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Zionism debate at heart of bitter Israeli vote


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Nice to see a group that appears rational having a chance against Likud

It is a well known saying in Israel that the left wins at the polls (but losses the elections).

The OP puts too much stock on the Zionist Camp's meager lead (currently polls suggest a 2 seat margin), which is both not substantial enough and means little if the party cannot find enough partners to form a viable coalition. Adding to this most of the media being centrist/left leaning, with a somewhat optimistic (fake or not, hard to say) attitude, can muddy the waters.

The Zionist Camp may best Netanyahu's Likud, and still end up in the opposition (pretty much what happened to Livni's Kadima Party following the 2009 elections).

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Regarding the upcoming Israeli election, I am no expert on the history of Israeli elections, but it seems to me this one is of more than usual importance. Israel is really in a fix with so many issues now, foreign and domestic, and I hope their democratic methods can help them find a path towards something better.

Not expecting any miracles or quick fixes because that's impossible.

OP refers to ongoing Zionist political programme, and it's not really a democratic method...

Israeli elections were always linked to the settlers programme in occupied territories. The more settlers, the more votes.

The OP does not refer to "ongoing Zionist political programme", but to the place of Zionism within the context of the upcoming Israeli elections. That you assert this to be non-democratic is nonsensical, considering that the OP touches upon the views of future parliament members which are definitely not Zionist.

Israeli elections were held prior to 1967, when the West Bank was conquered and occupation began, so "always linked to the settlers programme" would be incorrect. The illegal settlement effort became more on an election related issue much later than this. How is the notion of "the more settlers, the more votes" supported? People who become settlers are usually already voting right wing to begin with.

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Oh dear, the 'Z' word should have some of our esteemed members frothing at the mouth. Indeed if their take on what Zionism means we're true the election would be in the bag for Netanyahu already.

I would be more concerned about those who aren't 'frothing at the mouth'. It shows they have neither conscience nor humanity. The 'Z' word, according to the settlers, means concentration camps, collective punishment, more land theft and ethnic-cleansing.

Who are you voting for?

Seems like a suggestion that only two options are acknowledged - your views or the settlers version of Zionism. Funny how reading the OP, it would seem that there are actually quite a few variants, I'd guess most posters aren't eligible to vote, why even bring this up?

Far as I understand SD's post he simply stated that if the majority of Israelis upheld the notion of Zionism advertised by yourself (and others on TVF) then Netanyahu's electoral victory would be assured. I would go a step further, and say that if it was so, Netanyahu would have lost the elections a long time ago and would have been remembered as a leftist. Yes, there are people to the right of Netanyahu (most of the settlers are).

SD simply stated that if all Israelis

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