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NACC threatened with lawsuit for delay in 2010 crackdown case

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NACC Threatened With Lawsuit for Delay in 2010 Crackdown Case
By Khaosod English

A Redshirt demonstrator hides behind a pile of burning tires while he watches the movement of soldiers in Din Daeng district, 18 May 2010

BANGKOK — The brother of a volunteer medic killed in the 2010 crackdown on Redshirt protesters has vowed to file a lawsuit against Thailand’s national anti-graft agency for its slow progress in prosecuting those responsible for the violence.

Nattapat Akhart, whose sister Kamolkate Akhart was shot dead by soldiers during the military operation, has accused the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) of deliberately dragging its feet in prosecuting the Democrat Party politicians who authorized the crackdown.

"It's been almost five years since the crackdown in 2010, but there has been no progress at all," Nattapat said yesterday. "It is obvious that many civilians were killed by soldiers. It's not complicated like the corruption case of the rice-pledging scheme."

Nattapat was referring to the NACC’s prosecution of former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra for her alleged failure to stop corruption in her government's rice policy. Last month the agency presented the case to the junta’s interim parliament, which voted to impeach Yingluck and ban her from political office for five years.

Critics accuse the NACC of harboring political bias against Yingluck and other politicians allied to the Redshirt movement.

"Such discrimination by the NACC has made me decide to file a lawsuit," Nattapat said. He said he will accuse the agency of violating Section 157 of the Criminal Codes, the same dereliction of duty charge that the NACC filed against Yingluck.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1423735966&section=00

-- Khaosod English 2015-02-13


I thought relatives of the nurse already vowed to file lawsuits against about anyone but the Army and the Yingluck Government ? Twice a year or so.


What does that case have to do with the NACC? Aren't they the agency tasked with rooting out corruption?

Where is the corruption in removing gangs of armed vigilantes from the streets in 2010?

They have recently revived a case against the crackdown on unarmed protesters in 2008, but I believe that there was clearly corruption

involved in that case, as what other reason would the OAG have not to indict the accused, given the overwhelming evidence.

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I doubt this will amount to much such is the rule of law in Thailand

I thought this case had already gone to court?

Yes it did.

Abhisit wasn't charged by DSI and indicted until December 12, 2013. Suthep refused to attend the indictment hearing and it was only after the military escorted him to court on May 26, 2014 that he too was indicted but released on bail. There was no court action regarding Abhisit in the interim and he was out on bail.

On August 28, 2014 the Administrative Criminal Court dismissed the charges because Abhisit and Suthep "were holders of public office at the time and acting under an emergency decree." It ruled that the only court with the authority to consider the allegations was the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions. That means a prosecution request must come from the NACC.

A bigger question is why did the Administrative Criminal Court accept the case for consideration when clearly it had no jurisdiction? There was no matter of legal interpretation as the 2007 Constitution was very clear about how charges against government officials were handled. Obviously, in the interim NACC put most of its efforts to investigate Yingluck.

The biggest question is why the DSI pressured the OAG to lodge a charge of "premeditated murder as private persons" in the first place. The Criminal Court must have been somewhat confused about that as well, but with DSI and CAPO so sure and with even the army helping to bring Suthep to court, they did their best.

Obviously the plan to put pressure on Abhisit/Suthep backfired a wee bit. The NACC might even have been able to give the OAG the papers to charge Abhisit/Suthep in the Supreme Court for Political Office Holders with "abuse of power".

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First things first. The NACC had also no time yet to look into the airport occupation and need to persecute Yingluck and Somchai first. After all royalists blowing themselves up in taxis by their own bombs is due to election winners and a rice policy is only punishable by a long term prison term if it is done by others than democrat party members.


First things first. The NACC had also no time yet to look into the airport occupation and need to persecute Yingluck and Somchai first. After all royalists blowing themselves up in taxis by their own bombs is due to election winners and a rice policy is only punishable by a long term prison term if it is done by others than democrat party members.

Oh come on, try to stay a wee bit closer to the truth, will you?

The airport occupation in end of November / begin of December 2008 has seen PAD leaders charged, convicted, appeals and if I remember correctly Sondhi was refused bail while waiting for the final appeal to the highest court for such cases.

Abhisit/Suthep were charged with "premediated murder as private persons" with the DSI pressuring the OAG to bypass the Supreme Court for Political Office Holders. That may have been politically interesting to have more people accept a blanket amnesty bill, but it didn't work out.

BTW I doubt the relatives of victims of the 2010 terrorist activities in Bangkok have much support for Ms. Yingluck unless they like others here have conveniently forgotten about that blanket amnesty bill and what it would have meant for the topic we're discussing now.

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I thought relatives of the nurse already vowed to file lawsuits against about anyone but the Army and the Yingluck Government ? Twice a year or so.

The Bangkok Post at the time reported that was the case. Why, does it upset you that the relatives of those killed by the army should seek some kind of recourse to justice other than monetary?


I thought relatives of the nurse already vowed to file lawsuits against about anyone but the Army and the Yingluck Government ? Twice a year or so.

The Bangkok Post at the time reported that was the case. Why, does it upset you that the relatives of those killed by the army should seek some kind of recourse to justice other than monetary?

This may surprise you, but not all did even seek recourse in the form of money.

I'm just surprised that it seems a few times a year a vow is made to file a lawsuit and somehow that doesn't seem to happen. I mean if a lawsuit happened there would be no need for another lawsuit by the same people concerning the same deaths ?


I thought relatives of the nurse already vowed to file lawsuits against about anyone but the Army and the Yingluck Government ? Twice a year or so.

The Bangkok Post at the time reported that was the case. Why, does it upset you that the relatives of those killed by the army should seek some kind of recourse to justice other than monetary?

This may surprise you, but not all did even seek recourse in the form of money.

I'm just surprised that it seems a few times a year a vow is made to file a lawsuit and somehow that doesn't seem to happen. I mean if a lawsuit happened there would be no need for another lawsuit by the same people concerning the same deaths ?

This is all about responsibility. As an old Yes Minister script might have it;

This isn't a lawsuit against those responsible for the deaths, this a lawsuit against the people who are responsible for making sure that those responsible for the deaths are held responsible.

In other words the perpetrators are getting away with murder, literally, with the tacit consent of the supposedly neutral NACC. What else are grieving family members supposed to do, soak it up and look the other way? Does the fact that the family accepted compensation detract from their need for the truth? Or is the settling of political scores more important than peoples lives, or in this case, deaths?

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considering that ballistics have never proved who actually shot who its a bit rich. All the courts did was confirm the deaths were caused by army weapons which both sides were using, it has never shown who actually pulled the trigger. With red and black shirts both shooting the same weapons as the army how can they accuse any side until they actually match the bullets up to the weapons, until then it is simply guess work and innuendo on anyones part to say who actually shot who. The fact that tarrit never bothered to produce any evidence other than the stitch up for the result the ptp wanted to bail thaksin is to blame, if they had of actually done ballistic tests to show which weapons fired the actual rounds this wouldnt be happening but then it may have also implicated the ptp terrorists(reds/blacks) as the culprits and they did not want that as it would not have given them what they wanted and implicated the ptp.

This is far from over but it does need proper investigation and not just heresay, thats if they even bothered to keep the actual bullets involved.

wow, you guys are in la-la land, aren't you...

  • Like 1

considering that ballistics have never proved who actually shot who its a bit rich. All the courts did was confirm the deaths were caused by army weapons which both sides were using, it has never shown who actually pulled the trigger. With red and black shirts both shooting the same weapons as the army how can they accuse any side until they actually match the bullets up to the weapons, until then it is simply guess work and innuendo on anyones part to say who actually shot who. The fact that tarrit never bothered to produce any evidence other than the stitch up for the result the ptp wanted to bail thaksin is to blame, if they had of actually done ballistic tests to show which weapons fired the actual rounds this wouldnt be happening but then it may have also implicated the ptp terrorists(reds/blacks) as the culprits and they did not want that as it would not have given them what they wanted and implicated the ptp.

This is far from over but it does need proper investigation and not just heresay, thats if they even bothered to keep the actual bullets involved.

wow, you guys are in la-la land, aren't you...

Look in the mirror


There is no court in Thailand that would hold anyone responsible for shooting red shirts. Those who oppose the red shirt movement have immunity and can slaughter as they see fit as they did with great joy and enthusiasm in 2010. Who will prosecute the NACC members? Who will prosecute the political leaders and senior Army figures who ordered the murders of 2010? Who will prosecute the army snipers who mowed down their own civilians in the great tradition of the Thai military? They are part of the establishment and the establishment have made heroes out of the villains and murderers of 2010. There is no justice on the horizon here.

  • Like 1

I thought relatives of the nurse already vowed to file lawsuits against about anyone but the Army and the Yingluck Government ? Twice a year or so.

The Bangkok Post at the time reported that was the case. Why, does it upset you that the relatives of those killed by the army should seek some kind of recourse to justice other than monetary?

Can only speak for myself but armed people in the act of trying to overthrow a government who get shot by the Army. In my opinion their families do not deserve any thing. You pick up a gun to fight with and you deserve what you get. The people who were there supporting them are just as guilty. It is like any war. You are involved in it even if you are just the support. Which many of them were.


There is no court in Thailand that would hold anyone responsible for shooting red shirts. Those who oppose the red shirt movement have immunity and can slaughter as they see fit as they did with great joy and enthusiasm in 2010. Who will prosecute the NACC members? Who will prosecute the political leaders and senior Army figures who ordered the murders of 2010? Who will prosecute the army snipers who mowed down their own civilians in the great tradition of the Thai military? They are part of the establishment and the establishment have made heroes out of the villains and murderers of 2010. There is no justice on the horizon here.

I see you are new here. so I will tell you what happened. Thaksin Shinawatra a convicted criminal on the run from the law living in self imposed exile hired an army of scum to stage an armed attempted coup. When the coup army came to terms to end all the fighting Thaksin Shinawatra refused to accept it and insisted that they keep on fighting. To date Thaksin Shinawatra has not been brought to justice. Had he served his two year jail time and returned to the population and honest man none of the 2010 debacle would have happened.

On a side note he was convicted of his crimes while the parties he owned were in power.

  • Like 1

I thought relatives of the nurse already vowed to file lawsuits against about anyone but the Army and the Yingluck Government ? Twice a year or so.

The Bangkok Post at the time reported that was the case. Why, does it upset you that the relatives of those killed by the army should seek some kind of recourse to justice other than monetary?

This may surprise you, but not all did even seek recourse in the form of money.

I'm just surprised that it seems a few times a year a vow is made to file a lawsuit and somehow that doesn't seem to happen. I mean if a lawsuit happened there would be no need for another lawsuit by the same people concerning the same deaths ?

This is all about responsibility. As an old Yes Minister script might have it;

This isn't a lawsuit against those responsible for the deaths, this a lawsuit against the people who are responsible for making sure that those responsible for the deaths are held responsible.

In other words the perpetrators are getting away with murder, literally, with the tacit consent of the supposedly neutral NACC. What else are grieving family members supposed to do, soak it up and look the other way? Does the fact that the family accepted compensation detract from their need for the truth? Or is the settling of political scores more important than peoples lives, or in this case, deaths?

In other words you didn't see my "not all did even seek recourse in the form of money" when you questioned if it upset me that some sought recourse other than money? I didn't even write about families accepting money, although I could write that some only accepted when they were told that the document they had to sign only meant they couldn't sue the Yingluck government.

The rest of your post is the usual political claptrap. The NACC was obstructed by DSI and the Yingluck government. They seemed to need pressure on Abhisit/Suthep to get support for their blanket amnesty plan. They had no problem to grant amnesty to those responsible for deaths and some MPs even voted for their own amnesty.

The Abhisit government was attacked by terrorists who sneakily dropped grenades on non-red-shirts, came out in the dark to shoot at people. The army was given permission to shoot back and even to declare 'live fire zone' to keep terrorists at bay. No wonder the NACC has a problem to determine if this was simple 'abuse of power' or possibly 'unfortunate accesses due to circumstances'.

BTW the relatives of some of the deaths seemed happy with the idiotic charge of "premeditated murder as private persons" dropped at the Criminal Court. Even if that meant the wrong court was addressed with the wrong charge.


There is no court in Thailand that would hold anyone responsible for shooting red shirts. Those who oppose the red shirt movement have immunity and can slaughter as they see fit as they did with great joy and enthusiasm in 2010. Who will prosecute the NACC members? Who will prosecute the political leaders and senior Army figures who ordered the murders of 2010? Who will prosecute the army snipers who mowed down their own civilians in the great tradition of the Thai military? They are part of the establishment and the establishment have made heroes out of the villains and murderers of 2010. There is no justice on the horizon here.

Nice rant. Especially the 'snipers mowing down' is imaginative, as well as the 'great enthusiasm and joy".

So, who will prosecute the people involved in the shady Men-in-Black? The terrorists who came out in the night to kill. Those who dropped grenades on any non-red-shirt? Will the UDD leaders finally admit their existance?

BTW remember the Yingluck government tried to pressure Abhisit/Suthep with the DSI/OAG charge of "premediated murder as private persons" to get support for the blanket amnesty bill which would have seen all and any be absolved independent of whether they wanted or needed it ? Apart from 10s of thousands other cases of course, like Ms. Yingluck's own two years in office and big brothers last two and a half year in/out of office.


considering that ballistics have never proved who actually shot who its a bit rich. All the courts did was confirm the deaths were caused by army weapons which both sides were using, it has never shown who actually pulled the trigger. With red and black shirts both shooting the same weapons as the army how can they accuse any side until they actually match the bullets up to the weapons, until then it is simply guess work and innuendo on anyones part to say who actually shot who. The fact that tarrit never bothered to produce any evidence other than the stitch up for the result the ptp wanted to bail thaksin is to blame, if they had of actually done ballistic tests to show which weapons fired the actual rounds this wouldnt be happening but then it may have also implicated the ptp terrorists(reds/blacks) as the culprits and they did not want that as it would not have given them what they wanted and implicated the ptp.

This is far from over but it does need proper investigation and not just heresay, thats if they even bothered to keep the actual bullets involved.

wow, you guys are in la-la land, aren't you...

They ran into the bullets, remember? All 90 or so of themrolleyes.gif


There is no court in Thailand that would hold anyone responsible for shooting red shirts. Those who oppose the red shirt movement have immunity and can slaughter as they see fit as they did with great joy and enthusiasm in 2010. Who will prosecute the NACC members? Who will prosecute the political leaders and senior Army figures who ordered the murders of 2010? Who will prosecute the army snipers who mowed down their own civilians in the great tradition of the Thai military? They are part of the establishment and the establishment have made heroes out of the villains and murderers of 2010. There is no justice on the horizon here.

I see you are new here. so I will tell you what happened. Thaksin Shinawatra a convicted criminal on the run from the law living in self imposed exile hired an army of scum to stage an armed attempted coup. When the coup army came to terms to end all the fighting Thaksin Shinawatra refused to accept it and insisted that they keep on fighting. To date Thaksin Shinawatra has not been brought to justice. Had he served his two year jail time and returned to the population and honest man none of the 2010 debacle would have happened.

On a side note he was convicted of his crimes while the parties he owned were in power.

Oh, I'm sorry. I always thought it was the army that instigated the coups. So TS didn't win any elections? Thanks for pointing that one out. Those tanks on the street were sent by him were they? All these years I had it wrong and it was the army that won the election and Thaksin who sent in the soldiers? Well I never.

Army of scum? Hmmm. I think some of them may have been rather angry members of the electorate fed up at having their voting rights ignored.for, oh I dunno...about 70 years or so now.. The western (non Thai and non biased) journos reported things a certain way didn't they? But, hey...you know best, you know it all, so I bow down to your greater judgement.

and I hate sticking up for a worm like Thaksin...

  • Like 1

I thought relatives of the nurse already vowed to file lawsuits against about anyone but the Army and the Yingluck Government ? Twice a year or so.

The Bangkok Post at the time reported that was the case. Why, does it upset you that the relatives of those killed by the army should seek some kind of recourse to justice other than monetary?

Can only speak for myself but armed people in the act of trying to overthrow a government who get shot by the Army. In my opinion their families do not deserve any thing. You pick up a gun to fight with and you deserve what you get. The people who were there supporting them are just as guilty. It is like any war. You are involved in it even if you are just the support. Which many of them were.

The topic is about an unarmed nurse who was killed by shots fired from military weapons fired from the direction where the army had troops stationed while she was attempting to help injured people in a temple courtyard. Do you have an opinion on that?


There is no court in Thailand that would hold anyone responsible for shooting red shirts. Those who oppose the red shirt movement have immunity and can slaughter as they see fit as they did with great joy and enthusiasm in 2010. Who will prosecute the NACC members? Who will prosecute the political leaders and senior Army figures who ordered the murders of 2010? Who will prosecute the army snipers who mowed down their own civilians in the great tradition of the Thai military? They are part of the establishment and the establishment have made heroes out of the villains and murderers of 2010. There is no justice on the horizon here.

I see you are new here. so I will tell you what happened. Thaksin Shinawatra a convicted criminal on the run from the law living in self imposed exile hired an army of scum to stage an armed attempted coup. When the coup army came to terms to end all the fighting Thaksin Shinawatra refused to accept it and insisted that they keep on fighting. To date Thaksin Shinawatra has not been brought to justice. Had he served his two year jail time and returned to the population and honest man none of the 2010 debacle would have happened.

On a side note he was convicted of his crimes while the parties he owned were in power.

Oh, I'm sorry. I always thought it was the army that instigated the coups. So TS didn't win any elections? Thanks for pointing that one out. Those tanks on the street were sent by him were they? All these years I had it wrong and it was the army that won the election and Thaksin who sent in the soldiers? Well I never.

Army of scum? Hmmm. I think some of them may have been rather angry members of the electorate fed up at having their voting rights ignored.for, oh I dunno...about 70 years or so now.. The western (non Thai and non biased) journos reported things a certain way didn't they? But, hey...you know best, you know it all, so I bow down to your greater judgement.

and I hate sticking up for a worm like Thaksin...

So, the UDD didn't have armed militants and terrorists amongst them, helping them to terrorise the Bangkok population? Cowards creeping out of their hideouts in the night to shoot at non-red-shirts, lob a grenade or two?

Allegedly the almost reached agreement was interrupted as some shady criminal fugitive didn't think he got anything out of the deal. Even that last day the 19th of May, 2010 the army saw heavy gunfire and grenades against them. Surely peaceful protesters, not terrorists don't do that ?


There is no court in Thailand that would hold anyone responsible for shooting red shirts. Those who oppose the red shirt movement have immunity and can slaughter as they see fit as they did with great joy and enthusiasm in 2010. Who will prosecute the NACC members? Who will prosecute the political leaders and senior Army figures who ordered the murders of 2010? Who will prosecute the army snipers who mowed down their own civilians in the great tradition of the Thai military? They are part of the establishment and the establishment have made heroes out of the villains and murderers of 2010. There is no justice on the horizon here.

I see you are new here. so I will tell you what happened. Thaksin Shinawatra a convicted criminal on the run from the law living in self imposed exile hired an army of scum to stage an armed attempted coup. When the coup army came to terms to end all the fighting Thaksin Shinawatra refused to accept it and insisted that they keep on fighting. To date Thaksin Shinawatra has not been brought to justice. Had he served his two year jail time and returned to the population and honest man none of the 2010 debacle would have happened.

On a side note he was convicted of his crimes while the parties he owned were in power.

Oh, I'm sorry. I always thought it was the army that instigated the coups. So TS didn't win any elections? Thanks for pointing that one out. Those tanks on the street were sent by him were they? All these years I had it wrong and it was the army that won the election and Thaksin who sent in the soldiers? Well I never.

Army of scum? Hmmm. I think some of them may have been rather angry members of the electorate fed up at having their voting rights ignored.for, oh I dunno...about 70 years or so now.. The western (non Thai and non biased) journos reported things a certain way didn't they? But, hey...you know best, you know it all, so I bow down to your greater judgement.

and I hate sticking up for a worm like Thaksin...

So, the UDD didn't have armed militants and terrorists amongst them, helping them to terrorise the Bangkok population? Cowards creeping out of their hideouts in the night to shoot at non-red-shirts, lob a grenade or two?

Allegedly the almost reached agreement was interrupted as some shady criminal fugitive didn't think he got anything out of the deal. Even that last day the 19th of May, 2010 the army saw heavy gunfire and grenades against them. Surely peaceful protesters, not terrorists don't do that ?

Two things. And this is all I shall say to you:

1. Do a head count of the deaths (red vs yellow).

2. Elections should be held and the Thais should be able to vote for who they like. Even TS ( and I hope they wouldn't choose him, but it's not up to me). And to say the Thais are too uneducated to make that decision themselves is both patronising and fascist. I can think of no other reason as to why you would not let the Thai people choose their own leader for themselves. I assume you are not Thai, so who are you to tell them that they shouldn't have the vote? You are a disgrace and a fascist.

And I have nothing to do with such people.

Good day.

  • Like 2

I thought relatives of the nurse already vowed to file lawsuits against about anyone but the Army and the Yingluck Government ? Twice a year or so.

The Bangkok Post at the time reported that was the case. Why, does it upset you that the relatives of those killed by the army should seek some kind of recourse to justice other than monetary?

Can only speak for myself but armed people in the act of trying to overthrow a government who get shot by the Army. In my opinion their families do not deserve any thing. You pick up a gun to fight with and you deserve what you get. The people who were there supporting them are just as guilty. It is like any war. You are involved in it even if you are just the support. Which many of them were.

The topic is about an unarmed nurse who was killed by shots fired from military weapons fired from the direction where the army had troops stationed while she was attempting to help injured people in a temple courtyard. Do you have an opinion on that?

With the army still in fire fights with 'unknowns' who apart from shooting also lobbed grenades AND those 'unknowns' mingling with real peaceful protesters the army can only be recommended for the limited number of casualties.


I see you are new here. so I will tell you what happened. Thaksin Shinawatra a convicted criminal on the run from the law living in self imposed exile hired an army of scum to stage an armed attempted coup. When the coup army came to terms to end all the fighting Thaksin Shinawatra refused to accept it and insisted that they keep on fighting. To date Thaksin Shinawatra has not been brought to justice. Had he served his two year jail time and returned to the population and honest man none of the 2010 debacle would have happened.

On a side note he was convicted of his crimes while the parties he owned were in power.

Oh, I'm sorry. I always thought it was the army that instigated the coups. So TS didn't win any elections? Thanks for pointing that one out. Those tanks on the street were sent by him were they? All these years I had it wrong and it was the army that won the election and Thaksin who sent in the soldiers? Well I never.

Army of scum? Hmmm. I think some of them may have been rather angry members of the electorate fed up at having their voting rights ignored.for, oh I dunno...about 70 years or so now.. The western (non Thai and non biased) journos reported things a certain way didn't they? But, hey...you know best, you know it all, so I bow down to your greater judgement.

and I hate sticking up for a worm like Thaksin...

So, the UDD didn't have armed militants and terrorists amongst them, helping them to terrorise the Bangkok population? Cowards creeping out of their hideouts in the night to shoot at non-red-shirts, lob a grenade or two?

Allegedly the almost reached agreement was interrupted as some shady criminal fugitive didn't think he got anything out of the deal. Even that last day the 19th of May, 2010 the army saw heavy gunfire and grenades against them. Surely peaceful protesters, not terrorists don't do that ?

Two things. And this is all I shall say to you:

1. Do a head count of the deaths (red vs yellow).

2. Elections should be held and the Thais should be able to vote for who they like. Even TS ( and I hope they wouldn't choose him, but it's not up to me). And to say the Thais are too uneducated to make that decision themselves is both patronising and fascist. I can think of no other reason as to why you would not let the Thai people choose their own leader for themselves. I assume you are not Thai, so who are you to tell them that they shouldn't have the vote? You are a disgrace and a fascist.

And I have nothing to do with such people.

Good day.

In 2010 only red-shirts were involved. Since they 'allowed' militants to mingle and shoot at army or lob grenades it should be no surprise the army shot back. 93 deaths, about 17 or so non-red-shirts including army and police personel.

Elections have nothing to do with the 2010 chaos. Furthermore a criminal fugitive cannot participate in elections. The suggestion that Thai would still vote for said criminal only shows the poor state Thailand is in.

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There is no court in Thailand that would hold anyone responsible for shooting red shirts. Those who oppose the red shirt movement have immunity and can slaughter as they see fit as they did with great joy and enthusiasm in 2010. Who will prosecute the NACC members? Who will prosecute the political leaders and senior Army figures who ordered the murders of 2010? Who will prosecute the army snipers who mowed down their own civilians in the great tradition of the Thai military? They are part of the establishment and the establishment have made heroes out of the villains and murderers of 2010. There is no justice on the horizon here.

I see you are new here. so I will tell you what happened. Thaksin Shinawatra a convicted criminal on the run from the law living in self imposed exile hired an army of scum to stage an armed attempted coup. When the coup army came to terms to end all the fighting Thaksin Shinawatra refused to accept it and insisted that they keep on fighting. To date Thaksin Shinawatra has not been brought to justice. Had he served his two year jail time and returned to the population and honest man none of the 2010 debacle would have happened.

On a side note he was convicted of his crimes while the parties he owned were in power.

Oh, I'm sorry. I always thought it was the army that instigated the coups. So TS didn't win any elections? Thanks for pointing that one out. Those tanks on the street were sent by him were they? All these years I had it wrong and it was the army that won the election and Thaksin who sent in the soldiers? Well I never.

Army of scum? Hmmm. I think some of them may have been rather angry members of the electorate fed up at having their voting rights ignored.for, oh I dunno...about 70 years or so now.. The western (non Thai and non biased) journos reported things a certain way didn't they? But, hey...you know best, you know it all, so I bow down to your greater judgement.

and I hate sticking up for a worm like Thaksin...

So, the UDD didn't have armed militants and terrorists amongst them, helping them to terrorise the Bangkok population? Cowards creeping out of their hideouts in the night to shoot at non-red-shirts, lob a grenade or two?

Allegedly the almost reached agreement was interrupted as some shady criminal fugitive didn't think he got anything out of the deal. Even that last day the 19th of May, 2010 the army saw heavy gunfire and grenades against them. Surely peaceful protesters, not terrorists don't do that ?

"Allededly". Good word, you can post anything without substantiating evidence if you precede it with "allegedly". And if your post is sufficiently inflammatory it might detract attention from the facts that the Thaksin affiliate parties consistently came to power by winning elections and the coups consistently toppled governments with an electoral mandate.

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