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The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

cavemen.....Your education seems not to be very detailed...China had already culture when we white men were still chasing deers in the forest.....

That is true, but 3000 years later they still shit on the street whenever it takes their fancy.

  • Like 2

The Chinese are rude and arrogant,remember hundreds of years ago Chinese were taking over Thailand,they were booted out,you don't want that again,treat people how they treat you ,they might start thinking a little,it doesn't cost anything to be polite,China treat people how you would like to be treated you're self,let's wait and see eeeeerrrrr


Should be easy to spot who it was on CCTV & track him down..................w00t.gif


Did you hear about the look-a-like

competition in China?
Everybody won.



The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

cavemen.....Your education seems not to be very detailed...China had already culture when we white men were still chasing deers in the forest.....

and where did it go ?

Chairman Mao had a damn good go at getting rid of it during the cultural revolution, burning books, sending scientists, teachers, etc. to farms for 're-education', etc. (and not to mention allowing some 30 million people to pretty much starve to death}

  • Like 1

These are pictures that I took at Chungsha theme park , This is the kind of rubbish the Chinese are used to , Big Ben , Whitehouse , Buckingham Palace . Me and my mate were rolling up,





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The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

cavemen.....Your education seems not to be very detailed...China had already culture when we white men were still chasing deers in the forest.....

and where did it go ?

Chairman Mao had a damn good go at getting rid of it during the cultural revolution, burning books, sending scientists, teachers, etc. to farms for 're-education', etc. (and not to mention allowing some 30 million people to pretty much starve to death}

Very True Mao destroyed it as he destroyed social intercourse, and anything else that he viewed as a threat , which was pretty much everything and everyone


When you all start talking about cavemen etc etc. I wish you knew what you are talking about. I live somewhere in Europe surrounded by PREHISTORIC caves. These caves have world famous paintings - pictures of bison, white leopards. elephants etc. The Grotto of Niaux 11,500 -10500 BC the Magdalenian era..........Lascaux - the Paleolithic era......Chauvet the Aurignacian era 32,000 BC. And many many more. Most of them are shut to the public and you have to be pretty high up to get a visit. Our heritage!!


The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

The tourist cavemen are bad because don't want to touch a plastic bowl floating in a murky moldy reservoir of who knows what--a bowl handled by countless others after defecating and urinating before washing their hands and has probably never been washed inside a toilet stall--but the local cavemen that insist on fouling western toilet seats with their filthy shoes because for primitive reasons of their own they climb onto the seats and squat instead of sitting, these Neanderthals are okay?


The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

cavemen.....Your education seems not to be very detailed...China had already culture when we white men were still chasing deers in the forest.....

...... But they wiped out all of that culture during the Revolution.


Funny how a 2000 yr old civilisation can't flush toilets or respect other people's customs and heratige .

Most of us will be well versed in Chinese history

Hmmm, think that would be over 5000 years.


The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

cavemen.....Your education seems not to be very detailed...China had already culture when we white men were still chasing deers in the forest.....

culture ? a 5000 year history of civil war, buying and selling slaves from their "own", hundred of years of forced labor for most, a good life for a few, a cast system that lasted almost all of the 5000 year war with itself that was the envy as well as the blueprint for indias cast brut cast way of life. when you look at the chinese " culture" it was a slave culture, cities were built off the sweat of chinese slaves. and these cities were at war with their neighbors all the time. save for the daoists & budda peeps china was a savage place.
  • Like 2

The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

cavemen.....Your education seems not to be very detailed...China had already culture when we white men were still chasing deers in the forest.....

Apparently it didn't help much.


Several also refused to flush toilets.

I am impressed that they used the toilets at all...usually defecate on the grounds...stairwells...and around building...

I love the "quality" tourists the Thai are attracting...coffee1.gif


"Noppadol Khuenphet, the museum manager, said the incident happened on February 3 when seven or eight Chinese tourists were visiting the museum."

Absolutely IMPOSSIBLE. Now, if the article had said when "70 or 80 Chinese tourists were visiting" I might believe it.

As for the 4,000 a day visiting, I believe that. Probably takes two whole buses to get them there.


The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

cavemen.....Your education seems not to be very detailed...China had already culture when we white men were still chasing deers in the forest.....

If true..then why the behavior? History couldn't possibly be skewed? I lived in China for awhile and the behavior is deplorable in many areas of life there...they may have had culture, but it was still barbaric and crude.


wow I thought this was going to be another poo spray story but this time it is kung &lt;deleted&gt; kicking down historical artefacts

and from the sound of the story it was an unintentional accident

so we should all learn to live in love and peace


The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

cavemen.....Your education seems not to be very detailed...China had already culture when we white men were still chasing deers in the forest.....

culture ? a 5000 year history of civil war, buying and selling slaves from their "own", hundred of years of forced labor for most, a good life for a few, a cast system that lasted almost all of the 5000 year war with itself that was the envy as well as the blueprint for indias cast brut cast way of life. when you look at the chinese " culture" it was a slave culture, cities were built off the sweat of chinese slaves. and these cities were at war with their neighbors all the time. save for the daoists & budda peeps china was a savage place.

Agreed..and it is still savage, only in a modern-setting..life is cheap in China and that's how they go about living, with that same mentality....the problem with people here and outside this forum..they get their education just from textbooks, hearsay, pussyfooting documentaries/teachers/professors, political-correct sources and a lot of face-saving-exaggerating Chinese...


4,000 Chinese PER DAY ?

I don't think so.......

Same one 4000 times...who can tell the difference?


No amount of whinning and complaining can change the Chinese Tourists. They are the people from the countrysides and mountain areas of China. It doesn't matter how long they existed for they will never know how to be respectful and mindful of other people. To them, the only respect they know (it is in their blood) is the sharp edge of a sword. The Chinese are the only race that does not know how to say "excuse or sorry".

  • Like 1

The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

cavemen.....Your education seems not to be very detailed...China had already culture when we white men were still chasing deers in the forest.....

Troo dat. But then we passed them with a vengeance and never looked back!


The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

cavemen.....Your education seems not to be very detailed...China had already culture when we white men were still chasing deers in the forest.....

Having it once, and then losing it completely is certainly no better.


The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

cavemen.....Your education seems not to be very detailed...China had already culture when we white men were still chasing deers in the forest.....

Has beens.


The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

cavemen.....Your education seems not to be very detailed...China had already culture when we white men were still chasing deers in the forest.....

culture ? a 5000 year history of civil war, buying and selling slaves from their "own", hundred of years of forced labor for most, a good life for a few, a cast system that lasted almost all of the 5000 year war with itself that was the envy as well as the blueprint for indias cast brut cast way of life. when you look at the chinese " culture" it was a slave culture, cities were built off the sweat of chinese slaves. and these cities were at war with their neighbors all the time. save for the daoists & budda peeps china was a savage place.

most western cultures accepted slavery too. and they sure loved warring with their neighbours


The uncultured cavemen are truly unbelievable.

cavemen.....Your education seems not to be very detailed...China had already culture when we white men were still chasing deers in the forest.....

Troo dat. But then we passed them with a vengeance and never looked back!

who is "we"?

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