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Australian man arrested for allegedly filing false robbery complaint in Phuket

Thaivisa News

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Phuket:- When Alex Gorgees, 19, filed a complaint with Karon police late Sunday night, it appeared as if another scandal broke out, damaging the already-badly-bruised Thai tourism industry.

But on the following day, Gorgees himself was arrested on charge of filing a false complaint with the authorities with an intention to claim for insurance damage back home.

Gorgees went to the Karon police station at 11:30 pm on Sunday to lodge a complaint that he was robbed while walking alone on the Kata Beach behind the Club Med hotel.

In his complaint, Gorgees said two men and a woman robbed him at knife point. He said he dropped on his knees to beg for his life and the three took his iPhone 6, a watch, a gold necklace and a gold ring as well as some cash. He claimed he lost about Bt389,500 in valuables and cash. He told police that the robbers quickly vaporized into the darkness of the beach.

But Gorgees apparently forgot that many security cameras have been installed on many tourist destinations on this popular island, as well as on the Karon beach and town.

Fearing the case would damage Phuket’s reputation as tourists’ paradise, Karon police chief Pol Col Sompong Boonrat held an urgent meeting with investigators and checked footages from security cameras in the area.

The footages showed that Gorgees was riding his motorcycle around Karon area at the time he claimed he was robbed. Police then checked his room and found all the valuables. He admitted that he simply wanted to have a police receipt for his complaint to claim for an insurance compensation back home in New South Wales.

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He sounds like a new Australian,

As a European, all Australians, with the exception of the Aborigines, are "new".

Insulting jerk. You know exactly what the post meant, he was referring to the non-Anglo-Saxon/Celtic surname. I don't know what nationality you are, but if your British you have forgotten the respect you should be giving to "old" Australians for the number of times we Australians, since the Boer War, have given up our liberties to fight alongside of the Brits. And if your European (particularly if you are French), you have forgotten what happened at Ypres in WW1. We lost 1.35% of our population in the French battle fields. Ingrate.

If you know anything about Aboriginal history you would know that there have been several migrations of different groups into Australia from the regions of India and South Asia. Collectively now they are know as the Australian Aborigine.

Who is new, who is old ?

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I love how you always have to bring Britain into things... and we are the Wingers lol...?

Oh and before you start as you mentioned WW1, my dads dad served with the Kings Border Regt, 19th Divison as part of the Mediterrainian Expedition Force, wounded at Gallipoli (he was British). No disrespect to any of the poor people who fought and died in any theater of war - just a fact

WWII you think if you did not have Britain and the allies behind you that Japan would not have walked in and set up shop? Ok when it suits ehh?

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Edited from the OP in take good care of Australia thread.

Phuket:- The Australian ambassador to Thailand has asked relevant authorities to take good care of Australian tourists in Phuket following complaints from many that local operators of jet-ski rental services have extorted money from them.

....... (edit) ......

The deputy governor of Phuket says Robilliard has also asked local authorities to closely monitor if any Australian violates laws in the province.

“He has said that if any Australian engages in illegal activities such as money laundering, drug abuses and transnational crimes, Thai police should alert their Australian counterparts for further legal actions,” he adds.

So the dumb a$$ committed offences in Thailand but also was trying to obtain money by deception in Australia. Lets hope that the Thai authorities get around to notifying the Australian Federal Police in accordance with the request from the Ambassador. The repercussions for the young gentleman could well extend to being blacklisted by Insurance companies as well as impacting on police checks for employment/security purposes. clap2.gif

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