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Farang tourists in uproar over beach beds prohibition in Phuket

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1. Why is the female crying in the video?

2. The big mouth claiming to come for 20 years and spending lots of money is wearing 60 baht singlet and standing over a chair( chair is not clear, out of focus, buts it's a chair)

So what exactly is a problem? And why was this video made?

Actually it's a 30baht wife beater- does anyone with a sense of style wear these things? A motley assortment of chairs and those fold up sunbeds on the beach is probably worse than a row of white sunbeds?


I never liked how the gross one on top of the other plastic lounge chair set ups looked. Even when the camera scans up you can see how beautiful Patong beach looks without them. I wouldn't mind if a small section allowed this but why do they have to be set up before hand? Why can't you rent a chair and then place it where you want? Then in this section the chairs would be spread out a little and not look like a pack of fat sardines all side by side. Also if you don't want someone blowing cigarettes in your face it helps with that as well. Why does hot sun make people want to smoke anyways? I prefer my towel flat on nice soft sand WITH a view of the beach and sea not blocked with plastic.


Thailand is the only place where no chairs/umbrellas allowed on the beaches now..............stupid rule as you take out the holiday feeling.....
Tourist fly to asia for there holidays move now to Birma,Cambodia and Malysia and Indonesia

Thai rulers have no foot to shoot in anymore, now they shoot there hands

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Thailand-the culture is so laid back!, as long as you don't want to lay back on your own bed it seems, hilarious. Someone will be along in a bit saying 'this sort of thing can happen everywhere' er no I don't think so, this sort of Thai dumbness is unique to Thailand.


In Pattaya and Jomtien they have no beach beds every Wednesday. Why; Wed is beyond me. Maybe the sun does not come out on a Wednesday!!.

However, the outcome is that there are well less tha 25% of people on the beach compared to the other days. Plenty of parking tho.

It is obvious what the tourist wants.

Some new laws and decisions by the current Govt are just staggering, with no ryme or reason to say the least

I noticed this on one day at Hat Kao Takiab Tai back in October. I assumed that the beach vendors had been tipped off that the authorities were coming to check on that day. So maybe Wednesday is inspection day in Pattaya so everyone colludes to conform to the law on that day. .

Every day could be inspection day at Pattaya & Jomtien if they bothered. It's just that on Wednesdays vendors are not allowed.


In Pattaya and Jomtien they have no beach beds every Wednesday. Why; Wed is beyond me. Maybe the sun does not come out on a Wednesday!!.

However, the outcome is that there are well less tha 25% of people on the beach compared to the other days. Plenty of parking tho.

It is obvious what the tourist wants.

Some new laws and decisions by the current Govt are just staggering, with no ryme or reason to say the least

I noticed this on one day at Hat Kao Takiab Tai back in October. I assumed that the beach vendors had been tipped off that the authorities were coming to check on that day. So maybe Wednesday is inspection day in Pattaya so everyone colludes to conform to the law on that day. .

Every day could be inspection day at Pattaya & Jomtien if they bothered. It's just that on Wednesdays vendors are not allowed.

It is obvious that u have imbibed Thainess Keesters, and so never ask the question that Thais never ask and if u wish to remain sane as a farang here u must never ask:



A simple matter of poor media coverage [out to get a story] where miscommunication between government laws and 'possible' arrogant tourists become an issue. The Government is trying to 'clean up' all problem areas of past issues. The use/ownership of beach areas has been a problem where Resorts take all the beach area in front of them as 'belonging to them' [Pity they don't clean this whole area up of rubbish]

Some countries use the 'high tide' mark as belonging to the residence bordering the beach area. Thailand uses the 10% figure as an area useable/responsible by the bordering residence/Resort. So what is the problem? If you want to sunbath outside 'your Resort area', then it should be allowed so long as you are not impeding anyone else from walking past safely.

We saw last year where a Resort employee confronted a tourist sunbathing on her towel and this sort of action is what the Government doesn't want to see, so it is good to see them trying to put these issues to rest.

Stop being hot-headed about this and work with the Resorts and Police to format a positive future for all.

I have been asked to shift from a beach area and it was explained about the 10% zone. No dispute involved and we moved outside the area.

The media should use headlines like: Misunderstanding of beach chair use. Though I suppose that doesn't catch the eye.

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In Pattaya and Jomtien they have no beach beds every Wednesday. Why; Wed is beyond me. Maybe the sun does not come out on a Wednesday!!.

However, the outcome is that there are well less tha 25% of people on the beach compared to the other days. Plenty of parking tho.

It is obvious what the tourist wants.

Some new laws and decisions by the current Govt are just staggering, with no ryme or reason to say the least

I noticed this on one day at Hat Kao Takiab Tai back in October. I assumed that the beach vendors had been tipped off that the authorities were coming to check on that day. So maybe Wednesday is inspection day in Pattaya so everyone colludes to conform to the law on that day. .
Every day could be inspection day at Pattaya & Jomtien if they bothered. It's just that on Wednesdays vendors are not allowed.

It is obvious that u have imbibed Thainess Keesters, and so never ask the question that Thais never ask and if u wish to remain sane as a farang here u must never ask:


So that vendors get a day off.

So that the beach can be enjoyed one day a week without chairs etc.

So that the beach can be cleaned properly.

It could have been Monday, it could have been any day. They chose Wednesday probably because it is the least day to affect a long weekend.

Don't need to ask why when the answer is clear.


This is crazy. Simple really as all beaches world wide are a national asset and as such should be kept as owned by the nation and NEVER EVER sold for private use ANYWHERE. This was always the case in the UK, where when I was younger deck chairs and sunbeds were rented out at fair decent prices to users by the local authority and the revenue raised then decently helped towards improving local public amenities not feathering the bank accounts of unscrupulous pond life rip off merchants in the private sector as we see especially here these days. Of course as was the case in the UK any person can put his own sunbed or deck chair up or simply chose to lay on a towel on the sand (or shingle).

If you wanted food or drink then you simply went off the beach to buy what you wanted and took it to your beach spot yourself, or used the on-beach local authority decently run vendors, again making income for the benefit of the local amenities. Thailand would gain tremendously if it stopped beach privatisation and control based on teh primary motive of GREED, as that is NOT in the public or national interest in the long run. Surely we can ALL see this as a fact and so I am sure can the authorities that make the rules I hope for the benefit of the people and NEVER personal GREED.

Even things like Jet Skis should be either run by the local authority and well controlled for safety purposes, or if privatised then put out by the local authority to private bidders (no not by bribes) on an annual basis and still heavily policed and controlled with safety first in mind.

Once again to just simply ban all sun beds on the beach by individuals is totally stupid, no other word for it and I do not care who that offends as that is simply the truth. Sorry if this is so simple and obvious, but it seems to me that it needs clearly and regularly restating lest any of us forget about us all enjoying a good life with basic freedoms for all whether rich or poor. And just saying TiT (This is Thailand) is clearly NOT the answer either !!

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What happened to putting a towel down on the beach and lying on it? I grew up in Sydney and that seemed to work perfectly well back then - what changed? Since when were beaches supposed to be littered with chairs, etc., like a living room.

or littered with towels like a bathroom

At least one can see the sea with people on towels rather than sitting around tables and sheltered by umbrellas. Your turn....

People who go on holiday in the high season don't deserve to see the sea. You could get off of your towel and go swimming, that way you could see the sea and the beach or sit on a chair and stare majestically over the poor sods lying on their towels.

Have you swam in Patong bay lately ?? Theres a reason they cancelled / moved the triathalon !!


Are they calling that high quality tourists ??? Cheap, low class, moth3rf#ck3rs they mean !!!

Please stay with those other low IQ country fellows in your own country. You make look Thailand very bad...

Exactly the tourist I don't want to see because I don't like. I used to be a hotel owner for higher class !!!


A simple matter of poor media coverage [out to get a story] where miscommunication between government laws and 'possible' arrogant tourists become an issue. The Government is trying to 'clean up' all problem areas of past issues. The use/ownership of beach areas has been a problem where Resorts take all the beach area in front of them as 'belonging to them' [Pity they don't clean this whole area up of rubbish]

Some countries use the 'high tide' mark as belonging to the residence bordering the beach area. Thailand uses the 10% figure as an area useable/responsible by the bordering residence/Resort. So what is the problem? If you want to sunbath outside 'your Resort area', then it should be allowed so long as you are not impeding anyone else from walking past safely.

We saw last year where a Resort employee confronted a tourist sunbathing on her towel and this sort of action is what the Government doesn't want to see, so it is good to see them trying to put these issues to rest.

Stop being hot-headed about this and work with the Resorts and Police to format a positive future for all.

I have been asked to shift from a beach area and it was explained about the 10% zone. No dispute involved and we moved outside the area.

The media should use headlines like: Misunderstanding of beach chair use. Though I suppose that doesn't catch the eye.

You obviously havent been following this..

First it was no operators..

Then it was own beds ok..

Then it was no beds no umbrellas

Then it was umbrellas but no beds only towels or mats

Then it was to be restricted to zones

Then it was not in ones if own stuff but rented stuff in zones

Then it was no anything with threat of arrest

Then the governor said it was ok no one was getting arrested own chairs and umbrellas fine

Then the pol chief said again threat of arrest.

Then the governor again said no its ok but please inside the 10% zone with umbrellas

Then the police are out saying no beds..

I think thats an accurate summary of the last approx months U turns changes, unannounced rulings and general confusion... Of course its been different at each beach, different depending on officer.. Different depending on wind direction it seems..

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Lots of other nicer beaches in the region, if only because they haven't been overrun by mass tourism to the extent Patong has. Once you start getting told by police don't do that, don't do this citing various mutually contradictory maybe cancelled and/or sometimes enforced rules or the other on our beach, I think you can safely say it's been overrun.

Malaysia right next door has several island resorts, Pulau Tioman, Perhentian Islands spring to mind. Palawan or Boracay in the Phillipines, Bali still has some relatively unspoiled beaches and even the ones in the mass tourist areas are wide enough that there is no possibility for nearly the whole beach to be covered with umbrellas. Vietnam seems to have some nice wide stretches of beach as well.

Many other good reasons not to go to Phuket either such as police protection for violent locals, we are all well aware of the problems in the southern resort areas. The sell by date has long since passed on these places and tourists are also shooting themselves in the foot by continuing to go there

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This would be quite unbelievable if it were not Thailand, now reduced to a mere 4th rate country. It's obvious that all through this they don't know their left hand from the the right Absolute chaos Who made the famous quote "..the buck stops here..." Obviously not General Prayut. He is too busy travelling elsewhere

At least next year the beaches will hopefully be devoid of tourists and we can enjoy our 10% of the beach, but all that will probably change next week anyhow


Love it! What a way to treat your paying guests ... come and spend your money but don't expect us to be nice or allow you to use our beaches.

The issue remains that they don't have a clue how to run a business and just fumble in the dark for new ideas, or rather ways to destroy the ever declining tourist numbers.

It's interesting to note that they've made all this fuss about a few beach chairs and yet the crooks running the Jet Skis are still permitted to perpetrate their scams without let or hindrance ... something is seriously messed up with their heads and you have to wonder if they are capable of any logical thinking process.

Still this is yet another bit of light entertainment for those of us who came to our senses and no longer visit or live in Thailand.

I am left wondering however, how on earth TAT will put a spin on the Facebook videos now being shared; I'm sure their next report will show a significant increase in tourist numbers.

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Tourists who have their own sun beds obviously live in Thailand. Don't they speak enough Thai to know they were being asked to move to the area where the beds are allowed without kicking up such a brouhaha. And, frankly, anyone who has lived in Thailand more than five minutes, will know there are infinitely better places to sit on a beach than ghastly Phuket. Last time I sat on a beach there was 1982, just bearable but never again.


or littered with towels like a bathroom

What happened to putting a towel down on the beach and lying on it? I grew up in Sydney and that seemed to work perfectly well back then - what changed? Since when were beaches supposed to be littered with chairs, etc., like a living room.

At least one can see the sea with people on towels rather than sitting around tables and sheltered by umbrellas. Your turn....

People who go on holiday in the high season don't deserve to see the sea. You could get off of your towel and go swimming, that way you could see the sea and the beach or sit on a chair and stare majestically over the poor sods lying on their towels.

Alternatively, if you are just going to the beach to sit around on deck chairs drinking beer, I'll let you in on a dirty, little secret. It's much more convenient to do that at your hotel swimming pool. Or on the balcony of your hotel for that matter. Even a restaurant with a patio should do the trick. Voila!

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These tourists are just not up to speed on the way things work here. Common sense will not prevail.

The local governments actually has a lottery on who gets to run chairs and umbrellas, food, and jet skis. Although you will not see money being payed outright....there is quite a bit of wheeling and dealing. Once they get their seedy businesses up and running, the "protectors" get their greasy hands on the the profits...and some vendors even sell their parcels for big money.

Our rules will never apply. It is quite proven that the "Local Powers" and influential families will definitely overide any laws or beat-walking policemen.

Fogettaboudit. If you play by their rules, your backside will be a bit sore, and your wallet will be lighter...but that is the Nature of the Beast here. I have yet to see a tourist win.

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1. Why is the female crying in the video?

2. The big mouth claiming to come for 20 years and spending lots of money is wearing 60 baht singlet and standing over a chair( chair is not clear, out of focus, buts it's a chair)

So what exactly is a problem? And why was this video made?

To accompany the story would be a pretty solid guess. But your attitude is exactly why the tourist should and will go somewhere else. The "big mouth" and other tourists pay a lot of people's salaries. Why are p*ssing and moaning in your beer about it? (I know why but it would take me off-topic)

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<deleted> tourists....

Who is going to bring their own beachbed to the beach?? Pathetic, cheap people, same as the reactions here

I don't understand your comment. People can not use sunbeds provided unless they go to the 10% area of sand which is rammed-crammed like sardines. So if they don't want to sit on red-hot filthy sand and prefer to take their own lounger/sunbed you think they are pathetic and cheap? How does that work?


These tourists are just not up to speed on the way things work here. Common sense will not prevail.

The local governments actually has a lottery on who gets to run chairs and umbrellas, food, and jet skis. Although you will not see money being payed outright....there is quite a bit of wheeling and dealing. Once they get their seedy businesses up and running, the "protectors" get their greasy hands on the the profits...and some vendors even sell their parcels for big money.

Our rules will never apply. It is quite proven that the "Local Powers" and influential families will definitely overide any laws or beat-walking policemen.

Fogettaboudit. If you play by their rules, your backside will be a bit sore, and your wallet will be lighter...but that is the Nature of the Beast here. I have yet to see a tourist win.

Why would you expect tourists who come here for their 2 weeks of sunshine to be up to speed with the way things work here? They probably don't spend an hour a day on TV checking out what nonsense ia going on and if they have been coming for a while and last year they could use sun loungers provided (at a cost) and now they can't even take their own chairs to avoid laying on red-hot filthy sand, it's not surprising they're a bit upset as their expectations have been cushed


It's interesting to note that they've made all this fuss about a few beach chairs and yet the crooks running the Jet Skis are still permitted to perpetrate their scams without let or hindrance ... something is seriously messed up with their heads and you have to wonder if they are capable of any logical thinking process.

And as pointed out on phuketwan.. They are sitting on their own chairs on the beach, totally undisturbed..

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