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Egypt strikes IS group in Libya after video of mass killing


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If there was a strong world leader somewhere...who could take the might of western armies and combine them with the Arab countries who are trying desperately to hold on against the IS threat...then a concerted world effort could wipe these animals from the face to the earth...

If we had a leader somewhere...

I agree. I forget who/where but it has been said that events make or shape the man when history calls, or fails (The Great Man Theory). I also think someone smarter than me warned that in situations like this where the people scream for a hero to lead them great threats may arise in the guise of a hero/protector. This is among the reasons Obama concerns me greatly. He has, after all, willfully constructed the very threats he now opposes and seeks broad support to address. "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." B. Franklin

Curiously, I have far more respect for al-Sisi than I do for the leader of my own country, or really any western power for that matter. With al Sisi's comments regarding the need to address islamic jihad he identified himself as a leader among men; arab or not; muslim or not- this is an example of bold courage. It is, for all practical purposes, a lose lose speech for him. This is leadership! It is most clearly defined by the contrast of its absence in the West.




Kinda doubt you'll actually like living under something resembling al-Sisi's regime. Other then the dealing with Islamic terrorism aspect, it is not especially benevolent on all issues Egypt faces.

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The entire situation is a creation of contrived political distractions. The perpetrators of horrific actions are no more culpable than those who would lead the naive into believing this came about "accidentally" ! Mongerors of violence exist on both sides and feel the need to inflict as justification for unfulfilled desire for recognition. " And the generals at the rear........." !

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