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Teaching job applicants to undergo fingerprint checks

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"305 "winning" applicants will work in the strife-torn south"

People are competing for these positions where schools are bombed, teachers are shot, students are shot? Do they know this? Interesting. Chok dee.

You are mistaken - the Thai system involves a national test for teaching positions and the successful entrants are sent to wherever the need is - the idea that Thai teachers get a CHOICE in where they teach at first is completely wrong. Later in their career they may request a change of location, but even then, there is huge corruption involved with cash flying under tables to get a bureaucrat to sign the permission-to-move document. Preference is given to those asking to move to an area where they already have relatives.

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The only real way to ensure that teachers (or anyone else) is competent is by personal verification. In other words, their lecturers and fellow teachers assess them as they study. Personal observation to check ID. In other words lecturers make the effort to appear at the exam venue, say hello and offer their best wishes to their students, this for several reasons.

"Personal observation to check ID."

When I was on the women's campus at a university in the UAE we sometimes had end of term exams with hundreds of students in an exam hall many of whom looked like this and some with not even their eyes exposed. Checking of IDs and faces could only be done by women and many teachers had never even seen the faces of some the students we taught. Quite an undertaking. Virtually impossible when giving tests during normal classes. And not difficult for a student to be connected by mobile phone to the outside world for "assistance."

It used to amuse me when a student came to my office totally covered in black and she would be somewhat surprised that I didn't instantly recognize her.


so very simple in future,

you take a finger print, send it to NASA;

and will get information back in a 2nd !

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It would be helpful in getting the very best job applicants for the low paying teaching jobs...to have prospective applicants, especially foreigners, to serve 6 months in the Thai military...where they could learn to defend themselves...and 6 months in Thai prison...where they could learn the true meaning of "Thainess"...

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The only real way to ensure that teachers (or anyone else) is competent is by personal verification. In other words, their lecturers and fellow teachers assess them as they study. Personal observation to check ID. In other words lecturers make the effort to appear at the exam venue, say hello and offer their best wishes to their students, this for several reasons.

"Personal observation to check ID."

When I was on the women's campus at a university in the UAE we sometimes had end of term exams with hundreds of students in an exam hall many of whom looked like this and some with not even their eyes exposed. Checking of IDs and faces could only be done by women and many teachers had never even seen the faces of some the students we taught. Quite an undertaking. Virtually impossible when giving tests during normal classes. And not difficult for a student to be connected by mobile phone to the outside world for "assistance."

It used to amuse me when a student came to my office totally covered in black and she would be somewhat surprised that I didn't instantly recognize her.


so very simple in future,

you take a finger print, send it to NASA;

and will get information back in a 2nd !

Maybe she just came to give you the eye,

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The only real way to ensure that teachers (or anyone else) is competent is by personal verification. In other words, their lecturers and fellow teachers assess them as they study. Personal observation to check ID. In other words lecturers make the effort to appear at the exam venue, say hello and offer their best wishes to their students, this for several reasons.

"Personal observation to check ID."

When I was on the women's campus at a university in the UAE we sometimes had end of term exams with hundreds of students in an exam hall many of whom looked like this and some with not even their eyes exposed. Checking of IDs and faces could only be done by women and many teachers had never even seen the faces of some the students we taught. Quite an undertaking. Virtually impossible when giving tests during normal classes. And not difficult for a student to be connected by mobile phone to the outside world for "assistance."

It used to amuse me when a student came to my office totally covered in black and she would be somewhat surprised that I didn't instantly recognize her.


thats a bonus. pass the unprepared and let their society sink even further into the dark ages.

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They let Thais teach English, who even can not have a small conversation with a foreigner. Or even speak properly. They should test these skills by native English speakers, and nobody would pass the test. Sick system.

"They should test these skills by native English speakers ..."

If you're talking about testing the skills of "native English speakers" who want to teach in Thailand, I agree that quite a few would do miserably ... but do you understand who is called a "native speaker of English?"

A "native speaker of English" refers to someone who has learned and used English from early childhood. It does not necessarily mean that it is the speaker's only language, but it means it is and has been the primary means of concept formation and communication..

Aye up lad, what;s tha sayin?

Don't thee know that I'm a native speaker an all?

Reet me Duck, gotta go and have me cheese cob for brekkie.

See ya.


Gosh, are you referring to the famous BBC speak?

Native speakers speak in their local dialect, there was a thread recently where a teacher and his Students had fun with English slang in his Nottingham dialect.

There was a mixed response from TV members.

Some thought it was totally innappropriate, while others thought it was a bit of motivational fun.

Like my old Mum used to say: "It's easy when you say it fast!".

The testing may well help to weed out cheats but I suspect that a lot more thought needs to be put into the formulation of the tests and how they should be applied for each class of teacher.

Is this another case where the authorities need to engage brain before spouting forth?

Just another quick papering over the cracks IMHO.

Will this possibly well intentioned idea simply create more mired beauracracy whose purpose gets lost over time?

- but we have always done it like this.........

The pendulum swings.....

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The finger prints are necessary to identify your blown to pieces body after the first three months of duty.

That would not work because if your hands are blown to shreds they would not have any fingerprints, they would need your DNA.

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They let Thais teach English, who even can not have a small conversation with a foreigner. Or even speak properly. They should test these skills by native English speakers, and nobody would pass the test. Sick system.

My wife would pass that test, but from what I've seen and heard from some of the farang "teachers" here, the test itself would be a sham as they can't speak the Queens English properly themselves.

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