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I'm confronted with the following situation, maybe a lot of you are having the same problem:

We are living in a nice area which is not a gated community though. And while we are animal lovers ourselves, we are woken up several times at night by all the dogs of all the neighbours starting to bark whenever somebody is walking his dog or a motorbike passes by. Several neighbours have already moved in to a house in the soi and moved out a couple of months later because of sleeping problems.

I know that the main reason is because the neighbour's dogs are not trained, but then again, you try to explain that to all of the neighbours...

A dog barking during the day does not annoy me at all and a few barks at night will not get me out of my sleep, it's only the continuous barking of sometimes 10 minutes to about an hour that has us waking up at least 4 times every night.

It's come to a situation where it is almost impossible to live in this house, but we've got the contract going for another 9 months so I guess you see the problem.

I've done some research and found several us websites that can offer dog deterrent. From the simple ones (always on) which I don't like because it's not good for the dogs and has an adverse effect, to the ones that only emit a sound (not audible to humans) whenever a dog is barking for more then let's say 15 seconds. My idea is to hook this up to a timer so it only takes effect from midnight till 5 or 6am.

Does anybody know where we can buy some of these? I've heard of an american expat who brought some over from his home country and even the Thai neighbours like the quite nights now :-).

When a dog is really scared or in distress, he will still bark whatsoever, so it's not at all that all of a sudden they don't have any protection anymore because their guard dog isn't performing. In fact it just cuts down on 'nighttime canine communication' which exist because their lack of respect and love to their animals during the daytime. So when installing the box the dogs will still bark, but it will be during the day.

Anybody can help a lot of expats over here out on this one? Maybe even a whole new line of business ;-)? (Don't forget to cut me a slice of the pie :-D) 555



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Hmmm this is s post that requires a serious reply , as I am in idiotic/pedantic/keep my post count up mood I am afraid I cannot help you sir.... :o


serious reply???...fukc it. Just get some industrial strength strychnine and some bones from the local butcher and do the necessary. If the neighbors cant shut their dogs up then you haveta. Cats can be noisy as well but are much better behaved.


As I read on the Thai Forum before.

Get you to a farm or garden supply and there you can purchase a small container of LINNET,it is a pesticide and it will kill if given in a Thai sausage, the instructions I got was cut em open ,fill with LINNET and then sew em up and throw em in the street,and all at once,Quiet prevails.

I never had to use it tho, I just let it be known that I had it and the dogs quit barking all nite and now the garbage stays in the can til the workers come to get it.

Don't know why it wouldn't work, My wife had broken hearted student whose boyfriend done the ol Bye Bye treatment to her,,she ate a bunch of it and her troubles were over.

Supposed to work better than the electronic box thingy and cheaper too. :o


The room service in Russia is terrible , I ordered a light snack , instead they sent up 3000 dissidents with electrodes attached to their genitals. But dogs? No they had no noisy dogs.... :o


dissidents with electrodes attached is a horrible scenario when all one wants is a ham and cheese...TAT operatives take note and ensure that freedom for cheeseburgers and ham and cheese shall prevail...

either that or I will ham and cheese your mama...



as u can read from recent comments those ppl do not care about your problem (and animals in general). just ignore.

got the same probs too (but extend it by motorcycle and heavy truck noise). unfortunately I do not really know any solutions except moving to more silent spots.

anyway, IF you (ever) discover a good way to get rid of the major noise pollution do not hesitate to let me know...


as u can read from recent comments those ppl do not care about your problem (and animals in general). just ignore.

got the same probs too (but extend it by motorcycle and heavy truck noise). unfortunately I do not really know any solutions except moving to more silent spots.

anyway, IF you (ever) discover a good way to get rid of the major noise pollution do not hesitate to let me know...



i have it here to in chiangmai. if you been there a while it will get better as you get use to it.

You actually are doing the wrong thing by focussing on it. you think about it before you go to sleep wich in turn will make you wary and wake up when you hear it.

My neighbors dogs are quiet but when they start is like 15 of them in a 1km radius starting to howl like wolfs.

For the gentelmens with their poison solutions. I hope that your wife and girlfriends will never come up with the same idea when you are barking to loud ?

The dogs are being natural and actually trying to protect their owners by alerting.

No living thing should die because it's in tune with nature!!

You'll probably complain if your car gets stolen from the driveway that no dog woke you up??



Yooo Silly... eat'em all! And:

1. You'll reduce your monthly food expenses....

2. You'll enjoy quiet life....

Do you think that a Vietnamese can be woken up by a dog??? :o

Other advices:

1. Buy a 38 Special

2. Shoot down early in the morning /5 or 6am/ :

- all neighbour's kids who cry

- all vendors with noisy bells and screams

- the men with braun uniforms who'll want to pick you up


Sillyfools, it is very nice of you to care so much for other animals. I understand how terrible it must feel to not be able to sleep well at night. I don't really have any solutions and feel very sorry for you. Is putting ear-plugs on possible?

I will try to ask people for any solutions and let you know asap.

For the gentelmens with their poison solutions. I hope that your wife and girlfriends will never come up with the same idea when you are barking to loud ?
Yes, same logic! :o


Thanks for the replies. I'm still looking for the box though :-).

We've tried earplugs. But we are virtually surrounded by dogs. Our bedroom is about 2m away from our neighbour's house where they keep about 5 dogs or so. Normally they are quiet until one smart fellow decides to take his dog, left alone in the house for most of the day, for a walk at 2 or 3 in the morning. Then all ###### breaks looks.

Ear plugs no use. Even medicine did not help. I even had to move to another place for a week just to catch up on some sleep.

Maybe there's some electronics savvy guys over here that know how to build something like that. I think it would make a pretty good market as well. You could advertise it here on thaivisa (shameless plug in favor of the new sales mgr over here :-D.

On the other hand, does anybody have any experience with importing small appliances like this to thailand? A 100$ order, shipping excluded from the US over here, what would it cost extra in import duties, taxes etc?

Best regards and stay away from those gf-made saussages ;-)


As far as an electronic method of quieting those dogs maybe one of those Taser devices that the cops now use for stunning arrestees?

Good luck...


the problem is that those dogs have an owner also , And it's your neighbour.

anyhting you might do to the dogs itself will likely start a neighbour fight from there on.

I wouldn't want that in any country but i would say thais are not that scrupules. i would really not like it here.

" You hurt my dog, i'll hurt you "

You migth be in for a very rude awakening if you start something like that. i suggest you try to explain the problem nicely to them first. maybe they can move the dogs to another side of their house or so?

you still wil not be sure your electronic solution will workn it might upset them even more. As for vat and customs, ive ordered several times small packets from HK and so, they all came through without any tax added. As long it is not to big you wont have a problem, you can also ask for a lowered amount invoice from your seller so it will pass below the bottom taxable pricing most country's apply.

last one i received was 6000 bath cleared without problem, Send it EMS instead of ups or dhl though.



Earplugs are the best solution, but there are different kinds with varying levels of noise reduction. If you haven't tried wax earplugs, they might be more effective. Trouble is that, at least in Bkk., it is not easy to buy them. Two years ago, Boots had good supplies of wax earplugs, but no more. I've checked numerous Boots stores, but no have. I was lucky in that on my last trip back to USA I bought a lifetime supply of wax earplugs, but now several friends are bugging me to sell them a few. If you can find any in CM, please let us know where.

Guest timbee

i had this problem once - like you my bedroom window was 2m from my neighbour's (i shan't comment about the other sounds i heard from that source, as i am noisier in that respect) and they too had 6 dogs, at least one of which was mad (but don't ask me how i know this). every night the entire pack would break into a howl as the latest ghost passed by and it wouldn't be long before the rest of the soi's mutts were howling along in sympathy ... i found i could silence them if i let out my best wolfman impersonation, joining in with their howls, and thereby sounding madder even than they.

well, you know what they say about mad dogs and englishmen ...

p.s. remarkably, i got rid of the dogs but ma bitch is still with me.

The room service in Russia is terrible , I ordered a light snack , instead they sent up 3000 dissidents with electrodes attached to their genitals. But dogs? No they had no noisy dogs.... :o

Chonabot..........a Fan of derek and Clive? Classic, i just downloaded all thier stuff off the internet, its still good. :D

Excellent , Begs they also had a disco in the hotel , but there was no water in it , so they filled it full of sh1t!.......classic :o

Who? Crawfy..the queen Mothers nanny? Up Joan crawfords ****, there are F***ing fleets of ships, light aircraft, hamburger stands, but no F***ing Hamburgers........................


Chon, you can get everything they done for free, download it off the internet, i have all of them .................again, never thought i would ever get them again, but they are available online......Free :o

Excellent , Begs they also had a disco in the hotel , but there was no water in it , so they filled it full of sh1t!.......classic :D

Who? Crawfy..the queen Mothers nanny? Up Joan crawfords ****, there are F***ing fleets of ships, light aircraft, hamburger stands, but no F***ing Hamburgers........................

Nice one Begs , a mate of mine recently downloaded 3 hours of their stuff , the wife and kids can't stand it , brilliantly insane , " There are other windows in this house".....speak English you #####...homosexual N Butler... :D

Why aren't you dancing now?..... :D

Wow I typed in P..F and it changed it to homosexual , loses the ring , as it were.. :o


From where do you download Derek and Clive?!

Would love to hear it again........."I got cancer of the season ticket" - Class.

As for your dog problem, meh, you'll get used to it, I used to have a frikk.n family of c0cks living nextdoor to me - this software is a pain in the donkey when you can't describe farmyard animals without fear of the hashes - at first you go mad then you get used to it.

Saying that, when I moved into my new place I had the same kinda dog problem, instead of the getting used to it period I crept outside naked and crooned 'Mandy' by Barry Manilow to them - would seem Barry is a fine detterant to Thai Dogs.

Or you could kill everything in the whole wide world. If you were God or jesus and you had the choice, what would you get rid of flies or mosquitoes?


Hi, thanks for the replies.

At the moment we use earplug purchased at a boots store but then again we still wake up 4 times or more each night. They arent the wax types though. Cannot find those.

Just because I don't want to start a fight with the neighbours I don't want to use the strychine solution :-). I've told them about the problem but they simple don't care. I know for sure that the boxes do work and they are pretty harmless.

I guess I will see and order one from the internet and hope that everything works out. I'll let you know on the progress.




SF I remember seeing what you are looking for in a catalog in the US. Its got to be on google somewhere. Maybe order from a country that uses the same power (Australia?). It might cost a bit to get it here, but its worth it.

The dogs in this area are no better, but they are directly below me. One night I was lying there imagining what I could throw at them, wishing I had a tennis ball or even better, a water baloon. And then it dawned upon me. A condom filled with water would do the job. Expensive, but it would be the best money I ever spent. It only took two. The dogs, now preoccupied with being soaking wet and shocked, quieted down immediately.

I like animals in general, but I like my sleep more. I have nothing good to say about Thai dog owners who don't care that their mut is keeping the whole neighbourhood awake. And that's just about every Thai dog owner.

From where do you download Derek and Clive?!

Would love to hear it again........."I got cancer of the season ticket" - Class.

As for your dog problem, meh, you'll get used to it, I used to have a frikk.n family of c0cks living nextdoor to me - this software is a pain in the donkey when you can't describe farmyard animals without fear of the hashes - at first you go mad then you get used to it.

Saying that, when I moved into my new place I had the same kinda dog problem, instead of the getting used to it period I crept outside naked and crooned 'Mandy' by Barry Manilow to them - would seem Barry is a fine detterant to Thai Dogs.

Or you could kill everything in the whole wide world. If you were God or jesus and you had the choice, what would you get rid of flies or mosquitoes?


Download 'Kazaa lite' file share, u can download anything u want, if you have ADSL its really fast, but Dial up 56k will still work, just takes longer, but its worth it........

"I got cancer of That"


What about that Thai guy in the news recently who was caught f****ing dogs? Send him after the noisy muts! He'd be in heaven and the dogs would have their minds on bigger things that barking... :o


SLINGSHOT, 20 baht and a good aim.

just like the neighborhood kids have.

The dogs are now trained NOT to come anywhere near my house. it really works. The roosters are still learning :o

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