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Serious And Disturbing Email


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This thread isn't about passing judgement - moral or otherwise.

l. She's an easy target for some slimeball wanting to take advantage of the situation. I would, however, make sure that I did no more to finance that relationship. It's very likely the guy will move along if the money stops.

She's a woman who has been abandoned for months at at time by a man who has failed to commit fully to the relationship either emotionaly or personaly for years.

The 'slimeball' policeman has been attracted to an unmarried, available woman who needs someone who is there, emotionaly and in person.

Sebastian, I grant you your own personal perspective. But I will say that you are talking out your arse. That's not a flame. It's the truth.

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It was just a matter of time before troll brought up the bar girl opinion.

and a simple matter of time before everyone stopped being so sychophantic in a thread opened for advice.

I've yet to read the latest posts. I'd been up for two day straight with only a two hour nap. I crashed for the last 14 hours. I will say, though, that if this thread takes a turn to bar girl <deleted> I will close it down immediately. So get this straight. No bar girl talk here.

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This thread isn't about passing judgement - moral or otherwise.

l. She's an easy target for some slimeball wanting to take advantage of the situation. I would, however, make sure that I did no more to finance that relationship. It's very likely the guy will move along if the money stops.

She's a woman who has been abandoned for months at at time by a man who has failed to commit fully to the relationship either emotionaly or personaly for years.

The 'slimeball' policeman has been attracted to an unmarried, available woman who needs someone who is there, emotionaly and in person.

Sebastian, I grant you your own personal perspective. But I will say that you are talking out your arse. That's not a flame. It's the truth.

So you feel you have commited fully to this relationship?

You have been together 5 years and could not commit to a proper marriage.

You invest more time, energy and emotion in your work than you do your wife.

Is this not true then?

Seems your 'wife' thinks so.

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Hmmm, she is deeply traumitised yet can go from party to party and find a new love.

Bugger me, with your come in spinner attitude there are plenty more battered souls out there looking for someone to pay for their parties.

I mean really, why all this cloak and dagger <deleted>, one minute you are desperate and aggitated for info, then you have time on your hands and can wait.

Why not just call this meow chick, obvioisly she is talking to you by email and she has an inkling that you know it is her, so just call and ask her staright out 'why did she do this to me' see what the first response is.

I think your a bit of a drama queen really with all of this carry on, yet your doing nothing except this dilly dabbling around, your not flying to confront her now that you supposedly are sure, you have not engaged a PI and you have not called this Meow to hear it from the horses mouth.

If she has dumped you, but still hanging on for the fringe benefits, yet hooks up and supposedly falls in love with a Thai copper, she aint worth <deleted>.

Get on with the stoning....Sundy's always was a good day for a stoning.

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I've yet to read the latest posts. I'd been up for two day straight with only a two hour nap. I crashed for the last 14 hours. I will say, though, that if this thread takes a turn to bar girl <deleted> I will close it down immediately. So get this straight. No bar girl talk here.

Relax Tip. The loonies will move on when they get bored. These are experts whose idea of a meaningful relationship is based on how many blisters they have on their own hand and fingers.

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That other site, losers.com has been crashed all day. (maybe they need to buy a new server!)

Some of the inmates are out on the troll.


I've yet to read the latest posts. I'd been up for two day straight with only a two hour nap. I crashed for the last 14 hours. I will say, though, that if this thread takes a turn to bar girl <deleted> I will close it down immediately. So get this straight. No bar girl talk here.

Relax Tip. The loonies will move on when they get bored. These are experts whose idea of a meaningful relationship is based on how many blisters they have on their own hand and fingers.

Spoken like an expert. Tippaporn pehaps its time to close this down. Some folks have given you good advice. PM with those who are taking you seriously might be the way to go

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I've yet to read the latest posts. I'd been up for two day straight with only a two hour nap. I crashed for the last 14 hours. I will say, though, that if this thread takes a turn to bar girl <deleted> I will close it down immediately. So get this straight. No bar girl talk here.

Relax Tip. The loonies will move on when they get bored. These are experts whose idea of a meaningful relationship is based on how many blisters they have on their own hand and fingers.

Why am I am loonie? Have I stated anything untrue?

So your idea of a meaningfull relationship is to abandon your 'wife' for the best part of a year!!

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At least that is a fulltime relationship.

Better than the 5000 mile away one where anything and everything goes on and then you do nothing about it except possibly forgive her.

distance has nought to do with it mate - if a person will cheat it can happen right under your nose, regardless of time/location/distance.

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I've yet to read the latest posts. I'd been up for two day straight with only a two hour nap. I crashed for the last 14 hours. I will say, though, that if this thread takes a turn to bar girl <deleted> I will close it down immediately. So get this straight. No bar girl talk here.

Relax Tip. The loonies will move on when they get bored. These are experts whose idea of a meaningful relationship is based on how many blisters they have on their own hand and fingers.

For me its hands

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At least that is a fulltime relationship.

Better than the 5000 mile away one where anything and everything goes on and then you do nothing about it except possibly forgive her.

distance has nought to do with it mate - if a person will cheat it can happen right under your nose, regardless of time/location/distance.

"Distance has nought to do with it"

Are you for real!!

So you think that someone who is getting every thing that they need, emotionaly, phisicaly and every other way is just as likely to cheat as someone who has been abandoned with nothing but a few phone calls.

It stands to reason that if you are there most of the time then a smaller window of oppertunity is available as when you dissapear for 9 months at a time.

Edited by sebastian
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At least that is a fulltime relationship.

Better than the 5000 mile away one where anything and everything goes on and then you do nothing about it except possibly forgive her.

distance has nought to do with it mate - if a person will cheat it can happen right under your nose, regardless of time/location/distance.

"Distance has nought to do with it"

Are you for real!!

So you think that someone who is getting every thing that they need, emotionaly, phisicaly and every other way is just as likely to cheat as someone who has been abandoned with nothing but a few phone calls.

If its true love, the answer is yes! However this doesnt seem to be the case here. :o

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At least that is a fulltime relationship.

Better than the 5000 mile away one where anything and everything goes on and then you do nothing about it except possibly forgive her.

distance has nought to do with it mate - if a person will cheat it can happen right under your nose, regardless of time/location/distance.

"Distance has nought to do with it"

Are you for real!!

So you think that someone who is getting every thing that they need, emotionaly, phisicaly and every other way is just as likely to cheat as someone who has been abandoned with nothing but a few phone calls.

I used to have a job that kept me away from home for months at a time. It also allowed me to have months at a time of free time. It's just one of the things some relationships have to deal with. For me it was no big deal, nor was it for my significant other. That said, there's something else wrong about this thread that I can't put my finger on. Everything's just a bit too pat.

Edited by lannarebirth
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I vote for a prompt closing of this topic. All workable options have been put on the table, we know it was Colonel Mustard in the library with a candlestick, all thats left now as they say is the crying. Tip is a big boy and knows what to do from here, and in any event is not in need of any further advice. It is getting difficult to resist making flame posts at this point.

Cheers Tip -- I hope you find a relatively quick and painless resolution to the situation. :o

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Let us know when you want it closed mate, everyone does want to know what will happen over the next few weeks, when you arrive in Thailand and confront your wife.

Perhaps let us mods know when/if you want to carry on with this, otherwise shall we close this thread? You seem to know what is going on now, and in reality we all now what will happen in this thread from here.

TV members have shown their respect for you, and from me, on behalf of the Thaivisa.com admin and mod team we wish you all the best, we want you to know that all of us are concerned for you and will help if we can.

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At least that is a fulltime relationship.

Better than the 5000 mile away one where anything and everything goes on and then you do nothing about it except possibly forgive her.

distance has nought to do with it mate - if a person will cheat it can happen right under your nose, regardless of time/location/distance.

"Distance has nought to do with it"

Are you for real!!

So you think that someone who is getting every thing that they need, emotionaly, phisicaly and every other way is just as likely to cheat as someone who has been abandoned with nothing but a few phone calls.

If its true love, the answer is yes! However this doesnt seem to be the case here. :o

Exactly, if he did love her that much he would be with her.

Everyone needs to FEEL loved not just told it from the other side of the world.

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Tip - she's aloof and doesnt say much on the phone, nor does she respond to your affection? Has she always been that way or is this a change in her behaviour since the supposed time with the cop???

I used to work abroad when i was already married as well ....after a period of time you do change the way you communicate. It takes a strain and some ideas to keep a relationship exciting while apart. At one stage i ended up letting my webcam run in my Office while at work so she could see me anytime she wants to.....if things became a bit too "repetitive"(same email every day...) we started to send each other something like Cd's , or small presents....or i would send her Flowers... Phone calls , text messages and Greeting Cards all that gave a bit variety. However, it will never replace the "real" Contact ,it just makes time a bit shorter until you meet again.

If this "variety" isn't done ,you more than likely will experience the change in the behaviour, and might even give(without recognising it) and receive less affection . I don't think this"less affection " is a good indicator of a lost Love or a" Lover on the side".

In the long run long distance relationship/marriages i found unsuitable(for me) and thats why i made my move to LOS .

I don't think it is a good thing to have this kind of "long distance"relationship over years, nor is this something that i expect from married life ,

rcm :o

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Tip - she's aloof and doesnt say much on the phone, nor does she respond to your affection? Has she always been that way or is this a change in her behaviour since the supposed time with the cop???

I used to work abroad when i was already married as well ....after a period of time you do change the way you communicate. It takes a strain and some ideas to keep a relationship exciting while apart. At one stage i ended up letting my webcam run in my Office while at work so she could see me anytime she wants to.....if things became a bit too "repetitive"(same email every day...) we started to send each other something like Cd's , or small presents....or i would send her Flowers... Phone calls , text messages and Greeting Cards all that gave a bit variety. However, it will never replace the "real" Contact ,it just makes time a bit shorter until you meet again.

If this "variety" isn't done ,you more than likely will experience the change in the behaviour, and might even give(without recognising it) and receive less affection . I don't think this"less affection " is a good indicator of a lost Love or a" Lover on the side".

In the long run long distance relationship/marriages i found unsuitable(for me) and thats why i made my move to LOS .

I don't think it is a good thing to have this kind of "long distance"relationship over years, nor is this something that i expect from married life ,

rcm :o

I'd agree generally but all depends if there is a plan or ultimate goal for the planned separation. Being separated without such would be paramount for a disaster. I think most do so - make dosh while they are in the west for perm move to thailand in the future. I think that would be the goal in Tip's case.

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I read all those days the full topic and didn't want to interfere but some posts seem very funny to me

. the question is not to know wether it is good or not to be away for 8 months when you have a relationship.. If this lady was not happy with it, she was big enough to talk, tell him she was not satisfied and she would look for somebody else..

What does she do ?? takes the money and maintains her boyfriend, hiding her relation.

Is that correct and honest ?? my answer is no

. when I see Tip saying he is ready to go back into the same situation I think really men are fools.. when they have a relation with a thai lady. Would you admit this from a european ?? no way !!

How can you trust somebody who cheated you and who is still cheating and trying only to take advantage

. I would as many have said send immediately somebody to take my car and computer and stop sending money and above all I would have avoid to speak here and there to close relations as she surely will be aware very soon he knows..

Anyway, your problem Tip, all the best to you

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Please do not close this thread, why end a good soap-opera part way through the season? This one ought to be called 'The cop, the girl and the loser in Podunk, USA'. You have had your 15 minutes of fame, a lot of advice and many shoulders to cry on. You have had people on this site believing this puerile drivel. If your situation is true and I do mean if, only you know the full facts, only you know how the participants will react and only you can do something about it!

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I don't think it is a good thing to have this kind of "long distance"relationship over years, nor is this something that i expect from married life ,

rcm :o

Don't know about that. I'm in a long distance relation for over 10 yrs now and on average we see eachother every two months for a couple of weeks.

You can't compare it with marriage really cause it's something different. We're more like best friends really and when living apart we have our own things to bother about.

She's free to do as she pleases including sex if that would be important for her. As long as she uses protection and don't give me any disease I don't worrie too much.

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With the african wildlife and the saint ... it IS obvious that the other site must be down

Not to mention CMn. At least he's honest enough to use his normal nik, and, with a struggle, did manage to get some lucid thoughts out. :o

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