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New Broadband Speed Test


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I just upgraded my Ji-Net (via TT&T) from 512/256 to 1024/512 and get the following from speedtest.thaivisa.com:

Download Speed: 809 kbps (101.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 391 kbps (48.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

Not bad...close to what I'm paying for...

what is your location and how much is it

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  • 4 weeks later...

On the rinkadink crappy AOL UK Silver Package....

Download Speed: 928 kbps (116 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 127 kbps (15.9 KB/sec transfer rate).

Costs about 1200 baht (UK) per month.

I'm sure theres some faster ones in Thailand for that price!

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I envy you people the high speeds you get with thaivisa.com

This is what I, with a subscription of 4000/400, got just now:


The connection with the server of my ISP in Switzerland, calblecom.ch, gives 3964/414, RT 20 ms


I realise that the problem of my slow download speed from ThaiVisa does not lie with the server of ThaiVisa nor, apparently, with that of my ISP, but somewhere in between.

I recognise that knowing the exact cause of the problem will not change my situation, but it will add to my fountain of useless knowledge and I wonder if any wizard reading this can help me identify the cause. Will the attached tracert log give any clues?


I shall be grateful for any information.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
I just got download of 3347 kbps, and upload of 349kbps.

Can't complain about that.

Mine sux when it says True has given me 4048k on the ADSL Status check (-20db down)

and you use their check [ http://www.trueinternet.co.th/testspeedmain.php ] system and it says

You barre_rouge.png747.968 Kbps

slower than 1mbs :o

The best the speed checker here on TV gives is 998k so far, which is no where near the 400k as it says on the 3com router...

Edited by youbet
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  • 2 months later...
So you guys with mega fast packages just how much do they cost and where are they available ?

I pay B1000/mo for TT&T Maxnet 2560/512. Actually I pay a little less, because they discount for prepayment of 6- or 12-months, but I'm having a brain fart right now and can't remember the discount. Maybe 7% for 6-month prepay? TT&T is only available "up country," i.e. not available in Bangkok.

Just now on a Saturday morning at 1100 I got:

Last Result:

Download Speed: 2014 kbps (251.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 400 kbps (50 KB/sec transfer rate)

During the week during business hours, it sometimes drops to about half that, but most evenings/nights/weekends I get about 2Mbps actual throughput, and often during the weekday, too.

The above speed test results were from the ThaiVisa.com Broadband Speedtest link. I also just tested Speakeasy to Los Angeles and got:

Last Result:

Download Speed: 2060 kbps (257.5KB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 330 kbps (41.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

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  • 2 months later...

Testing against a server in Malmo:


For comparison, the same test against a local server in Thailand:


Ping test is relevant, speed is hard to judge since this is tested with several people online at the moment using the same connection (hotel). Rated speed is 2048/512 kbps.

Hi all

Could somebody help me and to do a speed test from Thailand to Sweden or Norway?

Please state your results and which Thai ISP and bandwith you have.

I need to know the possibility to work against a swedish server from Thailand.

Thanks a lot!

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Next test is with my 256/128 kbps ADSL back up line, which nobody else is using:

Test to Malmo:


Test on local server in Thailand


You'll see with a proper ADSL package speed will not be an issue, latency on the other hand will never be good (high ping times) since pretty much all traffic to Europe from here is routed over the USA!

If high upload speeds are needed, the only affordable option is a CAT SDSL connection, 2mbps/2mbps for 2850 Baht/month. Incidentally CAT seems to offer the most stable speed, probably because they operate the biggest IIG (International Internet Gateway) over here, on which they just lost their monopoly. Meaning they are getting loaded less heavy with other ISP's getting their own direct international connections.

Also, the CAT has the longest experience of making a mess out of the internet connections, so at least they kind of know to get things working again :o

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