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Citizenship, Military Conscription, And How To Work Around It All...

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Okay. I'll explain my situation here now.

I'm a fifteen-year-old male with both Thai and American citizenship, I plan to keep both but haven't got any Thai documents except for a lost birth certificate and house registration.

Last month I began the ROTC program and it not only is a waste of time, but also has a very threatening atmosphere (when we are dismissed we all get into a big SUV with dark tinted windows and get the ###### out).

A few of my classmates paid their way out of it. My dad thinks that the only way I'm going to get out of it without paying is either money under the table or giving up my Thai citizenship. I know that here there's a loophole through everything.

What exactly is it?

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I believe getting married removes some of the obligation that all young Thai men must serve? :o

ok, ok... can't really go with that option, I know, but rather than pay money (meaning your Dad pay money), why not go ahead and go through with the training? It involves learning a very good life experience.

It will help you to learn maturity, responsibility, and duty to your Nation.... which are all GOOD things.

If the training seems a little bit harsh, don't let that get you down too much. You are not alone with this training, it is something the vast majority of young Thais go through. Also, remember there are many people throughout this world who suffer much hardship in their lives than those going through military training. Think of the positive aspects of your training. Keep things in perspective and take solace in all of these facts.

I wish you the best of luck in successfully completing all that your Nation expects of you.


We salute you!

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It's 2 hours a week, hardly a great imposition. However if you don't feel like completing it feel free to report for conscrption when you're 18.

Two hours? It's 5 hours a week and a bleedin' waste of time.

Oh and about the treatment... The guys at this place pretty much ignore you.

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You don't have to do it, but if you don't there is a chance you get drafted in the constription thing.

My friend was in your position, and at age 21 reported to his spot, and the odds in BKK of actually being made to do military service is well less than 50%.

He drew the red ball, or was it black, and that meant he had to do it, and he still didn't get to do it, as they had too many volunteers.

Paying out is a bad idea, if you EVER go on to do something important, it will get dug out, and you'll be screwed. However, if you must, you can always pay out at the time of conscription rather than ROTC.

Getting an education is fine that puts it on hold, but eventually you'll have to show up and take your chances if you didnt' do ROTC.

At least you might get fit; most American Thai guys i know are fat overweight and unfit - you can avoid being anotha! 5 hours a week; hel_l I waste 40 hours a week at work. 5 is nothing!

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Thai army conscripts are treated like sh*t, if you are struggling with ROTC, then you sure don't want to get drafted. Doing the ROTC for next few years is one way to avoid it and you should be glad that option is open to you. A lot of young men your age don’t continue on with school and get that opportunity.. Waiting to see if you draw the wrong ball and they need people is another. Of course, there are various ways to make sure you draw the right ball, but I would not recommend that.

Stick it out for a while…


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Mmmyep. But I'm more afraid of being stabbed than being yelled at by a douche who makes less money a month than the cost of me going to school for a couple of days.

Instead of asking the mostly farang members of this board, why don't you discuss your concerns with your CO and ask his advice? (sans the snotty/snooty attitude.) And please don't forget to post a follow-up.

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