to immigrate? Are the police going to stop that, or stop the consequences of it? What are Europeans going to do when they are no longer safe in their own countries? That day is coming and they are sleeping while their countries begin to burn.

People in the PC countries don't have a long view. They aren't thinking of their children and grandchildren.

The first thing any government does when it wants to control its population is to disarm it. It's happened too many times. Now Europeans are completely controlled not only by their governments, but by bigger international groups which they have joined and the people have lost all power.

The days is soon coming when I will be able to say that I told you so and that I warned you, but then it will be too late for you. Go ahead. Drink a toast to your feelings of superiority. They will do you no good when your country and culture are soon overrun by outsiders, encouraged by your governments.

Rapists?? What is the link to guns? Immigrants?

Really lost....

I don't know where you live and where you get your information from.

Canada is thousands times more safer than US and same for all European countries.

Rapists and molesters are most of time very close people to the victims.

There is no plot from nobody, it's only in your head and in fox news headlines and we all know that those who propagate the plot theory are really totally irrational.

I still enjoy walking in most Canadian or Europeans cities without fear of being shot anytime, I can not do it in Los Angeles and many other cities in states.

You must have missed the news days when gangs in Toronto and Vancouver shoot up malls and parking lots without regard for innocent bystanders. 3 cops shot in New Brunswick 2 Shot in Alberta Where do you walk the streets?? The Territories? Canada is as wild and as wicked with gun crimes as the U.S. per capita. 33 million verses 350 million.



We can compare with the northern neighbors Canada, where guns are prohibited, there is no comparison. The country is safer and number of crimes is a way less.

Same thing apply for more civilized countries such Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Police should be the protectors, if not you can consider living in jungle.

No, those countries aren't safer. They are in real danger. That includes the rest of W. Europe.

Police should be the protectors? How's that working out in W. Europe where the PC governments and police don't protect the natives? How did that work out for the parents of 1400 children molested in the UK with no one stepping up to do anything about it?

What are the native citizens of these countries going to do as this gets worse and the killers and rapists outbreed them as they continue to immigrate? Are the police going to stop that, or stop the consequences of it? What are Europeans going to do when they are no longer safe in their own countries? That day is coming and they are sleeping while their countries begin to burn.

People in the PC countries don't have a long view. They aren't thinking of their children and grandchildren.

The first thing any government does when it wants to control its population is to disarm it. It's happened too many times. Now Europeans are completely controlled not only by their governments, but by bigger international groups which they have joined and the people have lost all power.

The days is soon coming when I will be able to say that I told you so and that I warned you, but then it will be too late for you. Go ahead. Drink a toast to your feelings of superiority. They will do you no good when your country and culture are soon overrun by outsiders, encouraged by your governments.

Rapists?? What is the link to guns? Immigrants?

Really lost....

I don't know where you live and where you get your information from.

Canada is thousands times more safer than US and same for all European countries.

Rapists and molesters are most of time very close people to the victims.

There is no plot from nobody, it's only in your head and in fox news headlines and we all know that those who propagate the plot theory are really totally irrational.

I still enjoy walking in most Canadian or Europeans cities without fear of being shot anytime, I can not do it in Los Angeles and many other cities in states.

You must have missed the news days when gangs in Toronto and Vancouver shoot up malls and parking lots without regard for innocent bystanders. 3 cops shot in New Brunswick 2 Shot in Alberta Where do you walk the streets?? The Territories? Canada is as wild and as wicked with gun crimes as the U.S. per capita. 33 million verses 350 million.

Official stats:

Murder rate per 1 million people:

canada 554 Ranked 31st.

usa 12,996 Ranked 9th.

23 times more than Canada


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Guns were invented for the purpose of killing. Not cutting meat or chopping down trees. And, guns now do that killing much more swiftly and in higher numbers than do knives and hatchets. The numbers clearly prove that the more legal guns in the hands of US citizens make the US a more DANGEROUS place and not a SAFER place. Yes, about once a year, the NRA drags out an old lady who shot someone robbing her home but you are much more likely to be killed or kill someone in your family if you own a gun than to ever protect your family in a time of danger. These mass shootings by family members and co-workers and normally carried out by someone who owns the gun legally. These are not criminals using stolen weapons. We are long over due for a change. 300 million guns in America. About one per person.

It's all been said before.

So many innocent deaths for the right to bear arms.

How many deaths and what is that as a % of the US population and the US gun owning population?

In China nutters kill innocents with knives and hatchets. It's their habitual weapon. There is no right to bear arms in China.

Nutters are nutters and will find a way to kill if they wan't to.

Banning weapons deprives the vast, by far the vast, majority of normal law abiding citizens of a means of protecting themselves and their families from attacks by nutters, criminals and extremists. It puts the onus on the police and law enforcement services, who response rates are governed by manpower, policy and procedures.

Only the naive think banning crime will deter or stop criminals or extremists.

  • Like 1

It's all been said before.

So many innocent deaths for the right to bear arms.

How many deaths and what is that as a % of the US population and the US gun owning population?

In China nutters kill innocents with knives and hatchets. It's their habitual weapon. There is no right to bear arms in China.

Nutters are nutters and will find a way to kill if they wan't to.

Banning weapons deprives the vast, by far the vast, majority of normal law abiding citizens of a means of protecting themselves and their families from attacks by nutters, criminals and extremists. It puts the onus on the police and law enforcement services, who response rates are governed by manpower, policy and procedures.

Only the naive think banning crime will deter or stop criminals or extremists.

I agree with your idea that there are nuts everywhere. Just a couple of points brought to my mind. Along with manpower, policy and procedures, while it might be implied, funding through taxation is critical.

The larger question for the U.S. is, why the populace feels more threatened that citizens in other countries so as to feel the need for parsonal weapons? If the crime rate is higher, why is that in one of the leading democracies? Other world democratic citizens do not seem to be so fearful of government power, why is there so much distrust of their fellow citizens who have been elected? Or is it fear from the U.S. military? Sorry, just got me to thinking.

Most people own guns either for personal protection, hunting, or target practice. If a person happens to live in a crime ridden area, then owning a firearm for protection makes good sense. People who served in the military and law enforcement tend to make up a large percentage of gun owners in America.

As to your comment regarding "nuts are everywhere," there seems to be a large percentage of nuts that come out of the woodwork every-time a shooting news article is posted on Thai Visa. If you don't like guns, then don't purchase one. Your post is beyond naive.


Just another normal day in the United States of firearms.....

Yes, "just another normal day in the United States," where over 90 million gun owners didn't shoot anyone.........



We can compare with the northern neighbors Canada, where guns are prohibited, there is no comparison. The country is safer and number of crimes is a way less.

Same thing apply for more civilized countries such Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. Police should be the protectors, if not you can consider living in jungle.

No, those countries aren't safer. They are in real danger. That includes the rest of W. Europe.

Police should be the protectors? How's that working out in W. Europe where the PC governments and police don't protect the natives? How did that work out for the parents of 1400 children molested in the UK with no one stepping up to do anything about it?

What are the native citizens of these countries going to do as this gets worse and the killers and rapists outbreed them as they continue to immigrate? Are the police going to stop that, or stop the consequences of it? What are Europeans going to do when they are no longer safe in their own countries? That day is coming and they are sleeping while their countries begin to burn.

People in the PC countries don't have a long view. They aren't thinking of their children and grandchildren.

The first thing any government does when it wants to control its population is to disarm it. It's happened too many times. Now Europeans are completely controlled not only by their governments, but by bigger international groups which they have joined and the people have lost all power.

The days is soon coming when I will be able to say that I told you so and that I warned you, but then it will be too late for you. Go ahead. Drink a toast to your feelings of superiority. They will do you no good when your country and culture are soon overrun by outsiders, encouraged by your governments.

Rapists?? What is the link to guns? Immigrants?

Really lost....

I don't know where you live and where you get your information from.

Canada is thousands times more safer than US and same for all European countries.

Rapists and molesters are most of time very close people to the victims.

There is no plot from nobody, it's only in your head and in fox news headlines and we all know that those who propagate the plot theory are really totally irrational.

I still enjoy walking in most Canadian or Europeans cities without fear of being shot anytime, I can not do it in Los Angeles and many other cities in states.

Please, you all, do not judge all Americans by our rather paranoid folks. We all have those in the family who, occasionally, cause us concern. Unfortunately, it appears that there are far too many. I am (in the words of Dr. Jones, Sr. - Indiana Jones movie) a pilgrim in an unholy land.


It's all been said before.

So many innocent deaths for the right to bear arms.

How many deaths and what is that as a % of the US population and the US gun owning population?

In China nutters kill innocents with knives and hatchets. It's their habitual weapon. There is no right to bear arms in China.

Nutters are nutters and will find a way to kill if they wan't to.

Banning weapons deprives the vast, by far the vast, majority of normal law abiding citizens of a means of protecting themselves and their families from attacks by nutters, criminals and extremists. It puts the onus on the police and law enforcement services, who response rates are governed by manpower, policy and procedures.

Only the naive think banning crime will deter or stop criminals or extremists.

I agree with your idea that there are nuts everywhere. Just a couple of points brought to my mind. Along with manpower, policy and procedures, while it might be implied, funding through taxation is critical.

The larger question for the U.S. is, why the populace feels more threatened that citizens in other countries so as to feel the need for parsonal weapons? If the crime rate is higher, why is that in one of the leading democracies? Other world democratic citizens do not seem to be so fearful of government power, why is there so much distrust of their fellow citizens who have been elected? Or is it fear from the U.S. military? Sorry, just got me to thinking.

Most people own guns either for personal protection, hunting, or target practice. If a person happens to live in a crime ridden area, then owning a firearm for protection makes good sense. People who served in the military and law enforcement tend to make up a large percentage of gun owners in America.

As to your comment regarding "nuts are everywhere," there seems to be a large percentage of nuts that come out of the woodwork every-time a shooting news article is posted on Thai Visa. If you don't like guns, then don't purchase one. Your post is beyond naive.

Hey! I was agreeing with the statement that there are nuts everywhere. Part of the post pointed out that in China they use knives or axes. Why attack that? As to being naive, your judgement. If your view is reality then the United States is, if fact, lost. Any amount of shooting will not save the foundation of the country as the scenario says that the bad guys have won.


A reply here asked if the crime rate is so horrible in the USA that people feel the need to have a gun. Actually the crime rate ion USA is at a 20 year low but it is highly exaggerated and sensationalize just as so many other issues are. The crazy think Americans are taught to think about international trafficking of people is off the wall crazy. US people have a lot to be afraid of due more to media than anything else. Very sad but probably common among declining imperial super powers. Oh well, good to be in Thailand. Right guys?!

Right. Thailand which has the 3rd highest gun murder rate in the world - far higher per capita than the US.

Sleep well. whistling.gif

wigga please...you're comparing apples to oranges. thailand is a developing country, while the u.s. is a developed one. you should compare thailand to south africa and u.s. to japan.

  • 1 month later...

Just another normal day in the United States of firearms.....

Yes, "just another normal day in the United States," where over 90 million gun owners didn't shoot anyone.........

A new twist that may not end well.

App Lets Gun Enthusiasts Track Down Gun Control Advocates’ Home Addresses

Ladd Everitt didn’t panic when friends and colleagues told him coordinates to his home address and details about where he worked had been leaked on an app that targeted anti-gun violence activists.

An app in the Google Play Store called “Gunfree Geo Marker” listed the first and last names, social media handles, work phone numbers or addresses, home addresses or name of living complex, as well as location coordinates for activists or people who promoted gun safety regulations, first reported by Fast Company last week.



Just another normal day in the United States of firearms.....

Yes, "just another normal day in the United States," where over 90 million gun owners didn't shoot anyone.........

A new twist that may not end well.

App Lets Gun Enthusiasts Track Down Gun Control Advocates’ Home Addresses

Ladd Everitt didn’t panic when friends and colleagues told him coordinates to his home address and details about where he worked had been leaked on an app that targeted anti-gun violence activists.

An app in the Google Play Store called “Gunfree Geo Marker” listed the first and last names, social media handles, work phone numbers or addresses, home addresses or name of living complex, as well as location coordinates for activists or people who promoted gun safety regulations, first reported by Fast Company last week.


My guess is the George Soros funded ThinkProgress forgot about this from two years ago...


Newspaper Publishes Gun Owners' Names and Addresses
December 24, 2012
A newspaper in New York has received a wave of criticism from its readers after publishing the names and addresses of all of the individuals with handgun or pistol permits in its coverage area.
Hundreds of residents in New York's Westchester and Rockland counties were surprised to find their names and addresses listed on a map posted by The Journal News on Sunday. Users can click any dot on the map to see which of their neighbors has a permit for a gun.
The map sparked more than 500 comments from readers within a day of its appearance on the website, many of them voicing outrage at the paper's decision to make the information public.
  • Like 1

He lost me 30 seconds in when he said "god gave" .

he is a moron but a perfect sample of "pro firearms" fans.

The second amendment sucks balls.

"The second amendment sucks"?? America is blessed that we have a 2nd Amendment. Remember Hitler, Castro, Qaddafi, Stalin, Idi Amin, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot, and Kim Jong-il? These people all believed in gun control, and their citizens suffered because of it. ISIS declared all guns in Iraq illegal except their own. Look how that is working out.

If you are an American, you should hang your head in shame. If you are from some country where citizens aren't allowed to own firearms, then take a nap.

Gun control doesn't create safety Gun control creates victims.

  • Like 2

It's all been said before.

So many innocent deaths for the right to bear arms.

How many deaths and what is that as a % of the US population and the US gun owning population?

In China nutters kill innocents with knives and hatchets. It's their habitual weapon. There is no right to bear arms in China.

Nutters are nutters and will find a way to kill if they wan't to.

Banning weapons deprives the vast, by far the vast, majority of normal law abiding citizens of a means of protecting themselves and their families from attacks by nutters, criminals and extremists. It puts the onus on the police and law enforcement services, who response rates are governed by manpower, policy and procedures.

Only the naive think banning crime will deter or stop criminals or extremists.

I agree with your idea that there are nuts everywhere. Just a couple of points brought to my mind. Along with manpower, policy and procedures, while it might be implied, funding through taxation is critical.

The larger question for the U.S. is, why the populace feels more threatened that citizens in other countries so as to feel the need for parsonal weapons? If the crime rate is higher, why is that in one of the leading democracies? Other world democratic citizens do not seem to be so fearful of government power, why is there so much distrust of their fellow citizens who have been elected? Or is it fear from the U.S. military? Sorry, just got me to thinking.

Other world democratic citizens do not seem to be so fearful of government power,

Really! How many other world democratic citizens do you know then?

I trust my government as far as I could kick the entire bunch.

  • Like 1

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