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Bill O'Reilly's partisan critics stepping up attack

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This is Thursday, 26 February 2015, total viewership of the 8 PM time slot for cable news networks.

O'Reilly seems to be holding his own.


Net 8PM
CNN Anderson Cooper-------------- 360,000
CNBC Shark Tank--------------------- 556,000
HLN Nancy Grace---------------------- 387,000

Last Mondays fake wrestling garnered 3,977,333 viewers.

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This is Thursday, 26 February 2015, total viewership of the 8 PM time slot for cable news networks.

O'Reilly seems to be holding his own.


Net 8PM


CNN Anderson Cooper-------------- 360,000


CNBC Shark Tank--------------------- 556,000

HLN Nancy Grace---------------------- 387,000


I don't blame for global citizens shaking their heads in disbelief that the strongest military power in the world gets its news from, where?! You've got to be kidding me!

Very few people watch Fox News, very very few.

It's the Fox Geriatric News Corp as their median age is 68 which is the oldest audience in all of television except for the Golf Channel.

No one should judge all of the United States by Fox news and its 3 million who watch O'Reilly and he gets the biggest audience.

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Bill 'Reilly and Russ Limbaugh, literally make me sick. They have been lying for years, they are rude and obnoxious and need to be put in their place. The world would be a much better place, without these two bigoted idiots! They both behave like, stupidity is a virtue.

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This is Thursday, 26 February 2015, total viewership of the 8 PM time slot for cable news networks.

O'Reilly seems to be holding his own.


Net 8PM
CNN Anderson Cooper-------------- 360,000
CNBC Shark Tank--------------------- 556,000
HLN Nancy Grace---------------------- 387,000

Last Mondays fake wrestling garnered 3,977,333 viewers.

Who said wrestling was fake, have any sources? Now back to my trailer!biggrin.png

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Have you noticed? FOX viewers can't have friends that don't watch FOX. Easy to spot them too. Sometimes I meet people and after a quick hello they go straight into their Hannity impression. FOX has them frothing at the mouth with hate.... Obama the muslim.....liberals!....Bengazi!....Obamacare....Death Panels.....Cuba!...liberals!...socialists!...Thats al they want to talk about. They recite a big list of the last 6 months of Roger Ailes talking points.

I can't get away fast enough from these guys...and they are all the same.

Right here on Thai Visa you can spot the FOX viewers instantly.

I grew up nearby, and attended university in New York City. The very attitude you allude to can be said about liberals, perhaps even more so. But don't just take my word for it.


Post #4 sums up my point entirely, regarding the typical '-ist' response one can expect from a liberal when s/he disagrees with you.

Edited by aTomsLife
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This is Thursday, 26 February 2015, total viewership of the 8 PM time slot for cable news networks.

O'Reilly seems to be holding his own.


Net 8PM
CNN Anderson Cooper-------------- 360,000
CNBC Shark Tank--------------------- 556,000
HLN Nancy Grace---------------------- 387,000

These figures reflect more on the 'intelligence' of the average American Southern redneck television viewer than the credibility (or lack of) of Saudi/Murdoch owned Fox News.

I'm asking because I don't know, but isn't Fox News nationwide.

I thought it was broadcast from New York city.

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I'm sorry, but if this isn't entertaining, I don't know what is.

I'm curious as to what Liberal TV show, shows ignorance of the general populace like this?

Filmed in 2014. USA debt was $16 Trillion.....It's now $18 Trillion.....Yeah, government is the answer to all.......Right.

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This is Thursday, 26 February 2015, total viewership of the 8 PM time slot for cable news networks.

O'Reilly seems to be holding his own.


Net 8PM
CNN Anderson Cooper-------------- 360,000
CNBC Shark Tank--------------------- 556,000
HLN Nancy Grace---------------------- 387,000

3 million watch the fake wrestling show too. I have a feeling they both draw the same audience.

These same mesmerized people go to the polls and vote along the lines of what they hear on the News shows especially Fox. The word Sheeple comes to mind. We are a herd animal.

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None of the news media tell the full truth. They are all owned by the same handful of globalists who own the banks that have bought out the governments.

Every one of those news networks is pushing the globalist's agenda of turning everyone into debt and wage slaves.

Declaring war in Syria to take out Assad is being pushed by all of them. From there they take out Iran.

It's disgusting...

John Stossel is the guy on Fox News to watch.

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Very few people watch Fox News, very very few.

Your usual "accuracy."

The Factor has been the most watched show on cable news for the last 15 years. Every night more than 5-million viewers tune in to see O'Reilly.

As far as age goes, MSNBC average viewer age 59, CNN average viewer age 57. Cable news is for old people. Big surprise. 60 Minutes has the oldest demographic going in television and the New York Times is higher still. Only Old People Read the NY Times. rolleyes.gif

The usual accuracy continues even though the extreme far right persistently finds it to be bad news for them .....

Let's talk first about quality as found by the Pew Center for People and the Press....

The public was asked four questions to measure knowledge of political news and current events. The questions concern which party controls the House of Representatives, the current unemployment rate, the nation that Angela Merkel leads and which presidential candidate favors taxing higher-income Americans. Overall, just 14% of the public got all four questions right. Slightly more people (17%) got all four wrong. Most news audiences, however, scored substantially better than the public.



Continuing with quality of product and audience consumers of news and political analysis, Pew Found that.....


It is also the case that the world does not turn on Fox News Corp which is in fact down where the sun don't shine as millions more of Americans prefer the traditional broadcast news organizations, the National Broadcasting Corp....American Broadcasting Corp...Columbia Broadcasting Corp......

Evening news ratings for the week of Feb. 16, 2015:

Total Viewers • A25-54

NBC 10,103,000 2,554,000

ABC 9,687,000 2,571,000

CBS 8,497,000 : 2,025,000

It is a measure of the seriousness of professional news organizations that they have regular correspondents in the field, which is to say in offices and locations throughout the country and the world, which remains the province of the traditional broadcast networks.

While some cable news networks, such as CNN do this, not many cable news organizations have regular national and international reporters on the scene. This requires a serious investment and serious industry credibility.

While Roger Ailes had the financial genius to put talking heads in the studio with cheap opinions joined with big ad revenue, serious news organizations go beyond talking heads in the studio to provide on the scene reporting consistently and regularly, nationally and globally. Fox collects money hand over fist while the rest of 'em collect a balance of actual news and profit.

Data and information about Bloomberg, CNBC and the like will be presented in another post as this one already contains a great deal of data and meaningful information.

Edited by Publicus
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Very few people watch Fox News, very very few.

Your usual "accuracy."

The Factor has been the most watched show on cable news for the last 15 years. Every night more than 5-million viewers tune in to see O'Reilly.

As far as age goes, MSNBC average viewer age 59, CNN average viewer age 57. Cable news is for old people. Big surprise. 60 Minutes has the oldest demographic going in television and the New York Times is higher still. Only Old People Read the NY Times. rolleyes.gif

To me it proves two things:

(1) David Hannum was right.

(2) Fox's business model works.

And by the way, MSNBC are copying it.

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I'm sorry, but if this isn't entertaining, I don't know what is.

I'm curious as to what Liberal TV show, shows ignorance of the general populace like this?

Filmed in 2014. USA debt was $16 Trillion.....It's now $18 Trillion.....Yeah, government is the answer to all.......Right.

One could say the debt is ballooning. smile.png

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The cable news ratings speak for itself. I guess you don't believe the ratings.

So what they actually speak? What is there to belief? It is scary how dumb,maybe ignorant is better word, the masses are in states. But still Billy is just a entertainer, unfortunately mistaken for journalist.

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The lefties want tit-for-tat since Brian Williams got taken down and O'Reilly is the candidate for scrutiny... I never have liked this ass clown anyway as he is rude and obnoxious as hell...

Your post really captures the whole issue. I re-post only because I want to see your post twice. I dont like him either, but he is clearly being setup.

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Have you noticed? FOX viewers can't have friends that don't watch FOX. Easy to spot them too. Sometimes I meet people and after a quick hello they go straight into their Hannity impression. FOX has them frothing at the mouth with hate.... Obama the muslim.....liberals!....Bengazi!....Obamacare....Death Panels.....Cuba!...liberals!...socialists!...Thats al they want to talk about. They recite a big list of the last 6 months of Roger Ailes talking points.

I can't get away fast enough from these guys...and they are all the same.

Right here on Thai Visa you can spot the FOX viewers instantly.

Then there is the MSNBC bunch that are on the other side of the fence and equally as biased with their views. This bunch sees nothing wrong with anything that the liberals and Obama do. They are just as rabid on the left as many are on the right. That's the problem today. There is no debate and compromise.

I see everything wrong with it. In fact I already stated that MSNBC are following Fox's business model, only from the opposite end of the spectrum.

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I'm sorry, but if this isn't entertaining, I don't know what is.

I'm curious as to what Liberal TV show, shows ignorance of the general populace like this?

Filmed in 2014. USA debt was $16 Trillion.....It's now $18 Trillion.....Yeah, government is the answer to all.......Right.

AND......I hear crickets chirping.

Still waiting on a Liberal news/entertainment show that can buffoon conservatives the way Watters does when he visits bastions of liberals.

Allow me to help out. Here's my man Sasha B Cohen to the rescue (again)....

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Media Matter, Mother Jones and others of their ilk have been lying about Bill O'Reilly and Fox News obsessively for years. The only thing new here is trying to tie it to Brian Williams. This will do him no damage at all and probably enhance his career even more.

They showed him videos of himself saying those things.

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The other hard truth is that the average age of Bill O's viewers are all over 65 years old. No where near the "money crowd" or what tv views as the desirable crowd.

Speaking of hard truths, More young people watch Fox News than any other cable news network. It works that way when you are number one.

Network news is FREE, so comparing apples and oranges to make a nonexistent point. rolleyes.gif

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