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returning items at airport plaza.What is my right?


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Bought a memory card at Big Camera after they said it was correct one. It wasn't, went back for a refund. The staff were adamant that I'd see pigs fly before I'd ever see a refund from Big Camera. They were right.

Another one to cross off the list then.

Similar mistake at Home Pro for that thing in the toilet that is supposed to stop more water flowing in once the tank is full enough. Mrs. Awk brought with her the old one to show staff and get the correct replacement. The one they gave her did not fit however, as the diameter of the pipe they gave her was to small. Only noticed this when installing it unfortunately, at which point the package was obviously unpacked and even dirtied slightly. I was not sure what was going to happen, but replacement, this time correct, was no problem at Home Pro.

Edited by Awk
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