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Thailand 'disappointed' with British NGO for not seeing anti-human trafficking progress

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While their at it, Thailand should also put the US on Tier 3, with all the guns,drugs & human trafficking going on at it's southern border.


What has it got to do with the UK. London is one of biggest human trafficking cities on earth. Look closer to home. Thailand should produce a report on the UK.

The first thing is not London making the report, it's an NGO report. Second thing is the proliferation of "slave labour" is coming from Eastern Europe, all since the UK was soppy enough to open the borders up as ordered by the EU. But more importantly, the UK is actively doing something about it! There ia huge police anti-trafficking unit in London, there is advertising on the television on a daily basis to make people aware of it. Because of the pro-active efforts (which are very successful, just google it) of the authoirties and not just lame promises, the UK is tier on and Thailand remains on tier three. I'd be intyerested to know where your origin is? You seem to have a strong dislike for the UK so I'm guessing you're not British...
I am British and know the hypocracy of my country. Is it not a UK based organisation? So where is there report on London. BS the met is doing anything about it. They dont have the resouces. They too busy pulling people for speeding. And as for Europe. More fool them. We fell for that scam.

What has it got to do with the UK. London is one of biggest human trafficking cities on earth. Look closer to home. Thailand should produce a report on the UK.

If you rub enough stove black on the UK you can say "look at the pot calling the kettle black" huh bim ??
It called throwing stones whilst living in a glass house. Here is what the Army can do. Zero tolerence on these non Thais begging on the streets of Bangkok with babies. The girls they just sent back to Laos were happy for the free ride home. The UK turns a blind eye to rich Arabs keeping girls as slaves. GLASS HOUSE.

"Sorry to be cynical, but the not for profit 'aid" and social responsibility sector has become very profitable for some."

Yes, you only have to go to Phnom Penh to see examples of this. Has to be the Lexus SUV capital,of the world.

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What has it got to do with the UK. London is one of biggest human trafficking cities on earth. Look closer to home. Thailand should produce a report on the UK

Can you provide sources for your comment?

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What has it got to do with the UK. London is one of biggest human trafficking cities on earth. Look closer to home. Thailand should produce a report on the UK

Can you provide sources for your comment?

This is typical. Any critism of the UK you want proof. Google it. Do your own research. Plenty if evidence.

What has it got to do with the UK. London is one of biggest human trafficking cities on earth. Look closer to home. Thailand should produce a report on the UK

Can you provide sources for your comment?

This is typical. Any critism of the UK you want proof. Google it. Do your own research. Plenty if evidence.

Of course people would want proof, do you think just because you make a comment that it is true and everyone should just take your word for it? if you are going to make a comment like that then you should be able to back your argument up with solid evidence which is beyond question
Even the BBC have covered the Human Trafficking in London and many cities throughout the UK. Does Thailand have a problem? Of course it does. My point was the Hypocracy of a UK based organisation to shine it torch on Thailand when it has a huge problem right in its doorstep. Met picks up only 9% of trafficking victims BBC http://m.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-24512447

What has it got to do with the UK. London is one of biggest human trafficking cities on earth. Look closer to home. Thailand should produce a report on the UK.

Here we go, more faux nationalism by proxy. Perhaps it escaped your notice that the UK, whilst not exactly paragons of virtue in the Human Trafficking stakes, are regarded as a Tier 1 country whereas Thailand is Tier 3.

That means Thailand does not fully comply with the minimum standards and are (sic) not making significant efforts to do so.

Neither does the UK. And they have no excuse. Im a brit by the way

"neither does the UK"

It appears they do, if you bothered to check the link I provided

"Im a brit by the way"

Preeeecisely - hence the comment about faux nationalism by proxy.


What has it got to do with the UK. London is one of biggest human trafficking cities on earth. Look closer to home. Thailand should produce a report on the UK.

Yeah right....they can't even prepare a report on the price of noodles in Food courts without making a mess of it !


What has it got to do with the UK. London is one of biggest human trafficking cities on earth. Look closer to home. Thailand should produce a report on the UK.

Here we go, more faux nationalism by proxy. Perhaps it escaped your notice that the UK, whilst not exactly paragons of virtue in the Human Trafficking stakes, are regarded as a Tier 1 country whereas Thailand is Tier 3.

That means Thailand does not fully comply with the minimum standards and are (sic) not making significant efforts to do so.

Neither does the UK. And they have no excuse. Im a brit by the way

"neither does the UK"

It appears they do, if you bothered to check the link I provided

"Im a brit by the way"

Preeeecisely - hence the comment about faux nationalism by proxy.

So 9% is fully compliant in your opnion http://m.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-24512447

Too much "well blah blah has a problem too". Stick to human trafficking in Thailand, skip the divert or deflect tricks. Have things gotten better here? Maybe. Who knows, who can tell? Investigative reporting can lead to all sorts of problems... what did happen with that suit by Navy over expose? Is Thailand cleaned up enough to pass muster? Probably not yet.


The fact remains that only a couple out of the tens of thousands of massage parlors and karaoke and bars have been checked. The fishing industry is in the news every month with reports of men or women swimming kilometers after jumping off of slave boats.

And recently only a few factories and construction sites have been checked. In comparison to how man are workers are here as part of the slave trade this is bit a smidgen compared t what they could do if they were serious. Then of course there is The fact that I have read about no arrests of any bosses for having them work there except for small businesses. No punishments except for fines if that. So the title to this article is suitable to what the thai gov has done as far as improvement. I said before and I will say it again. The world doesn't look at laws passes and amendments made if they are not applied and enforced. Nobody believes what they read. Only what they see. And Thailand has not shown anYthing


Were the British supposed to turn a "blind-eye" to the human trafficking in Thailand...?

Apparently the Thai authorities in charge of the anti-human trafficking progress...disappointed the British NGO...


No all you have done is talk a good game and made loads of promises which you are not doing, why the disappointment, because as a country full of disappointment you should be used to that by now, Don't moan about what other's say, do what you are meant to do and stop bitching about it,


Here we are in Thailand talking about things to do with Thailand. Rather than admit Thailand has a problem, people are talking about London.

Why don't some of you go to London forums and see if they are talking about the problems in Thailand on them.

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Here we are in Thailand talking about things to do with Thailand. Rather than admit Thailand has a problem, people are talking about London.

Why don't some of you go to London forums and see if they are talking about the problems in Thailand on them.

I didnt say Thailand doesnt have a problem. I was pointing out the typical UK hypocracy when it comes to other countries. If you live here and dont like it remember you are a guest. If you dont like it go home. I am sick of moaning mainly brits slagging Thailand. Why are you here? And yes Im British and believe I have a right to say so. If the UK is that great why are you here? End of. Here is the state of the UK



Here we are in Thailand talking about things to do with Thailand. Rather than admit Thailand has a problem, people are talking about London.

Why don't some of you go to London forums and see if they are talking about the problems in Thailand on them.

I'm British - let me explain something about far too many of my fellow countrymen.

They're morons.

And they love opening their mouths and letting their belly rumble.

Anyone with any knowledge of Thailand whatsoever knows who's trafficking these people in. And they also know who's operating brothels where these women are lined up like battery chickens to serve the Thais.

Now, if the point being made is that London has a problem with Eastern European women in particular being trafficked - no one is arguing with that. Here's the difference between London and Thailand.

It's not the Metropolitan Police who are trafficking in these women by the tens of thousands. And it's not the British army that's operating the brothels. Or Navy - or would you believe even the RAF?

Anyway - let the moron rumble on with his stupid comparison. It makes him feel big and clever.

While the rest of us laugh at him.

So why are you here? Go home. And by the way are you actually stating the Army and Navy in Thailand deal in trafficking? Hope you can back that up

From what I have seem Thailand has improved on this issue. I'm not going to say they are anywhere close to perfect but they do seem to be really trying to move in the direction that the west wants them to move.

Some people call window drawing and lip service progress, but they are looking for REAL progress like shutting down the big corporations that uses slave labour and arresting big fish,not just a single lorry driver or brothel manager. I have not read about any big "fish" being caught AND punished.


Here we are in Thailand talking about things to do with Thailand. Rather than admit Thailand has a problem, people are talking about London.

Why don't some of you go to London forums and see if they are talking about the problems in Thailand on them.

I'm British - let me explain something about far too many of my fellow countrymen.

They're morons.

And they love opening their mouths and letting their belly rumble.

Anyone with any knowledge of Thailand whatsoever knows who's trafficking these people in. And they also know who's operating brothels where these women are lined up like battery chickens to serve the Thais.

Now, if the point being made is that London has a problem with Eastern European women in particular being trafficked - no one is arguing with that. Here's the difference between London and Thailand.

It's not the Metropolitan Police who are trafficking in these women by the tens of thousands. And it's not the British army that's operating the brothels. Or Navy - or would you believe even the RAF?

Anyway - let the moron rumble on with his stupid comparison. It makes him feel big and clever.

While the rest of us laugh at him.

So why are you here? Go home. And by the way are you actually stating the Army and Navy in Thailand deal in trafficking? Hope you can back that up





Here we are in Thailand talking about things to do with Thailand. Rather than admit Thailand has a problem, people are talking about London.

Why don't some of you go to London forums and see if they are talking about the problems in Thailand on them.

I'm British - let me explain something about far too many of my fellow countrymen.

They're morons.

And they love opening their mouths and letting their belly rumble.

Anyone with any knowledge of Thailand whatsoever knows who's trafficking these people in. And they also know who's operating brothels where these women are lined up like battery chickens to serve the Thais.

Now, if the point being made is that London has a problem with Eastern European women in particular being trafficked - no one is arguing with that. Here's the difference between London and Thailand.

It's not the Metropolitan Police who are trafficking in these women by the tens of thousands. And it's not the British army that's operating the brothels. Or Navy - or would you believe even the RAF?

Anyway - let the moron rumble on with his stupid comparison. It makes him feel big and clever.

While the rest of us laugh at him.

So why are you here? Go home. And by the way are you actually stating the Army and Navy in Thailand deal in trafficking? Hope you can back that up




Yep I know. Nothing so funny as hypocracy hey.

Here we are in Thailand talking about things to do with Thailand. Rather than admit Thailand has a problem, people are talking about London.

Why don't some of you go to London forums and see if they are talking about the problems in Thailand on them.

I'm British - let me explain something about far too many of my fellow countrymen.

They're morons.

And they love opening their mouths and letting their belly rumble.

Anyone with any knowledge of Thailand whatsoever knows who's trafficking these people in. And they also know who's operating brothels where these women are lined up like battery chickens to serve the Thais.

Now, if the point being made is that London has a problem with Eastern European women in particular being trafficked - no one is arguing with that. Here's the difference between London and Thailand.

It's not the Metropolitan Police who are trafficking in these women by the tens of thousands. And it's not the British army that's operating the brothels. Or Navy - or would you believe even the RAF?

Anyway - let the moron rumble on with his stupid comparison. It makes him feel big and clever.

While the rest of us laugh at him.

So why are you here? Go home. And by the way are you actually stating the Army and Navy in Thailand deal in trafficking? Hope you can back that up

Are you really that naive ? blink.png For a starter go Google Thai navy human trafficking

Maybe his reason is his own business and none of yours... btw telling someone to "go home" is not an argument and tantamount to losing the point and looking childish. I suggest you stay here in Thailand where you can pretend to be smart and get away with it, seems you dont have the first clue re trafficking here... he did forget to add one other group ... the Thai Police ... im sure your suitably shocked.

Methinks your just another bitter Brit abroad, no loss to the country

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No place on this planet is pure. The UK, like so many other counties, has its faults too, but, many countries by-large, will openly admit to the problems it faces, and will try to address those problems in a constructive, democratic and positive manner.

Negative British views and believes where kicked into touch, years ago by the demand of the public right using the power of free-speech, which was and is conducted by a democratic society, by means of legal process.

Should any wrong doing be committed in a democratic society,, a person or public, has a greater chance of justice, plus individuals can speak freely without fear, unlike so many Thais, (plus non Thais) in the Kingdom, under dictatorship!

The 'status-quo' of Thailand, speaks volumes and is evidence enough, to make an opinion, on!


That's right it's a report from an NGO not actually representing the UK government. More importantly to me is this, what the hell is this tier list anyway & where does it come from.........Oh, America. For gawds sake that's like the pot calling the kettle black isn't it as far as human trafficking is concerned. I am not saying that there isn't an issue here but IMO how dare the US impose such a thing on Thailand. Damn hypocrites......do as I say not as I do.

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