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Bad ads and strategy thwart Thai tourism again


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"No country in the world turns its back on visitors." Hmm how about new buddy North Korea?

Umbrellas hardly swept from the beaches. Plenty here in Jomtien today. Also got another dose of police taking harmless vendor's beads for sale, rather than using time for something productive like busting ski scams, enforcing traffic laws (as if that is going to happen....). Problem is Thai people and the government they allow to represent them. Have yet to awaken to the power of the internet and word getting out regarding lack of smiles but no lack of danger, shoddiness or rip offs.

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Perhaps the fact that tourists are likely to get killed on the roads here in Thailand has something to do with a slow-down in tourism. Taking a bus or van in Thailand is like asking people to play Russian roulette. While this may attract some thrill seekers, I would imagine most visitors would opt for safety. Let's face it, there just is not that much here to attract visitors especially when you weigh the downside which includes scams, corruption everywhere, high potential for death on the highways or on the beaches after dark.

Fiddlestick, you are so pessimistic that I have come to the conclusion you were a breach birth and have never recovered. If you dislike Thailand so much why don't you take a one way ticket out you sad, sad person and leave the rest of us who enjoy the place, warts and all, to happily get on with life.

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I still don't understand how banning umbrellas and chairs from the beaches in Phuket is "good". I am a pale farang who could not spend very long sitting out in the sun without burning to a crisp. So, the chairs and umbrellas were just what I wanted. Now, coupled with the prices charged in Phuket which I perceive as very high, and the lack of shade on the beach makes it absolutely certain I will not disturb them again in that city. Pattaya is bad enough now. They have scrunched up the umbrella sites now so that it is no longer comfortable, but I'll keep coming for a while anyway.

Umbrellas and chairs are NOT banned from Phuket beaches. Commercial activities on the beach are (supposedly) banned.

You can still bring your own umbrella and chair.

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Perhaps the fact that tourists are likely to get killed on the roads here in Thailand has something to do with a slow-down in tourism. Taking a bus or van in Thailand is like asking people to play Russian roulette. While this may attract some thrill seekers, I would imagine most visitors would opt for safety. Let's face it, there just is not that much here to attract visitors especially when you weigh the downside which includes scams, corruption everywhere, high potential for death on the highways or on the beaches after dark.

Fiddlestick, you are so pessimistic that I have come to the conclusion you were a breach birth and have never recovered. If you dislike Thailand so much why don't you take a one way ticket out you sad, sad person and leave the rest of us who enjoy the place, warts and all, to happily get on with life.

I'm one of 'the rest of us' you're refering to. Like Fiddlesticks I don't wear rose tinted glasses, neither am I a tourist, but I can understand his comments. The OP is about 'Tourism' and what can be done in Thailand to increase 'bums on seats'. A lot of long stay non-immigrants are rarely exposed to the problems encountered by tourists because we are more 'street-wise', and avoid potential hazards/scams. There are lots of reasons why I don't feel I will buy a one -way ticket out of LOS, but thats not to say I wouldn't warn potential tourists eg family and friends of the inherent dangers of being on holiday here.
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the ads on this site EXPLODED ...

come read ADS with some 2nd hand content & comments from keyboard warriors

I have been using Ad-Block for so long, I'd forgotten how bad the saturation is. Everywhere.

I just briefly turned it off and had a surf.

I could never even be on the internet if I had to be subjected to all that <deleted>.

I look at clean pages.

No ads that follow you around. Nothing.


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France does have many tourists but unlike Thailand the majority are from adjoining countries, and over 70% are on camping holidays enjoying the diverse countryside, clean World class beaches and national parks which are worthy of their title. The downside for France is that people on camping holidays are relatively low spenders. France's annual receipts were actually only $14 billion more than Thailand. The USA is number one in terms of tourist income. Thailand could indeed learn much from the USA and Europe about customer service and tourism environment.

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One of the major problems compared to Europe is distance , cost, time and no rip offs operating in droves, Thailand's reputation has preceded it and once you have a bad one no matter what you place in the travel section of Sundays papers wont alter the out come , to be honest I think most European arrivals at Swampy are only in Thailand to see and experience one of the most corrupt countries in the world and could be described at the moment in travel blogs "Thailand , the travellers guide to Happiness". Amazing Thailand.coffee1.gif

I wonder what the % of tourists are sex tourists?

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"The ad also seems confused about who its target is, encouraging travellers to "enjoy Thainess" by standing still when the national anthem is played in public"

My Thai friends and I never do, people can stare all they want. I am no puppet.

It's called ''being respectful'' not ''being a puppet''. You probably jeer at the opposition's anthem when you attend sporting events-just be careful when you go watch rugby at Newlands or Ellis Park though: the locals there might not be as accommodating and patient as the Thais here when you stroll your rude ass through Hua Lamphong. :rolleyes:

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'... Suvarnabhumi and Phuket airports match that standard ...' Given the oft-wanting immigration service levels, for arrivals, that's stretching things a tad.

'... standing still when the national anthem is played in public. Thais do this out of duty and respect ...' enhanced by brainwashing.

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