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Govt eyes spending over 10 billion baht to develop Thai halal products

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Govt eyes spending over 10 billion baht to develop Thai halal products

BANGKOK, 27 February 2015 (NNT) – Thailand is moving closer to becoming one of the world's top halal producers as the national halal promotion committee has agreed on strategies to promote local halal products within the next five years under a budget of over 10 billion baht.

The Halal Development and Promotion Committee chaired by Deputy Prime Minister MR Pridiyathorn Devakula has reconvened for the second time on Friday to consider programs and budgets for the four strategies approved earlier in boosting halal products from 2016 to 2020.

The committee agreed to the plan to set aside 10.93 billion baht for the five-year plan in developing the quality of local halal goods and services, accessing new markets, creating a standardization system and setting up research and development facilities for halal products, especially food. The committee will soon submit the plan to the cabinet for approval prior to implementation.

Currently, Thailand is ranked 13th among the world's halal producers at an estimated value of 5 billion US dollars, with exports making up 4 billion dollars.

-- NNT 2015-02-28 footer_n.gif


Halal food is a huge market and growing. It will be a worthwhile investment and broaden the export market which helps foreign exchange.

It's a gimmick and a scam, pay some Islamic council huge amounts of money and they will tick it off so you can sell and eat it. What was the world eating before this scam came along? If I kill my pig with its rear end facing in the wrong direction is my roast pork going to taste any different?

Yea right then sell the product overseas to Islamic countries for a high price.

I don't care if it tastes different or not that's up to them, if they think its better then why shouldn't the country take advantage of their "Obsessions"

Tell us who is being scammed and who is benefitting.

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Its not a scam, consider in ASEAN alone, Malaysia and Indonesia are both Muslim states. That's well over 20% of the ASEAN population. If a company produces foodstuffs and follows halal procedures, they directly tap into that market. Makes good sense.

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Its not a scam, consider in ASEAN alone, Malaysia and Indonesia are both Muslim states. That's well over 20% of the ASEAN population. If a company produces foodstuffs and follows halal procedures, they directly tap into that market. Makes good sense.

To follow the procedures the producers must be Muslim so as an industry it discriminates. The little logo thing is, in my view simple (and very effective) marketing.

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I find it odd that Thailand would wish to cater to a foreign market segment that considers Thais, and Buddhists in particular, to be infidel idol worshippers. I do not state that to cause a ruckus, but as a statement of fact.

Even Thai muslims suffer discrimination from their muslim brethren, all because they are not considered muslim enough. I would much rather Thailand exported the mentality of Thai muslims, who tend to be far more sociable and peaceful than their foreign religious adherents particularly those from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and the maghreb. ,

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This process surely increases the 'manufacture' costs and it does provide employment and profits which can be described as discriminatory .

I will never knowingly buy 'halal' items if there is a non-halal product available, it goes against my principles.

You will then have a very restricted diet as anything that is not haram is by default halal so you are restricted to buying various meats and shellfish all fruits , veggies and plant based foods are halal.


Halal certification isn't about Muslims giving non Muslims permission to eat certain products the same as Kosher certification isn't about Jewish people giving non Jewish people permission to eat certain products ! Its a certification given by the councils that the products are prepared in a way that complies with the dietary rules that they are required to follow by their particular religions whether it be Muslim or Jewish !

It's only peoples ignorance that means they believe that it is anything different the products certified Halal taste and look no different to one that is non Halal or Kosher it just means that people of both religions can enjoy them as much as non muslims /Jews without fearing that they have broken any religious rules on diet !

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The method of slaughtering the animal is different for halal meat, many people object to this aspect other than that there is really no issues.


I find it odd that Thailand would wish to cater to a foreign market segment that considers Thais, and Buddhists in particular, to be infidel idol worshippers. I do not state that to cause a ruckus, but as a statement of fact.

Even Thai muslims suffer discrimination from their muslim brethren, all because they are not considered muslim enough. I would much rather Thailand exported the mentality of Thai muslims, who tend to be far more sociable and peaceful than their foreign religious adherents particularly those from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and the maghreb. ,

Apart from those in the South, you mean?

As to this supposedly Buddhist country even considering the use of Halal practices proves yet again it is the whore (and hypocrite) of the World and would do anything for it's real God, MONEY.

I do not mind, that is marketing.
If there is a group that wants to have there vegetables harvested only at full moon nights -
Why not, if they pay for it.
Which brings me more to think about are two issues:
1. Is this really the best investment, or are there maybe other options where 10,000,000,000 Baht are more needed?
Are there perhaps synergy effects with the 5.800.000.000 Baht budget for the buffaloes? Anyway.
2. How transparent will be the distribution of the budget?
Who gets the money, for what and under what conditions?
Who controls the distribution of money and the success?

I find it odd that Thailand would wish to cater to a foreign market segment that considers Thais, and Buddhists in particular, to be infidel idol worshippers. I do not state that to cause a ruckus, but as a statement of fact.

Even Thai muslims suffer discrimination from their muslim brethren, all because they are not considered muslim enough. I would much rather Thailand exported the mentality of Thai muslims, who tend to be far more sociable and peaceful than their foreign religious adherents particularly those from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and the maghreb. ,

Why is it so odd that any country would want to explore new markets and prepare exports that suit the needs of a particular country ?

This is about business not liking or disliking any particular group.

If Thai companies can get serious exports going to countries that demand halal food then that should be encouraged.

To take some moral high ground and prevent or just discourage entering into a lucrative market because a small radical element of that market has an agenda against you is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Advocating halal markets is not something new, check out these, from May 2013 : http://thailand.prd.go.th/view_news.php?id=6745&a=3

From December 2014 : http://www.nationmultimedia.com/business/Thailand-Halal-Assembly-highlights-science-innovat-30250909.html


Halal food is a huge market and growing. It will be a worthwhile investment and broaden the export market which helps foreign exchange.

It's a gimmick and a scam, pay some Islamic council huge amounts of money and they will tick it off so you can sell and eat it. What was the world eating before this scam came along? If I kill my pig with its rear end facing in the wrong direction is my roast pork going to taste any different?

Yea right then sell the product overseas to Islamic countries for a high price.

I don't care if it tastes different or not that's up to them, if they think its better then why shouldn't the country take advantage of their "Obsessions"

Tell us who is being scammed and who is benefitting.

Chooka is right though, these Halal councils come up and say "give me a big amount of money for a Halal certificate or we'll make sure you cannot export to Indonesia etc" In the UK it's a different but worse scenario. They are forcing restaurant chains, Nandos is a good example, to use only Halal products. So if I want to go to Nando's for a Piri-Piri chicked I have to eat the meat from a tortured and distressed animal. Some supermarkets only sell Halal meat, Tesco for example, but they don't tell you it's Halal... It's appalling. If Muslims want to eat Halal <deleted> then why can't they go to a Halal restaurant in the same way Jews go to a Kosher restaurant? (I don't agree with Kosher slaughter either, no different from Halal slaughter).


As long as I'm not forced to eat it or as in the UK, stop eating at all theeateries that are only Halal (Nando's - even KFC!!) I really don't care. I have a Karmic issue with the way both Halal and Kosher meat is slaughtered but hey-ho...


I think money would be better spent funding/educating their own products and farmers. Rice, rubber whatever, charity begins at home or in this case, investment... Wonder how many brown envelopes will be flying around if this actually happens?


Maybe they have excess numbers from the fishing boat crews, that will work really cheap?

But it is a big market and we all have to eat at a price. They have a ready market down south?

Chooka and his halal bacon. Yeah right. He must be a special OZ muslim that gets his meat done as special order?


I for one are tired of everybody having to cater to the Muslims, Where is the Christian Pray Rooms ?

They only know one thing, "Take over everything, everybody and all the Christian Countries" !!

When they do they will turn them into "Pig Styes" like they live in now, at least most of their countries I have traveled in. If you do not know take a look at all the areas or cities in the US where they have established their roots. Notable exception is Atlanta, Ga.

Co-exist is now a word in their vocabulary.

  • Like 1

Its not a scam, consider in ASEAN alone, Malaysia and Indonesia are both Muslim states. That's well over 20% of the ASEAN population. If a company produces foodstuffs and follows halal procedures, they directly tap into that market. Makes good sense.

To follow the procedures the producers must be Muslim so as an industry it discriminates. The little logo thing is, in my view simple (and very effective) marketing.

incorrect information! halal as well as kosher certifications are not limited to Muslim or Jewish producers.

  • Like 1

I for one are tired of everybody having to cater to the Muslims, Where is the Christian Pray Rooms ?

They only know one thing, "Take over everything, everybody and all the Christian Countries" !!

When they do they will turn them into "Pig Styes" like they live in now, at least most of their countries I have traveled in. If you do not know take a look at all the areas or cities in the US where they have established their roots. Notable exception is Atlanta, Ga.

Co-exist is now a word in their vocabulary.

you are violating forum rule #11!

...overly negative comments directed towards... any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.


Halal food is a huge market and growing. It will be a worthwhile investment and broaden the export market which helps foreign exchange.

It's a gimmick and a scam, pay some Islamic council huge amounts of money and they will tick it off so you can sell and eat it. What was the world eating before this scam came along? If I kill my pig with its rear end facing in the wrong direction is my roast pork going to taste any different?

Yea right then sell the product overseas to Islamic countries for a high price.

I don't care if it tastes different or not that's up to them, if they think its better then why shouldn't the country take advantage of their "Obsessions"

Tell us who is being scammed and who is benefitting.

So just who does benefit from a 10 Billion baht "strategy" and how was it costed? Maybe one or two of those expert relatives or is it relative expert (an expert when relatively compared to an inanimate object for example) have an idea?


Reading there are more millionaires in suburbs surrounding Washington than anywhere else in the US. No great insight to see these parasites have their snouts in the public trough.

Agree governments should not be enriching the few at the expense of the many, however that is the way it is everywhere. At least the Thai government plan doesn't include "collateral damage".

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