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buying land to help gain residency

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It looks like the OP is really asking 2 questions...They being does owning land help with obtaining residency (it doesnt) and how it mitigate risk. I think he has to decide whether he has found the right woman, if he has then go all in. He talks of marrying and having a child together, which is wonderful, but only if he is preparred to make a total commitment.

These forums are littered with comments from guys who clearly have been done over, and I feel for them, but not everyone has, and one has to retain a sense of optimism in taking the big steps of moving to Thailand and marrying a citizen.

Some comments on this thread have rightfully suggested that the 300,000 land purchase is only the beginning, as the house purchase and all that comes with it is sure to follow at far greater an expense.

In my opinion the OP has to make the decision if he believes in his partner or not. If he is worried about getting shafted, just dont buy anything. Rent and live a life without commitment.

If you are prepared to take the step , then there are ways to cover yourself in the event of the relationship failing. The best way being an Usufruct, which gives the house buyer complete use of the land it is bult on for his lifetime. it is a legal document and should be enough to split the assets fairly.

Im no expert, and maybe the cynics will ridicule me for this post, but i think you have to either make a total commitment or just be a bystander.

Stepping off the soap box now

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I have been in the relationship for 3 years now and she has visited the UK twice and has a visa to come again in April for 6 months so having spent 9 months a year together for 3 years I am experienced enough to know wether I feel secure with her and I do, in truth I have been had over by more UK gold diggers than anybody Thai.

I do not intend to make this our home merely buy the land and in a year or 2 build something suitable for her grandmother to live in and us to visit.

She doesn't even want me to do anything with the land until her grandmother stops looking after all her families children currently 4 of them aged 2-14 because she wants the home to be a retirement home for her grandmother and not a creche or doss house for relatives and having read many reports of problematic stories and as many of I have found a different one plus the what went wrong ones, we are all different I'm not a monger and don't like drinking all day, i love to work hard and rest a little plus I'm old enough to know better and been in enough relationships to know when it's over. I hear sniggers of disbelief and in truth who knows in 3,5,10 years where will be at but DO YOU ?? do any of us in any relationship?

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I have been in the relationship for 3 years now and she has visited the UK twice and has a visa to come again in April for 6 months so having spent 9 months a year together for 3 years I am experienced enough to know wether I feel secure with her and I do, in truth I have been had over by more UK gold diggers than anybody Thai.

I do not intend to make this our home merely buy the land and in a year or 2 build something suitable for her grandmother to live in and us to visit.

She doesn't even want me to do anything with the land until her grandmother stops looking after all her families children currently 4 of them aged 2-14 because she wants the home to be a retirement home for her grandmother and not a creche or doss house for relatives and having read many reports of problematic stories and as many of I have found a different one plus the what went wrong ones, we are all different I'm not a monger and don't like drinking all day, i love to work hard and rest a little plus I'm old enough to know better and been in enough relationships to know when it's over. I hear sniggers of disbelief and in truth who knows in 3,5,10 years where will be at but DO YOU ?? do any of us in any relationship?

Im with you mate, and am in a pretty similar situation with the noticable exception that I married mine.

Its all a judgement call, and clearly many have made the wrong one, and its very easy to do. I lost half my lifetime assets being married to an English woman, so how much worse can it be this time ? I went through the bitter and twisted route for a few years afterwards, and have picked myself up, dusted myself off, and after following a few dark and wholly inappropriate trips to the darkside found myself with someone who I am prepared to make a commitment to. Its liberating. If it ends in tears, so be it.

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My partner has told me today she doesn't want to build for a year or maybe 2-3 and given me the chanoot to take to the UK

Unless you have a legal reason to hold on a chanote (guarantee for a registered loan, etc), it's irrelevant that you posses the physical title. The owner would report the loss and get a duplicate at the Land office.

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My partner has told me today she doesn't want to build for a year or maybe 2-3 and given me the chanoot to take to the UK

Unless you have a legal reason to hold on a chanote (guarantee for a registered loan, etc), it's irrelevant that you posses the physical title. The owner would report the loss and get a duplicate at the Land office.

ok thank you but i can't see it being an issue in this instance for reasons stated previously but i will keep this post updated

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ok thank you but i can't see it being an issue in this instance for reasons stated previously but i will keep this post updated

I did not meant to influence with your decisions. I mentioned a simple fact that applies to all and any situation.

However I've seen that often people can be deceived and manipulated by well crafted words or acts.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Op

I agree with everyone in small ways, firstly is this parcel of land in your g/f family village if yes, everyone know's and your committed to buy it, so the family will keep good face, do your self a favour tell everyone your buying land somewhere else ,you will show them good face and strength don't be court up with that family shit, you will then have the leisure to build when how and what you both want, or rent and save a few bucks or put a shack on your block and fence your property off, that's what I would do. infact that's what I did, it really brought us together as one, keep in mind you will never own the land or structures apon it, don't waste time and money on lawyers and this 50/50 bullshit a partnership or marriage if you don't trust her for this reason why bother being together at all, material items mean nothing and one should not consider trying to obtain or prove otherwise. Mate you found each other you love each other focus on that. Take your time my friend. Idid.

What I have is a Elite Card yes good for 5 years, me and the missus travels in and out of Thailand constantly it works well for me,im not interested a business here or the retirement bullshit stuck in one place, I meet my wife here many years ago, the best thing that ever happen to me,she's 50 this year and still has nice tit's.

Also keep in mind long term you may have a few bucks now, but it will not last long. Good luck.

Well that's my two bobs worth

Ozzy Harry

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