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Thai public hospitals urged to switch TV channels, after complaints

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Public hospitals urged to switch TV channels, after complaints

BANGKOK: -- The Public Health Ministry has urged state hospital staff to keep switching television channels, after complaints to the 1111 hotline that most hospitals' televisions stay on just one channel, with a news host who faces a fraud probe after the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) found grounds of wrongdoing.

Deputy public health permanent secretary Dr Watchara Pengchan issued a memo on January 30, which found its way to social media, suggesting that all state hospital executives should discuss if they will keep switching TV channels on a daily basis. It also urged hospitals to post an announcement to the public on its TV policy.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Public-hospitals-urged-to-switch-TV-channels-after-30254273.html

-- The Nation 2015-02-17


"... televisions stay on just one channel, with a news host who faces a fraud probe after the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) found grounds of wrongdoing."

If you are in a public hospital, which channel the TV is on should be the least of your worries.

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What are they complaining about? No soap drama? No..e..e..ed-ed-ed-edu-educational stuff? Earlier I saw a, or rather got a few glimpses, of the history of King Prajadhipok...without sound but surprisingly english subtitles...which I guess I'd consider a step up from last times most cheesiest drama with random violence and elitist face saving ever.

Last I've seen is people picking their nose and feet before happily packing your sundried meat for tonights dinner...but I guess I got my priorities wrong here, thanks for pointing out my uneducated understanding there, Health Ministry.

Now I'm going to wait for the next news of this kind along the lines of "Puplic Hospitals ought to ask patience if they can change channels, after complaints to the 1111 hotline were made about channels being switched at the wrong times, leaving many with cliffhangers". You can do it Thailand, I'm counting on you for this.


Almost all Thai TV would manage to offend some, if not most, people. Strike that - I see people every day that instead of working, watch the dumbest of the dumb shows put forth, complete with laughing on cue and acting more alert when the sound effects go off. It wasn't dubbed 'the idiot box' for nothing. Mr. Bean is only a small step in a lateral direction.


Put on "Mr Bean". Everyone loves this program, who ever you are, it makes you smile and takes your mind off all lifes troubles.

Maybe, but if it was my loved ones seriously ill or close to death, would I want Mr Bean and those rolling about at his antics around me?

Doubt it.


Put on "Mr Bean". Everyone loves this program, who ever you are, it makes you smile and takes your mind off all lifes troubles.

He is already on once a week giving everybody his wisdom.....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


Apart from the odd Western program dubbed over into Thai the main content of Thai TV channels is TRASH; therefore it would be better to provide decent reading matter in Hospital waiting area's and turn off all TV's .


If they (any and all of them) think that they have time to spend on something so infintesimally as small as this, then I am certain that they (any and all of them) are missing the picture entirely... and I do not mean another channel.


The presence of TVs is really for the staff and other workplaces as well.

I find it shocking that TV is allowed in so many workplaces - it's embarrassing...

In hospitals specifically in public areas, it should be about how to use the hospital services or health education programs only - nothing else.


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