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Harsher penalties for sex with underage and corpse

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I wonder why it is an offense to have sex with a corpse. It's not harming anybody and the corpse is going to be traumatized for the rest of its life is it. I know it is taboo, and distasteful to most people, but why is it criminal as there is no victim?

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The offence applies to any sexual act committed with genitals or any object done to the corpse’s genitals, anus and mouth.

Waaaay toooo much information!


And of course, there's one group off the charts: the rich and powerful influential elite. If you have money, all you need is a little attitude adjustment and a slap on the wrist and a small rug to pay under the carpet...

oh these resentful plebs !


It's so sweet to have this topic next to the advert "Dating Premium Thai Girls" with a picture of a lady who looks like she is 14 at most...

this forum obviously supports that kind of thing



"In such case, the court may grant leniency for lesser punishment and allow a marriage after serving the sentence."

So nothing changes there, right? If a dirtbag rapes a youngish girl, he will be treated more leniently by the court if he can get the girl to agree to marry him? I recall instances of this happening before. To avoid a lengthy jail sentence (or any jail time at all), a suspect uses threats and bribery to get the girl's parents to agree to her marrying him. My memory is a bit vague on this, so maybe someone else can remember.

No you are right nothing changed there, that's been happening all around Thailand since the age of time, it's a face saving thing


I wonder why it is an offense to have sex with a corpse. It's not harming anybody and the corpse is going to be traumatized for the rest of its life is it. I know it is taboo, and distasteful to most people, but why is it criminal as there is no victim?

The same reason as it would be to eat the corpse, it is illegal, so therefor it is criminal, regardless



"In such case, the court may grant leniency for lesser punishment and allow a marriage after serving the sentence."

So nothing changes there, right? If a dirtbag rapes a youngish girl, he will be treated more leniently by the court if he can get the girl to agree to marry him? I recall instances of this happening before. To avoid a lengthy jail sentence (or any jail time at all), a suspect uses threats and bribery to get the girl's parents to agree to her marrying him. My memory is a bit vague on this, so maybe someone else can remember.

I believe this is only in the case that the offender is under the age of 18. I think this is a reasonable attempt to deal with the (hopefully rare) case of high school kids where a 16 yo boy gets a 14 yo girl pregnant, or something along those lines. It certainly would not make sense to treat that 16 yo boy the same way you would treat a 40 yo man.


Obviously necrophilia is a problem in Thailand - or else there would be no need for harsher penalties - which is alarming. So exactly who is committing necrophilia? In the West necrophilia is almost entirely committed in morgues & funeral homes - they're the only one's with access to the dead. But here in LOS?

The only one that have met was an inmate in a NSW prison in the late 1980's. Originally charged with murder and necrophilia but the only charge that he was found guilty of was the necrophilia after successfully defending himself by claiming the he had found the woman floating at the edge of the parammat River in Sydney. According to the court documents she had been dead for 2 weeks. He got a bit upset when I asked him what his problem was with chatting up girls and foreplay.


And of course, there's one group off the charts: the rich and powerful influential elite. If you have money, all you need is a little attitude adjustment and a slap on the wrist and a small rug to pay under the carpet...


is that the same as the uk, with Jimmy Saville and Maggie Thatcher????, and no doubt a few politicions too

Erm, no. The recent finding s of some older celebrities committing terrible acts in their past has resulted in lots of people going to jail.. Doesn't matter how much money they have. People in the UK are revolted by people like this and their bank balance plays no part in buying them respect or face,, basically they are the lowest scum on the earth by any decent persons standards.

I read this about underage sex and sex with corpses and I dont see why they have to keep attaching money to the sentencing. its almost like saying "if you can afford it you dont have to do the jail time". This kind of crime is sick and money should play no part, just prison sentencing for the guilty as they need to be off the streets.


How do I check if the corpse is underage or not?

If it smells a bit ripe, you know the corpse is passed it`s sell by date.

If the police decided to arrest every guy that had sex with girls under the age of 15, than 80% of the men in our local community would be jailed.

One of my neighbor`s 13 year old daughter is already living with her 29 year old boyfriend in her parents house with the blessing of her parents. One 12 year old child and 3 13 year old girls are already pregnant that we know of, last year a 14 year old girl had a wedding ceremony, unofficially married to her 18 year old boyfriend and she was pregnant at the time, to mention just a few.

In many of the rural areas it is still the tradition for men to take on so-called child brides, girls as young as 12 years old. Although this may seem a terrible state of affairs to us, in some aspects of Thai culture this practice is still acceptable and has been going on for probably thousands of years.

If the Thai authorities are trying to stamp out this practice of sexual relationships between men and legally underage girls or the child bride syndromes, they are going to have a difficult task changing the habits that have gone on for generations.


I wonder why it is an offense to have sex with a corpse. It's not harming anybody and the corpse is going to be traumatized for the rest of its life is it. I know it is taboo, and distasteful to most people, but why is it criminal as there is no victim?

In a sense you're right. Besides, in Thailand the vast majority of corpses are eventually cremated (and usually very quickly, within days after death), not buried like they are in Muslim countries or traditionally in most western countries. So what happens to a body after death, even if it's distasteful and sickening kinda doesn't matter if it will be burned anyway.

Having said that, of course it's sickening, disrespectful and very much taboo, but as far as being criminal is concerned, it takes a family member or relative to make a complaint first before it can be considered a criminal offence, although I can see that having sex with a corpse could be considered to be desecration of a body and therefore criminal. However, I highly doubt very many people would engage in such acts to begin with, to even need to mention the possible punishment should one be caught?!

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