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Obama: US at war with those who have perverted Islam

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Prez Obama going on tv to call on Muslim leaders globally to get their billion people off their to oppose radical jihad (my words) is just one stark indicator of how serious the problem is of ISIL and that the immediate future looks like a lot of wildfires spreading fast into populated and dense areas.

We're possibly looking at a global insurgency of fierce dimensions, disruptions, disorder.

Did I just read that ?

Did someone slip a hallucinogenic in my coffee ?

What a difference a day makes !!

live 'n learn eh....

It's every day.

Read my lips....the 99.9% of Muslims in the world are not the enemy.

Take the 1% that are 100% the enemy and annihilate 'em...obliterate 'em swiftly and decisively.

Rinse and repeat.

This is not the clash of civilizations. The 99% of Muslims globally want peace and prosperity, that's all....there's a buck to be made in this too.

How do you tell the one percent from the 99 percent? Before or after they blow themselves up?


99 percent is an exaggeration.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


It's a figure that however makes the point the vast majority of 'em want peace and prosperity.

Maybe it's 80% or possibly it's 70% but I'm not going to quibble with myself or others as I make the vital point, so the 99% figure will have to do and it does indeed suffice. I don't usually try to quantify it however because it can be and is amorphous.

Prez Obama is calling out that ephemeral and ever elusive social classification called the "moderate Muslim." I have no doubt such a beast exists as I spent a lot of time around them in the Thai South where every ninth person I met was Muslim and they treated me very well.

They don't like others knowing their lives, how they live their lives...how they worship and the things they do when they worship. My Muslim friends did invite me to a mosque service and I learned a lot without any proselytizing but they remain reserved and too insular. (Reminds me of many Germans I've met here...Dutch too btw.)

It's understandable then the ignorance against them is mammoth so there remains a lot of work for everyone to do.


Prez Obama going on tv to call on Muslim leaders globally to get their billion people off their to oppose radical jihad (my words) is just one stark indicator of how serious the problem is of ISIL and that the immediate future looks like a lot of wildfires spreading fast into populated and dense areas.

We're possibly looking at a global insurgency of fierce dimensions, disruptions, disorder.

Did I just read that ?

Did someone slip a hallucinogenic in my coffee ?

What a difference a day makes !!

live 'n learn eh....

It's every day.

Read my lips....the 99.9% of Muslims in the world are not the enemy.

Take the 1% that are 100% the enemy and annihilate 'em...obliterate 'em swiftly and decisively.

Rinse and repeat.

This is not the clash of civilizations. The 99% of Muslims globally want peace and prosperity, that's all....there's a buck to be made in this too.

How do you tell the one percent from the 99 percent? Before or after they blow themselves up?

It's a mothers lament....they blow up so fast.

I don't mean to confuse the people out there at the far right.

it's just that they have to try harder to keep up.


99 percent is an exaggeration.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


It's a figure that however makes the point the vast majority of 'em want peace and prosperity.

Maybe it's 80% or possibly it's 70% but I'm not going to quibble with myself or others as I make the vital point, so the 99% figure will have to do and it does indeed suffice. I don't usually try to quantify it however because it can be and is amorphous.

Prez Obama is calling out that ephemeral and ever elusive social classification called the "moderate Muslim." I have no doubt such a beast exists as I spent a lot of time around them in the Thai South where every ninth person I met was Muslim and they treated me very well.

They don't like others knowing their lives, how they live their lives...how they worship and the things they do when they worship. My Muslim friends did invite me to a mosque service and I learned a lot without any proselytizing but they remain reserved and too insular. (Reminds me of many Germans I've met here...Dutch too btw.)

It's understandable then the ignorance against them is mammoth so there remains a lot of work for everyone to do.

Text highlighted be me.

And therein lies the problem. Is it 99%, or 80%, perhaps it could be 70%, these are your figures. So who is to say that it is not a nice round 50% ?

So for the sake of calling a spade a spade. If 70% of Muslims want peace and prosperity, that leaves 30% that do not. The 30% that do not want peace and prosperity constitutes a scary number of Muslims, whichever way you want to dress it up.

You attended 1 service at a Mosque and then denounce others as ignorant ! I think that shows your ignorance.

  • Like 2

99 percent is an exaggeration.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


It's a figure that however makes the point the vast majority of 'em want peace and prosperity.

Maybe it's 80% or possibly it's 70% but I'm not going to quibble with myself or others as I make the vital point, so the 99% figure will have to do and it does indeed suffice. I don't usually try to quantify it however because it can be and is amorphous.

Prez Obama is calling out that ephemeral and ever elusive social classification called the "moderate Muslim." I have no doubt such a beast exists as I spent a lot of time around them in the Thai South where every ninth person I met was Muslim and they treated me very well.

They don't like others knowing their lives, how they live their lives...how they worship and the things they do when they worship. My Muslim friends did invite me to a mosque service and I learned a lot without any proselytizing but they remain reserved and too insular. (Reminds me of many Germans I've met here...Dutch too btw.)

It's understandable then the ignorance against them is mammoth so there remains a lot of work for everyone to do.

Text highlighted be me.

And therein lies the problem. Is it 99%, or 80%, perhaps it could be 70%, these are your figures. So who is to say that it is not a nice round 50% ?

So for the sake of calling a spade a spade. If 70% of Muslims want peace and prosperity, that leaves 30% that do not. The 30% that do not want peace and prosperity constitutes a scary number of Muslims, whichever way you want to dress it up.

You attended 1 service at a Mosque and then denounce others as ignorant ! I think that shows your ignorance.

Reductionism toward the total experience of the other is not the best way to proceed but each is free to meander in his own ways.

I noted in the post I don't usually try to quantify because I've witnessed and experienced the fact the figures are, in a word, unreliable. I take a more reserved approach, referring instead to the "vast majority" of Muslims globally and similar qualifiers.

Reading these excellent and topical Muslim threads of one kind or another over time I see a lot of fear and loathing in the posts. The far right needs to get itself some self-confidence in its own societies, cultures, civilizations and maybe have a good shot now and then to steady those shaky nerves and wobbly knees.

America is not going away and no gangs of primeval barbarian terrorists are going to destroy it. Quite the opposite I can assure you and everyone, the irrational and extreme hostility towards Prez Obama on the extreme far right not withstanding.

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Walking through the Night Market the other night was mixing with people from numerous races and most religions. No one was angry or having a problems with anyone else.

People are people and generally have the same worries and wants as each other. It is our governments that make us try to kill each other with those issuing the orders of course safely out of harms way.

As to Muslims, think way back, they were not the enemy, they even featured in Hollywood movies as allies and even the hero's.

So they weren't the enemy then, so what happened to change everything? Did they suddenly decide to become suicide bombers for sport or were they pushed or manipulated into it?


If 70% of Muslims want peace and prosperity, that leaves 30% that do not. The 30% that do not want peace and prosperity constitutes a scary number of Muslims, whichever way you want to dress it up.

Roughly 480 million people which I believe is higher than the entire US population.

It is certainly higher than the legal population.

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Text highlighted be me.

And therein lies the problem. Is it 99%, or 80%, perhaps it could be 70%, these are your figures. So who is to say that it is not a nice round 50% ?

So for the sake of calling a spade a spade. If 70% of Muslims want peace and prosperity, that leaves 30% that do not. The 30% that do not want peace and prosperity constitutes a scary number of Muslims, whichever way you want to dress it up.

You attended 1 service at a Mosque and then denounce others as ignorant ! I think that shows your ignorance.

Reductionism toward the total experience of the other is not the best way to proceed but each is free to meander in his own ways.

I noted in the post I don't usually try to quantify because I've witnessed and experienced the fact the figures are, in a word, unreliable. I take a more reserved approach, referring instead to the "vast majority" of Muslims globally and similar qualifiers.

Reading these excellent and topical Muslim threads of one kind or another over time I see a lot of fear and loathing in the posts. The far right needs to get itself some self-confidence in its own societies, cultures, civilizations and maybe have a good shot now and then to steady those shaky nerves and wobbly knees.

America is not going away and no gangs of primeval barbarian terrorists are going to destroy it. Quite the opposite I can assure you and everyone, the irrational and extreme hostility towards Prez Obama on the extreme far right not withstanding.

Perhaps you are correct. Perhaps not. What I have noticed is that you offer no solutions.

You will perhaps note, that I also slate various figures, especially ones that are produced by the Government of the UK. You are free to take whatever reserved approach that you wish. However, when you refer to the '' Vast Majority '' of Muslims globally, is that through personal experience ? Or what you read ?

Your '' Fear and Loathing '' is hardly accurate. However, it can be said that a great many people ( UK ) indeed have a great loathing for successive Government who have now put them in the position that they now find themselves. That is due to the fact that the society, culture and civilisation that they hold dear has been steadily eroded in front of their very eyes.

I truly hope that America is not going away. Whether groups of primeval barbarians try to destroy it, time will tell. So your assertion that you can assure anyone, quite frankly is laughable. The same thing was being said in Europe 20 years ago.

You may also note, that I have never said anything that could be construed as derogatory towards Obama or America. I have too many American Brothers-in-Arms to do so.

Shaky nerves and wobbly knees ! If only you knew me.

The last point of the post is the point of my post a bit further up about live 'n learn, meaning too many posters had me in a box and maybe still do. My approach btw is to offer a moderate viewpoint and some rational and balanced thought processes rather than to sit around offering keyboard centric solutions.

I do not think the so-called multiculturalism is the greatest thing since sliced bread nor do I believe the solution to violent extremism is to give all of 'em a job or any of that. Glib and banal categorizations of people at an online discussion board occur all to easily when the tougher task of paying attention to that which one reads is lost in the rush of ideologies and dogmas.

Brits have my greatest respect and you're not the only one to have comrades in arms (even tho I never fought outside of my kitchen or a bar).

The post asks.....when you refer to the '' Vast Majority '' of Muslims globally, is that through personal experience ? Or what you read ?

It is not either or if you read my post(s), which is the point I make in the first graf to this post.

So I think that will do for now thx.


If 70% of Muslims want peace and prosperity, that leaves 30% that do not. The 30% that do not want peace and prosperity constitutes a scary number of Muslims, whichever way you want to dress it up.

Roughly 480 million people which I believe is higher than the entire US population.

It is certainly higher than the legal population.


No speculation is greatly preferred to any or even some speculation....if you're going to try to pin the raw number on me than I'll revise my rhetorical percentage guesstimate to 98.9% so those in the sandbox might play with that. (Maybe that equals the population of Thailand....be sure to let me know NOT)

US current population is close to 330m, which places it third after China then India. Indonesia would be fourth and it is working toward a more temporal society there..


Roughly 480 million people which I believe is higher than the entire US population.

It is certainly higher than the legal population.


No speculation is greatly preferred to any or even some speculation....if you're going to try to pin the raw number on me than I'll revise my rhetorical percentage guesstimate to 98.9% so those in the sandbox might play with that. (Maybe that equals the population of Thailand....be sure to let me know NOT)

US current population is close to 330m, which places it third after China then India. Indonesia would be fourth and it is working toward a more temporal society there..

Quote removed to allow reply.

Where did I try to pin any numbers on you ? I merely responded to a figure and %ages that were mentioned by other posters.

The official figure for the ( UK ) population is circa 64m. Which is a load of cr@p. It is much higher. No doubt the US will be no different. After all, you cannot count the number of illegals in a Country, the best you can do is guestimate. It really isn't difficult.

However, as the topic is about Obama and Islam. Can you, and indeed any others from the other side of the pond, put me straight on the veracity of this comment that I came across.

But what is interesting is the New Egyptian government issue an arrest warrant on Obama's Brother Malik Obama. Seems they want to talk to him about his involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood. What else is interesting is that the president claims he has had no contract with this brother since before 2008, yet Malik Obama gave interviews in 2013 claiming that he and his brother are very close and talk all the time. And to top it off, Malik Obama's picture of him and Barrack standing in the oval office several months before the Benghazi attack are all over the internet and Malik is very proud of those pictures.


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Roughly 480 million people which I believe is higher than the entire US population.

It is certainly higher than the legal population.


No speculation is greatly preferred to any or even some speculation....if you're going to try to pin the raw number on me than I'll revise my rhetorical percentage guesstimate to 98.9% so those in the sandbox might play with that. (Maybe that equals the population of Thailand....be sure to let me know NOT)

US current population is close to 330m, which places it third after China then India. Indonesia would be fourth and it is working toward a more temporal society there..

Quote removed to allow reply.

Where did I try to pin any numbers on you ? I merely responded to a figure and %ages that were mentioned by other posters.

The official figure for the ( UK ) population is circa 64m. Which is a load of cr@p. It is much higher. No doubt the US will be no different. After all, you cannot count the number of illegals in a Country, the best you can do is guestimate. It really isn't difficult.

However, as the topic is about Obama and Islam. Can you, and indeed any others from the other side of the pond, put me straight on the veracity of this comment that I came across.
But what is interesting is the New Egyptian government issue an arrest warrant on Obama's Brother Malik Obama. Seems they want to talk to him about his involvement with the Muslim Brotherhood. What else is interesting is that the president claims he has had no contract with this brother since before 2008, yet Malik Obama gave interviews in 2013 claiming that he and his brother are very close and talk all the time. And to top it off, Malik Obama's picture of him and Barrack standing in the oval office several months before the Benghazi attack are all over the internet and Malik is very proud of those pictures.


They should issue an arrest warrant for both brothers, if contacts with the Muslim brotherhood are considered sufficient cause, considering who was invite to the White House for talks recently.


How many times does the US have to get it's ass kicked for not understanding the actual problem. Convential warfare isn't going to work. Reminds me of the US revolution, but the US is now like the Red Coats, using the same ineffiective strategy over and over again. I'm sure the US Army brass is hoping that ISIS fighter will stand in the open and allow Apache helicopters to mow them down in the open, but darn, they just won't fight conventially. Personally I don't think this has anything to do with ISIS as a problem; it's just about destablizing ME/NA and anywhere else that won't play by Western rules and funnelling massive amounts of money into the coffer of defense contractors and those lucky corporations with contacts on Capital Hill who get the cushy sole-source contracts. Read guys like Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, then you'll get an idea of the CFR et.al. mindset. Or think what you like. At least try to have an informed opinion though.

Now, where's my coffee. coffee1.gif Not my worry unless it spills over into our neighborhood. Think we'll see 'radical Buddhism' established before 'radical Islam' get's a toe-hold in Northern Thailand, at least if Nan province is any indication.

After reading your post a couple of time the shackles have fallen from my eyes. I can see so much clearer now. These naughty little boys of ISIS from Syria are just bored with with nothing else to do. So why not get some AK47s, rocket launchers. cigarette lighters, sharp knives and have some fun. So what if they round up Christians, Jews and anyone else they see fit and chop their heads off or burn them alive? They're just having a little innocent fun. So what if they want to take over Iraq? Not my worry. So what that they have moved into and want to take over Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Libya, North Africa? Not my worry. So what if they move into Europe, Australia and Asia? So what if they raise their flag over the White House as they have proclaimed they would? Not my worry. I can have a delicious plate of khao mon gai and a cold Leo any time I want. Life is great. Let those naughty boys decapitate or burn alive all the infidels worldwide that won't convert to Islam. That is except Isaan of course.

While these misunderstood fellows are doing all the above fun things, we should insure all the defense contractors and those lucky corporations are brought to justice before they are beheaded or burned alive. They should all be locked up awaiting their judgement from Allah.

Connda I trust you realize sarcasm when you read it. I also trust that you know little or nothing about the ISIS organization itself. How it is growing by over ten thousand a day world wide, their recruitment campaign on Twitter in more than seven languages and on two websites which can easily be found by using Google. For your reading pleasure and enlightenment of this nasty bunch you can go to the link below if you so choose.

I'm not worried at the moment about these barbarians invading Isaan but I am concerned and sorrowful for all the innocent people that are being slaughtered by them.


Then I'm assuming you have the answer as to how to stop the global killing spree and establish world peace? And I'm not even being sarcastic. What's the plan? Show me all the military success that the US and NATO have had in police actions (undeclared wars) since the end of WWII, and by military success I mean campaigns that have turned the hearts and minds of the "insurgents" and have established stable democracies where before chaos reined. North Korea? Vietnam? Somalia? Middle East? Iraq? North Africa? Libya? Afghanistan? Palestine? The Baltics? Sub-saharan Africa? Nicaragua? Cuba? Laos? Give me some concrete examples of where superior military force projected against a "guerrilla-style insurgency" has created stable democracies since after WWII that continued into this day an age? I'm sure there are plenty of examples? Right? (now I'm being sarcastic). Then if you want to start discussing domestic policies of Western countries, how about the establishment of Sharia Law and Muslim-only zones in Western countries. How stabilizing this that? Where do you think that exercise in political correctness is going to go, and why is it being allowed in the first place? If a ISIS flag goes up over the White House, it will only be because it was allowed to go up over the White House.

I think you completely missed my point. I'm just saying that most people don't see the big picture. Start here: The Grand Chessboard - American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski. Or read one of Robert Gates' books. Or any books by members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Look into some history. Check the internet for references to The Great Game and The New Great Game.

I'm just amazed when the average Joe who gets their primary source of news though SkyNews or CNN think they have a clue of what's really going on in the world. Turn your TV off, throw your newspapers away, and read something written that is targeted for individuals with at least a high school, and preferably a university education. The main steam news outlets spew information that is targeted to an audience that has a six grade education. Is that how you see yourself?

Like a stated before, I'll respect your opinion (although I may not agree with it), just as long as it's an informed opinion. Vet you facts.

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It is good that at long last a US president has toned down the rhetoric, turned up the heat on Muslim leaders globally and stepped up the attacks on the violent extremists that have emerged from the Islamic world.

Almost all Muslims want the same things others of all religions want, which is peace and prosperity, not perpetual holy war. Know thine enemy for sure but also know who is not your enemy, and the billion Muslims of the world are not the enemy.

Good post.

Those who demonize all Muslims almost always have an agenda... and nowhere is it more obvious than on this forum.

The absurdity that because Islam is called out for exactly what it requires of its adherents and the actions of the adherents, this hardly translates into "demoniz[ing]" anything or anyone. These are statements of facts. The endless stream of news reports, terrorist actions, and their citations for their actions is hardly fictitious. The assertion that Islam is not responsible for the current state of jihad throughout the world is never- NEVER- backed up with scriptural references or nary a clerical admonishment. Why? Because they are consistent in following the injunctions of Islam. "Demoniz[ing]?" Hardly.

Perhaps those who assert the wrong headedness of posters like myself would provide us some examples from time to time indicating exactly why these jihad terrorists don't reflect islamic injunctions? Perhaps even a topical argument could be provided rather than just pejoratives or impugning the motives of posters who announce measurable facts? Perhaps some do not want to provide such scriptural arguments for their positions because they inherently object to the notion that islam has anything to do with the terrorism at all; so, they wont be bothered with such research to support their position? This would be akin to an ostrich with its head in the sand because, of course, if, according to Obama, we should consider the islamist grievances we should also consider their scriptural references for their authority; they nearly always provide it.

Lastly, it is a bridge to far to assert one knows what all muslims want. What can be known, however, is the product of their collective action or inaction regarding the Third Great Jihad. When considered with regard to the fact that the koran and hadiths actually do call for perpetual holy war what all muslims want becomes a concern. Perpetual holy war is not occasionally mentioned; it is not inferred; it is not poor exegesis. Perpetual holy war is the actual foundation of the entire ideology. You cannot sustain the concept of islam and sharia if you removed the requirement to lesser jihad. There could not ever be a dar al islam unless there is first a dar al harb. Assertions like this combined with leadership like Obama's will seek to redistribute further intellectual, monetary, and military wealth into the hands of islamists under the premise that they need jobs, or opportunity, or equality in outcomes. Normally, IMO, when civilization jihad arrives (and it actually slowly, inexorably arrives everywhere since 632CE because jihad is the actual blueprint) people like me are the last to be whacked, beheaded or burned because we at least know its coming. It is usually the people who greet [them] at the gates that are killed first. Good luck. (Note: My problem is not with muslims, it is with islamic jihad and shar'ia).

For anyone who doesn't understand this, and you have the attention span of an relatively intelligent adult - Google:

What ISIS Really Wants

"The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it."

Author: Graeme Wood

Publication: The Atlantic

It's a pretty informative article. I'm guessing TV won't allow me to post the link, so up to you to do the search.

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It is good that at long last a US president has toned down the rhetoric, turned up the heat on Muslim leaders globally and stepped up the attacks on the violent extremists that have emerged from the Islamic world.

Almost all Muslims want the same things others of all religions want, which is peace and prosperity, not perpetual holy war. Know thine enemy for sure but also know who is not your enemy, and the billion Muslims of the world are not the enemy.

And this is the difficult tightrope that Obama is faced to walk as most Muslims, like most people you meet, are good folks who only want to have peace and prosperity in the lives of their families. So he must find a way not to personally insult the global Muslim population while at the same time suggest that they must confront the systemic issues within Islam that cause it to literally, from an Islamic academic viewpoint, be at war with the non-Islamic world (Dar al-Harb). And of course, out of political correctness, Obama can't talk about the role of access to pussy and power which are two of the main recruiting themes for ISIS as young Muslim men raised in the west live with one foot in the traditional puritanical Islamic social world and the other foot in the western world where the sexual outlets approved of in the Middle East or not approved of in the west.

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It's a figure that however makes the point the vast majority of 'em want peace and prosperity.

Maybe it's 80% or possibly it's 70% but I'm not going to quibble with myself or others as I make the vital point, so the 99% figure will have to do and it does indeed suffice. I don't usually try to quantify it however because it can be and is amorphous.

Prez Obama is calling out that ephemeral and ever elusive social classification called the "moderate Muslim." I have no doubt such a beast exists as I spent a lot of time around them in the Thai South where every ninth person I met was Muslim and they treated me very well.

They don't like others knowing their lives, how they live their lives...how they worship and the things they do when they worship. My Muslim friends did invite me to a mosque service and I learned a lot without any proselytizing but they remain reserved and too insular. (Reminds me of many Germans I've met here...Dutch too btw.)

It's understandable then the ignorance against them is mammoth so there remains a lot of work for everyone to do.

How do you propose the 16,000,000 Muslims you have just declared as terrorists be annihilated?

For the mathematically impaired that's one percent of the 1.6 Billion Muslims in the world.

Your vast experience living in a Muslim community is with one in nine being Muslim? When you get up to one in ten thousand, let us know.

Edit in: I notice you have now raised your estimate of Islamic terrorists to 1.1 %. We now have to figure out how to annihilate 17,600.000 terrorists.

We're gonna need a battle plan and ROEs.

In my post #29 (as of this post) I also said 99.9% of Muslims globally.

What's your calculator have of that as a raw number?

My rhetorically speculative numbers and percentages have since been modified by others, to include downward to 50%, to the point of our now having the post above.

The numbers nonsense going anally literal and silly can go on interminably....

I'd rather not thx.


Perhaps we should get to the crux rather than jacking off. Islam is the issue, not Muslims. If a person does not know the difference between Islam and Muslim then they are quite frankly out of the equation.



What ISIS Really Wants

"The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it."

Author: Graeme Wood

Publication: The Atlantic

It's a pretty informative article. I'm guessing TV won't allow me to post the link, so up to you to do the search.

Thanks for the tip, one of the better articles reviewing Islamic State, it’s ideology and so on; an excerpt…

"Given everything we know about the Islamic State, continuing to slowly bleed it, through air strikes and proxy warfare, appears the best of bad military options"


As you know Iraqi & Kurdish forces are preparing for retaking Mosul. I guess this action in the coming months will indicate their effectiveness & the timeline for the destruction of ISIS in Iraq. God only knows who will be willing to take on and destroy ISIS in Syria.


As you know Iraqi & Kurdish forces are preparing for retaking Mosul. I guess this action in the coming months will indicate their effectiveness & the timeline for the destruction of ISIS in Iraq. God only knows who will be willing to take on and destroy ISIS in Syria.

I guess there is a reason that this in the press.

US Reveals Mosul Assault Timing In Rare Move


Effectiveness of the Iraqi Army ? You are having a laugh, they are useless.

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This is the front page of the NY Post:


The caption reads President Obama blind to Islamic terrorism, yesterday declared, "No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for terrorism."

How original of him. A bit perfidious are we? Now let me see, where have I heard something like that before? Now I remember. It has something to do with guns and people. I suppose the guns and people statement is only rhetoric whereas Obama's statement is the gospel.

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The main steam news outlets spew information that is targeted to an audience that has a six grade education. Is that how you see yourself?

Actually, that is not true. It is said that the language is simplified to that level to improve readability, but in reality that would be mostly the sports section and such. The language in the world news section and politics is usually on a high school and college level.

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Indeed when declaring war against those who 'pervert' Islam it appears that seeding your counter-terrorism agencies with Muslim brotherhood suspected members is accepted strategy. The attempted cover up is so amateurish it makes Benghazi look polished.


Scraping the bottom of the hate-monger barrel, aren't you? blink.png

Written by Robert Spencer, who, with Pamela Geller, were banned from entering the UK, in 2013, because their presence "would not be conducive to the public good"

'In an October 2010 news article, an investigative report by The Tennessean described Spencer as one of several individuals who "...cash in on spreading hate and fear about Islam." Tennessean investigation concluded "IRS filings from 2008 show that Robert Spencer earned $132,537 from the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and Horowitz pocketed over $400,000 for himself in just one year".

With all the hysteria being whipped up, he must have increased his haul, considerably.


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