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Nan Buddhists protest mosque construction


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"differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

On whose part?

The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

To pray yes...rolleyes.gif maybe ... also to preach!

Just IMHO of course

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If you knew anything about Christianity, which you so obviously don't, you would know that the New Testament Bible (which contain the rules for Christians) negates all the rules of the Old Testament Bible.

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Get your facts right. Jesus said:

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." (Matthew 5:17)

No negation there.

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"differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

On whose part?

The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with wanting a place to pray. But people no longer trust the followers of Islam. They do not want them . All followers of Islam are no longer trusted, is he my friend and co-worker or has he become radicalised and will he destroy me and mine? I cannot tell. If someone has been exposed to an infectious desease, they are quarintined until proven healthy. Islam has been exposed to a virilant dose of radicalism, so it is natural that those not exposed are wary of those that could be infectious.

You cannot judge a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a minority who misuse it's teachings to justify violencethis applies to all faiths.

I am not judging any one, I am only stating a fact. In the eyes of the non Islamic world Islam has become tainted by an extremist minority. If you, in your liberal wisdom can identify that minority and eliminate it, I would be quite happy to have a more relaxed attitude to Islam, but until then I must look to protect myself from possible harm by looking upon those that practice Islam with a level of mistrust. Not allowing them to establish yet more centres of their religion that might be used for radical brainwashing purposes is a start.

Your "facts" have led you an opinion that will do nothing to bring about understanding and a society where all are free to follow their own faith.

In effect doing valuable propaganda work for the violent scum who preach hate.

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i thought religion preached tolerance.

Just because they call their religion the, 'Religion of Peace' does not make it so. ISIS is very fundamentalist and follows the Koran to the letter with no broad interpretation. This article comes from a, politically, very left-of-center, highly regarded, publication. ISIS is killing many Muslims for not being Muslim enough. There is no room for coexistence with any other group. Where did you hear of Muslims preaching tolerance?

What ISIS Really Wants http://www.theatlantic.com/features/archive/2015/02/what-isis-really-wants/384980/

contemporary Muslim extremists and militants model their behavior on Muhammad. Their violence and intolerance, far from being alien to an inherently peaceful religion, is directly rooted in Muhammad's example. His powerful central argument demonstrates that many of the problems in the Muslim world today can be traced directly to the regrettable precedents set by the founder of the faith.


At its core, Islam is a religion of intolerance and forced adherence to Sharia Law by any means necessary. As Muslim fundamentalism spreads, moderate Muslims will be forced to become fundamentalists or die. Some (Bluespunk) may not like the truth, but it is there and getting more and more difficult to deny.

Many of the leading centres of Islamic teaching, religious scholars and community leaders have spoken out against IS and their warped interpretations of Islam. It is also mainly Muslims who are leading the fight against and driving IS back. They are in actuality fighting those who are labeled fundamentalist but in reality are nothing more than a minority of bigoted scum.

The group with the guns will win over the group with no guns. Moderate Islam is going the way of the dodo bird. The armed, violence prone, fundamentalist will ensure that in time. Remember the Tali-ban and how women were treated in Afghanistan? The idea has not gone away nor has it gone underground; just ask the Pakistanis. Wahabism has been spread world-wide by the Saudis because of an agreement they made with the terrorists who occupied Mecca in 1979.

Estimates of the number of adherents to Wahhabism vary, with one source giving a figure of less than 5 million Wahhabis in the Persian Gulf region (compared to 28.5 million Sunnis and 89 million Shia).

With the help of funding from petroleum exports the movement underwent "explosive growth" beginning in the 1970s and now has worldwide influence.

Wahhabism has been accused of being "a source of global terrorism", and for causing disunity in the Muslim community by labeling non-Wahhabi Muslims as apostates (takfir) thus paving the way for their bloodshed. It has also been criticized for the destruction of historic mazaars, mausoleums, and other Muslim and non-Muslim buildings and artifacts. The "boundaries" of what make up Wahhabism have been called "difficult to pinpoint", but in contemporary usage, the terms Wahhabi and Salafi are often used interchangeably, and considered to be movements with different roots that have merged since the 1960s. But Wahhabism has also been called "a particular orientation within Salafism", or an ultra-conservative, Saudi brand of Salafism


Saudi Arabia funding fuels jihadist terror


Today, it has been estimated that 80 percent of American mosques are under Wahhabi influence, described by both scholars and U.S. officials as a radical, violent philosophical platform used by terrorists and their supporters to justify violence against Christians, Jews and other "non-believers."


The vast majority of today's Muslims love their God and want to live in peace with their neighbors but the small percentage who are willing to use violence, will eventually overwhelm them; funded by the deep pockets of the Saudi Royal Family.

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Maybe a 'sensible' solution would be for Nan to send a delegation from the group of protestors to Phrae to see if there have been any problems between the local Buddhist and Mulsim communities. I've never heard of any problems in Phrae.

Bottom line for me is that no person should be discriminated against because of his/her religion. Personally, I'm an atheist. But I have always tried to live by the rule: "Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you." This basic rule seems to work with people of all faiths and backgrounds. And to draw any comparison between a very small minority of Muslims living in Northern Thailand to radical Islam is totally ludicrous.

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Balls. Islaam is NOT a religion of peace, it's an all or nothing religion, to be a true Muslim you have to accept the Koran 100%. That includes stoning of apostates and adulterers, something that is accepted by 45% of Muslims in Europe as being justifiable, Killing those that are not submitting to their evil cult, sharia law... come on guys do some reading. Switzerland is the envy of Europe because it passed a law BY POPULAR VOTE stopping the construction of mosques.

I think it was the construction of minarets, not mosques?

A couple of decades ago Saudi Arabia asked for permission to construct a mosque in Axum, the holy see of the Ethiopian Coptic Church. The Ethiopian Patriarch replied along the lines of: "Of course, as soon as we can build a church in Mecca".

That is the perfect answer.

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"differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

On whose part?

The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

If the locals do not want their province Islamified when those people do not have a historical claim to the area, it should be that their wishes are for-filled. There has already been enough violence in provinces of traditional co-existence with radical Islam trying to force others out. The advent of ISIS and admittance of JML (Jeremiah Islaamiah Indonesia) in the south only solidifies and underlines the need to ensure it is safe for Buddhists to continue to live in Thailand without fear.

This is the direct result of building of Mosques and using religion to persecute and force another group with religious differences out of a province they have co-occupied for centuries. These photos taken of the steps required to bring safety to Buddhists in the south. Taken this morning on my way from the "deep south" to Hat Yai.

A: the people of the south (and their faith) were there long before the Thais occupied the territory. Doesn't justify violence on either side though. The conflict however is not about religion. Faith is a part of it, but not the only or crucial one.

B: IS is a terrorist group representing their hate not islam. It is being driven by back by Muslims in the main.

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If you knew anything about Christianity, which you so obviously don't, you would know that the New Testament Bible (which contain the rules for Christians) negates all the rules of the Old Testament Bible.

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Get your facts right. Jesus said:

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." (Matthew 5:17)

No negation there.

Taken out of context, you can mis-attribute the meaning.

With Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection the Old Covenant was fulfilled and a new covenant was instituted.


This is why Christians aren't bound by the old law, which anti-Christians love to quote, because Jesus brought a new law that superseded the old law. There is no connection between the Old Laws and Christians. Christians didn't exist until the Old Law was replaced by the New Covenant. Christians follow the New Covenant so please, if you can find some commands to violence in the New Covenant, link to them.

If you don't know about rocket science, would you argue about rocket science? If you don't know about religion, which you clearly don't disrespect, how can you argue it intelligently?

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i thought religion preached tolerance.

Just because they call their religion the, 'Religion of Peace' does not make it so. ISIS is very fundamentalist and follows the Koran to the letter with no broad interpretation. This article comes from a, politically, very left-of-center, highly regarded, publication. ISIS is killing many Muslims for not being Muslim enough. There is no room for coexistence with any other group. Where did you hear of Muslims preaching tolerance?

What ISIS Really Wants http://www.theatlantic.com/features/archive/2015/02/what-isis-really-wants/384980/

contemporary Muslim extremists and militants model their behavior on Muhammad. Their violence and intolerance, far from being alien to an inherently peaceful religion, is directly rooted in Muhammad's example. His powerful central argument demonstrates that many of the problems in the Muslim world today can be traced directly to the regrettable precedents set by the founder of the faith.


At its core, Islam is a religion of intolerance and forced adherence to Sharia Law by any means necessary. As Muslim fundamentalism spreads, moderate Muslims will be forced to become fundamentalists or die. Some (Bluespunk) may not like the truth, but it is there and getting more and more difficult to deny.

Many of the leading centres of Islamic teaching, religious scholars and community leaders have spoken out against IS and their warped interpretations of Islam. It is also mainly Muslims who are leading the fight against and driving IS back. They are in actuality fighting those who are labeled fundamentalist but in reality are nothing more than a minority of bigoted scum.

The group with the guns will win over the group with no guns. Moderate Islam is going the way of the dodo bird. The armed, violence prone, fundamentalist will ensure that in time. Remember the Tali-ban and how women were treated in Afghanistan? The idea has not gone away nor has it gone underground; just ask the Pakistanis. Wahabism has been spread world-wide by the Saudis because of an agreement they made with the terrorists who occupied Mecca in 1979.

Estimates of the number of adherents to Wahhabism vary, with one source giving a figure of less than 5 million Wahhabis in the Persian Gulf region (compared to 28.5 million Sunnis and 89 million Shia).

With the help of funding from petroleum exports the movement underwent "explosive growth" beginning in the 1970s and now has worldwide influence.

Wahhabism has been accused of being "a source of global terrorism", and for causing disunity in the Muslim community by labeling non-Wahhabi Muslims as apostates (takfir) thus paving the way for their bloodshed. It has also been criticized for the destruction of historic mazaars, mausoleums, and other Muslim and non-Muslim buildings and artifacts. The "boundaries" of what make up Wahhabism have been called "difficult to pinpoint", but in contemporary usage, the terms Wahhabi and Salafi are often used interchangeably, and considered to be movements with different roots that have merged since the 1960s. But Wahhabism has also been called "a particular orientation within Salafism", or an ultra-conservative, Saudi brand of Salafism


Saudi Arabia funding fuels jihadist terror


Today, it has been estimated that 80 percent of American mosques are under Wahhabi influence, described by both scholars and U.S. officials as a radical, violent philosophical platform used by terrorists and their supporters to justify violence against Christians, Jews and other "non-believers."


The vast majority of today's Muslims love their God and want to live in peace with their neighbors but the small percentage who are willing to use violence, will eventually overwhelm them; funded by the deep pockets of the Saudi Royal Family.

The armed terrorists are being opposed by mainstream Muslims. IS are being driven back by strange bedfellows with Kurdish, Iraqi and Iranian troops collaborating.

They all have their reasons, strategic and geo political and have their share of radicals, yes.

However all recognise that IS is not Islam as do all those centres of Islamic learning who condem their violent intolerance as unislamic.

As to the Saudi royal family and their pandering to the extremist form of Islam in their country. Well they will live to regret that.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I can see a battle of P.A systems with each trying to drown each other out.

Now, there is a valid argument. What are the true others?

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Great to see all the tolerant people on TV out in numbers!


....but ...but...but abortion clinic bombers!

Just because there are some idiotic and dangerous Christians somewhere, doesn't mean all the redneck, backwards, bible thumping, creationists are dangerous lunatics...well...kind of!

The majority of Muslims is just as peaceful as you and me.

And yes: I lived at Sathorn for 2 years, 200 meters away from a Mosque and I can tell you: if you wake up from the call to prayer, you maybe should close the window!

It didn't concern me as much as the "fireworks" (I would rather call it bombs), that went of at the nearby cemetery for Chinese New Year or the constant noise of traffic or the

vendors with their loudspeaker- heavy pick ups, or the neighbor with his overly loud Tv, or...or...or...

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Not only the UK, but Europe as a whole! no ones fault but their own governments! Trying to be politically correct, and look what happened! The country is being destroyed a little bit each day!

In the USA, they splash a little pigs blood on the site making it un-holy causing all construction to a complete halt!

Wish they protested all the mosques built in the UK. coffee1.gif

Good on them! clap2.gif

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IMHO people should have the right to believe whatever idiocy they choose, as long as they respect my right to laugh at it.

Religions which may have strategic strengths, like promises of heaven/paradise, also cause weaknesses. Protests against a mosque are basically an ineffective way to achieve a goal that could more easily obtained with a bucket of pig blood, so I am told.

Apologies Dan, we were posting at the same time.

Edited by halloween
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Balls. Islaam is NOT a religion of peace, it's an all or nothing religion, to be a true Muslim you have to accept the Koran 100%. That includes stoning of apostates and adulterers, something that is accepted by 45% of Muslims in Europe as being justifiable, Killing those that are not submitting to their evil cult, sharia law... come on guys do some reading. Switzerland is the envy of Europe because it passed a law BY POPULAR VOTE stopping the construction of mosques.


Balls. Christianity is NOT a religion of peace, it's an all or nothing religion, to be a true Christian you have to accept the bible 100%. That includes canibalism, slavery and rape, something that is accepted by 45% of Christians in Europe as being justifiable, Killing those that are not submitting to their evil cult, canon law... come on guys do some reading.

I used Christianity but I could have used Buddism just as easily. (have a look at whats going on in Burma.)

This ignorant, prejudice, shit fails to aknowledge Islam is no different than any other imaginary friend which people kill in the name of.

Yeah, so all religions are the same. I don't think it is written anywhere in the bible that you have to follow all its edicts under threat of eternal hell fire. In fact there are very few edicts about how to live, and none of them exhort Christians to put members of other religions to the sword, to make them afraid, and allows them to take women of other religions as 'wives' and all the rest of it. Islam is inherently evil.

Yeah, right. From the bible:

"This is what the Lord Almighty says: I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.

1 Samuel 15:23"

"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Leviticus 20:13

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.

Esphesians 6:5

Plenty more there. Read up on the good book.

what a vile discraceful book..even spielburg would struggle to make a film out of that.

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Can't be bothered to wade through 10 miles of racist comments.

The pasty racist beerbelly dropout boys are having a field day with this one, I'm sure.

i for one am loving it........so im racist for mocking the church of england .where im from ..mmm interesting..you work for the bbc by any chance..coffee1.gif

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The reality is that wherever there is a mosque, one finds radicalization and the preaching of hatred and violence.. When's the last time a Thai buddhist suicide bomber ran into a Temple? Sadly it is a common occurrence in the mosques of pakistan and Iraq. Considering the influence of the Saudi imams and the like, I sympathize with the Than non muslims. I can handle the Thai buddhists and their mumbo jumbo as they don't want to force my conversion or make me obey their religious edicts. Unfortunately, wherever there are muslims in number, they insist that everything be done in accordance with muslim practices.

Phooie I say.

Plenty of Thai Muslims and mosques in East Pattaya. I lived amongst the Muslim community for a total of four years and never picked up on violence and hatred towards non Muslims. Nor talking with other Westerners living in the area did I get any negative feedback concerning interactions with the large local Muslim community.

No attempts at converstion from the Muslim community, but regularly Christian sects would go house to house to try and convert Muslims - no violent reactions and so on.

The level of venom expressed in this forum against the general Thai Muslim community is not justified.

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It's a great favourite of Leftists in the UK. If anyone disagrees with your view of the world denounce him as a "racist" and hey-presto, argument over.

Or, ... It's a great favourite of Nationalists in the UK. If anyone disagrees with your view of the world denounce him as a "Leftist" and hey-presto, argument over.

Black, pot, kettle, etc ... whistling.gif

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The reality is that wherever there is a mosque, one finds radicalization and the preaching of hatred and violence.. When's the last time a Thai buddhist suicide bomber ran into a Temple? Sadly it is a common occurrence in the mosques of pakistan and Iraq. Considering the influence of the Saudi imams and the like, I sympathize with the Than non muslims. I can handle the Thai buddhists and their mumbo jumbo as they don't want to force my conversion or make me obey their religious edicts. Unfortunately, wherever there are muslims in number, they insist that everything be done in accordance with muslim practices.

Phooie I say.

Plenty of Thai Muslims and mosques in East Pattaya. I lived amongst the Muslim community for a total of four years and never picked up on violence and hatred towards non Muslims. Nor talking with other Westerners living in the area did I get any negative feedback concerning interactions with the large local Muslim community.

No attempts at converstion from the Muslim community, but regularly Christian sects would go house to house to try and convert Muslims - no violent reactions and so on.

The level of venom expressed in this forum against the general Thai Muslim community is not justified.

I personally express no level of venom and I certainly don't pick on Thai followers of Islam , the 'religion of peace?'. I do not trust the followers of Islam in general, unless the extremists wear a label, how do I know if one of the members of this 'religion' is not going to kill me in an act of self destruction as a religious act. I am basically fearful, mainly because our weak western PC governments and liberal societies do not stand up and say to the followers of Islam 'if you don't like our societies, that you joined by your own choice, go to a country where the society fits your criteria'. DO NOT TRY and impose your needs and likes upon us, we don't want them.

In Australia there is a female moslem lawyer who objects to a T shirt, with an Australian Flag and a slogan 'If you don't love it, leave'. She thinks it is aimed at immigrants, it is aimed at people who came to Australia, asked for citizenship and now disrespect the norms of the country they chose to join and wish to change them because they upset their religious feelings. I have not read of any Chinese,Japanese, Italian, German etc immigrants complaining about this, only a follower of Islam. Free speech, unless I feel it upsets my very sensative feelings, b*ll*cks. Does that mean that you are a Moslem first and an Australian second. Where does your loyalty lie, you chose to become Australian, so be Australian, otherwise FO.

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Doubt the original & genuine Buddha would be impressed with that or much else about commercial Buddhism for that matter.

Religions are a business, and a very profitable one at that. Keep giving and get a free pass to their defined afterlife. Some might say "buying a stairway to heaven".

Just another system of population control and manipulation, how many have died through history at the hands of religion.

Extreme Islam seems to be this generations version of religious mania gone nuts. There again some Satanist cults like Skull and Bones are also off their rockers, wasn't George Bush, Clinton and others members?

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There again some Satanist cults like Skull and Bones are also off their rockers, wasn't George Bush, Clinton and others members?

I'm not sure I'd characterise Skull & Bones as a "Satanist cult". However, whilst both Bushes were members, Clinton wasn't AFAIK.

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The problem is not the mosque itself but the NOISE that the Muslims make. Fancy this (and I am sure many of your have experienced it), sleeping well, then you hear this a hole at 4am calling to prayer and it just goes on all day with "Updates". Who the hell wants to listen to that. Best its not build at all but if it is they should insist that no call to prayer is allowed as is the case in the UK and Singapore - Muslims need to have consideration for people who do not share their religion and lifestyle.

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The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

A: the people of the south (and their faith) were there long before the Thais occupied the territory. Doesn't justify violence on either side though. The conflict however is not about religion. Faith is a part of it, but not the only or crucial one

the people of the south were Buddhist a 1,000 years before mo started his cult.

the arabs were pagan a 1,000 years plus later, they worshiped many gods/idols, allah the moon god suited mo' and so mote it be.

allah is NOT the GOD of CHRISTIANS and JEWS.

allah, moon god, they worship stars and moon cycles.

and really like to kill people.

the mosque is a good place to store weapons of destruction, assemble bombs, give refuge to the 1,000's and 1,000's of foot soldiers looking for R & R before continuing their murderous rampage.

give your head a shake,

read th ekoran (or whatever u like to spell it:)

if u will not submit, or bow to the east (mecca) you are dead meat, BBQ'd, sliced'diced, beheaded, hung, stoned, crucified, fried, whatever is the method of killing today


read the life of mo' you will really like the part where he fly's on his winged creature to mecca'

and remember,

IS say they will take rome, and they have 100's of foot soldiers there already, along with every capital in most of the world,

apologists like u make me smile, you don't know what is coming

Absolute nonsense.

Your hate is consuming you.

Edited by Bluespunk
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