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I am a British citizen living in Thailand. Last year my wife (Thai) and I legally adopted my wife's abandoned nephew. We followed the whole judicial process in Thailand, have the adoption certificate with my name on and all other relevant documents.

Whilst this was a domestic adoption the guide to form MN1 clearly states that;

"under the terms of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoptions or adopted before 3 January 2014 in territories designated under the Adoption (Designation of Overseas Adoptions) Order 1973 or after 3 January 2014 in territories listed in the Adoption (Recognition of Overseas Adoptions) Order 2013"

In which Thailand is listed. The guide goes on to state that applications will be accepted for children adopted abroad to British parents as long as;

we are satisfied that all relevant adoption laws have been adhered to. This includes

the laws of the country in which the adoption has taken place, the country of origin of the child and the country in which the adoptive parents are habitually resident;

My last post on this topic turned into a "it can't be done" to which I would reply "Oh yes it can" etc.

My son meets all of the criteria for form MN1 being a Child adopted abroad by a British parent. What I really need help with is this;

1. All of the original documents (his birth certificate, adoption certificate, etc) are in Thai, I doubt anyone at the home office reads Thai, so I believe I have to get them translated, correct? There is no information in MN1 guide on this issue but it seems obvious that it has to be translated. Following on from this do the translations have to be stamped by embassy? Again no mention of this in guide!

2. Evidence is required of the parents' (wife and I) country of habitual residency. I did this last year for the adoption process and got a certificate from a lawyer which cost B7000. Is there any other way to prove this?

3. Has anyone ever been through this same process? I'd really like to hear from you and any advice you have.



Form MN1 :https://www.gov.uk/government/upload..._June_2014.pdf

MN1 Guide:


Obviously all the Thai documentation will have to be translated by a certified translation service.

I am uncertain as to how these translated documents can then be certified as being a true and accurate translation. I doubt that the Embassy provides such a service.

Asking the translation service about certifying the translated documents may be helpful.

Sorry , I have no thoughts/knowledge about your other points.

  • Like 1

Usually the UK will accept translations certified by the translator, in English, thus:-

  • confirmation from the translator that it is an accurate translation of the original document;
  • the date of the translation;
  • the translator's full name and signature; and
  • the translator's contact details.

This was certainly acceptable for the English translations of my wife and step daughter's Thai documents in all dealings with the British government; from their initial settlement visas through to their British citizenship applications.

The British embassy do not certify translations; but you can have translations certified by the Thai MFA (some countries, like the Schengen states, insist on this).

Legalization Division , 3rd floor
Department of Consular Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
123 Chaeng Watthana Road
Bangkok 10210

Tel : 0-2575-1056-59 Fax : 0-2575-1054

Service hours : 08.30 - 14.30 hrs. (Closed on Saturday - Sunday and Public Holidays)

Email : [email protected]

I'm sorry, but I cannot answer your other questions.


Not sure if I have understood the OP's message - did you say that you completed the adoption in a year, or just completed last year. If you did complete in a year then you did really well. About 3 to 4 years ago we tried to adopt our niece and went as far as the Thai government dept dealing with adoptions and when they found out a falang was involved they said that the process would take at least 3 years, and they still wanted checks done on me from the UK. At that time I hadn't lived in the UK for over 10 years. I'm afraid that I can't add anything to your query because we moved to the UK and did the adoption here so that British Citizenship is automatic.


Thank you very much for yr information 7by7, also do you know if the originals should be sent to? It does say in the guide that documents must be sent, I'm just worried about sending such sensitive documents all that way, even by EMS.

Hi steady, all in all the adoption took around 18 months and was completed in September last year. That's strange that you had such difficulties especially as, like me, yours was an in family adoption. All of our proceedings were handled by the adoption centre Bangkok part of the department of social welfare, very nice and helpful people indeed.


Lucky they were wrong in my case. otherwise I would be the one asking the questions! I found them to be very professional too, hence why we listened.


I'm sorry, but I do not know to whom the documents must be sent; does it not say on the form or in the guidance?

For in UK passport applications by post they want original documents, with photocopies if you want the originals returned. But if the applicant uses the Post Office check and send service the Post Office checks the originals against the copies and returns the originals there and then. But that's not an option for you in Thailand, of course.


I'm sorry, but I do not know to whom the documents must be sent; does it not say on the form or in the guidance?

For in UK passport applications by post they want original documents, with photocopies if you want the originals returned. But if the applicant uses the Post Office check and send service the Post Office checks the originals against the copies and returns the originals there and then. But that's not an option for you in Thailand, of course.

The application is sent to;

Department 1

Home Office

The Capital

New Hall Place

Liverpool L3 9PP

I think they definitely want originals as they say if there isn't a self addressed special delivery envelope enclosed all documents will be returned to me by Royal Mail 2nd class post.

  • 1 month later...

Just to let anyone know who is still interested, all the documents and the mn1 application is currently with the Home Office in Liverpool and I'm awaiting acknowledgement. Fingers crossed!

  • 6 months later...

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