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Thai Army closely monitoring UDD leaders

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Interesting as the Bangkok Post just wrote that on Wednesday Jatuporn told "a TV program" that if Ms. Yingluck is indeed prosecuted and imprisoned his red-shirts would literally stage a prison break.

Maybe the 'a TV program" was on "Peace TV", supporting a peaceful prison break ?

A self appointed leader talking about what "his" red shirted thugs would do - go and break the law. He's getting like Ernst Roehm - similar shape too.


For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. But its not happening. The junta needs more reaction. The UDD and Yingluck are not doing what the Generals want. They actually want her to flee.


"But many of them still did not gain enough understanding, he said, adding that it is the responsibility of the NCPO to try to make them to adjust their attitudes."

Next time, throw them into jail and I can guaranty you, they will adjust.

No good taking the soft approach with them.

yea Costas throw anyone not agreeing with your hero in jail

I mean it's YOUR country now right? no dissent allowed, to hell with freedoms and civil liberties why not change the name to Costaland

Costaland - sounds like a discount supermarket.

But better than Shinaland as Thaksin's clan would like.

Watching known terrorists and troublemakers is something most governments and their security services indulge in.

oh yes I had not thought of that lol

I am no Shin fan despite the attempts to besmirch anyone who is not a right winger ergo must be a Shin fan

freedom of speech is a basic human right and should be protected without 'attitude adjustment camps' which are more akin to North Korea than beautiful Thailand

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Army closely monitoring UDD leaders

Hey now, it' not about adjusting attitudes, or Jatuporn's rhetoric, or Yingluck's asylum rumours...no, it's because of Valentine's Day - just imagine "Thida the Tease" in red garters, what an enticement for inappropriateness...the monitoring is vital!
Upon reading "Thida the Tease" in red garters I had to take a nitro glycerin tablet for my heart.

yup, she's a heart breaker, that one!

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"But many of them still did not gain enough understanding, he said, adding that it is the responsibility of the NCPO to try to make them to adjuist their attitudes."

Prayuth, "I am not a dictator. ... It's not like I can order people."

Since sovereignty belongs to the Thai people and not to the NCPO, and no one can dictate Thai people, the UDD leaders should refuse to accept NCPO's "invitation" for attitude adjustment as their right under the 2007 Constitution and Articles 1-4 of the Interim Charter. It is not their obligation to listen to the NCPO, unless of course the Interm Charter is a sham and Thailand is not as the charter states - a constitutional monarchy - but an anarchy.


"But many of them still did not gain enough understanding, he said, adding that it is the responsibility of the NCPO to try to make them to adjust their attitudes."

Next time, throw them into jail and I can guaranty you, they will adjust.

No good taking the soft approach with them.

That's a very stupid comment


Yes, don't worry about the "Yellow Shirts" and the "Bangkok elite", because they are as clean as the pure driven snow. They can't do any wrong at all.

Grow up and get things in perspective. Why do red-shirt supporters always sound like whining schoolboys ?. Are you just jealous because you think the 'elite' have more money than you ?. Maybe moving to Bangkok, living in a shoebox, travelling for hours in traffic every day and doing an honest days work for their money is something you should try yourself. Because these are the real people inside your meaningless generalisation.

FYI, occupying an airport and government buildings does not compare in any way with firing grenades into crowds of innocent men, women and children.

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All these junta efforts for a short few months before election. Really worthwhile for the UDD leaders to lay low as victory next election is not far away.

Well tell them then. Tell Jatuporn a jail break can wait.

Anyway, the trial against Ms. Yingluck will start. Ms. Yingluck will get the chance to defend herself for the self-financing 700 billion Baht disaster. That's independent of elections.


As always, it's Jatuporn right out at the front with his fiery divisive antagonistic comments/calls to arms.

That one needs gagging.

I'm glad there are people brave enough to speak out as he does. Gagging free speech is why this country is in the mess it's in.


My conclusion about the UDD is that they are a bunch of primitives who in ancient times would roam the country and take everything they wanted at the end of a spear. They have no regard for other people or their rights and are the simplest form of personal greed. They would launch grenades into women and children if there was a few thousand baht in it.

Unfortunately this makes them a useful tool for Thai politicians. Maybe in the future they will be treated like the criminals they are and locked up as terrorists instead of being forgiven under this fake title 'reconcilliation' which actually means appeasement in Thailand. History has taught the rest of us that this never works. Whoever is 'appeased' always decides they want something else next.

I will never forget the mass cheering on the news of the protestors (including a young girl) being murdered by these people in Trat. Thai people should not either.

What a load of cods. I hope nobody ever confuses this English John for you, you gobsh1te.

Absolutely. The cheering by UDD supporters was a disgrace, and now to have the head UDD leader say 'his' red-shirts will carry out a prison break if Ms. Yingluck gets jailed while there still seem to be simple red-shirts lingering in jail is an even bigger disgrace.

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"But many of them still did not gain enough understanding, he said, adding that it is the responsibility of the NCPO to try to make them to adjuist their attitudes."

Prayuth, "I am not a dictator. ... It's not like I can order people."

Since sovereignty belongs to the Thai people and not to the NCPO, and no one can dictate Thai people, the UDD leaders should refuse to accept NCPO's "invitation" for attitude adjustment as their right under the 2007 Constitution and Articles 1-4 of the Interim Charter. It is not their obligation to listen to the NCPO, unless of course the Interm Charter is a sham and Thailand is not as the charter states - a constitutional monarchy - but an anarchy.

Forgotten about the Martial Law, did we ?


"But many of them still did not gain enough understanding, he said, adding that it is the responsibility of the NCPO to try to make them to adjust their attitudes."

Next time, throw them into jail and I can guaranty you, they will adjust.

No good taking the soft approach with them.

yea Costas throw anyone not agreeing with your hero in jail

I mean it's YOUR country now right? no dissent allowed, to hell with freedoms and civil liberties why not change the name to Costaland

Costaland - sounds like a discount supermarket.

But better than Shinaland as Thaksin's clan would like.

Watching known terrorists and troublemakers is something most governments and their security services indulge in.

Watching known terrorists...

can't help myself, ...

sometimes you sound like "Agent Smith"


All these junta efforts for a short few months before election. Really worthwhile for the UDD leaders to lay low as victory next election is not far away.

yeah, I don't know.

Elections soon? That is still an open question.

Even winning the elections is an open question - depends on how the junta / their pawns writing the constitution decide to allow the voting to be counted. It's clear that they are trying to figure out just how much bias they can work into the constitution.

And then no matter who wins, one of the back-ups of the current regime is to make certain the which ever "elected" government the Thai people choose, even if it is miraculously Abhisit, that government will be "controlled" and if necessary, replaceable...

With that in mind, I do not think that lay-low / appeasement will work for those opposed to the military and their masters.


All these junta efforts for a short few months before election. Really worthwhile for the UDD leaders to lay low as victory next election is not far away.

yeah, I don't know.

Elections soon? That is still an open question.

Even winning the elections is an open question - depends on how the junta / their pawns writing the constitution decide to allow the voting to be counted. It's clear that they are trying to figure out just how much bias they can work into the constitution.

And then no matter who wins, one of the back-ups of the current regime is to make certain the which ever "elected" government the Thai people choose, even if it is miraculously Abhisit, that government will be "controlled" and if necessary, replaceable...

With that in mind, I do not think that lay-low / appeasement will work for those opposed to the military and their masters.

Indeed with all brave talk it would seem lay low / appeasement isn't working for those opposed and their masters. Time to rouse the down trodden masses to come to the rescue of Amply Rich elite of their own kind.

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"But many of them still did not gain enough understanding, he said, adding that it is the responsibility of the NCPO to try to make them to adjust their attitudes."

Next time, throw them into jail and I can guaranty you, they will adjust.

No good taking the soft approach with them.

Nah. Let's just hack them to pieces and post parts of the bodies round to the four corners of the kingdom as a warning to others like they did in more enlightened times.

Dear oh dear...

I guess that is a similar dimension of blowing innocents to pieces with UDD bombs and only as recent as a year ago in the Shinawatra enlightened times.

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"But many of them still did not gain enough understanding, he said, adding that it is the responsibility of the NCPO to try to make them to adjuist their attitudes."

Prayuth, "I am not a dictator. ... It's not like I can order people."

Since sovereignty belongs to the Thai people and not to the NCPO, and no one can dictate Thai people, the UDD leaders should refuse to accept NCPO's "invitation" for attitude adjustment as their right under the 2007 Constitution and Articles 1-4 of the Interim Charter. It is not their obligation to listen to the NCPO, unless of course the Interm Charter is a sham and Thailand is not as the charter states - a constitutional monarchy - but an anarchy.

What a incredibly confused post. You should try reading beyond Article 4 of the Charter the same as the Shinawatra puppets lawyer failed to do, Try right up to at least Article 44.

Its incredible how many "democracy is elections only" people come on here spouting this completely irrelevant and very confused garbage completely ignoring the Thai Martial Law Act (Thai 2457) which is a legal statute that the Thai Army is entitled to act under, and has been following very well, and of course the current Interim Constitution signed off by His Most Royal and Honorable Highness as the head of state of guess what...a Constitutional Monarchy. Some people would do wise to read and understand Thai Laws before spouting of their lack of knowledge of Thai law or their own countries laws which have not an ounce of relevance to Thai governance.

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The crazy thing is that Thaksin and the red shirt leaders are not what the Thais need. They are, on the whole, a bunch of self serving, corrupt cowards who will 'lead from the rear'. The sad thing is that the junta's constant paranoia towards and harrassment of their officials makes them more popular. Imagine a military government telling you that you can't choose a certain party in you country anymore in elections?

It would make me want to vote them, purely on principle.

When you start saying who can and can't stand for election, democracy is dead. I think it is already dead in Thailand, sadly.

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