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Kerry tried to dampen fuss over Israeli PM's speech

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Kerry tried to dampen fuss over Israeli PM's speech

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday tried to calm tensions with Israel before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's congressional address, yet insisted the Obama administration's diplomatic record with Iran entitles the U.S. to "the benefit of the doubt" as negotiators work toward a long-term nuclear deal. On a mission to warn of the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran, the prime minister arrived in Washington for the speech the White House didn't want him to give.

Kerry said in an interview broadcast before he arrived in Switzerland for talks with Iran's foreign minister that Netanyahu was welcome to speak in the U.S. and that the administration did not want the event "turned into some great political football."

That sentiment was a step back from some of the sharp rhetoric between the allies in recent weeks, and Kerry mentioned that he talked to Netanyahu as recently as Saturday.

But Kerry stressed that Israel was safer as a result of the short-term nuclear pact that world powers and Iran reached in late 2013, and he described that improvement as the "standard we will apply to any agreement" with the Islamic Republic.

Officials have described the United States, Europe, Russia and China as considering a compromise that would see Iran's nuclear activities severely curtailed for at least a decade, with the restrictions and U.S. and Western economic penalties eased in the final years of a deal.

"We are going to test whether or not diplomacy can prevent this weapon from being created, so you don't have to turn to additional measures including the possibility of a military confrontation," Kerry told ABC's "This Week."

"Our hope is that diplomacy can work. And I believe, given our success of the interim agreement, we deserve the benefit of the doubt to find out whether or not we can get a similarly good agreement with respect to the future."

Netanyahu will press his opposition to a diplomatic accommodation of Iran's program in his speech Tuesday to Congress. "We are not here to offend President Obama whom we respect very much," said a Netanyahu adviser, who was not authorized to be identified. "The prime minister is here to warn, in front of any stage possible, the dangers" of the deal that may be taking shape.

The invitation to speak to Congress extended by House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Netanyahu's acceptance have caused an uproar that has exposed tensions between Israel and the U.S., its most important ally.

By consenting to speak, Netanyahu angered the White House, which was not consulted in advance, and Democrats, who were forced to choose between showing support for Israel and backing the president.

"I will do everything in my ability to secure our future," Netanyahu said before flying to Washington. He described himself as "an emissary" of the Jewish people.

Boehner said Iran's nuclear ambitions were a threat well beyond the region.

"We're not going to resolve this issue by sticking our heads in the sand," Boehner told CBS' "Face the Nation."

He said Netanyahu "can talk about this threat, I believe, better than anyone. And the United States Congress wants to hear from him, and so do the American people."

The congressional speech also has sparked criticism in Israel, where Netanyahu is seeking re-election on March 17. He also planned to speak Monday at the annual conference of the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC.

Netanyahu considers unacceptable any deal that does not entirely end Iran's nuclear program. But President Barack Obama is willing to leave some nuclear activity intact, backed by safeguards that Iran is not trying to develop a weapon. Iran insists its program is solely for peaceful energy and medical research.

The dispute has become more personal of late.

Last week, Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, described the timing and partisan manner of Netanyahu's visit as "destructive" for the U.S.-Israeli relationship.

On Sunday, Kerry painted a more positive picture of continued close cooperation. He said the U.S.-Israeli security partnership was closer than at any point before, and noted the large investment of American money in the Jewish state's Iron Dome missile defense system.

He said the U.S. government has "intervened on Israel's behalf in the last two years a couple of hundred" times in more than 75 forums "in order to protect Israel."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-03-02


Kerry said in an interview broadcast before he arrived in Switzerland for talks with Iran's foreign minister that Netanyahu was welcome to speak in the U.S. and that the administration did not want the event "turned into some great political football."

This is what the administration should have said from the beginning, but Obama threw a fit like a spoiled child. This is hardly the first time that Congress has invited a foreign leader to speak without clearing it with the White House first. Obama wants to influence the election in Israel and turn democrats against the Jewish State. THAT is what this is all about.

IF that is the case, well done, Obama, and thank you Netanyahu for scoring an own goal.

Veteran Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery thinks this has destroyed Israel’s bipartisan support in USA, but Robert Fisk believes Israel can do no wrong as far as cringing US politicians on both sides of politics are concerned.

Interesting article at..


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Kerry said in an interview broadcast before he arrived in Switzerland for talks with Iran's foreign minister that Netanyahu was welcome to speak in the U.S. and that the administration did not want the event "turned into some great political football."

This is what the administration should have said from the beginning, but Obama threw a fit like a spoiled child. This is hardly the first time that Congress has invited a foreign leader to speak without clearing it with the White House first. Obama wants to influence the election in Israel and turn democrats against the Jewish State. THAT is what this is all about.

Your writings become more ridiculous each day. So obviously partisan with no balance whatsoever. An extremist?

Talking about ridiculous, look in a mirror. I voted for Obama the FIRST election, before I found out what he was really about. How "partisan" is that? rolleyes.gif

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Anything Kerry says is either a lie or just plain stupid. Of course he was picked by a superior liar. Of course the fools and cowards in the communist senate, mostly scumbag lawyers, have their lips firmly attached to Obamas ass.

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Kerry said in an interview broadcast before he arrived in Switzerland for talks with Iran's foreign minister that Netanyahu was welcome to speak in the U.S. and that the administration did not want the event "turned into some great political football."

This is what the administration should have said from the beginning, but Obama threw a fit like a spoiled child. This is hardly the first time that Congress has invited a foreign leader to speak without clearing it with the White House first. Obama wants to influence the election in Israel and turn democrats against the Jewish State. THAT is what this is all about.

IF that is the case, well done, Obama, and thank you Netanyahu for scoring an own goal.

Veteran Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery thinks this has destroyed Israel’s bipartisan support in USA, but Robert Fisk believes Israel can do no wrong as far as cringing US politicians on both sides of politics are concerned.

Interesting article at..


I agree with the author on this one regarding who's winning this speech deal. Bibi has Obama and the Dems in Congress rocked back on their heels and they simply don't know what to do about it. Obama and the Dems are the ones who are floundering and they shouldn't have escalated this into an national and international incident. That has played further into Bibi's hand.

Just my opinion but the author made the points well.

Another miscalculation by Obama.

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You may know the old expression, "Israel will fight and die to the last...... American". Who cares what that blood thirsty murdering terrorist thinks. If the Americans are that foolish to listen to such as him then they will get what they deserve. More dead American service men and women. Personally I am sick and tired of self serving and greedy persons in power in the US kowtowing to these cretins and sending their countrymen's offspring into nonsensical conflicts endangering their servicemen for no reason. Unfortunately, there are good profits in this for those in power, that is a fact, and the Israeli's know the Americans with power will sell their people cheap.

Here is to hoping that the Americans will start taking a more critical view of Israel and it's motivations and use their own self thought and critical analysis as to whether they as Americans really need to act on this or that and if it is actually in their benefit to do so.

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You may know the old expression, "Israel will fight and die to the last...... American".

What utter stupidity. Israel has always fought its own wars. America did not become a serious ally until after the magnificent 1967 victory and America has never had to send any troops at all.

Ulysses- I'm beginning to think that even responding to such posts is kind of a stupidity. Maybe it should just be called anti-semiteness??

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I know its not a very humane thing to say , but you wonder if it wouldn't be worth letting them all nuke each other , the survivors might then learn to live in peace

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I know its not a very humane thing to say , but you wonder if it wouldn't be worth letting them all nuke each other , the survivors might then learn to live in peace

Nahhhh, not as long as you can get 72 virgins in the afterlife....


Kerry said in an interview broadcast before he arrived in Switzerland for talks with Iran's foreign minister that Netanyahu was welcome to speak in the U.S. and that the administration did not want the event "turned into some great political football."

This is what the administration should have said from the beginning, but Obama threw a fit like a spoiled child. This is hardly the first time that Congress has invited a foreign leader to speak without clearing it with the White House first. Obama wants to influence the election in Israel and turn democrats against the Jewish State. THAT is what this is all about.
Your writings become more ridiculous each day. So obviously partisan with no balance whatsoever. An extremist?
Some people fit the criteria for being at risk of becoming a true beliver.

Book: The True Believer

Author: Eric Hoffer


Kerry said in an interview broadcast before he arrived in Switzerland for talks with Iran's foreign minister that Netanyahu was welcome to speak in the U.S. and that the administration did not want the event "turned into some great political football."

This is what the administration should have said from the beginning, but Obama threw a fit like a spoiled child. This is hardly the first time that Congress has invited a foreign leader to speak without clearing it with the White House first. Obama wants to influence the election in Israel and turn democrats against the Jewish State. THAT is what this is all about.
Your writings become more ridiculous each day. So obviously partisan with no balance whatsoever. An extremist?
Some people fit the criteria for being at risk of becoming a true beliver.

You being one of them. People in glass houses...


It is funny how the news forgets to talk about the shelling that Israel endures on a weekly basis, but when they fight back there right there with cameras on talking about the Innocent.

How blessed we are to not have to worry about a car bomb going off at our children's school or the baht bus exploding on beach road. funny how the same people who want to take away your right to defend yourself are the same ass wholes who hide behind steel gates and cement walls.

Before you criticize Israel try spending a year living there. Try walking a mile in another man's shoes.

Is it fair to say- how blessed we are to live among the Buddhists?


Kerry said in an interview broadcast before he arrived in Switzerland for talks with Iran's foreign minister that Netanyahu was welcome to speak in the U.S. and that the administration did not want the event "turned into some great political football."
This is what the administration should have said from the beginning, but Obama threw a fit like a spoiled child. This is hardly the first time that Congress has invited a foreign leader to speak without clearing it with the White House first. Obama wants to influence the election in Israel and turn democrats against the Jewish State. THAT is what this is all about.
Your writings become more ridiculous each day. So obviously partisan with no balance whatsoever. An extremist?
Some people fit the criteria for being at risk of becoming a true beliver.

You being one of them. People in glass houses...

"...in order to be effective a doctrine must not be understood, but has to be believed in. We can be absolutely certain only about things we do not understand."

You already "know" that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program (doctrine). You keep on repeating it like a broken record.

It is funny how the news forgets to talk about the shelling that Israel endures on a weekly basis, but when they fight back there right there with cameras on talking about the Innocent.

How blessed we are to not have to worry about a car bomb going off at our children's school or the baht bus exploding on beach road. funny how the same people who want to take away your right to defend yourself are the same ass wholes who hide behind steel gates and cement walls.

Before you criticize Israel try spending a year living there. Try walking a mile in another man's shoes.

Excellent idea. Tell Shlomo to swap houses with Abdullah!


You already "know" that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program (doctrine). You keep on repeating it like a broken record.

Most of the wold knows it. Hence the UN sanctions.wink.png

  • Like 1

You already "know" that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program (doctrine). You keep on repeating it like a broken record.

Most of the wold knows it. Hence the UN sanctions.wink.png
"Most of the world knows it" is a claim based on nothing but you or someone you recite.


The sanctions are there cause of the theoretical idea that the Iranian rulers will/maybe decide(s) the nuclear technology and facilities should be used to pursue a nuclear weapons program.

Its a deterrent and also leverage during negotiations with Iran.

Hence the sanctions.

Iran has the right to acquire nuclear technology and facilities as long as it wont be used in a nuclear weapons program.

Hence the negotiations.

  • Like 2

The sanctions are there cause of the theoretical idea that the Iranian rulers will/maybe decide(s) the nuclear technology and facilities should be used to pursue a nuclear weapons program.

When Chris Rock retires, maybe you can apply for the job. laugh.png


The sanctions are there cause of the theoretical idea that the Iranian rulers will/maybe decide(s) the nuclear technology and facilities should be used to pursue a nuclear weapons program.

When Chris Rock retires, maybe you can apply for the job. laugh.png

Please dont cut and paste parts of my post and taking away all its context. It might confuse some members.

Were you comparing me to the stand-up comedian Chris Rock?

Thats a low-level way of avoiding to answer a post which have made you cornered.

You are just not able to provide a proper counter arguement.

  • Like 2

I am addressing your ridiculous point directly. No other "context" is necessary.

In what way is that point ridiculous.


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