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Toppled Thai PM 'can't eat noodles' without our say: Prayut

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Even your deflection attemps are becoming feebler and more desperate-sounding...

From the OP

""If she wants to go to eat noodles then she can go but if we prohibit her then she cannot go," Prayut told reporters Thursday"

So, where's the report Ms. Yingluck was not allowed to go eat noodles? Where's the report she's being restricted apart from not being allowed out of the country at the moment?



Even your deflection attemps are becoming feebler and more desperate-sounding...

From the OP

""If she wants to go to eat noodles then she can go but if we prohibit her then she cannot go," Prayut told reporters Thursday"

So, where's the report Ms. Yingluck was not allowed to go eat noodles? Where's the report she's being restricted apart from not being allowed out of the country at the moment?

I don't know - where?



Even your deflection attemps are becoming feebler and more desperate-sounding...

From the OP

""If she wants to go to eat noodles then she can go but if we prohibit her then she cannot go," Prayut told reporters Thursday"

So, where's the report Ms. Yingluck was not allowed to go eat noodles? Where's the report she's being restricted apart from not being allowed out of the country at the moment?

I don't know - where?

Did you really write "Whoops! The backpedaling will be fun to read..." ?


I would have hoped he has learned his lesson by now and stop these metaphors.

Unfortunately I have to be subjected again to the wise opinions of the TVF members.coffee1.gif

Did you finally see the light ?


If Yingluck goes to prison it's logical to go after Thaksin next. Surely they can catch him or make a deal with the countries he resides in to capture him for them. They got Bin laden.

No, sure not, there is no civilized country in the world that would make a deal with a Junta, maybe China, but hard to say they are civilized.



Even your deflection attemps are becoming feebler and more desperate-sounding...

From the OP

""If she wants to go to eat noodles then she can go but if we prohibit her then she cannot go," Prayut told reporters Thursday"

So, where's the report Ms. Yingluck was not allowed to go eat noodles? Where's the report she's being restricted apart from not being allowed out of the country at the moment?

Who said there was one? blink.png

Are you that one-dimensional to not understand the implications of the Un-Elected PM's threat?

Or, just Trolling?


You just answered my question by reading your post above.


Implication of the elected PM's statement? I thought he just voiced what is in his powers under the Martial Law.

Still from reactions here I got the impression that indeed Ms. Yingluck went hungry. That would conflict a bit with the ever smiling image she gave even in a ghastly, colourful sweater. Did you see it ? It was a.o. on the 5PM News on channel 7.


He is single handedly making the former democratically elected PM into a martyr with these types of remarks.

Seems to me that the general would benefit from some sage counsel as this type of behaviour will only increase sympathy for the former PM.

In the Chula speech the USA Envoy already indicated the Prayut government had to work on perception.

Mind you seeing a smiling Ms. Yingluck on TV at the 5PM News on Channel7 my impression was she enjoyed the good life the last six months. Only that ghastly, colourful sweater. I doubt even the late Mick Ashton would have liked it


You guys speak like he has spoken in English. This is someones translation. Gee I wonder if it might be slanted a little to get some headlines. Suckers...

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Total egomaniac. Typical of little men in a position of power.

But you know what they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.



Even your deflection attemps are becoming feebler and more desperate-sounding...

From the OP

""If she wants to go to eat noodles then she can go but if we prohibit her then she cannot go," Prayut told reporters Thursday"

So, where's the report Ms. Yingluck was not allowed to go eat noodles? Where's the report she's being restricted apart from not being allowed out of the country at the moment?

I don't know - where?

Did you really write "Whoops! The backpedaling will be fun to read..." ?

Mister, you bluffed and were called. Stop your whining and move on. Tomorrow is another day.


I would have hoped he has learned his lesson by now and stop these metaphors.

Unfortunately I have to be subjected again to the wise opinions of the TVF members.coffee1.gif

Well if you were he for the period of time before the coup in 2006 you might understand.


Boy that's one hell of a headline .

How do you think the Americans and Europeans view such comments?

The Australians already have bans on the junta so their position is clear.

But no less than an armed force replacing democracy now cleverly boasting their control over an elected leader who is female and regarded kindly internationally and domestically?

She will have supporters rush to Bangkok to protest (if she does not make it into the American Embassy )

Precisely what the General wants to justify his extended stay in power.

It's clear to players ( including China ) democracy won't be returned in the short term.

The Americans appear to be cutting the Thais free to some extent.

And are focusing to other asian countries.

With so many coups its in the too hard basket.

With regard to the intensely personal leader , he appears to be moving even far right mouth pieces like the Nation into printing observations that don't mince words.

Clearly sanctions loom by years end if the political skies darken and YS is jailed, and no democracy returned.

China looks set to slowly make it presence felt and will frantically be making sure Thailand stays in its web.

In a way this might suit American policy in the region where expanded presence and rationale is concerned.

Certainly investors are quickly reconsidering commitments long term.

Smart westerners selling up, and tourism companies seeking out new beaches in safer countries to recommend .

It's really now no longer looking like Thailand will recover from this situation.

Words like the above will certainly make a female tourist resent the Pm who claims his power by force.

America might refuse to hand YS over should she walk into their embassy.

And if the Thais trespass then we all know what happens next.


There's a debate over the Thai and English versions of what was said and sometimes a bad translation can completely alter a meaning but for me , this time, it doesn't matter if he said " she can't eat without our say " or " if we prohibit she can't eat " as it all boils down to the exercise of complete power.

Remember we can't use the one word that covers all of this sort of thing.

You can call him a funny guy because he does. Clowns are funny also.

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"If she wants to go to eat noodles then she can go but if we prohibit her then she cannot go," Prayut told reporters Thursday, indicating the military would continue to monitor her movements.

Why would they do that? Do they think she might try skip the country?

Dickyknee sounds familiar mate


Today he will be quoted as saying that he was only joking and it was just his grest sense of humor that he was showing to the people.

The thing was it actually was kinda a joke .. Yingluck's people complained that they got stopped at a check point (and got checked) and they also complained that there were army and police guards at here house .. the comment was in reference to the fact that on TV straight after the complaint she was videoed by the press eating noodles ... hence the army don't need to keep an eye on her the press is already following her every move! Which she of course has absolutely no problem with!


"..If she wants to go to eat noodles then she can go but if we prohibit her then she cannot go," Prayut told reporters..."

And this is the man running Thailand...very scary!

  • Like 1

I don't know - where?

Did you really write "Whoops! The backpedaling will be fun to read..." ?

Mister, you bluffed and were called. Stop your whining and move on. Tomorrow is another day.

So does that mean you already can tell us what was said in Thai and how that correctly translates into English?

BTW from the short fragment on the News yesterday I got the impression that maybe Ms. Yingluck should restrict herself, eating less noodles.


Casualbiker. You keep thinking it was kind of a joke, bit I seriously doubt the man has once ounce of humor in him to even come close to trying to make a joke.

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All the general is saying, and remember that Thais speak obliquely, is that she had better watch her step as he has the POWER! He no doubt has access to information that neither the press or the public have access to and it is possible that he got wind of a possible flight to avoid prosecution my Ms Yingluck and that is why her convoy was stopped and searched for the very first time. The general has let her travel out of the country twice already so it's not like he has been hard on her in the past. Something must have changed for him to send this message.


Casualbiker. You keep thinking it was kind of a joke, bit I seriously doubt the man has once ounce of humor in him to even come close to trying to make a joke.

Well. That's entirely up to you.. ask a few Thais what they think. His humor is throw away comments, a bit sarcastic. But many Thais definitely think he has a sense of humor .. a lot is lost in translation!


Casualbiker. Ask any Thai why tuey were never colonized and they will probably tell you because of the strength of the people. I tend not to take much of what Thai's say very seriously considering they are brought up to lie and cheat. Bit that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it as you are your. Btw Happy Valentine's weekend everybody.

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