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Need up to date official information on entry to Thailand from Liberia

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I assume you asking about it because of the Ebola outbreak there. As far as I know they are still screening people coming form there. If you don't have a fever or other signs of illness you will not have a problem on entry.
I searched for a government website with info but cam up blank.
The from a travel website,
Wednesday 14th January 2015

Thailand - Temperature checks with thermal camera for visitors from West Africa, and citizens of Ebola-affected countries regardless of flight origin.


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I'm a U.S citizen. The reason I'm asking for an official Thai government site is that travel restrictions change daily

The US is usually very good about warning its citizens of "travel restrictions" and issuing " travel warnings" ! smile.png

This Thai Ministry site may be what you are looking for


Or this one


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OP, a bit off topic, and obviously don't know what work you have been doing in Liberia, but must say congrats to you and your colleagues for the efforts in combatting the spread of Ebola.

I was based in Monrovia in 1979/80 and still vividly recall the 'interesting' times I had on my first experience of working overseas. Great, but occasionally dangerous, nightlife with a rather barbaric coup thrown into the mix. Trips to Buchanan and Harper, flying on Air Liberia, allowed me to see a bit more of the country. At that time the average life expectancy was 35 years. Food for thought indeed.

Enjoy your time in Thailand. ,

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I fly a lot as an international air courier. You can expect checks at every transit point along the way. At almost every transit security point I've passed through there has been a health check station with large signs listing a number of African nations including Liberia. Whether or not they will have any prior notification of your arrival is questionable so you could take a chance walk past without stopping.

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