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Instead of asking that on TVF, go and get a second bottle of mouthwash.

That will put your mind at ease and spare me the effort to write this post.

you'd be pleasing many members if you stopped posting on every bloody thread. Who the hell do you think you are?
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a new cheap charlie initiative ?....sharing mouth wash ?

I think one dose is good enough for 2 people.

So first one use it and than push it in the mouth of the partner.

If you use mouthwash twice a day and you die with 83 you could save roughly 60.000 cups of mouthwash, that is a lot money.

Stopping to clean your teeth after marriage would of course save even more money.

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Just pour some in a separate small vessel to avoid a communal container if that's an issue for you.

But remember kissing also spreads germs as well as STD's. so what's a person to do?


Just pour some in a separate small vessel to avoid a communal container if that's an issue for you.

But remember kissing also spreads germs as well as STD's. so what's a person to do?

wear a condom on your tongue ?

  • Like 1

Instead of asking that on TVF, go and get a second bottle of mouthwash.

That will put your mind at ease and spare me the effort to write this post.

you'd be pleasing many members if you stopped posting on every bloody thread. Who the hell do you think you are?

Without Costas' enjoyable rejoinders most threads would be dull

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a new cheap charlie initiative ?....sharing mouth wash ?

With 3 grown up kids we would need 5 bottles.There's not enough room with all the other crap.

Nobody has actually answered my original question probably caused by the first stupid reply.


Is there a need for mouthwash?

Brush your teeth and use floss not enough?

Reading the labels of Listerine & Co would make me think twice to put something like that in my mouth.

I know someone who swears on swirling vodka, spitting out, not drinking it! She seldom drinks alcohol, but others think she has a drinking problem...


If you share mouthwash, an antiseptic- KILLS GERMS- with another person, it is highly likely you are sharing a lot more germs with that person than the bottle neck of a mostly alcohol bottle.

Since you obviously have as much free time as me, do this: Buy a sterile urine bottle at drug store, drop some various form of blood in the bottom and swoosh it around, place in fridge overnight. Then, take sterile cotton tip applicator you also bought, and wipe top of mouthwash bottle with it. Then make zig zag lines in the day old blood; return to fridge. Next day, see what grows. If nothing, leave out one day, see what grows. This is your world. This is a home blood agar test test for colonies.


Is there a need for mouthwash?

Brush your teeth and use floss not enough?

Reading the labels of Listerine & Co would make me think twice to put something like that in my mouth.

I know someone who swears on swirling vodka, spitting out, not drinking it! She seldom drinks alcohol, but others think she has a drinking problem...

Sounds like an alcoholic trying to hide her morning vodka binges, vodka a really popular choice for alcoholics


Is there a need for mouthwash?

Brush your teeth and use floss not enough?

Reading the labels of Listerine & Co would make me think twice to put something like that in my mouth.

I know someone who swears on swirling vodka, spitting out, not drinking it! She seldom drinks alcohol, but others think she has a drinking problem...

Sounds like an alcoholic trying to hide her morning vodka binges, vodka a really popular choice for alcoholics



The good lady is in her seventies, a healthnut and hobby Albert Schweitzer... people who know her, know she isn't a drinker.

(cant help it, reading Sheryl's posts in her voice...)


Some people just find things to worry about,never mind the

mouthwash bottle ,what about the toilet seat,that will have

him worried to death.

regards Worgeordie

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