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How does the devaluation of the US$ effect Thailand and the exchange rate?

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You're coveniently forgetting to mention the FEMA camps and the government's cover-up of the ongoing ebola epidemic.

Oh did I? Im sure your FOX news has reported everything you need to know, so no use in me saying anything for you. I assume you miss the good ol' days of Bush jr? I recall he also had issues with FEMA involving Katrina. Don't worry though in less than a couple years Jeb Bush will be your saving grace now that the right wing nut jobs have been busy brainwashing.

Bush Jr and Jeb were/are lackeys for the NWO too. The only remaing hope for America is that Rand Paul will be elected president and restore liberty and the gold standard.

LoL... love it. The last thing america needs is an Ultra Conservative in office.

While you’re laughing America’s police state is engaging in all manners of medical tyranny and engineering a crash of the USD at the banksters’ behest. But of course you won’t believe that anything is wrong until you’re behind barbed wire at a FEMA internment camp.

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Why in the name of all this is holy would a strengthening economy devalue its currency ?? Am I missing something here ?

You are missing that the US economy isn't really strengthening, thats just an illusion created by the illuminati and the banksters to fool us all....in fact the US economy is in a deep depression and its currency is about to go to zero. The only way to protect yourself is of course to buy GOLD. The US cant withstand competition from the asians, like that Chinese company called Apple, for example.

How amazing that the whole world is misinformed about the American economy but you are not and you know the "real" truth. Where do you get such accurate and reliable information?
Im glad you leaned something from my analysis. Most people don't know the truth because the illuminati and other groups, such as the rothschilds and other jews are manipulating things to create a new world order. Also the chinese are taking over. Apple is now chinese, but most people don't know that. The rothschilds previously owned the bank of england which is where the manipulation is organized. The rothschilds sold the bank of england to hide their influence but still pull the strings. Recently chinese officials have also been observed visiting and are part of it. You do the math. Ever since Greenspan ended the Gold standard these groups have forced the US into debt slavery but this cant continue and the final collapse of the USD is imminent. As the US has no Gold, because the reserves they want us to believe they have in fact no longer exist, they were stolen by the above groups that I mentioned, there will no way to stop the collapse of their currency. Edited by paddyjenkins
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You're coveniently forgetting to mention the FEMA camps and the government's cover-up of the ongoing ebola epidemic.

Oh did I? Im sure your FOX news has reported everything you need to know, so no use in me saying anything for you. I assume you miss the good ol' days of Bush jr? I recall he also had issues with FEMA involving Katrina. Don't worry though in less than a couple years Jeb Bush will be your saving grace now that the right wing nut jobs have been busy brainwashing.

Bush Jr and Jeb were/are lackeys for the NWO too. The only remaing hope for America is that Rand Paul will be elected president and restore liberty and the gold standard.

While you’re laughing America’s police state is engaging in all manners of medical tyranny and engineering a crash of the USD at the banksters’ behest. But of course you won’t believe that anything is wrong until you’re behind barbed wire at a FEMA internment camp.

a terrible fact is that that the management of the 900 FEMA camps is outsourced to sadistic aliens from the Delta Quadrant w00t.gif

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I will admit to knowing next to nothing about currencies, but there seems to be a consideration for the Swiss franc. If someone was wanting to hold currencies, would that be a worthy option? When we do again have inflation, will it matter what currency you have? I'm not a gold purchaser, but it seems gold is very popular during times of uncertainties. I had a Korean gf who had a big ring that was basically a chunk of gold bullion wrapped around her finger.

It's been interesting over the last 50 years and hear about the next world crisis destroying civilization as we know it. I think it's been more "The Times They Are A Changin'" – for better, for worse.

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I think you're first worry is the Euro. Then don't expect any doomsday USD devaluation scenario before you see a major global deflationary cycle. Also, the US is not just going to 'roll-over' on the 'reserve currency issue, at least until the major banks are in a position to capitalize when it happens. And you'll never see it coming, but the 'big boyz' will. Know any insiders? No? Well, welcome to the 99.999% club.

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USA Economic Depression?


Let's See:

- Debt going down.

- Lowest unemployment rates in 30 years

- Strong GDP

- Stock Market new highs.

- I own 4 businesses on Maui, Hawaii and can not find employees.

- Everyone needs employees in USA.

- Home Depot (like many) will hire 20,000+ this year



Pretty funny.

Put a little vodka in your FOX NEWS Kool-Ade.

Individuals with an IQ of about 60 go for the low hanging fruit. Start using ridicule anytime there is an opinion that doesn't fit your world view. Must be quite a few Saul Alinsky fans in the TV audience.

US population: approx 330 million

Civilian non-institutionalize population (capable of entering the workforce): approx. 249 million

US population out of the work force: approx. 92 million

US BLS Unemployment rate: 5.9%

Lies, damn lies, statistics (my BS meter just went into the red)



Pretty funny.

Now go home and get your shine box.

<Maybe Saul had it right. Ridicule is fun. Not really, but I'll make this one exception.>

Edited by connda
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If you want to know the real truth and risk to the USD, its in the form of huge unfunded liabilities in the form of various entitlements, not the existing government debt that people tend to worry about. These wont begin to become a serious problem for something like 20 years, and have been overshadowed by the very recently shrinking deficit and decreased bond issuance, both of which are temporary reprieves. The unfunded liabilities require a political solution, there will be no printing their way out of that without a genuine risk to the credibility of the credit worthiness of the country. But this is so far above the heads of 99% of this forums readers that there is little point in attempting a serious discussion.

Edited by paddyjenkins
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Why in the name of all this is holy would a strengthening economy devalue its currency ?? Am I missing something here ?

You are missing that the US economy isn't really strengthening, thats just an illusion created by the illuminati and the banksters to fool us all....in fact the US economy is in a deep depression and its currency is about to go to zero. The only way to protect yourself is of course to buy GOLD. The US cant withstand competition from the asians, like that Chinese company called Apple, for example.

I guess you must be a Greek citizen wishing the world your same fate.

The realities are that the US economy is currently (02/2015) one of the stronger global economies with positive growth.

Globally it would be a smart financial concept to base the world currency baseline on a basket of currencies versus the big-countries currency; similar to a "stock market" approach.

Yes the US has a lot of foreign debt but it is off-set by it's absolute diversity.

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I have to agree with most....

Because at this moment in time, the US depends totally in imports, and 50% of its population is low income by US standard, the US needs to control cost, and the only way to keep its people "happy" is keeping the dollar strong to keep using other's countries cheap labor and products..

Have to disagree... Although the usa loves cheap Imports it can easily survive on its own resources. I wonder how many other countries could do the same?

Brazil is one...it is doing that for the last 30 years....even with oil and gold to give away... and the larger reserve in the world waiting.

But.... that....is a secret. OK?

Brazil can make its own computers and all else it needs? It can manufacture everything it needs, or are you saying it could survive by going back to the stone age? Do you simply mean the people could eat?

The US can grow and fish for everything it needs. It can manufacture everything it needs from its own resources. It can generate all of its own electricity from its own resources. It has the technology, people, resources and all else to keep the home fires burning. I don't know of another country like that.

Tinfoil hats are on sale today, LOL.


I can see that do know much about other countries capabilities. When I move to the US in 1992 I had a big surprise. Transactions between interstate banks were taking days. At the same time in Brazil the same transaction was taking minutes. Since 1979 Brazilian cars started running in 100% alcohol from sugar cane. Today 50% of Brazilian cars runs in 100% alcohol, and Brazilian alcohol is mixed now in the gasoline of many countries, including the US.. Brazil is self sufficient in oil, and it is an oil exporter with its own fleet. Petrobras is the Brazilian national petroleum company, and is partner with many Asian oil companies. Mc Donald orange juice and chicken in the US is imported from Brazil. Mc Donalds is a Brazilian corporation since 2002, was sold by the American owners for 14 billions. Fiat and other European car companies, plus the US Government bail-out, saved Chrysler, Ford and GM from bankruptcy. Intel and Allied Materials, producer of core elements in every computer to the present time since the 90's in Silicon Valley, were initiated in an US state called Israel. Levis close its factory in San Francisco in 1996. HP central quarters is located in China.

In 1997, when I was living and working in San Jose/San Francisco..called "Silicon Valley"...most professionals working on the computer field were foreigners, and 30% of new ventures in the country were located in North California. Since the 60s foreigners are the main working force in the US medical field. Agricultural force in the US are mainly low paid Central America "aliens". For the last 20 years in the US the investment in public health, education, and infrastructure is minimum comparing with countries in expansion, specially in Asia.

USA main area of investment is the Military, and...unfortunately...it is using it.

But the most amazing info about The US economy, was published in 1992 by Newsweek Magazine. Stated that in the US, without taken in consideration its citizens under 18 and over 65, citizens on unemployment and welfare, citizens on disability benefits, and citizens working in the US Military, the productive force was just 30% of its total population. That in 1992....probably now is even lower.

No doubts that the US can hire all the people need it to put the country in its "splendor" again...but the cost will be so high...that is not a Government option, when can still buying cheap and keeping its people living in fantasy.

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I am not sure who is serious, and thus seriously deranged, or is using well disguised sarcasm.

One thing I AM fairly confident about is that OP is confused about the differentiation between "devaluation" and "depreciation". One is a deliberate act by the monetary authority of the subject currency, while the other, depreciation, is primarily market driven vs bench mark currencies.

Those who are truly concerned about Illuminati, NWO, FEMA camp interment, etc., truly have much greater problems than the relative strength of TB vs USD. I don't really foresee fluctuations of more than a couple of percent either direction in the near future.

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Why in the name of all this is holy would a strengthening economy devalue its currency ?? Am I missing something here ?

You are missing that the US economy isn't really strengthening, thats just an illusion created by the illuminati and the banksters to fool us all....in fact the US economy is in a deep depression and its currency is about to go to zero. The only way to protect yourself is of course to buy GOLD. The US cant withstand competition from the asians, like that Chinese company called Apple, for example.

Ahahahhahah!!! Eat gold and enjoy it's high yeld!!!

Gold bugs never die!

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Why in the name of all this is holy would a strengthening economy devalue its currency ?? Am I missing something here ?

It the economy is strengthening so much why is the Fed not nudging up interest rates? Why are they playing this maybe I will and maybe I won't game? There are government figures and then real figures. Why have millions given up looking for work? Why are people on food stamps at an all time high? If there are so many jobs why are so many underemployed? Why are young people coming out of colleges with degrees and not finding work in their field? Why are 30% of them living in their parents basements and the list goes on and on. Why are uncollected college loans over a trillion dollars. Why are unfunded USA debts close to the 200 trillion dollar mark some are pensions people are relying on for their retirement. Why is infrastructure crumbling including schools and bridges? Why are home sales dropping. I could go on all day but my fingers are getting tired. Why are employers hiring from these labor gangs called Part Time Emplacement? Yes to some degree things are good in the USA but very few are sharing in the good times. Employers are trying to wring as much work for as little money out of their employees to boot up the bottom line to keep shareholders happy. Another 15 years and robots and 3D printing will kick a lot more workers out to the curb. An economy is for the people to not just big business. We have lost sight of this.

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SunLover2, on 25 Feb 2015 - 19:09, said:
Rajhulmaheesh, on 24 Feb 2015 - 18:02, said:

I not understand why GREEK(a drunkard) is able to negotiate from no power at all? They arent willing to do a thing to help themselves.

An old truism:

If I owe you $100 and can not pay I have a problem.

If I owe you $1,000,000 and can not pay YOU have a problem.

It is true the larger the debt the more it becomes someone else's problem.

Banker friend said to me a long time ago "If your going to go into debt make sure its more than a few million upwards".

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You are missing that the US economy isn't really strengthening, thats just an illusion created by the illuminati and the banksters to fool us all....in fact the US economy is in a deep depression and its currency is about to go to zero. The only way to protect yourself is of course to buy GOLD. The US cant withstand competition from the asians, like that Chinese company called Apple, for example.

Thats a joke right - very funny post-50622-0-67599100-1424876309_thumb.gpost-50622-0-67599100-1424876309_thumb.g

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anyone reading this will be dead and buried before your fantasy scenario comes to fruition

For sure.

Ahhhhhh, the smell of normalcy bias confirming each others' world view. It could be as early as this year, but within the next 10 at the outside (prior to 2020 is my personal guess), you will see a paradigm shift in the global monetary system. And yes Alice, the almighty Dollar can and will take it in the shorts. It is all part of the plan……………….

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Much of Europe is sliding into decline and permanant recession

Russia is facing economic doldrums as its currencty collapses and its financial institutions downgraded

Chinese growth has slowed

Arabia's citizens are furiously killing each other like never before (what's new)

Japan has just tried printing its way out of recession, and failed gloriously

Apart from the UK, Israel, Germany and a hand full of other countries, America is in very good shape

Japan is toast. Europe is right behind them. And the U.S. economy is smoke and mirrors, and what good news you see is a short-lived byproduct by money creation and manipulation. Seriously!!!!!!!!!! Who out there with any experience running a business looks at the current climate and sees recovery?………………….ANYONE? Let the brave souls step right up here and now and proclaim U.S. recovery…….. I dare ya!

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one thing im sure of. If my country was isolated from the world and my choice of where to live was Brazil or the usa. Im staying in the USA with the greenback and not the Brazilian Real

From 2000 TO 2015 the Brazilian Real value to the dollar increases 300%.

Sorry..now you need to be a millionaire in "greens" to own a condo facing Ipanema Beach.....but..you still with a chance to own a condo facing South Beach in Miami...if any Brazilian owner there decided to sell.

Edited by umbanda
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Why Doomsters Who Predict The Collapse Of Money Are Wrong

From all the doom and gloom about U.S. and European economics you would have thought the end of the financial world was nigh. In fact a lot of people are saying that right now.

Want some good news? It is not going to happen.

That is not to say I haven’t written a lot of gloomy economic stuff myself. Yet, to be honest, I’m over that now. The economic accident happened in 2007/2008. The developed world’s economy didn’t die. It is now recovering. It is only a start but we have entered a new era nonetheless.

The idea is, U.S. and Europe are on a binge of deficit spending and this has created a titanic overhead of sovereign debt that can’t be supported or repaid.

This is correct. But do not panic.

The conclusion of the doomsters is that consequently the economic world will implode and the globe will spin off its axis into outer darkness. Well, the bit about spinning out of the orbit of the sun is an exaggeration, but not by much.

The doomsters see a collapse of so called fiat money, i.e. money as we know it and an economic and social breakdown will follow. Gold and bullets are to be the only currency.

According to this line of prediction, we should all be rearing chickens in anticipation and ready to grow bean shoots in our closets for food. While you are at it, get some plans to create a stealth smokehouse. Forget zombies; the marauders of the future financial collapse are going to be real people.

Woe on us, prepare!

This prepper-view is nonsense. The view that fiat money is going to disappear is mad and silly. Fiat money is going nowhere, except down in value.

Whatever the political and economic rights and wrongs of the matter, what happens next is as close to the doomsters fall of the Roman Empire part 2, as a roller coaster ride is to a plane crash.


It is infuriatingly simple. Let us say the U.S. government got to a state that it owed 120% of GDP in debt. The U.S. is not there yet but it will likely get there soon enough.

What happens next? The U.S. simply engineers a 7% rate of inflation, all other things being equal and in two Presidential cycles U.S. debt to GDP is roughly halved to the old sweet spot of 60% to GDP. Of course modelling that with all the possible variables is way more complicated than that, but you get the idea.

Halving the value of money does the trick of sorting out this whole sorry mess. Now that might sound horrendous but it is not.

So okay you are a doomster and you think the end is nigh and that gold is money. Well, gold has gone up roughly 10% a year compounded since the end of Bretton Woods in 1971. This implies an average compound rate of inflation of 10%; if you believe that gold is real, inviolate, hard money, which as a doomster you most definitely do.

The world didn’t end over those 40 years as money was devalued forty fold. The fiat system didn’t implode, in fact everyone got a lot richer, even though in the meantime 2.5 cents of gold became worth a dollar or put in gold standard terms, 2.5 cents in 1971 has been inflated to $1 today.

If the dollar got devalued in real terms at 10% a year, as we have enjoyed in gold terms on average for 42 straight years, a 120% debt to GDP would hit 60% in around 6 years. This is why it is not a good idea to panic and get doomy.

The key is to be positioned for the denouement of current economic rescue attempts. The solution is the dilution of debt, through the devaluation of money. The governments of the west will not run out of money. That’s impossible. What will happen to rebalance the debts of the U.S. and Europe is what we need to focus on.

In a nutshell, bonds are going to get monetised. Sovereign debt will be turned into cash. Operation twist has put a large proportion of that mountain of debt at the short end of maturities. The economy of the U.S. is going to get very liquid indeed. That is the one thought to hold.

If you believe the developed world is going to get into a tail spin, it won’t be that fiat money will disappear. Instead there will be much more of it about.

The question therefore is how to play the outcome of cash flooding everything.

You can do worse than look back to the seventies to see what happened and use that period as a model of what to do. The answer isn’t to prepare for Armageddon. It is to invest in inflation linked assets producing index linked yield.

So perhaps buying bits of mountain desert to rent out to terrified ‘preppers’ is the way to go, because not only will the property value and rent rise with real inflation, you’ll also be paid in gold.

It is infuriatingly simple. Let us say the U.S. government got to a state that it owed 120% of GDP in debt. The U.S. is not there yet but it will likely get there soon enough.

What happens next? The U.S. simply engineers a 7% rate of inflation, all other things being equal and in two Presidential cycles U.S. debt to GDP is roughly halved to the old sweet spot of 60% to GDP.

The US Federal Reserve has been trying like hell, for several years now, to engineer an inflation rate of better than 2%, which they haven't yet succeeded at. How do you propose they simply engineer an inflation rate of 7%. QE didn't seem to do it. Abenomics isn't having much luck. Please do tell.

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Another 15 years and robots and 3D printing will kick a lot more workers out to the curb. An economy is for the people to not just big business. We have lost sight of this.

Wow, LOL. The main reason that most of the world lives so much better than it did 100 years ago is mechanization and automation. What would you have to pay for a car or even a 3rd world scooter today if it was made by hand? Could you afford to pay all of the people necessary for their labor if automation was removed?

You wouldn't have, and there wouldn't be, the personal computer or this forum without automation. OMG, what would it take to make a computer or smartphone by hand?

The word is "productivity". Food is cheap because of mechanization and automation reducing labor costs. Go to the grocery store and everything is pre-packaged for you, and refrigerated if needed. How long has that been the case for the masses in developed or even developing countries?

With automation each worker produces many more products making them cheaper, so there aren't fewer jobs, just many more affordable products created by those jobs.

You want to go back to doing everything with human labor. Fine. Just look around you first at things that are mass produced by big companies using automation before you decide what you want to do without.

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Much of Europe is sliding into decline and permanant recession

Russia is facing economic doldrums as its currencty collapses and its financial institutions downgraded

Chinese growth has slowed

Arabia's citizens are furiously killing each other like never before (what's new)

Japan has just tried printing its way out of recession, and failed gloriously

Apart from the UK, Israel, Germany and a hand full of other countries, America is in very good shape

You are correct, even though the doomsday crowd hasn't got a clue. As America becomes the world's largest petrolium producer the dollar continues to gain which subsequently shatters the euro fantasy.

America is producing oil only for one reason. To bring trouble to Asian and Russian economy, and to be ready to have own reserves for it and its allies in case of a big war. Nothing more. The US oil corporations prefer to keep getting Arab oil to make huge profits, and will stop any US oil extraction at soon its "win" the "right" to get it again...ASAP. Any product "MADE IN USA" is too expensive for most of the US population. It is easy and more profitable to the corporations to put that label to foreign products, and more important to the politicians for keeping the US people living in the illusion that the US is an economic and industrial power. The US is a BIG printing money machine, and a BIG military power, ready to show strength to keep its world "status", and the purchase value of the dollar at any cost.

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Much of Europe is sliding into decline and permanant recession

Russia is facing economic doldrums as its currencty collapses and its financial institutions downgraded

Chinese growth has slowed

Arabia's citizens are furiously killing each other like never before (what's new)

Japan has just tried printing its way out of recession, and failed gloriously

Apart from the UK, Israel, Germany and a hand full of other countries, America is in very good shape

You are correct, even though the doomsday crowd hasn't got a clue. As America becomes the world's largest petrolium producer the dollar continues to gain which subsequently shatters the euro fantasy.

America is producing oil only for one reason. To bring trouble to Asian and Russian economy, and to be ready to have own reserves for it and its allies in case of a big war. Nothing more. The US oil corporations prefer to keep getting Arab oil to make huge profits, and will stop any US oil extraction at soon its "win" the "right" to get it again...ASAP. Any product "MADE IN USA" is too expensive for most of the US population. It is easy and more profitable to the corporations to put that label to foreign products, and more important to the politicians for keeping the US people living in the illusion that the US is an economic and industrial power. The US is a BIG printing money machine, and a BIG military power, ready to show strength to keep its world "status", and the purchase value of the dollar at any cost.

Hahahahaa some of you guys post just make me laugh. Simple question and answer what are all the world's currencies compared against....the good old US$. Hate and cry all you want, wont change a thing. When you are on top, people are always trying to being you down.

And thinking that Brazil's money is better than the US, you get a special award for thinking that lunacy.

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It is infuriatingly simple. Let us say the U.S. government go t to a state that it owed 120% of GDP in debt. The U.S. is not there yet but it will likely get there soon enough.

What happens next? The U.S. simply engineers a 7% rate of inflation, all other things being equal and in two Presidential cycles U.S. debt to GDP is roughly halved to the old sweet spot of 60% to GDP.

The US Federal Reserve has been trying like hell, for several years now, to engineer an inflation rate of better than 2%, which they haven't yet succeeded at. How do you propose they simply engineer an inflation rate of 7%. QE didn't seem to do it. Abenomics isn't having much luck. Please do tell.

That's what they want you to believe Inflation has been in ecess of 7% throughout the Obama years but if they told you that they would have to confess to negative real GDP growth and they would have to pay out a lot more from the current budget to Social Security recipients and TIPS bond holders.

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America is producing oil only for one reason. To bring trouble to Asian and Russian economy, and to be ready to have own reserves for it and its allies in case of a big war. Nothing more. The US oil corporations prefer to keep getting Arab oil to make huge profits, and will stop any US oil extraction at soon its "win" the "right" to get it again...ASAP. Any product "MADE IN USA" is too expensive for most of the US population. It is easy and more profitable to the corporations to put that label to foreign products, and more important to the politicians for keeping the US people living in the illusion that the US is an economic and industrial power. The US is a BIG printing money machine, and a BIG military power, ready to show strength to keep its world "status", and the purchase value of the dollar at any cost.

There's a bigger motive for America to be producing so much oil. It's part of a larger plan to dumb down the population by poisening the water with fracking and the air with chemtrails.

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Hahahahaa some of you guys post just make me laugh. Simple question and answer what are all the world's currencies compared against....the good old US$. Hate and cry all you want, wont change a thing. When you are on top, people are always trying to being you down.

And thinking that Brazil's money is better than the US, you get a special award for thinking that lunacy.

Agree. This thread has been invaded by the wacko conspiracy theorists with their ridiculous ideas and paranoia. At the end of the day, it's about how many baht you can get with your foreign currency. All this other nonsense won't change anything.

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It is infuriatingly simple. Let us say the U.S. government go t to a state that it owed 120% of GDP in debt. The U.S. is not there yet but it will likely get there soon enough.

What happens next? The U.S. simply engineers a 7% rate of inflation, all other things being equal and in two Presidential cycles U.S. debt to GDP is roughly halved to the old sweet spot of 60% to GDP.

The US Federal Reserve has been trying like hell, for several years now, to engineer an inflation rate of better than 2%, which they haven't yet succeeded at. How do you propose they simply engineer an inflation rate of 7%. QE didn't seem to do it. Abenomics isn't having much luck. Please do tell.

That's what they want you to believe Inflation has been in ecess of 7% throughout the Obama years but if they told you that they would have to confess to negative real GDP growth and they would have to pay out a lot more from the current budget to Social Security recipients and TIPS bond holders.

Do show us one of these loopy 'ecess' charts.

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