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Australian PM Abbott survives leadership test

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I see, so you know what happened in a secret ballot do you? You know as much about the vote as I do, so give us a break with your non intellectual views. The secret ballot enables the backstabbers to act without fear or favour, so how in the hell can you make such a ludicrous statement?

"Non Intellectual" ? Your buddy Tone tops the charts for lack of intellect!
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Well what happened to you soothsayers. You've all had your little laugh and no matter what happens you will keep on denigrating the PM for every reason in the lefties handbook. You never provide anything positive to the forum, no matter what the subject is. Your responses are always negative just typical bagging and trying to outdo each other with your vitriol. One thing you all seem to forget is that regardless of who is the PM at the time, respect should be shown for the office. . Now it's my turn to have a laugh for all the clap trap you little lefties spew forth during your feeding frenzy. 5555555555555. If you want to give me a spray, feel free, I can feel it coming in bucket loads.

You can listen, not listen to the rest of us. You clearly are a one man tony Abbott cheer squad. And that is fine.

What is more illustrative is that he got 39 votes against him, including a reported six from ministers, when there was no challengers.

That's right, our PM had a majority of his backbench rather vote for their imaginary mate Milko than for the PM himself.

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An expected result, despite media frenzy to the opposite.

Tones had his Cabinet Cadres ready to deliver him around 35 votes before the back bench had a say.

(I would love to know which way J.Bishop voted!)

A majority of the back bench wanted him out.

Probably the best result for Labour's chances at the next election.

Despite his rhetoric over the last week about being a changed, more consultative PM, there was little evidence of it in his victory speech. Continual Labour bashing with particularly boastful parts about how he defeated Rudd and Gillard and would do the same to Shorten. He also stated again that only the people could vote him out. This would rankle with the BB as it dismisses all their efforts in winning the seats that got the party over the line, and, under the Westminster system the party room decides who the leader is.

After nearly 18 months in the top job I would have thought he would have gotten over the electioneering phase and started to govern Australia. However, I see no sign he plans to do anything other than tax the small people, and plan for his next election victory.

This is why I have great problems with the Libs. With a born to rule attitude, they never think beyond the next election.


Three word slogans only gets you so far in government.

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so no one contested him and 1/3 of the cabinet voted for no one ?

am I reading that right ?

Whatever you are reading is not right.

The only this that is correct is that no one openly indicated their intentions to run against him. Malcolm Turnbull, the PM wannabee a gutless wonder, wanted to but couldn't get the numbers so sat back and professed his (dis) loyalty.. And Julie Bishop, wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. Is very like minded with Turnbull, both lawyers and what do lawyers do well, tell porkies.

If anyone states that a third of the parliamentary party voted for no one is telling porkies. The procedure is that they have a meeting of all members and then vote on a leadership spill. If a majority vote for a spill; the relevant positions are declared vacant; people nominate for those vacant positions, then a vote is held and the positions filled as determined by the voters. So what is this BS that is being spread about people voting for no one? The haters are playing to the people who don't know and are providing misleading information by suggesting that a third of the parliamentary party would prefer to vote for no one rather than vote for Tony Abbott.


so no one contested him and 1/3 of the cabinet voted for no one ?

am I reading that right ?

Whatever you are reading is not right.

The only this that is correct is that no one openly indicated their intentions to run against him. Malcolm Turnbull, the PM wannabee a gutless wonder, wanted to but couldn't get the numbers so sat back and professed his (dis) loyalty.. And Julie Bishop, wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. Is very like minded with Turnbull, both lawyers and what do lawyers do well, tell porkies.

If anyone states that a third of the parliamentary party voted for no one is telling porkies. The procedure is that they have a meeting of all members and then vote on a leadership spill. If a majority vote for a spill; the relevant positions are declared vacant; people nominate for those vacant positions, then a vote is held and the positions filled as determined by the voters. So what is this BS that is being spread about people voting for no one? The haters are playing to the people who don't know and are providing misleading information by suggesting that a third of the parliamentary party would prefer to vote for no one rather than vote for Tony Abbott.

I think your spin on Abbott serves your fantasy well. What about spinning this one "Almost half of the Lib party in Gov have no confidence in their leader and PM"
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so no one contested him and 1/3 of the cabinet voted for no one ?

am I reading that right ?

Whatever you are reading is not right.

The only this that is correct is that no one openly indicated their intentions to run against him. Malcolm Turnbull, the PM wannabee a gutless wonder, wanted to but couldn't get the numbers so sat back and professed his (dis) loyalty.. And Julie Bishop, wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. Is very like minded with Turnbull, both lawyers and what do lawyers do well, tell porkies.

If anyone states that a third of the parliamentary party voted for no one is telling porkies. The procedure is that they have a meeting of all members and then vote on a leadership spill. If a majority vote for a spill; the relevant positions are declared vacant; people nominate for those vacant positions, then a vote is held and the positions filled as determined by the voters. So what is this BS that is being spread about people voting for no one? The haters are playing to the people who don't know and are providing misleading information by suggesting that a third of the parliamentary party would prefer to vote for no one rather than vote for Tony Abbott.

I guess you also believe the lines of 'The Prime Minister has my full support' and 'This spill vote has settled the issue'.

If so, I have a bridge over Sydney Harbour which I can sell you for a very good price. I'll thrown in the tunnel underneath for nothing as well.

If this wasn't a vote of confidence on Abbott, the why was he making promises to SA MP's on submarine tenders. If this was a procedural matter, he wouldn't have had to do that....

  • Like 1

A few numbers for the cheerleaders for the LIBS...

FACT................ 39% of the party room that voted.... voted for NO ONE.... or put simply, 39% voted for anyone but Abbott....

FACT................. Because the last parliament was so evenly balanced, a small swing of 3.65% to LIBS, (when compared to what just went down in QLD) translated into a margin of 35 seats in the House... They hold 90 seats at the moment...

FACT..................OF those 90 seats, 18 are held by a margin of 5% or less.... a further 21 are held by between 5 and 8% and further 20 are held, by the margin of LESS than the Swing just recorded in the QLD election away from the LNP.... For the 18 seats the ALP require to regain govt, there needs be a swing of 3.69% back to the ALP. I would think that is more likely than not to happen. That is making the assumption that the ALP holds all the seats it holds now.

The LIBS grip on power is nowhere near as strong as those of the Liberal bent would have you believe.

By all means, keep Abbott as PM.... he is the best asset the ALP has at the moment, little wonder they are happy!!!

Your first FACT is total garbage. You either don't want to tell the truth or have no idea as to the procedures involved in a leadership spill. Tell yourself the lie often enough and you will swear it is gospel. In so far as you percentages, I will not comment because I do not know however, if your first FACT is anything to go on then one would have to be concerned as to the legitimacy of the statistics you have listed to support your agenda.

Sure, according to the polls there is an apparent difference of some 14 points, in favour of Labor but like everything in this world, one should never count their chickens before they hatch. A week is a long time in politics and there is 18 months to go. Maybe he'll survive, maybe he won't but at least if he doesn't he will go down fighting and will take out No Policies Shorten on the way, the man who has no ideas and would never be capable of running this great country.

So you are the cheerleader for the inept Labor government and are taking headlines (asset for Labor) from the lefty Australian media who are clearly Abbot haters, and have been since day one.

So you want a government that has placed the country into debt of some A$400 billion +, gave us open borders and allowed 50,000 illegal immigrants to come. Saw approximately 1200 people drown at sea, 4 people die in their roof insulation scheme and about 100 homes burn down. Passed policies into law that were never funded, keep raising taxes in order to give away tax payer monies to those who are sponging on the welfare system.

They also had union heavy weights plot against and then stab in the back, Rudd, Gillard and then Rudd again. Now the little Judas is hoping to, one day, be PM. People are saying that the Libs cannot govern, well how can they when the wonderful Labor party, their coalition of the Greens and a number of rag tag senators will not pass any economic policies through the senate.

In doing so this mob of rabble are actually governing our country without being voted in to do so. Are you all for our country going down the gurgler because it is costing one billion dollars a month to pay the interest on Labor's debt? So tell me, are you against the boats being stopped, the savings of 12 billion dollars in doing so; the beef cattle trade being reinstated, a new airport, dams and roads being built, the economy increasing by 1.2% and 4000 new jobs a week created? All under LNP, not Labor. OH, Don't forget Labor's $900.00 bonus paid out to Aussies, people over seas, dead people and even criminals in gaol. Fantastic.

I know that some of the LIb's policies in the last budget were not well thought out and the Libs are having trouble marketing themselves and were in disarray but if you do not understand what Labor will bring back then it would appear that you are someone who only cares about what is in it for you (Me mentality) and do not care about the country or the future generations that will have to service the Labor debt. Hope you have a really happy non-existence if they get back, and what will we hear then. Whinge, whinge, whinge. One should be very careful of what they wish for or they might just get it.


so no one contested him and 1/3 of the cabinet voted for no one ?

am I reading that right ?

Whatever you are reading is not right.

The only this that is correct is that no one openly indicated their intentions to run against him. Malcolm Turnbull, the PM wannabee a gutless wonder, wanted to but couldn't get the numbers so sat back and professed his (dis) loyalty.. And Julie Bishop, wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. Is very like minded with Turnbull, both lawyers and what do lawyers do well, tell porkies.

If anyone states that a third of the parliamentary party voted for no one is telling porkies. The procedure is that they have a meeting of all members and then vote on a leadership spill. If a majority vote for a spill; the relevant positions are declared vacant; people nominate for those vacant positions, then a vote is held and the positions filled as determined by the voters. So what is this BS that is being spread about people voting for no one? The haters are playing to the people who don't know and are providing misleading information by suggesting that a third of the parliamentary party would prefer to vote for no one rather than vote for Tony Abbott.

I guess you also believe the lines of 'The Prime Minister has my full support' and 'This spill vote has settled the issue'.

If so, I have a bridge over Sydney Harbour which I can sell you for a very good price. I'll thrown in the tunnel underneath for nothing as well.

If this wasn't a vote of confidence on Abbott, the why was he making promises to SA MP's on submarine tenders. If this was a procedural matter, he wouldn't have had to do that....

Just like everything you do, Guess. No, I am not as naïve as you.

Really, I've been wanting to buy these for years. What is you best price, can you give me a discount? I can pay cash.

All pollies make promises and all pollies break them, they also offer things to keep others happy, happens in the opposition also but you don't want to know about that do you? It's called politics.

If you are that blinded then there is no need to discuss this any further, because even if you saw it in black you would be adamant it was in white.


so no one contested him and 1/3 of the cabinet voted for no one ?

am I reading that right ?

Whatever you are reading is not right.

The only this that is correct is that no one openly indicated their intentions to run against him. Malcolm Turnbull, the PM wannabee a gutless wonder, wanted to but couldn't get the numbers so sat back and professed his (dis) loyalty.. And Julie Bishop, wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. Is very like minded with Turnbull, both lawyers and what do lawyers do well, tell porkies.

If anyone states that a third of the parliamentary party voted for no one is telling porkies. The procedure is that they have a meeting of all members and then vote on a leadership spill. If a majority vote for a spill; the relevant positions are declared vacant; people nominate for those vacant positions, then a vote is held and the positions filled as determined by the voters. So what is this BS that is being spread about people voting for no one? The haters are playing to the people who don't know and are providing misleading information by suggesting that a third of the parliamentary party would prefer to vote for no one rather than vote for Tony Abbott.

I think your spin on Abbott serves your fantasy well. What about spinning this one "Almost half of the Lib party in Gov have no confidence in their leader and PM"

Spin is the new word for BS, so you're saying that what I have stated is BS. I don't think so, look it up but no matter what, if anything is opposite to your view, it is wrong or BS.

I don't have to spin anything, you have only proved, through you inane statement, that you don't know what you are talking about. Almost half, either you can't count; are relaying your own spin or are just plain ignorant of the facts and numbers involved. Would love to see how you calculated those results but then you can fall back and tell me you only stated "Almost half", which is really non committal but looks good when promoting your agenda.


Well what happened to you soothsayers. You've all had your little laugh and no matter what happens you will keep on denigrating the PM for every reason in the lefties handbook. You never provide anything positive to the forum, no matter what the subject is. Your responses are always negative just typical bagging and trying to outdo each other with your vitriol. One thing you all seem to forget is that regardless of who is the PM at the time, respect should be shown for the office. . Now it's my turn to have a laugh for all the clap trap you little lefties spew forth during your feeding frenzy. 5555555555555. If you want to give me a spray, feel free, I can feel it coming in bucket loads.

You can listen, not listen to the rest of us. You clearly are a one man tony Abbott cheer squad. And that is fine.

What is more illustrative is that he got 39 votes against him, including a reported six from ministers, when there was no challengers.

That's right, our PM had a majority of his backbench rather vote for their imaginary mate Milko than for the PM himself.

No, wrong, not a one man cheer squad, just believe that he should be given a fair go. There would be no way I would listen to people like you, people who have so much hate within them. What happened to Mr Rudd, Ms Gillard and again Mr Rudd. I was totally against what happened to them when they were stabbed in the back by Judas when the unions realised they couldn't win against Mr Abbott. It amazes me how you or any your ilk can't even show respect for the office. 39 votes for a spill, 61 for no spill, these are the only factual figures that anyone knows about. Six ministers allegedly voted against him, if you know so much, nominate them and let us know where the report came from or is this just more spin from you?

Why do you the hate the man, it is clear you do. You too are not being truthful, as there was no direct vote against him, it was for a leadership spill. What don't you understand about that there was NO DIRECT VOTE for the leadership, just for the spill? Never succeeded and boy has this got you lot upset. If the spill had of been successful and then a vote against him and your darling got in, then your posts would been full of glee. But can't get your own way so the vitriol keeps coming and no matter how you attack me I couldn't give a toss, as I am the one laughing now.


A few numbers for the cheerleaders for the LIBS...

FACT................ 39% of the party room that voted.... voted for NO ONE.... or put simply, 39% voted for anyone but Abbott....

FACT................. Because the last parliament was so evenly balanced, a small swing of 3.65% to LIBS, (when compared to what just went down in QLD) translated into a margin of 35 seats in the House... They hold 90 seats at the moment...

FACT..................OF those 90 seats, 18 are held by a margin of 5% or less.... a further 21 are held by between 5 and 8% and further 20 are held, by the margin of LESS than the Swing just recorded in the QLD election away from the LNP.... For the 18 seats the ALP require to regain govt, there needs be a swing of 3.69% back to the ALP. I would think that is more likely than not to happen. That is making the assumption that the ALP holds all the seats it holds now.

The LIBS grip on power is nowhere near as strong as those of the Liberal bent would have you believe.

By all means, keep Abbott as PM.... he is the best asset the ALP has at the moment, little wonder they are happy!!!

Your first FACT is total garbage. You either don't want to tell the truth or have no idea as to the procedures involved in a leadership spill. Tell yourself the lie often enough and you will swear it is gospel. In so far as you percentages, I will not comment because I do not know however, if your first FACT is anything to go on then one would have to be concerned as to the legitimacy of the statistics you have listed to support your agenda.

Sure, according to the polls there is an apparent difference of some 14 points, in favour of Labor but like everything in this world, one should never count their chickens before they hatch. A week is a long time in politics and there is 18 months to go. Maybe he'll survive, maybe he won't but at least if he doesn't he will go down fighting and will take out No Policies Shorten on the way, the man who has no ideas and would never be capable of running this great country.

So you are the cheerleader for the inept Labor government and are taking headlines (asset for Labor) from the lefty Australian media who are clearly Abbot haters, and have been since day one.

So you want a government that has placed the country into debt of some A$400 billion +, gave us open borders and allowed 50,000 illegal immigrants to come. Saw approximately 1200 people drown at sea, 4 people die in their roof insulation scheme and about 100 homes burn down. Passed policies into law that were never funded, keep raising taxes in order to give away tax payer monies to those who are sponging on the welfare system.

They also had union heavy weights plot against and then stab in the back, Rudd, Gillard and then Rudd again. Now the little Judas is hoping to, one day, be PM. People are saying that the Libs cannot govern, well how can they when the wonderful Labor party, their coalition of the Greens and a number of rag tag senators will not pass any economic policies through the senate.

In doing so this mob of rabble are actually governing our country without being voted in to do so. Are you all for our country going down the gurgler because it is costing one billion dollars a month to pay the interest on Labor's debt? So tell me, are you against the boats being stopped, the savings of 12 billion dollars in doing so; the beef cattle trade being reinstated, a new airport, dams and roads being built, the economy increasing by 1.2% and 4000 new jobs a week created? All under LNP, not Labor. OH, Don't forget Labor's $900.00 bonus paid out to Aussies, people over seas, dead people and even criminals in gaol. Fantastic.

I know that some of the LIb's policies in the last budget were not well thought out and the Libs are having trouble marketing themselves and were in disarray but if you do not understand what Labor will bring back then it would appear that you are someone who only cares about what is in it for you (Me mentality) and do not care about the country or the future generations that will have to service the Labor debt. Hope you have a really happy non-existence if they get back, and what will we hear then. Whinge, whinge, whinge. One should be very careful of what they wish for or they might just get it.

ah in the mould of Abbott. Still wants to talk about the opposition rather than his own governments lack of direction. Fallen down his own "sink hole"! You love losers!

Well what happened to you soothsayers. You've all had your little laugh and no matter what happens you will keep on denigrating the PM for every reason in the lefties handbook. You never provide anything positive to the forum, no matter what the subject is. Your responses are always negative just typical bagging and trying to outdo each other with your vitriol. One thing you all seem to forget is that regardless of who is the PM at the time, respect should be shown for the office. . Now it's my turn to have a laugh for all the clap trap you little lefties spew forth during your feeding frenzy. 5555555555555. If you want to give me a spray, feel free, I can feel it coming in bucket loads.

You can listen, not listen to the rest of us. You clearly are a one man tony Abbott cheer squad. And that is fine.

What is more illustrative is that he got 39 votes against him, including a reported six from ministers, when there was no challengers.

That's right, our PM had a majority of his backbench rather vote for their imaginary mate Milko than for the PM himself.

No, wrong, not a one man cheer squad, just believe that he should be given a fair go. There would be no way I would listen to people like you, people who have so much hate within them. What happened to Mr Rudd, Ms Gillard and again Mr Rudd. I was totally against what happened to them when they were stabbed in the back by Judas when the unions realised they couldn't win against Mr Abbott. It amazes me how you or any your ilk can't even show respect for the office. 39 votes for a spill, 61 for no spill, these are the only factual figures that anyone knows about. Six ministers allegedly voted against him, if you know so much, nominate them and let us know where the report came from or is this just more spin from you?

Why do you the hate the man, it is clear you do. You too are not being truthful, as there was no direct vote against him, it was for a leadership spill. What don't you understand about that there was NO DIRECT VOTE for the leadership, just for the spill? Never succeeded and boy has this got you lot upset. If the spill had of been successful and then a vote against him and your darling got in, then your posts would been full of glee. But can't get your own way so the vitriol keeps coming and no matter how you attack me I couldn't give a toss, as I am the one laughing now.

It's the system we have. If you want a presidential system then ask for one. No one is denigrating the office. And it is very healthy if you ask me that we don't take our politicians too seriously, though id never go on a radio show who's host asked for the PM to be tied up in a chaff bag and thrown out to sea, nor stand in front of a 'ditch the witch' poster. If anyone has cause for denigrating the office, Abbott should take a look in the mirror.

Until then, caucus appoints the prime minister. Caucus has every right to taketh away. PMs who aren't doing their job will get sacked. Being accountable for something...I thought only communists hated accountability!!


they are going to dump him, they just dont want to be seen as having the tail wagging the dog.

bishop will be the leader before the next poll or as some have suggested turnbull if turnbull they will still lose, just more of the same. if its bishop it will be closer. but bishop would be disastrous for australia as abot. china isnt going to buy from anything but a labor headed australia and its china who has the bikkies these day.


Maybe rabid old goat if you ever return to Gods Own Country you could apply for a position with the ABC. Your stupid comments would make an excellent reference, as your opinion is in line with their staff requirements. Labor were trying for years to confirm trade deals with China, but it was the Liberals who had the success. Just because Shorten and Co share the communist beliefs it does not make them automatic trading partners.

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A few numbers for the cheerleaders for the LIBS...

FACT................ 39% of the party room that voted.... voted for NO ONE.... or put simply, 39% voted for anyone but Abbott....

FACT................. Because the last parliament was so evenly balanced, a small swing of 3.65% to LIBS, (when compared to what just went down in QLD) translated into a margin of 35 seats in the House... They hold 90 seats at the moment...

FACT..................OF those 90 seats, 18 are held by a margin of 5% or less.... a further 21 are held by between 5 and 8% and further 20 are held, by the margin of LESS than the Swing just recorded in the QLD election away from the LNP.... For the 18 seats the ALP require to regain govt, there needs be a swing of 3.69% back to the ALP. I would think that is more likely than not to happen. That is making the assumption that the ALP holds all the seats it holds now.

The LIBS grip on power is nowhere near as strong as those of the Liberal bent would have you believe.

By all means, keep Abbott as PM.... he is the best asset the ALP has at the moment, little wonder they are happy!!!

Your first FACT is total garbage. You either don't want to tell the truth or have no idea as to the procedures involved in a leadership spill. Tell yourself the lie often enough and you will swear it is gospel. In so far as you percentages, I will not comment because I do not know however, if your first FACT is anything to go on then one would have to be concerned as to the legitimacy of the statistics you have listed to support your agenda.

Sure, according to the polls there is an apparent difference of some 14 points, in favour of Labor but like everything in this world, one should never count their chickens before they hatch. A week is a long time in politics and there is 18 months to go. Maybe he'll survive, maybe he won't but at least if he doesn't he will go down fighting and will take out No Policies Shorten on the way, the man who has no ideas and would never be capable of running this great country.

So you are the cheerleader for the inept Labor government and are taking headlines (asset for Labor) from the lefty Australian media who are clearly Abbot haters, and have been since day one.

So you want a government that has placed the country into debt of some A$400 billion +, gave us open borders and allowed 50,000 illegal immigrants to come. Saw approximately 1200 people drown at sea, 4 people die in their roof insulation scheme and about 100 homes burn down. Passed policies into law that were never funded, keep raising taxes in order to give away tax payer monies to those who are sponging on the welfare system.

They also had union heavy weights plot against and then stab in the back, Rudd, Gillard and then Rudd again. Now the little Judas is hoping to, one day, be PM. People are saying that the Libs cannot govern, well how can they when the wonderful Labor party, their coalition of the Greens and a number of rag tag senators will not pass any economic policies through the senate.

In doing so this mob of rabble are actually governing our country without being voted in to do so. Are you all for our country going down the gurgler because it is costing one billion dollars a month to pay the interest on Labor's debt? So tell me, are you against the boats being stopped, the savings of 12 billion dollars in doing so; the beef cattle trade being reinstated, a new airport, dams and roads being built, the economy increasing by 1.2% and 4000 new jobs a week created? All under LNP, not Labor. OH, Don't forget Labor's $900.00 bonus paid out to Aussies, people over seas, dead people and even criminals in gaol. Fantastic.

I know that some of the LIb's policies in the last budget were not well thought out and the Libs are having trouble marketing themselves and were in disarray but if you do not understand what Labor will bring back then it would appear that you are someone who only cares about what is in it for you (Me mentality) and do not care about the country or the future generations that will have to service the Labor debt. Hope you have a really happy non-existence if they get back, and what will we hear then. Whinge, whinge, whinge. One should be very careful of what they wish for or they might just get it.

ah in the mould of Abbott. Still wants to talk about the opposition rather than his own governments lack of direction. Fallen down his own "sink hole"! You love losers!

I am prepared to admit that the LNP has shown a lack of direction but I don't walk around with my head in the sand. Don't you understand that politics can be up and down and that someone can come back if given a chance, look at Mr Rudd. Labor didn't lose direction? Three times I think but you wouldn't or couldn't admit to that? That's why they got turfed out. Love losers, this says a lot. For one to call one that then what does this say about them?.

Why not talk about the opposition, are you saying I am not allowed to do so? is it because it doesn't suit your agenda or is it because the truth hurts? Like many, unable to sustain a legitimate argument, present facts or figures, while many go to lengths in changing or twisting words in another's post. The most obvious, is that many, including yourself, never respond to anything or even defend the wrongs carried out by others

I admit that things are not perfect within the LNP, can you do the same with the opposition, who, clearly, you do not like anyone making reference to? Why does this cause you concern? Just remember, it was their 8 years in government that almost brought our country to its knees. Not the LNP. But you would never admit to that would you? People do have differing opinions so why, if you cannot accept this, do you have to resort to name calling?


A few numbers for the cheerleaders for the LIBS...

FACT................ 39% of the party room that voted.... voted for NO ONE.... or put simply, 39% voted for anyone but Abbott....

FACT................. Because the last parliament was so evenly balanced, a small swing of 3.65% to LIBS, (when compared to what just went down in QLD) translated into a margin of 35 seats in the House... They hold 90 seats at the moment...

FACT..................OF those 90 seats, 18 are held by a margin of 5% or less.... a further 21 are held by between 5 and 8% and further 20 are held, by the margin of LESS than the Swing just recorded in the QLD election away from the LNP.... For the 18 seats the ALP require to regain govt, there needs be a swing of 3.69% back to the ALP. I would think that is more likely than not to happen. That is making the assumption that the ALP holds all the seats it holds now.

The LIBS grip on power is nowhere near as strong as those of the Liberal bent would have you believe.

By all means, keep Abbott as PM.... he is the best asset the ALP has at the moment, little wonder they are happy!!!

Your first FACT is total garbage. You either don't want to tell the truth or have no idea as to the procedures involved in a leadership spill. Tell yourself the lie often enough and you will swear it is gospel. In so far as you percentages, I will not comment because I do not know however, if your first FACT is anything to go on then one would have to be concerned as to the legitimacy of the statistics you have listed to support your agenda.

Sure, according to the polls there is an apparent difference of some 14 points, in favour of Labor but like everything in this world, one should never count their chickens before they hatch. A week is a long time in politics and there is 18 months to go. Maybe he'll survive, maybe he won't but at least if he doesn't he will go down fighting and will take out No Policies Shorten on the way, the man who has no ideas and would never be capable of running this great country.

So you are the cheerleader for the inept Labor government and are taking headlines (asset for Labor) from the lefty Australian media who are clearly Abbot haters, and have been since day one.

So you want a government that has placed the country into debt of some A$400 billion +, gave us open borders and allowed 50,000 illegal immigrants to come. Saw approximately 1200 people drown at sea, 4 people die in their roof insulation scheme and about 100 homes burn down. Passed policies into law that were never funded, keep raising taxes in order to give away tax payer monies to those who are sponging on the welfare system.

They also had union heavy weights plot against and then stab in the back, Rudd, Gillard and then Rudd again. Now the little Judas is hoping to, one day, be PM. People are saying that the Libs cannot govern, well how can they when the wonderful Labor party, their coalition of the Greens and a number of rag tag senators will not pass any economic policies through the senate.

In doing so this mob of rabble are actually governing our country without being voted in to do so. Are you all for our country going down the gurgler because it is costing one billion dollars a month to pay the interest on Labor's debt? So tell me, are you against the boats being stopped, the savings of 12 billion dollars in doing so; the beef cattle trade being reinstated, a new airport, dams and roads being built, the economy increasing by 1.2% and 4000 new jobs a week created? All under LNP, not Labor. OH, Don't forget Labor's $900.00 bonus paid out to Aussies, people over seas, dead people and even criminals in gaol. Fantastic.

I know that some of the LIb's policies in the last budget were not well thought out and the Libs are having trouble marketing themselves and were in disarray but if you do not understand what Labor will bring back then it would appear that you are someone who only cares about what is in it for you (Me mentality) and do not care about the country or the future generations that will have to service the Labor debt. Hope you have a really happy non-existence if they get back, and what will we hear then. Whinge, whinge, whinge. One should be very careful of what they wish for or they might just get it.

ah in the mould of Abbott. Still wants to talk about the opposition rather than his own governments lack of direction. Fallen down his own "sink hole"! You love losers!

I think you are are beating a dead horse here. Stop now your boring.


Maybe rabid old goat if you ever return to Gods Own Country you could apply for a position with the ABC. Your stupid comments would make an excellent reference, as your opinion is in line with their staff requirements. Labor were trying for years to confirm trade deals with China, but it was the Liberals who had the success. Just because Shorten and Co share the communist beliefs it does not make them automatic trading partners.

nope that aint never gunna happen. me and god dont see eye to eye.

admittedly i have better things to do than follow the details there. my comments are based on the broader picture.


Time scales tighten. The clock is ticking and the Libs may mace just made a serious error.

Surely they are not going to hand this to the morons running the ALP, so that shorten and his mates can continue destroying Australia's future because they will take off from where RUDD GILLARD RUDD left off.

Australia is DOOMED Under the ALP !

I'm listening, and agree 100%. ALP has no plans, will introduce a budget that will make Australia South East Asia's poor cousin. All members of the ALP speak only in platitudes and cliché , adding nothing intelligent to a discussion other than generalizations. Both the leader of the opposition and Gillard were members of the CPA in their university years, they cannot be trusted.

ah getting worried! liberal budget will bury your friends chance of re election. Doubtful Abbot will fight the next election he's dead within his own party.

61 to 39, Dead? let's wait and see. The fat lady hasn't sung yet.

Thats Two Thirds of the back benches voted against him. The front benches and assistants virtually have to vote for him at this stage.



I see, so you know what happened in a secret ballot do you? You know as much about the vote as I do, so give us a break with your non intellectual views. The secret ballot enables the backstabbers to act without fear or favour, so how in the hell can you make such a ludicrous statement?

Actually there is very little secrecy as described form one MP in the room. Says there were less than half the required chairs, every one was jammed in like sardines, there was absolutely no secrecy, he described that he could see everyone's vote around him and it was obvious that strong Abbot supporters insisted on standing that gave them a good view of who voted where.

The party hench men do not like Turnball, the general public seem to. This gives them a year to get either Turnball or the new chosen one ready for a change just prior to the next election. It is funny how the are doing the same crap as ALP did.


Well what happened to you soothsayers. You've all had your little laugh and no matter what happens you will keep on denigrating the PM for every reason in the lefties handbook. You never provide anything positive to the forum, no matter what the subject is. Your responses are always negative just typical bagging and trying to outdo each other with your vitriol. One thing you all seem to forget is that regardless of who is the PM at the time, respect should be shown for the office. . Now it's my turn to have a laugh for all the clap trap you little lefties spew forth during your feeding frenzy. 5555555555555. If you want to give me a spray, feel free, I can feel it coming in bucket loads.

You can listen, not listen to the rest of us. You clearly are a one man tony Abbott cheer squad. And that is fine.

What is more illustrative is that he got 39 votes against him, including a reported six from ministers, when there was no challengers.

That's right, our PM had a majority of his backbench rather vote for their imaginary mate Milko than for the PM himself.

No, wrong, not a one man cheer squad, just believe that he should be given a fair go. There would be no way I would listen to people like you, people who have so much hate within them. What happened to Mr Rudd, Ms Gillard and again Mr Rudd. I was totally against what happened to them when they were stabbed in the back by Judas when the unions realised they couldn't win against Mr Abbott. It amazes me how you or any your ilk can't even show respect for the office. 39 votes for a spill, 61 for no spill, these are the only factual figures that anyone knows about. Six ministers allegedly voted against him, if you know so much, nominate them and let us know where the report came from or is this just more spin from you?

Why do you the hate the man, it is clear you do. You too are not being truthful, as there was no direct vote against him, it was for a leadership spill. What don't you understand about that there was NO DIRECT VOTE for the leadership, just for the spill? Never succeeded and boy has this got you lot upset. If the spill had of been successful and then a vote against him and your darling got in, then your posts would been full of glee. But can't get your own way so the vitriol keeps coming and no matter how you attack me I couldn't give a toss, as I am the one laughing now.

It's the system we have. If you want a presidential system then ask for one. No one is denigrating the office. And it is very healthy if you ask me that we don't take our politicians too seriously, though id never go on a radio show who's host asked for the PM to be tied up in a chaff bag and thrown out to sea, nor stand in front of a 'ditch the witch' poster. If anyone has cause for denigrating the office, Abbott should take a look in the mirror.

Until then, caucus appoints the prime minister. Caucus has every right to taketh away. PMs who aren't doing their job will get sacked. Being accountable for something...I thought only communists hated accountability!!

What are you on about? Presidential system, where was this mentioned? Quite happy with the present system and I do not need a lesson on how the prime minister is elected but I do object, when one is elected by the party, then accepted by the Australian voters, then their party is voted in because that person is leader, for them be disposed of, in the case of Labor, by unelected backroom boys and girls

As for the remark by Alan Jones it was a stupid throw away line, for which he apologised, so get over it. The poster you refer to was held up by a person from "Get Up." and Mr Abbott had no idea it was there, but as soon as it was noted it was pulled down but not before the lefty ABC could make merry of it, as it appears you are now doing. So why are you bringing this up, ah I see, not to denigrate the office, just the man?

Glad to see you're dealing in the facts again. Accountability, for heavens sake, don't you think this should apply to both sides, never happened with the other mob or have you conveniently forgotten what the "Comrades" were getting up to? Who curtailed the Freedom of Speech in the first place and then Mr Abbot unfortunately gave a promise to restore it and remove 18C but did a backflip and kept it despite the Australian voters wanting it removed. Nil accountability on both sides wouldn't you say? Very short or just selective memory.



I see, so you know what happened in a secret ballot do you? You know as much about the vote as I do, so give us a break with your non intellectual views. The secret ballot enables the backstabbers to act without fear or favour, so how in the hell can you make such a ludicrous statement?

Actually there is very little secrecy as described form one MP in the room. Says there were less than half the required chairs, every one was jammed in like sardines, there was absolutely no secrecy, he described that he could see everyone's vote around him and it was obvious that strong Abbot supporters insisted on standing that gave them a good view of who voted where.

The party hench men do not like Turnball, the general public seem to. This gives them a year to get either Turnball or the new chosen one ready for a change just prior to the next election. It is funny how the are doing the same crap as ALP did.

One MP says. Who was this person? Why is he leaking, what is his motive? So one person says something and it becomes gospel. I wasn't there, you weren't there so what this person is saying in an allegation, nothing more, nothing less. It could be like "Ripley's Believe it or Not."

Given, there are many in the LNP and NP who do not like Mr Turnbull. I don't know the man so I cannot like or dislike him but I do not like his political views or prior policies. We will just have to wait and see about Mr Turnbull or as you put it, another chosen one. I think many would be surprised as to the revolt within the party and externally from LNP supporters, if Mr Turnbull ever became leader again.

Yes, the LNP needs to learn that if they start going down the same path as Labor did, then they will only be a one term government because their staunch supporters with desert them in droves, as the Labor voters did in 2013.


What are you on about? Presidential system, where was this mentioned? Quite happy with the present system and I do not need a lesson on how the prime minister is elected but I do object, when one is elected by the party, then accepted by the Australian voters, then their party is voted in because that person is leader, for them be disposed of, in the case of Labor, by unelected backroom boys and girls

As for the remark by Alan Jones it was a stupid throw away line, for which he apologised, so get over it. The poster you refer to was held up by a person from "Get Up." and Mr Abbott had no idea it was there, but as soon as it was noted it was pulled down but not before the lefty ABC could make merry of it, as it appears you are now doing. So why are you bringing this up, ah I see, not to denigrate the office, just the man?

Glad to see you're dealing in the facts again. Accountability, for heavens sake, don't you think this should apply to both sides, never happened with the other mob or have you conveniently forgotten what the "Comrades" were getting up to? Who curtailed the Freedom of Speech in the first place and then Mr Abbot unfortunately gave a promise to restore it and remove 18C but did a backflip and kept it despite the Australian voters wanting it removed. Nil accountability on both sides wouldn't you say? Very short or just selective memory.

If you are quite happy with the present system, why are you whinging about caucus doing what is their right?

To the extent I have issues with that particular mode of execution, I think it should be with the support of the entire party membership, not just the elected members. Encourages people to become politically active, something that I think has been lost in the past 30 years.

As for hating Abbott, I don't hate him. I actually think I'd rather like him as a person if I got to know him. I know Gillard and Abbott used to get on quite well, as do Albanese and Pyne - and way back prior to the 'crown of thorns' comment - Keating and Howard.

But his policies are awful, and the way he got into office regurigating three word slogans bought the level of public debate in Australia to a new low. And now he is paying for it politically, with his 'ta-daa' presentation of policies, whether they be GP co-payment or de-regulation of university fees. The Australian public weren't prepared for that.

Regardless of his policies, which are duds, he's really lacked the right advocate for them. I'd prefer stable government for three years (four years would be better). Whichever the party.

I'm a subscriber to the 'strong treasurer' approach to successful governments. Hawke had Keating. Howard had Costello. Ferocious advocates which both pushed government agenda's and protected the respective PM's from the flack. Allowed them to be PM.

When it was just Keating, things went down hill. Both Rudd and Gillard had that dreadful non-event, Wayne Swan. And now Abbott has smoking Joe who's presence was about substantive has his cigar ash.

So I don't hate Abbott. I think he is an ideologue, and you can't be that as PM. My comments on his longetivity are pure political analysis. He's a gonner, either in 6 months or at the next election. He should have had Turnbull as Treasurer. The right place for him, the best advocate in parliament. Arrogant to boot. Perfect for Treasury. Now we might get Turnbull as PM for a time, and he'll have no one to take the political flak for him. A shame.

  • Like 1

What are you on about? Presidential system, where was this mentioned? Quite happy with the present system and I do not need a lesson on how the prime minister is elected but I do object, when one is elected by the party, then accepted by the Australian voters, then their party is voted in because that person is leader, for them be disposed of, in the case of Labor, by unelected backroom boys and girls

As for the remark by Alan Jones it was a stupid throw away line, for which he apologised, so get over it. The poster you refer to was held up by a person from "Get Up." and Mr Abbott had no idea it was there, but as soon as it was noted it was pulled down but not before the lefty ABC could make merry of it, as it appears you are now doing. So why are you bringing this up, ah I see, not to denigrate the office, just the man?

Glad to see you're dealing in the facts again. Accountability, for heavens sake, don't you think this should apply to both sides, never happened with the other mob or have you conveniently forgotten what the "Comrades" were getting up to? Who curtailed the Freedom of Speech in the first place and then Mr Abbot unfortunately gave a promise to restore it and remove 18C but did a backflip and kept it despite the Australian voters wanting it removed. Nil accountability on both sides wouldn't you say? Very short or just selective memory.

If you are quite happy with the present system, why are you whinging about caucus doing what is their right?

To the extent I have issues with that particular mode of execution, I think it should be with the support of the entire party membership, not just the elected members. Encourages people to become politically active, something that I think has been lost in the past 30 years.

As for hating Abbott, I don't hate him. I actually think I'd rather like him as a person if I got to know him. I know Gillard and Abbott used to get on quite well, as do Albanese and Pyne - and way back prior to the 'crown of thorns' comment - Keating and Howard.

But his policies are awful, and the way he got into office regurigating three word slogans bought the level of public debate in Australia to a new low. And now he is paying for it politically, with his 'ta-daa' presentation of policies, whether they be GP co-payment or de-regulation of university fees. The Australian public weren't prepared for that.

Regardless of his policies, which are duds, he's really lacked the right advocate for them. I'd prefer stable government for three years (four years would be better). Whichever the party.

I'm a subscriber to the 'strong treasurer' approach to successful governments. Hawke had Keating. Howard had Costello. Ferocious advocates which both pushed government agenda's and protected the respective PM's from the flack. Allowed them to be PM.

When it was just Keating, things went down hill. Both Rudd and Gillard had that dreadful non-event, Wayne Swan. And now Abbott has smoking Joe who's presence was about substantive has his cigar ash.

So I don't hate Abbott. I think he is an ideologue, and you can't be that as PM. My comments on his longetivity are pure political analysis. He's a gonner, either in 6 months or at the next election. He should have had Turnbull as Treasurer. The right place for him, the best advocate in parliament. Arrogant to boot. Perfect for Treasury. Now we might get Turnbull as PM for a time, and he'll have no one to take the political flak for him. A shame.

Not whinging, just my opinion. With the rest, fair enough and agree with most, some I don't. Hockey gone, not sure of Mr Turnbull as treasurer, I just do not trust him to do what has to be done for the betterment of the country because of what he stood for when he was the opposition leader. We could go on with this forever, so I think it's time to agree to disagree on some aspects.

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