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Retired with 1500usd month - recommended max. condo rent?


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The irony of trying to get cheap rent is that you often have to pay a lot more for electric, can't cook at home and end up spending more because you have to eat out all the time.

Having said that, it's all relative. You said you would like sea views, so I hope you are not thinking of renting in Pattaya or Phuket !!

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How does cooking at home save money if you only have one mouth to feed. Theres a reason thais eat on the street. Its so freaking cheap.

Terminal 21 food court. Rice and 2 side dish is 35 baht. Bring your own cup and use bathroom water and you eat for 35 baht.

You are related to Canarysun?

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Age & Insurance. I was 64 when I bought my CBR 250 and had no problem with 1st Class insurance. If I remember right, I paid a little more, but nothing outrageous.

What is your insurance? You say first class but it is not possible to buy one for your motorcycle only for cars. It would be interesting to know what kind of insurance you have and in what company.

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Just under 50k a month and single I would rent somewhere in the 10k range that has a kitchen so you can do a lot of home cooking. You will have lots of time on your hands and I would advise for your own health to take a pass on the street food and instead go to the local market gets lots of produce and cook for yourself. You don't want to be retired and lying on a bed in some shitty 4k/ month room, get something decent.

Maybe get a life might be a starting point.

This sounds more like an ending point.

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If you can't afford to put 800k in the bank to get a proper visa then I would be looking at Cambodia. Doing visa runs will get old and is dangerous.

There is no requirement to have money in the bank to get a visa for retirees. Instead, you can show that you have a monthly income equal to 800,000 baht per year.
I just go to my consulate and get a certificate on my pension from Sweden and I get my extension of one year.
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Just under 50k a month and single I would rent somewhere in the 10k range that has a kitchen so you can do a lot of home cooking. You will have lots of time on your hands and I would advise for your own health to take a pass on the street food and instead go to the local market gets lots of produce and cook for yourself. You don't want to be retired and lying on a bed in some shitty 4k/ month room, get something decent.

Maybe get a life might be a starting point.

This sounds more like an ending point.

That's exactly what he's trying to do, get a life here in Thailand and he can do it very well on his 48,000 baht / month.

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My one bed room apt works well for me. I live alone. TV, aircon I rarely use, little patio out back, good size shower/toilet. Apt watchman sits right outside my door every night. Smallish swimming pool as well.

No kitchen: I don't mind as it does get me out and about and as I mostly eat Thai food and I could hardly buy and prepare meals for what I can go out and have it served to me. A hot pot for coffee, Mama noodles from time to time. I enjoy my sandwiches when I can't be asked to go out.

No sea view but 1 Km from the beach.

All in including utilities and a good monthly cleaning is right at 6000 Bt.

Mate if it works for you - ok and enjoy..

Tell me though does your one bedroom apartment include another room?- call it what you will - a lounge, front room, sitting room, dining room or is it really just one room with a bed?

And if you like...reveal your age.

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If you can't afford to put 800k in the bank to get a proper visa then I would be looking at Cambodia. Doing visa runs will get old and is dangerous.

There is no requirement to have money in the bank to get a visa for retirees. Instead, you can show that you have a monthly income equal to 800,000 baht per year.
I just go to my consulate and get a certificate on my pension from Sweden and I get my extension of one year.

Ah the Scandinavian efficiency.

When the Krona drops relative to the baht...what then. The Swedish Government will tax the Muslims to support the Swedes overseas?

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I thought the minimum monthly money for retirement extension, age 50+, was about US$2000, or 65000 baht. Failing that, 800K baht in the bank.

True that USA Consulate does not vet USA citizens who claim enough income and do give affidavit to satisfy Thai govt but i have found that US$1500 is cutting life pretty thin here.

Good luck. I'm in a very decent, quiet, safe, clean room with all amenities needed for 4K baht/mo, + utilities at 500 b/month, in CM.

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In Thailand, or anywhere else, the rule of thumb is no more than 30% of your gross income for rent/mortgage AND utilities. Be careful with the latter, if you have just arrived from a cold country, and are running the air conditioner all the time. I have heard more than one report of some newly arrived farang getting his first rent notice, and discovering that he owes more for electricity than he does for rent.

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Yes I would look in the 10,000 baht range and try to negotiate down. maybe you can tell us were you want to live getting away from the tourists traps is much cheaper for rent and food. your everyday medical is really cheap out of pocket, Doctor visit for sore throat and meds 180 baht at Buraphy University Hospital . Allergy trip same place 140 baht.

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Financially, you are in a good position here (assuming you have health insurance). Prices haven't gone up that much for either rent or food from stalls, and if anything the internet is cheaper.

If it was me, I would locate in Pattaya. Cheaper, and the place itself has freebie options like the beach.

But I do see one hurdle: as far as I am aware you can't do back to back tourist visas for very long these days, and I am not sure you could get a retirement visa based on your pension alone. If you could show an additional sum in your Thai bank account of say 400,000 baht that might do the trick.

Other than that, if you are renting a basic room, you might be reliant on wi-fi from the apartment, and that is more miss than hit. If you could get your own hook up that would be better.

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I did the less than 25% and no room for negotiating in CM... there are not that many available this time of year (umm, where I wanted to live anyway). I went to one place had only 2 rooms left and the next day they only had the one...so I took a 6mo contract on it at 15,000. One bedroom 49 sqm, pool and free wifi... place is 3 years old.

That said, in hindsight, I should have stuck it out for a month to month at the old place and waited until April. A lot of places also required a 1 year and that scares me until i know the place is ok...so I payed up for the 6 mo.
I can move again in August if I want... and there will be 10 more condos building available by then... at the rate they are popping up.

And... I love my view, so I paid for that.

I may like moving every 6 months... good way to keep the possessions down to a minimum.

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Totally correct regarding medical issues. just stay off motor bikes - a busted knee, elbow can cost a fortune.

Check the visa requirements carefully. I wouldn't have though a tourist visa was the way to go. Others will have more experience here.

Good places in Chiang Mai for ฿10,000 but no beaches!

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this guys retired and he cant figure out how much he can afford in rent?

just checking if i read the question right

has he lived in thailand before? if not, he's flying right into bkk and getting a mediocre guest house or motel room. searching for a cheap decent apt in bkk is not easy first time over in my experience esp with the heat, not knowing your way around etc. even more unlikely he will go native right away anf find something decent.

more likely he will become stuck in a one room cell sweating and staring at the ceiling fan between bouts of drinking and bargirls.

there are always exceptions though :)

Edited by fey
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Your only place on your budget,is Pattaya.Just outside,You can get somewere for less than 5000 a month.You can walk to the beach for your exercise.Jomtien for your visa,s.I would forget about a motorbike.But you can get a good second hand one for 15000.At the beach,Ex pats and long stayers meet ,By central road.Very important to have someone to talk to,other than have to go a bar.Important to make some freinds in same position.You can still get a woman for an hour 500 baht in the afternoon,Its very important that you have a good medical insurance.Your home and insurance plus visa,s,Come first.Plus you need to put aside.The cost of flight and expences,If you have to go home,You can live in the sticks ,on your budget,very easily.But what is the point of beeing bored to death.Pattaya has everything.

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My budget is the same as yours exactly. I budget 4k monthly for rent. 1k for utilities. Rest is blown on women(including wife), food, and beer. lol.

As the millionaire said on his deathbed, "I spent my money on wine and women, and like a fool, I squandered the rest."


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My budget is the same as yours exactly. I budget 4k monthly for rent. 1k for utilities. Rest is blown on women(including wife), food, and beer. lol.

As the millionaire said on his deathbed, "I spent my money on wine and women, and like a fool, I squandered the rest."


Love it!

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Is the OP aware that he can't live full-time in Thailand on back-to-back tourist visas anymore?

I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure that loophole has been closed.

its pretty easy to do a circle in neighboring vountries 3 months each. flights around $100. thailand gets boring anyhow stuck in the ssme place longer then 3 months.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Don't think you can afford to spend more than 10,000 a month - but hope you also have savings and are not relying solely on 48k Thai Baht retirement. One medical issue and you are screwed.

Having a good worldwide medical insurance. Not relying on a Thai insurance! alt=biggrin.png>

Another issue. Is it wise for an elder man to be riding motosais. And then do thai insurance companies cover these (im not poloitically correct so tough weenies) nimrods.................hahahaha?

"And then do thai insurance companies cover these (im not poloitically [sic] correct ...}

I'm not sure what polo has to do with anything, but apparently "Not relying on Thai insurance" seems to be testing your reading skills.

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