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I can't download and post videos as I've only my iPhone available for the Internet out in the sticks at the moment but my favourite animal song is the mocking bird song from dumb and dumber. Mock yea, bird yea. Can someone post that video for me please?


I can't download and post videos as I've only my iPhone available for the Internet out in the sticks at the moment but my favourite animal song is the mocking bird song from dumb and dumber. Mock yea, bird yea. Can someone post that video for me please?


Hi bannork, your clip didn't work so I have embedded it for you.

If you have problems embedding videos, read post # 18 in the following link.

The problem he is having is not with embedding the video as that appears to be correct as the start/stop media metatags are correct. The problem is he is using URL shortners as the link and this get converted to the real YouTube link at YouTube.

This is what his links look like:

This is what shows up on YouTube after it converts it:

Of the above he needs to copy this part and paste into the TV media box as normal. Everything before the &


Thanks for the advice Tywais, for years I've been copying the link from the share function below the video but looking at what you've said above it seems I'll have to go back to copying from the top as i do for personal downloads.

I'll try again- thanks for the help!


Thanks for the advice Tywais, for years I've been copying the link from the share function below the video but looking at what you've said above it seems I'll have to go back to copying from the top as i do for personal downloads.

I see you got it down now. I took a look at the share option on YouTube and they are the one that are generating URL shortners probably to simplify the link. Perhaps they changed that from full URL to a URL shortner and why it worked before.


None, I expect. The whole class fails.

Never mind, we have permanent resits on TV-. this song for example, I admit to posting it before but it seemed so right for this thread.


rgs-that album is so utterly depressing, Roger Waters's neurotic obsessions to the forefront, with the band dutifully following behind, plus the picture of Battersea power station.

I remember feeling dismayed at the time.

George Harrison complaining about corrupt businessmen...


rgs-that album is so utterly depressing, Roger Waters's neurotic obsessions to the forefront, with the band dutifully following behind, plus the picture of Battersea power station.

I remember feeling dismayed at the time.

George Harrison complaining about corrupt businessmen...

BN, contains probably RWs finest ever lyrics and observations on Jolly Ole Blighty,

"Hey you, Whitehouse,

Ha ha charade you are.

You house proud town mouse,

Ha ha charade you are

You're trying to keep our feelings off the street.

You're nearly a real treat,

All tight lips and cold feet

And do you feel abused?"

Utterly brilliant, thankfully as a non PF fan I can view this album from a different perspective to the hippies who felt short changed or felt PF had sold out by going punk with the guitar sound.

Its certainly a way better album than DSOTM, SYOCD, the utterly wrist slitting self indulgence that was The Wall or the utterly abysmal TFC.

You are better versed in PF history than I am, and we all know the outcome.

I agree better versions can be found on Boston Gardens bootleg from 1975, the songs were called, Raving & Drooling and You Gotta Be Crazy.

Personally I would rather listen to the above than the utterly boring self indulgant wanko crap that is ComFARTably Numb some think is DGs finest ever solo, try listening to bootlegs such as Smokin Blues.

PS, send me a PM the next time you are down this way in BKK, I have a pile of Floyd bootlegs you are welcome to.


Al stewart, Year of the cat

Elton John, Crocodile rock

Elvis, Hound dog

Meatloaf, bat outta hell

ELP, aquatarkus

Royal Guardsman, Snoopy and the red baron

Roger Clover, Butterfly Ball


The woman of my dreams - some 50 years ago: MELANIE, Alexander Beetle


Oh I just remember, I loved GRACE SLICK even more, White rabbit


My first love however was FRANCE GALL, Bebe requin (baby shark for English speakers)


I suppose that "ne sois pas si bete" does not count? Yet une bete is an animal? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NiCy2IcEZo


rgs-that album is so utterly depressing, Roger Waters's neurotic obsessions to the forefront, with the band dutifully following behind, plus the picture of Battersea power station.

I remember feeling dismayed at the time.

George Harrison complaining about corrupt businessmen...

BN, contains probably RWs finest ever lyrics and observations on Jolly Ole Blighty,

"Hey you, Whitehouse,

Ha ha charade you are.

You house proud town mouse,

Ha ha charade you are

You're trying to keep our feelings off the street.

You're nearly a real treat,

All tight lips and cold feet

And do you feel abused?"

Utterly brilliant, thankfully as a non PF fan I can view this album from a different perspective to the hippies who felt short changed or felt PF had sold out by going punk with the guitar sound.

Its certainly a way better album than DSOTM, SYOCD, the utterly wrist slitting self indulgence that was The Wall or the utterly abysmal TFC.

You are better versed in PF history than I am, and we all know the outcome.

I agree better versions can be found on Boston Gardens bootleg from 1975, the songs were called, Raving & Drooling and You Gotta Be Crazy.

Personally I would rather listen to the above than the utterly boring self indulgant wanko crap that is ComFARTably Numb some think is DGs finest ever solo, try listening to bootlegs such as Smokin Blues.

PS, send me a PM the next time you are down this way in BKK, I have a pile of Floyd bootlegs you are welcome to.

We will have to agree to disagree about the merits of the albums you mention- how you love acronyms! TFC -at first I thought of the anti septic cream, TCP !

So much of the emotional appeal of songs is bound up with the era you heard them in,and your own age. When I first heard Piper At the Gates of Dawn, sound systems with 2 speakers in stereo,a separate amp and turntable were just coming in

Prior to that we listened to music on a gramophone,an all in one unit with no great range in bass and treble.

Suddenly you could get far greater volume, choose a separate amp and different speakers- the 'stereo system' started at around 30 pounds. It was fantastic!

As a 13 year old kid this was an incredible evolution in home listening, coupled with my school being a boarding school where each boy had his own study the size of perhaps 2 public toilet cubicles, so we'd cram into each other's studies to listen to Led Zep 1, Floyd, the works

And once you put a pair of headphones on, you were in another world!

And I think it's human nature that once you've experienced something that becomes the benchmark to measure future experiences of the same genre by.

So Floyd went through various changes, the albums diversified but they were, imo , always interesting till they got to Wish you were here when the melancholy really set in , though I think it's a great acoustic track in itself- I remember the critics saying Floyd were clearly missing Barrett's creative energy.

And by 'Animals' Waters seems to be in full control and he's just starting to find his feet with social issues.And god, it's a downer -not only lyrically but also musically in my view, leaden. At least The Wall has some passionate songs- Run Like Hell for example.

Waters is plainly a very intelligent man,in interviews he comes across as very articulate, and Floyd lover or not, it can't be denied he has produced many a good tune over the years but for me the extinction of the previous musical joy,variety and group creativity, whilst evident on SYOCD was truly confirmed on 'Animals'

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