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Australians on death row file lawsuit against Indonesian President Joko Widodo


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No doubt this move will ensure the boys die painfully as the initial bullets are almost guaranteed to miss the mark now.

I wonder how many people would of died if the heroin the Bali 9 was carrying if it made it to the streets of Australia.

people don't generally die from using heroin...jeese, you are not very bright about the use of heroin.

It's estimated there are around 70k heroin users in Oz when an annual death toll of approx 500. The 7 kilos would have been a relatively small amount in the annual consumption within Australia.


A good friend of mine in Australia (ex NSW Police & last role was in the Drug Squad) and when I knew him an executive in a large MNC, was a casual user & died from a heroin overdose.

The Oz government policy is against capital punishment, but specifcally saying applying the death penalty in this instance is inappropropiate due to their efforts with rehabilitation. There there are around 60+ foreigners on death row for drug offences in Indonesia, so what are government saying, should all be commuted to lengthy prison sentences?

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No doubt this move will ensure the boys die painfully as the initial bullets are almost guaranteed to miss the mark now.

I wonder how many people would of died if the heroin the Bali 9 was carrying if it made it to the streets of Australia.

people don't generally die from using heroin...jeese, you are not very bright about the use of heroin.

So all those overdosed I went to where junkies wernt breathing was what?

What about all the heroin related murders I investigated.

Please engage brain before posting, perhaps one day you will realise that there's people out in society tidying this stuff up so bank tellers and office johnnies like yourself don't have to deal with it.

What, you didn't see it in CNN, so it didn't happen ?

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if that was the presidents son, or someone in their family, a pardon would of happened.

but look, so what.. they put them to death by firing squad! jesus what is this, 1815? come on..

and what will this prove? try and smuggle drugs and you will be killed? so what!

it doesn't prevent others from trying.. we know this.. because it's been happening for decades! and it still happens.

so you are just killing people in a barbaric way. why not just hand them back to their countries!
call up MR ABBOTT, and say take your trash home! and let the Australian government deal with him for trafficking.

why do we allow other countries to kill our citizens?

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Joko will not back down. He'd shoot himself in the foot with his own electorate if he did that. Sends out the wrong message, however 'good' these smugglers now appear to be.

There was no outcry from the Australian Government when Barlow and Chambers were hanged in Malaysia.

WHAT? has changed now.

They are not even Australian Natives, only have Aussie passports.

I'm assuming 'not even Australian Natives' means they were not Aboriginal? As we all know that anyone that came after is an immigrant there, including the uncouth'd bread-pinchers and their kin. giggle.gif

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While it is clear they are guilty Death is extreme. Once they are dead there is no suffering. The death penalty for whatever reason only appeases those that want vengence whether it is Society or the Victims.

On the other hand if you give them life without parole then they will suffer their entire life for the wrong they committed

So although death is a quick fix for society it is not a deterrent and is a sad state of affairs .

The guilty party does not suffer since they for a brief moment fear the death by whatever means is dealt to them. But once its done they are not suffering .

The death penalty is wrong The state can take a life but the citizens cannot How absurd

"But CITIZENS can not"

Very strange comment indeed.

Citizens in ALL countries take a life EVERYDAY.

Have you not heard of MURDER.

DEATH to ALL the SCUM BAGS around the world.

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