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Phuket's Russian tour companies starting to feel the pinch


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surely just a blip and not an accurate reflection of a 70% drop in Russian tourist arrivals?!

surely wink.png

Were you hoping for a bigger drop ?

Like many others

don't put words in my mouth Gunna, my quip is with TAT's endless arrival stats BS

I am hoping

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Lots of paranoid racist remarks posted on TV about Russian tourist, my wife has a business in a big hotel that had all Russians staying there, never had any problems with them at any time, tipped well and very well behaved, most were family's with children from small babies to teenagers , not the big over weight Russian depicted by some posters on here, men very fit good looking and really beautiful women, good looking kids, nice family's. any one that thinks the Russian tourist are not important to Pattaya and Phuket is really stupid, just look at all the shops and business in Pattaya and Phuket signwriting is in Russian not Thai or English, that must tell you something, the hotel where my wife's business is has eight shops and three are already closed and my wife will close hers next month, I think the rest will close soon, absolute disaster for Pattaya. just over one year ago my wife's was great making very good money now can not cover the overheads. Russians are very important and better than most other country's tourist. people that bag them really have no idea. Russians that live in Thailand maybe a different thing.

Well it will go back to what it was like 14 years ago before any Russians were here, life was no different, just cheaper, and most are rude, you were lucky, but life and business will carry on

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Lots of paranoid racist remarks posted on TV about Russian tourist, my wife has a business in a big hotel that had all Russians staying there, never had any problems with them at any time, tipped well and very well behaved, most were family's with children from small babies to teenagers , not the big over weight Russian depicted by some posters on here, men very fit good looking and really beautiful women, good looking kids, nice family's. any one that thinks the Russian tourist are not important to Pattaya and Phuket is really stupid, just look at all the shops and business in Pattaya and Phuket signwriting is in Russian not Thai or English, that must tell you something, the hotel where my wife's business is has eight shops and three are already closed and my wife will close hers next month, I think the rest will close soon, absolute disaster for Pattaya. just over one year ago my wife's was great making very good money now can not cover the overheads. Russians are very important and better than most other country's tourist. people that bag them really have no idea. Russians that live in Thailand maybe a different thing.

I am going to agree with merlen - my wife has an apartment rental business, and i am involved in that business (have WP these last 15 years) as the front person to handle the foreigner. To be honest when the Russians, Ukranians, and the other parts of the old USSR starting turning up about 4 years ago initially I was not keen to take them on. But now after 4 years with many Russian et al group I have to say I have not really had any problem. They are polite, no hassle, and pay on time. Most hire a car for their stay. Many return the next year and we are happy to see them. Although much less returned this high season. Maybe we have been lucky but I tell it as i see it.

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I do miss the beautiful young Russian women seen walking around Pattaya...

I do not miss the over-weight women wearing two piece bathing suits or exposing their breasts at the beach...

I do not miss the Russian men with faces like a hardened criminal walking 2 and 3 abreast on the sidewalks clearing the walk of all other pedestrians...

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surely just a blip and not an accurate reflection of a 70% drop in Russian tourist arrivals?!

surely wink.png

dont beleave,

just read every day reports in TV , related to TAT and others,

Hotel are for 99% booked,

so all should be happy,

or this is just for revenue dep. no business, no profit, no TAX to pay !!

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About Kazakhstan....

The movie Borat, which I absolutely loved for its radical political incorrectness has, it must be said, left a scar on the reputation of Kazakhstan.

This country, however, is home to more than one ancient and extraordinary culture, and for those who are tempted to just guffaw and slip into the usual anti-Muslim stance, I recommend that you type 'eagle hunters kazakhtan' on Google, look at the pictures first, do some research and dare say, after that, that you're not impressed with those guys.

Kazakhstan, like so many other Central Asian mountain kingdoms, was invaded, exploited, damaged and left to rot by the Soviet bully. The pretext was, of course, that they were living under feudal rules and customs, an unacceptable heresy for Stalin and his oh so humane version of communism... (by the way, Mao sent his troops to Tibet under very similar claims).

How does a country try to re-construct itself after that... is a good question.

dont look at this old russion pictures,

Kazahstan is reach on oil and gas,

the new generation have money,

maybee more than the usual russian tourist,

but not that big numbers of peoples

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If Thai authorities knew the details of how Pegas operate, they would likely not even be allowed to operate in Thailand.

If I was going to judge a book by it's cover I would think the above pictured were kindly church going lovely young men who you would not trust with your Alzheimer's grandmother.

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Lots of paranoid racist remarks posted on TV about Russian tourist, my wife has a business in a big hotel that had all Russians staying there, never had any problems with them at any time, tipped well and very well behaved, most were family's with children from small babies to teenagers , not the big over weight Russian depicted by some posters on here, men very fit good looking and really beautiful women, good looking kids, nice family's. any one that thinks the Russian tourist are not important to Pattaya and Phuket is really stupid, just look at all the shops and business in Pattaya and Phuket signwriting is in Russian not Thai or English, that must tell you something, the hotel where my wife's business is has eight shops and three are already closed and my wife will close hers next month, I think the rest will close soon, absolute disaster for Pattaya. just over one year ago my wife's was great making very good money now can not cover the overheads. Russians are very important and better than most other country's tourist. people that bag them really have no idea. Russians that live in Thailand maybe a different thing.

Well it will go back to what it was like 14 years ago before any Russians were here, life was no different, just cheaper, and most are rude, you were lucky, but life and business will carry on

Well not really, there are moves to replace them with tourists from alternative places.

India and China for example, can see a lot of these groups in Pattaya right now.

One noticeable difference is these groups impact on traffic as they do not seem aware of the danger.

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Lots of paranoid racist remarks posted on TV about Russian tourist, my wife has a business in a big hotel that had all Russians staying there, never had any problems with them at any time, tipped well and very well behaved, most were family's with children from small babies to teenagers , not the big over weight Russian depicted by some posters on here, men very fit good looking and really beautiful women, good looking kids, nice family's. any one that thinks the Russian tourist are not important to Pattaya and Phuket is really stupid, just look at all the shops and business in Pattaya and Phuket signwriting is in Russian not Thai or English, that must tell you something, the hotel where my wife's business is has eight shops and three are already closed and my wife will close hers next month, I think the rest will close soon, absolute disaster for Pattaya. just over one year ago my wife's was great making very good money now can not cover the overheads. Russians are very important and better than most other country's tourist. people that bag them really have no idea. Russians that live in Thailand maybe a different thing.

Well it will go back to what it was like 14 years ago before any Russians were here, life was no different, just cheaper, and most are rude, you were lucky, but life and business will carry on

Stupid post, do you own a business in Phuket or Pattaya, I am sure you don't and have no experience with Russian customers, most western people don't, it is not the farangs that are not making any money from their business it is the Thai people, how can I be lucky with only Russian customers for over four years and some thousands, and not only the hotel my wife business is in but the Pullman , Central Mirage, Zign , just a few 4 & 5 star hotels that are in trouble with lack of Russian guests, and there are many more hotels suffering in Pattaya, don't know where you go to see all the rude Russians, I go to Big C a lot and Tesco a lot never see any rude Russians, don't see many rude people at all , please tell me where are all the Rude Russians, I have no great liking or dislike for Russians or any other nationally. take every one as the same.

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Sometimes I wonder how many of you who dislike the Russians actually know any Russians personally? I happen to know quite some Russian guy's and they are not worse, or better, than others. Sure some of them are loud, some of them seem to lack social skills, but so some French, German, British, Dutch and other nationalities! The Russians that I know are normal, nice folks.. Just like you and me tongue.png

Sometimes I wonder how many of you who dislike the Russians actually know any Russians personally?

If you where with me last night shopping at a Big C in Bangkok, you would be begging to become a new member of the "Russians? No thank you club".

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There are a few reasons, the ruble collapsing along with the Gov't not allowing gov't employees to go to any country not on the authorized list, of which Thailand isn't one of them. Lao, Vietnam, Cuba and North Korea might see an increase in Russian tourism though smile.png.

Oh yeah we are all hankering to visit north korea. land of the fat, surly, ugly, out of control megalomaniac dictator man child. So much fun. Joyous people. Great food. Amazing resorts. Communist minders following you around, and restricting your movement. Sounds amazing. Where can I get a ticket?

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If ''Pegasus'' has sometime on there hands, i suggest they use it to Train there Drivers on SAFETY SKILLS..

As soon as i see one of those ''White Mini Buses'' charging behind me, i always pull over..

they are a danger to all..

Totally agree !

The problem is Pegast, not the drivers. They have a schedule that is impossible to maintain, unless they speed and ignore everyone else on the road. Blame Pegast, not the drivers.

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Sometimes I wonder how many of you who dislike the Russians actually know any Russians personally? I happen to know quite some Russian guy's and they are not worse, or better, than others. Sure some of them are loud, some of them seem to lack social skills, but so some French, German, British, Dutch and other nationalities! The Russians that I know are normal, nice folks.. Just like you and me tongue.png

Sometimes I wonder how many of you who dislike the Russians actually know any Russians personally?

If you where with me last night shopping at a Big C in Bangkok, you would be begging to become a new member of the "Russians? No thank you club".

I bump into Russians on a daily basis - usually because they like to take up the whole of the footpath

or while trying to buy something at their favourite 7-11

or in the swimming pool where they think they are the only one in there.

One condo block has banned Russians after one of their children took a crap in the pool.

Cost a small fortune to empty the pool, clean out the filter etc

having said that like any nationality there are good bad and the unseen

A lot of Russian are on charter flights from Siberia where life is tough.

A friend who rents out Villas has after some bad experiences put on his website

No bookings accepted from AIRs ( Arabs, Indians or Russians )

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Lots of paranoid racist remarks posted on TV about Russian tourist, my wife has a business in a big hotel that had all Russians staying there, never had any problems with them at any time, tipped well and very well behaved, most were family's with children from small babies to teenagers , not the big over weight Russian depicted by some posters on here, men very fit good looking and really beautiful women, good looking kids, nice family's. any one that thinks the Russian tourist are not important to Pattaya and Phuket is really stupid, just look at all the shops and business in Pattaya and Phuket signwriting is in Russian not Thai or English, that must tell you something, the hotel where my wife's business is has eight shops and three are already closed and my wife will close hers next month, I think the rest will close soon, absolute disaster for Pattaya. just over one year ago my wife's was great making very good money now can not cover the overheads. Russians are very important and better than most other country's tourist. people that bag them really have no idea. Russians that live in Thailand maybe a different thing.

Scrap the signs in Russian and have new ones made up in Mandarin and market for the Chinese. If your in business you have to roll with it, move on to who is coming.

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Scrap the signs in Russian and have new ones made up in Mandarin and market for the Chinese.

#BadBouy - Actually that is a pretty good point. It's really not that long ago I laughed when I saw in Pattaya the first menus in Russian. It pissed me off a bit. Now restaurants will have to spend the holy baht on updating menus again to include Chinese script. They will be reluctant to do this of course, and probably wish they could bill TAT. I was going to say "well that's progress !", but it isn't really, just a bit of a side step. Russians are going, Chinese are coming.

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Long may it last! However, if there is peace in Ukraine and the economic sanctions are lifted on Russia the numbers will rise again commensurate with the Ruble's increase in value. Who the heck is going to buy all these Condos being constructed in huge numbers? Is there another Southern SpaIn-type collapse coming to the Land of Smiles do you think - anyone.


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Lots of paranoid racist remarks posted on TV about Russian tourist, my wife has a business in a big hotel that had all Russians staying there, never had any problems with them at any time, tipped well and very well behaved, most were family's with children from small babies to teenagers , not the big over weight Russian depicted by some posters on here, men very fit good looking and really beautiful women, good looking kids, nice family's. any one that thinks the Russian tourist are not important to Pattaya and Phuket is really stupid, just look at all the shops and business in Pattaya and Phuket signwriting is in Russian not Thai or English, that must tell you something, the hotel where my wife's business is has eight shops and three are already closed and my wife will close hers next month, I think the rest will close soon, absolute disaster for Pattaya. just over one year ago my wife's was great making very good money now can not cover the overheads. Russians are very important and better than most other country's tourist. people that bag them really have no idea. Russians that live in Thailand maybe a different thing.

And so your personal view of the Russians is somewhat biased, one would say. Given your wife's vested interest?

As to mine, I have yet to meet a Russian, of either gender, who is not a pushy, loudmouthed, 'me first and s0d the rest of you', boor.

Hopefully Egypt will settle down soon and they can all vacation there again.

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