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Random breath testing at Thapae Gate next to McDonalds


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Getting a breathalyzer is a good idea, they are cheap and you can see how slowly your metabolism removes alcohol from your blood. I got a DUI in California when I was young when I thought I was sober. I had about a dozen shots of tequila after work and had my last shot before 7 PM. Then we went for dinner and to another bar to play some pool where I only had some soft drinks and snacks. We went to one more bar where I only drank coffee. Around 2 AM I was dropped off at the original bar where I left my car. I felt perfectly sober. I was pulled over by the cops immediately after leaving the bar's parking lot. I was measured at almost double the limit. It was about 7 hours since my last drink and I assumed that I was under the limit at that point. After buying a breathalyzer I could see for myself how the reading peaked hours after drinking before it started to go down. I assume this may not be the same for everyone as metabolisms differ but it was a real eye opener.


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Very risky they love to nab foreigners and here is why. In Pattaya for instance the game is nab the foreigner get him to pay the 20k to get bail and not sit in the doghouse than never return the 20k. The fine itself is about 3 or 4k I believe. So yes foreigners are targets.

Unfortunately this is more about revenue generation than proper enforcement. I have yet to see a Lexus or Mercedes or BMW car randomly pulled over.

Edited by losworld
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Unfortunately this is more about revenue generation than proper enforcement. I have yet to see a Lexus or Mercedes or BMW car randomly pulled over.

Why do you spend much time at Breath Testing roadblocks watching for these cars? Nothing good on TV these days?

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In the meantime, the BIB set up their checks at exactly the locations where it is quite likely that they will get foreigners, and a few stray Thais too, whilst ignoring the sheer size and volume of the problem..

I don't think that's accurate. Thapae is hardly the only spot that sees very regular checks. Also Santitham/Chotana, Nimmanhaemin: all nightlife areas with mostly Thai people visiting.

I think it has more to do with convenience and having enough space available. After all you need to set up tables for testing, and once you get someone you're then stuck with a vehicle that needs to stay somewhere. Thapae is of course super for that. That's why I think it's their spot of choice.

Whether or not it's a regular thing I don't know, over New Year they set up a roadblock right outside Lucky and started stopping bikes only. They then proceeded to search everyone they stopped (mostly single males) and search their pockets and their bikes - apparently for drugs.

Not sure if this was in response to a tip off or not.

Not a breathalyser in sight.

They'd save more lives by checking on motorbike lighting and helmets. One in five have no rear lights, and a good few drive around at night with the headlights blocked by their shopping in a basket.

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