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Video purports to show IS militants beheading hostages


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I do agree that Washington is "somewhat" on top of this domestically but Europe and Australia aren't. They are still in a PC fog. They are still allowing mass immigration. For cripe's sake, France is 20% Muslim. These immigrants are outbreeding the traditional inhabitants by a wide margin and in 30 years... ??

Something has to reverse this. The "militarization of police" has started in Europe and will continue, but it's still only reactionary. The terrorists strike and they are hunted down, only to leave gawd knows how many on the loose.

The US is in a slightly better position because the numbers are fewer, the government is watching, and frankly, the citizens themselves are armed. Put another way, those punks aren't going to succeed in my neighborhood. End of.

Europe is in danger, the danger is increasing, and I don't see anything being done about it as a proactive measure.

Posts removed to premit response.

Sorry, but you keep making inaccurate claims concerning populations and lack of forthright action by some governments. e.g. I currently reside in Australia and your claims concerning the governments' lack of action and immigration policy are false. Another example; it is accepted that currently the French Muslim population is estimated at less than 10%.

Pew is is usually an acceptable source of info and their research claims the Muslim birth rates in most countries has dramtically reduced due to a number of factors. The more rabid claims the Muslims will be in the majority in some European countries in the coming 20 / 50 years are nonsense.


That would be why the number 1 name in the UK 2014 was................


Not bad going for approx. 10% of the population.

Of course this is the official figure. The fact of the matter is, the UK Government has no idea how many people are in the UK.

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The west needs to wake up pretty smartish to the fact that IS has declared war on the west and seeks to destroy us.

We are well aware of IS, who they are and what they are about, what they are after, what they want, how they mean to get it, why.

We all are well aware.

Which is why we are determined to obliterate IS, to destroy them, to annihilate IS, to be unrelenting to kill 'em and to be intelligent and profession about going about it and in accomplishing it.

IS is as bad as any enemy of civilization in modern history and in all of history, if not actually worse than the historic worst in many ways. Even Hitler did not broadcast his crimes against humanity; neither did Tojo and the high command over there.

We are on these guys and they are going to get sent to kingdom come.

Nice dream you have there. Jihad is among us in our own Western countries. Islamists have immigrated and are outbreeding the native populations of the West and especially Europe.

Name for me one country that is active in ridding itself of this danger. No, each country will only respond to an attack, and only to the actual perp(s) at that time.

You don't win a war by only reacting.

This is exactly what Washington has been saying about IS from the start.

Washington has been aware of IS from before this operation began. The Arab capitals have known about it besides, perhaps sooner which is why a number of 'em have become involved in the coalition, which I heard today Turkey is thinking it too has to join with some more of other Arab governments soon to follow (Turkey is not Arab, I know, I know...get a grip youse guys).

All of us are well aware Washington has always said it only takes only one terrorist to succeed one time whereas the government has to be successful and effective 100% of the time. That's of little consolation but it is the reality. Take some confort in the fact It is more probable you or your family will be hit by lightening than by a terrorist attack.

Christ on a bike, you know the US has been highly successful in fending these things off from both foreign and domestic bases.

Is our infrastructure ready? Somewhat. Are first responders in the communities ready? Quite. Is the Pentagon's Continental Command (USA Homeland Defense) ready? Entirely. Etc.

That is just all I can really say to you about that because while nothing is assured, that would also mean we are not doomed nor are we about to become extinguished.

If you people insist on being hysterical because you have convinced yourselves the entire country is asleep and only your people know anything, or that only your people care -- only you people -- then go ahead and run up and down the hills while howling at the moon on this one too

I do agree that Washington is "somewhat" on top of this domestically but Europe and Australia aren't. They are still in a PC fog. They are still allowing mass immigration. For cripe's sake, France is 20% Muslim. These immigrants are outbreeding the traditional inhabitants by a wide margin and in 30 years... ??

Something has to reverse this. The "militarization of police" has started in Europe and will continue, but it's still only reactionary. The terrorists strike and they are hunted down, only to leave gawd knows how many on the loose.

The US is in a slightly better position because the numbers are fewer, the government is watching, and frankly, the citizens themselves are armed. Put another way, those punks aren't going to succeed in my neighborhood. End of.

Europe is in danger, the danger is increasing, and I don't see anything being done about it as a proactive measure.

You say it won't happen in your neighbourhood but it already is. There's people dying virtually everyday in your 'neighbourhood' but I never read how you ended it with your hip shooter.

Again, your failing to recognise the difference between paper targets/small game and armed perps. It would seem most of your 'mates' are the same as the crimes don't stop over there.

There's only a small difference between nutter extremists and the other killers around you. People with guns are dangerous, especially when their minds seem skewed.
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I do agree that Washington is "somewhat" on top of this domestically but Europe and Australia aren't. They are still in a PC fog. They are still allowing mass immigration. For cripe's sake, France is 20% Muslim. These immigrants are outbreeding the traditional inhabitants by a wide margin and in 30 years... ??

Something has to reverse this. The "militarization of police" has started in Europe and will continue, but it's still only reactionary. The terrorists strike and they are hunted down, only to leave gawd knows how many on the loose.

The US is in a slightly better position because the numbers are fewer, the government is watching, and frankly, the citizens themselves are armed. Put another way, those punks aren't going to succeed in my neighborhood. End of.

Europe is in danger, the danger is increasing, and I don't see anything being done about it as a proactive measure.

Posts removed to premit response.

Sorry, but you keep making inaccurate claims concerning populations and lack of forthright action by some governments. e.g. I currently reside in Australia and your claims concerning the governments' lack of action and immigration policy are false. Another example; it is accepted that currently the French Muslim population is estimated at less than 10%.

Pew is is usually an acceptable source of info and their research claims the Muslim birth rates in most countries has dramtically reduced due to a number of factors. The more rabid claims the Muslims will be in the majority in some European countries in the coming 20 / 50 years are nonsense.


That would be why the number 1 name in the UK 2014 was................


Not bad going for approx. 10% of the population.

Of course this is the official figure. The fact of the matter is, the UK Government has no idea how many people are in the UK.

Off topic:

The spin by some elements in UK media on this particular issue was debunked.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Well that's Egypt firmly in the fray now, not a good move by ISIS as they are the 3rd largest force in the area.

Do you really think the muslim Egyptian army is going to risk spilling a drop of blood for some dead Chrsitians?

They have started already, plenty of blood I would guess hitting training camps

Egypt says it has bombed Islamic State targets in Libya, hours after the group published video showing the apparent beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians.

State TV said the dawn strikes had targeted camps, training sites and weapons storage areas.

Libyan officials said Egypt had hit targets in the militant-held city of Derna in co-ordination with Libya.


I got that one wrong and I admit it. The west should take note of the quick response both by Jordan and Egypt.

The West is heading the current military efforts against IS in Iraq and Syria. With all due respect to Egypt and Jordan, their actions are not unique nor amount to more than a drop in the bucket compared with USA and Western allies actions to date.

Other than seeking to play a somewhat larger role (still negligible compared with Western efforts) in the Coalition's air campaign against IS, Jordan have done precious little as far as domestic issues go, not to mention ground troops involvement.

Egypt been having its own troubles with IS on a local level (mostly in the Sinai peninsula), the current air raid is on another front.

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"These cowardly actions will not undermine our determination" said el-Sissi, who also banned all travel to Libya by Egyptian citizens and said his government reserves the right to seek retaliation. "Egypt and the whole world are in a fierce battle with extremist groups carrying extremist ideology and sharing the same goals."

Egypt has the strongest military in Africa and the Middle East (other than nukes.) It's also predominately Muslim. Let's see if it puts its money where its mouth is.


That's without considering that Egypt is already engaged in a struggle with IS related organizations in the Sinai Peninsula.

Is this a couple of "show for the West" strikes like Jordan did, or is Egypt all in for a war?

Jordan's actions were not a "show for the West", if anything, they were a show for the home crowd. Additionally, Jordan does not posses enough resources to play a central role in the Coalition's attacks. Without increased USA support (which I believe was indeed authorized) there is no way they can keep this up.

Egypt's already fighting a war against Islamic terrorism in the Sinai Peninsula, they got nothing to prove to anyone. Been at it for a while now. The Libya raid means a new front open, and again, Egypt cannot possibly sustain intense air operations with its current resources. Whether or not the USA can stomach the lose of face and re-build ties is a good question.

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That's without considering that Egypt is already engaged in a struggle with IS related organizations in the Sinai Peninsula.

Is this a couple of "show for the West" strikes like Jordan did, or is Egypt all in for a war?

Jordan's actions were not a "show for the West", if anything, they were a show for the home crowd. Additionally, Jordan does not posses enough resources to play a central role in the Coalition's attacks. Without increased USA support (which I believe was indeed authorized) there is no way they can keep this up.

Egypt's already fighting a war against Islamic terrorism in the Sinai Peninsula, they got nothing to prove to anyone. Been at it for a while now. The Libya raid means a new front open, and again, Egypt cannot possibly sustain intense air operations with its current resources. Whether or not the USA can stomach the lose of face and re-build ties is a good question.

But didn't an earlier poster show a military force snapshot showing Egypt has 1100 war planes ? I would say that's enough to take out a band of knife wielding rapist thugs !

Having 1100 war planes is meaningless if most of them are old, in bad maintenance, and lack qualified pilots (just a few examples). Fuel costs a bunch, ordnance costs a bunch. Running a single raid is one thing, keeping up a sustained effort is quite another.

Egypt is already running operations on its other front for a while now - it takes its toll on resources, and fighting asymmetrical wars is usually not as quick and conclusive as some imagine. Not a simple matter of comparing inventory lists and the biggest dog automatically wins.

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Jihadist militants from Islamic State (IS) have burned to death 45 people in the western Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi, the local police chief says.

Exactly who these people were and why they were killed is not clear, but Col Qasim al-Obeidi said he believed some were members of the security forces.


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ISIS has now become a marketing brand, a Franchise brand name, it is a successful brand name in that part of the world, let's try it here.

The leaders of IS are all different, the Syrian + Iraq IS leaders are not in control of a bit of Libyan desert, they have enough troubles of their own, but a second front has copied their Brand name.

Capitalism at its best.

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As a Black Christian I can not believe all Christian including myself are during nothing.

And most Christians are worrying about the Palestine's who will love to cut off our Christians heads also

I wonder is it the Alcoholic that we drink that makes us stupid


All this fear and loathing. Bernays would be proud.

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Thank God for ISIS, it is a fantastic recruiting tool for those that live in the European Union of make believe, watch our leaders of Europe so powerless to stop the rot. So this makes Europe citizens insecure, and they want to leave the EU and take things back into their own hands.

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The prize is Syria. Next Iran.

Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria - all of them mostly a pile of rubble now riddled with Islamists and suicidal for westerners to set foot in.

Not exactly fertile stable ground areas to be presented to as cleverly won prizes to anyone, I would suggest.

Iran is being approached diplomatically by the United States, increasingly.

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