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I wanted to ask if anything has had this before and can share some experiences or tips? This was the first time ever for me. I was on some meds for stomach acid and finishing course of antibiotics. Went to the gym after a long break. I usually am quite active, play basketball 1-2 times a week. Walk a lot, jog at times. Anyway I was in the gym doing super sets. At one point one of my arm gave up but it was fine after a few minutes. Just one of those times it was too much weight.

Next day in pain (DOMS) Second day a lot of pain in right biceps left too but not so much. Bruises on right biceps started showing up. Chest muscles started to hurt as well but not too bad. I couldn't bend my arm properly it was in 120% angle max. Trying to go further would be agony. Had trouble sleeping. Tried stretching through pain. NExt day went for a holiday to another provinces had a few beers. Came back home and another 2 days later once pain started to subside a little bit. I felt very thirsty, nauseous and my pee started to get darker. Went to the doc my liver AST was 1300 ALT 700, doctor brushed off my complains about exercise and sent me home. That day my daughter got ill and I took her to another city to admit in the hospital in CR. I decided to try again doctor also brushed me off, but decided to admit me liver test in the evening was ALT 900 AST 1700.

Waited for specialists in the morning 3 doctors looked at me until one finally noticed my complain about muscle pain and done CPK blood test which in normal range is 50-150 mine was 98,100!!! He was surprised I looked normal, ate good and walked around. After 4 days on IV fluid I got discharged when my CPK dropped to 1600 and liver test also dropped.

The funny bit of this story is I felt better in the hospital with High CPK than I do now. I get random pains in body at random times, cramps or random muscle spasms, headaches or nausea. Yesterday I had a cramp in my shoulder muscle and now it is really painful and sore. Overall you could describe pain as being what you get when you have fever, which I don't have. Energy is diminished very quickly and dizzy spells come at time. There have been good days specially when I sleep a lot.

Doctor said it will take a week to recover which I say is a BS, it has been more than a week already and I'm not feeling normal at all. They could not give any answers at all, only about how dangerous it is and how to treat it, that's all. Refused to do MRI scan since treatment was helping.

If anyone had experience with this please let me know. PS I did not develop kidney issues, only thing that changed I now seems to have tachycardia which means I have a higher than normal resting heart rate.


Feeling better in hospital with elevated CPK is probably more related to adequate hydration while on IV fluids. It is critical after such an episode to maintain very high levels of hydration through water and electrolyte intake. MRI will probably not show anything as this is associated with non-specific muscle breakdown during the extreme exercise.

Difficult to estimate how quickly this will be over but one week may be a bit optimistic. It will probably gradually get better over the next few weeks.

Follow up tests for liver and kidney functions, including just a dipstick test for proteins in the urine is appropriate.

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Yes. Recently I had a really bad bout of diarhea doc prescribed me norfloxacin god almighty I stopped after only 3 doses because all joints in my arms started hurting like hell some even had bruising after cracking sounds. So far 4 days off them and not any better.

FBN do you know what supplements help with muscle cramp or shakes? Magnesium?


Joint pains are a relatively common side effect of this group of antibiotics; could cause growth abnormalities if taken by growing children.

Magnesium on its own will probably not be sufficient; hydration with a balanced electrolyte solution will be better.

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