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Usenet download speed with tot very unstable this year!

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Last year when I got my tot DSL line installed the Usenet download speed was real good often nearly 10 Mbit

But this year it mostly have 2 up to 3 Mbit only in the morning hours between 8 and 11 am speed is aproxinently at 8 Mbit , often when the downloads runs 24h , it's interrupted and I have to resume!

In my home country this never happens!



Stay home (seriously you always compare it with your home country one would think you would learn)

My usenet download speed is quite good i get the 30mbit. The only time its less its after 17:00-24:00 after I have downloaded 2-3 gb so I do most of my downloads during the day. I am on 3bb fiber optics


My usenet download speed is quite good i get the 30mbit. The only time its less its after 17:00-24:00 after I have downloaded 2-3 gb so I do most of my downloads during the day. I am on 3bb fiber optics

Rob, are you saying that your speed is reduced (between 17.00-24.00) after you have "excessively" downloaded?


My usenet download speed is quite good i get the 30mbit. The only time its less its after 17:00-24:00 after I have downloaded 2-3 gb so I do most of my downloads during the day. I am on 3bb fiber optics

Rob, are you saying that your speed is reduced (between 17.00-24.00) after you have "excessively" downloaded?

Yes that is what I am saying.. and I can see the logic there. Before that time i download with 4mb/sec and after that i download with 770Kb sec. So that is roughly 1/6 of what i would be doing normally.

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Thanks for confirming what I've suspected is going on here on my side too. I watch TV via broadband and it always buffers in the evenings, except after I having been away for some longer time.


Thanks for confirming what I've suspected is going on here on my side too. I watch TV via broadband and it always buffers in the evenings, except after I having been away for some longer time.

I can always download on an other time (that is what I do) but it gets boring for watching TV.

But I can 100% confirm this its quite telling because I always got full speed except around those times after a certain amount of data.


Thanks for confirming what I've suspected is going on here on my side too. I watch TV via broadband and it always buffers in the evenings, except after I having been away for some longer time.

I can always download on an other time (that is what I do) but it gets boring for watching TV.

That's what I normally do too. It's like having to set your VCR after perusing the TV listings. No channel hopping!

If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for the installation for your 3BB fibre optics?


Thanks for confirming what I've suspected is going on here on my side too. I watch TV via broadband and it always buffers in the evenings, except after I having been away for some longer time.

I can always download on an other time (that is what I do) but it gets boring for watching TV.

That's what I normally do too. It's like having to set your VCR after perusing the TV listings. No channel hopping!

If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for the installation for your 3BB fibre optics?

To be honest it was a promotion so I did not pay anything. I am still also paying the cheaper promotion price. Soon that will change.

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Usenet also is a variable beast, a legacy from the early days of the Internet. A lot depends on the news server you use and it's connections to the usenet files you want to download. We are all painfully aware of the international connection limitations which I think are just exacerbating some of the inherent usenet perfromance

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How this limitation exactly loock like? Directly in the backbone server?

I heard one time true cable internet not have this limitation

Not every download have same speed but at home I always at full line speed stable , but in Siam land everything same same but diffrent!


All Thai ISP' have international bandwidth limitations, ie capacity including True, you only need to read this forum for a few weeks to understand that!. Then add to that some of their more bizarre routings and speed degradation is a fact of life. Your usenet is not going to be immune from that.


OK, first off - what usenet service are you using, and what country(ies) is it served from?

Usenet has been dying a slow death for years now, and especially over the past 3 years since DMCA hit the scene with a sledgehammer and customer levels plummeted...


I've also noticed my Usenet speeds are pretty damn crappy at the moment. Especially in the evenings, I'm only getting 10-20% of what I can expect my connection to do. Torrents don't even seem to be working at all. I recently switched from ToT to True and I never found it to happen with ToT - is it possible that True throttles my connection if they consider me to be downloading too much? If so, is there any way to find out?


OK, first off - what usenet service are you using, and what country(ies) is it served from?

Usenet has been dying a slow death for years now, and especially over the past 3 years since DMCA hit the scene with a sledgehammer and customer levels plummeted...

Works fine for me. And Usenet will never die, it'll just burrow further underground [emoji12]

sent from my slimkat 1+ using tapatalk


OK, first off - what usenet service are you using, and what country(ies) is it served from?

Usenet has been dying a slow death for years now, and especially over the past 3 years since DMCA hit the scene with a sledgehammer and customer levels plummeted...

Actually.. all I am seeing is more and more usenet. I have clients selling usenet and their turnover is going up and up. Free usenet might be dying.. but usenet that you pay for with a long retention time certainly is not.

I prefer it over torrents.. much faster.

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At the time someone download a file from your torrent and you upload it in my measurements , the download speed goes down mostly 30 Procent

I pay 10€ in one month for 100 gb usnet and unlimited with 2 Mbit down speed


At the time someone download a file from your torrent and you upload it in my measurements , the download speed goes down mostly 30 Procent

I pay 10€ in one month for 100 gb usnet and unlimited with 2 Mbit down speed

Astranet is cheaper and unlimited download speed.

Newshosting also have coupons that make it 9.99 usd / month or 99 / year

  • 2 weeks later...

Another question some or I must say most movies from Usenet over the last month contain a exe codec file and the video is unplayable by vlv player is this a real codec or a fake virus?


Another question some or I must say most movies from Usenet over the last month contain a exe codec file and the video is unplayable by vlv player is this a real codec or a fake virus?

VIrus.. if you want to update vlc.. update it through the website .. dont trust those exe files you download.


Always vlv update automaticly but nearly every new movie I download cannot playback that's very bad maybe the usnet just die now when it was flooded by automatic spam robots


TOT is your worst choice as ISP. Unfortunately I am stuck with them. Internet is useless during Thai primetime 6pm - midnight if you want to watch streamed content.


Here only tot avalible no other isp

If you have AIS 3G signal in your area, perhaps you can get AIS Airnet in your location. It is like TOT Wi-Net, but using SBN Internet instead of crappy TOT

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