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Bali duo to be moved for execution

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Bali duo to be moved for execution

SYDNEY: -- Bali officials have been granted permission to transfer Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran out of Kerobokan jail for their executions.

Momock Bambang Samiarso, head of Bali Provincial Prosecutor's Office, said a meeting on Thursday afternoon confirmed the Australians would be executed outside Bali, but he would not say where.

"On the timing, there will be another meeting," he told reporters.

"But we ask it to be as soon as possible."

Indonesia's Attorney-General HM Prasetyo has said his preferred location for the executions is Nusakambangan, a prison island off Central Java.

Full story: http://news.theage.com.au/breaking-news-world/bali-duo-to-be-moved-for-execution-20150212-3q1cy.html

-- The Age 2015-02-12


Disgusting conduct. These lads are reformed & they actually have a lot to give back to society be it in Indonesia or Australia, stuff to actually atone for their crime & continue to repay their debt. For any people to have spent almost 10 years in a hell hole prison & actually come out with their heads held high, only for them to be shot off literally. Makes me sick. Definitely would NEVER set foot in Indonesia now.

Drug war is a farce, causes so many more problems than the actual drugs themselves. So much sympathy for the 2 guys' families

What planet are you living on, they were trying to smuggle HEROIN, it bloody kills and destroys family. You have never seen the effects of this drug within your on family circles or you would not be saying this. They deserve everything they get and more. Shoot them and then 1 in the head to make sure!

Earth, funny that. I am well aware of what they were trying to smuggle, never said I condoned it. But incidentally the harm index and addiction potential is not much greater than alcohol and tobacco. But they're nice taxable drugs which never impact negatively on users and their families either. Only the 10s of thousands of DEATHS they directly cause each year in many countries. Seems very clear to me that you either don't know this or simply choose to ignore this for whatever reason.

I will say again, they served 10 years in jail and reformed. They contributed a hell of a lot to the other inmates' betterment when they were inside. And it could be almost guaranteed that if they were granted clemency they'd continue to do good and spread an anti drug message from inside.

Simply executing them appeases nobody who actually understands just how much of a fallacy the drug laws are in most countries. Draconian sentences aren't a deterrent.

Fiair enough give these guys a bullet if they sit by school gates dishing it out to all and sundry. But they didn't and the trade of heroin in western countries simply doesn't work like that. educate yourself more about this issue. You need to.

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Disgusting conduct. These lads are reformed & they actually have a lot to give back to society be it in Indonesia or Australia, stuff to actually atone for their crime & continue to repay their debt. For any people to have spent almost 10 years in a hell hole prison & actually come out with their heads held high, only for them to be shot off literally. Makes me sick. Definitely would NEVER set foot in Indonesia now.

Drug war is a farce, causes so many more problems than the actual drugs themselves. So much sympathy for the 2 guys' families

Are you kidding me? Do you actually condone the fact that they were trying to smuggle 8,5kgs of heroin into Australia? At the time that was worth AUD4m. Their greed caught up with them. And just how have they reformed? He was a habitual druggie himself and he planned to make money - research it.

Plus they know the laws of Indonesia (and Malaysia) that drugs carry the death penalty - much like the slow death of the consumers of heroin and the total destruction of their family and social network.

Glad you now have no plans to go to Indonesia.

z42 is certainly a staunch defender of all alleged perpetrators of drug offences discussed on this forum whether large or small quantities.whistling.gif

Perhaps he will be bringing up his familiar argument soon that alcohol is a worse problem.

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Disgusting conduct. These lads are reformed & they actually have a lot to give back to society be it in Indonesia or Australia, stuff to actually atone for their crime & continue to repay their debt. For any people to have spent almost 10 years in a hell hole prison & actually come out with their heads held high, only for them to be shot off literally. Makes me sick. Definitely would NEVER set foot in Indonesia now.

Drug war is a farce, causes so many more problems than the actual drugs themselves. So much sympathy for the 2 guys' families

Are you kidding me? Do you actually condone the fact that they were trying to smuggle 8,5kgs of heroin into Australia? At the time that was worth AUD4m. Their greed caught up with them. And just how have they reformed? He was a habitual druggie himself and he planned to make money - research it.

Plus they know the laws of Indonesia (and Malaysia) that drugs carry the death penalty - much like the slow death of the consumers of heroin and the total destruction of their family and social network.

Glad you now have no plans to go to Indonesia.

No I don't condone it. But i've seen multiple documentaries about these 2 guys and have done a lot of reading about what they have set up to help other inmates inside the jail, many different types of activities designed to up skill who are incarcerated there. They work tirelessly at this & their chief warden even appeared at their clemency appeals and said they should be spared because they've reformed.

So that is a warden of significant experience saying they've reformed, not just me. You say he WAS a "druggie". Go and do some research yourself to see how he no longer is & how hard time fixed him, he could have just thrown in the towel and spiraled out of control inside, but he didn't, he chose a better outlet.

Greed and gross reckless stupidity certainly shouldn't be punishable by death imho. You might think differently, up to you. I certainly don't agree with you but hope you can enlighten yourself a little more to understand cause and effect, and how people can in fact change for the better. I hope you do go and research a little more closely before you reply again


Disgusting conduct. These lads are reformed & they actually have a lot to give back to society be it in Indonesia or Australia, stuff to actually atone for their crime & continue to repay their debt. For any people to have spent almost 10 years in a hell hole prison & actually come out with their heads held high, only for them to be shot off literally. Makes me sick. Definitely would NEVER set foot in Indonesia now.

Drug war is a farce, causes so many more problems than the actual drugs themselves. So much sympathy for the 2 guys' families

Are you kidding me? Do you actually condone the fact that they were trying to smuggle 8,5kgs of heroin into Australia? At the time that was worth AUD4m. Their greed caught up with them. And just how have they reformed? He was a habitual druggie himself and he planned to make money - research it.

Plus they know the laws of Indonesia (and Malaysia) that drugs carry the death penalty - much like the slow death of the consumers of heroin and the total destruction of their family and social network.

Glad you now have no plans to go to Indonesia.

z42 is certainly a staunch defender of all alleged perpetrators of drug offences discussed on this forum whether large or small quantities.whistling.gif

Perhaps he will be bringing up his familiar argument soon that alcohol is a worse problem.

I have already, and it is. The figures of dead, injured and aggrieved per capita and per country support the notion.

Only 1 with his head up his nether regions doesn't see this.

And unless you're going to disprove this and state the case that alcohol is super safe and doesn't affect anything or anyone negatively, then don't waste your time trolling again ta :)

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Death of these men is purely REVENGE, nothing will change, however the Indo prison system will have lost a valuable asset in these men who have done so much for their fellow prisoners. Their death alone is a crime.

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Disgusting conduct. These lads are reformed & they actually have a lot to give back to society be it in Indonesia or Australia, stuff to actually atone for their crime & continue to repay their debt. For any people to have spent almost 10 years in a hell hole prison & actually come out with their heads held high, only for them to be shot off literally. Makes me sick. Definitely would NEVER set foot in Indonesia now.

Drug war is a farce, causes so many more problems than the actual drugs themselves. So much sympathy for the 2 guys' families[/quote

Shoot all of these idiots who try to smuggle, or peddle drugs....

You must be as stupid as they are to write such rubbish.... Heads held high !!!

They should be bent over in shame for all the grief they have caused in the lives of decent young people who got sucked in to drugs ....

Indonesia will be a far better place when they exterminate the convicted drug smugglers.

  • Like 1

Disgusting conduct. These lads are reformed & they actually have a lot to give back to society be it in Indonesia or Australia, stuff to actually atone for their crime & continue to repay their debt. For any people to have spent almost 10 years in a hell hole prison & actually come out with their heads held high, only for them to be shot off literally. Makes me sick. Definitely would NEVER set foot in Indonesia now.

Drug war is a farce, causes so many more problems than the actual drugs themselves. So much sympathy for the 2 guys' families

Are you kidding me? Do you actually condone the fact that they were trying to smuggle 8,5kgs of heroin into Australia? At the time that was worth AUD4m. Their greed caught up with them. And just how have they reformed? He was a habitual druggie himself and he planned to make money - research it.

Plus they know the laws of Indonesia (and Malaysia) that drugs carry the death penalty - much like the slow death of the consumers of heroin and the total destruction of their family and social network.

Glad you now have no plans to go to Indonesia.

No I don't condone it. But i've seen multiple documentaries about these 2 guys and have done a lot of reading about what they have set up to help other inmates inside the jail, many different types of activities designed to up skill who are incarcerated there. They work tirelessly at this & their chief warden even appeared at their clemency appeals and said they should be spared because they've reformed.

So that is a warden of significant experience saying they've reformed, not just me. You say he WAS a "druggie". Go and do some research yourself to see how he no longer is & how hard time fixed him, he could have just thrown in the towel and spiraled out of control inside, but he didn't, he chose a better outlet.

Greed and gross reckless stupidity certainly shouldn't be punishable by death imho. You might think differently, up to you. I certainly don't agree with you but hope you can enlighten yourself a little more to understand cause and effect, and how people can in fact change for the better. I hope you do go and research a little more closely before you reply again

Death should only be for the absolute worst crimes and imo this is not one of those. I completely agree with your point of view z42.

So what do you think about folk who have died via these folks choice of occupation...?


The arguments anti or pro drugs, anti or pro death sentence are irrelevant.

The law in a sovereign country is the law that applies whether you agree with it or not.

Last time I was in Denpasar there was a very large sign, in English, clearly indicating drug trafficking can lead to a death sentence.

All the do gooder hang wringers come out in force now when the sentence is about to be carried out. They forget if the criminals hadn't been caught they would most likely have done it again and again importing misery and death into Australia.

These two might be showing remorse now as the time of their death draws nigh, but I can assure you if they hadn't been caught they would still be swaggering around in a city in Australia like some Soprano wannabe.

If it was'nt for the Australian Federal Police, they would have been picked up on arrival in Perth. The AFP has blood on their hands for getting the Indonesians to do their job for them..............utter bastards. Mudcrab has no idea what he is ranting on about.w00t.gif

The AFP did an awesome job, Kudos to them and a couple of the guys involved in this one were promoted too, excellent stuff and well done !

It would be good if they sold tickets to these executions.....we could take popcorn and cheer the snipers on.

Seriously mudcrab and co. have nailed this one, these two were rotten to the core, they're not reformed they're just trying to save their hinies. 10 years ago they were on the get rich scheme that would of almost certainly caused other deaths or at least an unimaginable amount of pain for others and tgeybdidnt give a hoot.

Time to take this scum down. Good riddance !

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My condolences to his family. They have also been punished.

They obviously failed to guide their children properly as these lads were up to no good not far from the nest.

No way in the world I would of done something like that....my father guided me and if I stepped outside boundaries I knew he'd be straight onto me and look out.......these little sods they didn't just wake up from everything perfect and jump into organising major drug hauls.

My condolences are to some of the people caught at the end of the needles, not all but some.


Today the Australian Parliament voted unanimously to condemn the Indonesian government for not showing mercy while they themselves canvas foreign countries on behalf of their own citizens on death row.

Not very often can the Australian politicians agree on anything but today they were 100% united on this issue!

Sadly they do not have the balls to excerpt real pressure on their corrupt neighbours to the North.

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