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Connecting A Mobile Phone

libya 115

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Have a Nokia phone I connect via a USB lead for GPRS connection.

At first; no problem; the pc detected the phone after a few seconds and an icon appeared. Now nothing; have checked the cable; seems O.K.

Any suggestions; or diagnostic tests please:


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Guest Reimar
Have a Nokia phone I connect via a USB lead for GPRS connection.

At first; no problem; the pc detected the phone after a few seconds and an icon appeared. Now nothing; have checked the cable; seems O.K.

Any suggestions; or diagnostic tests please:


You have installed the PC-Suite software for the Nokia? Like Oxygen or so? If not, you need to do so first and for sure the propper driver!!

And what kind of Service you use? AIS, DTAC, Orange?? Prepaid or full account?

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Have a Nokia phone I connect via a USB lead for GPRS connection.

At first; no problem; the pc detected the phone after a few seconds and an icon appeared. Now nothing; have checked the cable; seems O.K.

Any suggestions; or diagnostic tests please:


You have installed the PC-Suite software for the Nokia? Like Oxygen or so? If not, you need to do so first and for sure the propper driver!!

And what kind of Service you use? AIS, DTAC, Orange?? Prepaid or full account?

Yes Pc Suite installed and operational. Drivers are O.K. I feel that this is a detection problem.

When I used to plug in the USB lead an icon appeared the phone synchronised and then I was away, no problem.

Any tests I can do, regarding USB connections?

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Plug something else in the same port - thumb drive, anything. See if the PC recognises it.

If your PC can't see anything, check the Hardware manager - if the ports and drivers are listed.

If in HM there's no USB visible at all, restart the computer and check Bios configuration before Windows boots up. There could be an on/off switch for USB there.

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Have a Nokia phone I connect via a USB lead for GPRS connection.

At first; no problem; the pc detected the phone after a few seconds and an icon appeared. Now nothing; have checked the cable; seems O.K.

Any suggestions; or diagnostic tests please:


You have installed the PC-Suite software for the Nokia? Like Oxygen or so? If not, you need to do so first and for sure the propper driver!!

And what kind of Service you use? AIS, DTAC, Orange?? Prepaid or full account?

Yes Pc Suite installed and operational. Drivers are O.K. I feel that this is a detection problem.

When I used to plug in the USB lead an icon appeared the phone synchronised and then I was away, no problem.

Any tests I can do, regarding USB connections?

Are you using an original Nokia cable with the original CD that came with it?

I had a problem like this before with my Nokia 6100 and I found that if I uninstalled the cable program and reloaded it, that seemed to clear the problem.

I am now using a Nokia 6260 and Bluetooth which seems to work well enough.

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Have you ever tried to do a system restore to a time prior to the occurrence of your problem?

Also the USB sockets of the case may have some problems if you constantly plug something in and out.


Edited by opalhort
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Have you ever tried to do a system restore to a time prior to the occurrence of your problem?

Also the USB sockets of the case may have some problems if you constantly plug something in and out.


Yes; I was wondering if USB sockets 'wear out' I do use them a lot. Anyone...do USB sockets wear out quickly? Any solutions? I am suspicious because my digital camera only seems to connect on one USB.

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Have you ever tried to do a system restore to a time prior to the occurrence of your problem?

Also the USB sockets of the case may have some problems if you constantly plug something in and out.


Yes; I was wondering if USB sockets 'wear out' I do use them a lot. Anyone...do USB sockets wear out quickly? Any solutions? I am suspicious because my digital camera only seems to connect on one USB.

I use USB Hubs that stay plugged in all the time and plug peripherals in as I need them.

they are CHEAP <so disposable!>

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Have you ever tried to do a system restore to a time prior to the occurrence of your problem?

Also the USB sockets of the case may have some problems if you constantly plug something in and out.


Yes; I was wondering if USB sockets 'wear out' I do use them a lot. Anyone...do USB sockets wear out quickly? Any solutions? I am suspicious because my digital camera only seems to connect on one USB.

I use USB Hubs that stay plugged in all the time and plug peripherals in as I need them.

they are CHEAP <so disposable!>

Yes: I will get a hub: they have upto six outlets: does that mean six USB devices will work from one USB outlet?

Meanwhile back to the problem: Still no detection when I plug in. I had this problem witha 'thumb drive' and had to uninstall/install it to get it to work, so will try that with Nokia software i an hour when I close down for the day.

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good luck

and yes my hubs have only space for 4 on each <that means I expanded from 2 ports on my laptop to 8>

I typically only have one device er hub running at one time but I keep both phones cradles an my camera and my keyboard on one (and just use the keyboard 99% of the time) and keep my trackball and other controller and Bluetooth radio on the other <and use the trackball ony>

keeps everything handy for easy use but out of the way!

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