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The Thai Constitution and HM support freedom of religion in Thailand. Indeed HM paid for the translation of the Koran to Thai and distribution throughout the country as well as other activities to support Thai Muslims. The Thai government contributes funding for the maintenance and building of mosques as does HM and so on. It would be a good idea for some people of Nan to revisit the relevant principle of the Thai Constitution and the support of the most revered institution in Thailand.

A great more detail on the status of Muslims and Islam in Thailand is provided at the URL below.


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"differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

On whose part?

The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

That's what IS also want, a place to pray all over the world.

  • Like 1

Some off-topic posts deflecting discussion towards Christianity have been removed from this thread.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


"differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

On whose part?

The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with wanting a place to pray. But people no longer trust the followers of Islam. They do not want them . All followers of Islam are no longer trusted, is he my friend and co-worker or has he become radicalised and will he destroy me and mine? I cannot tell. If someone has been exposed to an infectious desease, they are quarintined until proven healthy. Islam has been exposed to a virilant dose of radicalism, so it is natural that those not exposed are wary of those that could be infectious.

You cannot judge a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a minority who misuse it's teachings to justify violence……this applies to all faiths.

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They need to go and bury some pigs on the land, they won;t build a mosque on the land after that

  • Like 2

Balls. Islaam is NOT a religion of peace, it's an all or nothing religion, to be a true Muslim you have to accept the Koran 100%. That includes stoning of apostates and adulterers, something that is accepted by 45% of Muslims in Europe as being justifiable, Killing those that are not submitting to their evil cult, sharia law... come on guys do some reading. Switzerland is the envy of Europe because it passed a law BY POPULAR VOTE stopping the construction of mosques.


Balls. Christianity is NOT a religion of peace, it's an all or nothing religion, to be a true Christian you have to accept the bible 100%. That includes canibalism, slavery and rape, something that is accepted by 45% of Christians in Europe as being justifiable, Killing those that are not submitting to their evil cult, canon law... come on guys do some reading.

I used Christianity but I could have used Buddism just as easily. (have a look at whats going on in Burma.)

This ignorant, prejudice, shit fails to aknowledge Islam is no different than any other imaginary friend which people kill in the name of.

Yeah, so all religions are the same. I don't think it is written anywhere in the bible that you have to follow all its edicts under threat of eternal hell fire. In fact there are very few edicts about how to live, and none of them exhort Christians to put members of other religions to the sword, to make them afraid, and allows them to take women of other religions as 'wives' and all the rest of it. Islam is inherently evil.

Yeah, right. From the bible:

"This is what the Lord Almighty says: I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.

1 Samuel 15:23"

"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Leviticus 20:13

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.

Esphesians 6:5

Plenty more there. Read up on the good book.

  • Like 2

Understand the noise pollution. On numerous occasions I have inadvertently booked accommodation near a mosque and been woken up to wailing at 5am in the morning.


"differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

On whose part?

The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with wanting a place to pray. But people no longer trust the followers of Islam. They do not want them . All followers of Islam are no longer trusted, is he my friend and co-worker or has he become radicalised and will he destroy me and mine? I cannot tell. If someone has been exposed to an infectious desease, they are quarintined until proven healthy. Islam has been exposed to a virilant dose of radicalism, so it is natural that those not exposed are wary of those that could be infectious.

You cannot judge a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a minority who misuse it's teachings to justify violencethis applies to all faiths.

Yes we can.....because the majority of violence is commented by these cult followers.


Balls. Islaam is NOT a religion of peace, it's an all or nothing religion, to be a true Muslim you have to accept the Koran 100%. That includes stoning of apostates and adulterers, something that is accepted by 45% of Muslims in Europe as being justifiable, Killing those that are not submitting to their evil cult, sharia law... come on guys do some reading. Switzerland is the envy of Europe because it passed a law BY POPULAR VOTE stopping the construction of mosques.


Balls. Christianity is NOT a religion of peace, it's an all or nothing religion, to be a true Christian you have to accept the bible 100%. That includes canibalism, slavery and rape, something that is accepted by 45% of Christians in Europe as being justifiable, Killing those that are not submitting to their evil cult, canon law... come on guys do some reading.

I used Christianity but I could have used Buddism just as easily. (have a look at whats going on in Burma.)

This ignorant, prejudice, shit fails to aknowledge Islam is no different than any other imaginary friend which people kill in the name of.

Yeah, so all religions are the same. I don't think it is written anywhere in the bible that you have to follow all its edicts under threat of eternal hell fire. In fact there are very few edicts about how to live, and none of them exhort Christians to put members of other religions to the sword, to make them afraid, and allows them to take women of other religions as 'wives' and all the rest of it. Islam is inherently evil.

Yeah, right. From the bible:

"This is what the Lord Almighty says: I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.

1 Samuel 15:23"

"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Leviticus 20:13

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.

Esphesians 6:5

Plenty more there. Read up on the good book.

Yes, and so many Christians now out there owning slaves and putting to death gay men. Oh wait that's the other lot!

  • Like 1

"differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

On whose part?

The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with wanting a place to pray. But people no longer trust the followers of Islam. They do not want them . All followers of Islam are no longer trusted, is he my friend and co-worker or has he become radicalised and will he destroy me and mine? I cannot tell. If someone has been exposed to an infectious desease, they are quarintined until proven healthy. Islam has been exposed to a virilant dose of radicalism, so it is natural that those not exposed are wary of those that could be infectious.

You cannot judge a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a minority who misuse it's teachings to justify violencethis applies to all faiths.

Yes we can.....because the majority of violence is commented by these cult followers.

All faiths have those who abuse it's teachings.

All of them.

Bigotry is not confined to any one faith.

  • Like 1

"differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

On whose part?

The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with wanting a place to pray. But people no longer trust the followers of Islam. They do not want them . All followers of Islam are no longer trusted, is he my friend and co-worker or has he become radicalised and will he destroy me and mine? I cannot tell. If someone has been exposed to an infectious desease, they are quarintined until proven healthy. Islam has been exposed to a virilant dose of radicalism, so it is natural that those not exposed are wary of those that could be infectious.

You cannot judge a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a minority who misuse it's teachings to justify violencethis applies to all faiths.

Are you saying that the majority of all followers of a religion follow that religion 100%?

Christians turn the other cheek? Buddhists and Sikh refrain from all meats? Etc.

Of course not. And Islam is not magical where the followers are more observant than those of other religions. To say that the vast majority of Muslims are more compliant to their faith dehumanises them. And if the majority is not following it faithfully calling those that do "radicals" begs one to suspend belief. Also, ignoring almost 1500 years of behaviour to use a perogative to fit a personal narrative is almost absurd beyond all reason. And unless in the heart of the religion there is a call for change (which would require an admittance that the holy book has issues...an admission that will destroy any religion) all the pontificating by non-Muslims about it means nothing.

Note; I am not attacking the people who are raised Muslim. That does no good. Rather it's the religion itself that was conceived and executed all these years as a force of evil.

Yeah, right. From the bible:

"This is what the Lord Almighty says: I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.

1 Samuel 15:23"

"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Leviticus 20:13

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.

Esphesians 6:5

Plenty more there. Read up on the good book.

Yes, and so many Christians now out there owning slaves and putting to death gay men. Oh wait that's the other lot!

The bible still says you can do it. However we know that to do so is ridiculous. The same is true for the majority, the vast majority, of muslims.

Oh and by the way, plenty of christian societies have those whose hatred of gay men leads them to persecute, humiliate and in cases murder them. Look at the legislation being passed in a number of african states criminalising homosexuality.


"differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

On whose part?

The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with wanting a place to pray. But people no longer trust the followers of Islam. They do not want them . All followers of Islam are no longer trusted, is he my friend and co-worker or has he become radicalised and will he destroy me and mine? I cannot tell. If someone has been exposed to an infectious desease, they are quarintined until proven healthy. Islam has been exposed to a virilant dose of radicalism, so it is natural that those not exposed are wary of those that could be infectious.

You cannot judge a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a minority who misuse it's teachings to justify violencethis applies to all faiths.

Are you saying that the majority of all followers of a religion follow that religion 100%?

Christians turn the other cheek? Buddhists and Sikh refrain from all meats? Etc.

Of course not. And Islam is not magical where the followers are more observant than those of other religions. To say that the vast majority of Muslims are more compliant to their faith dehumanises them. And if the majority is not following it faithfully calling those that do "radicals" begs one to suspend belief. Also, ignoring almost 1500 years of behaviour to use a perogative to fit a personal narrative is almost absurd beyond all reason. And unless in the heart of the religion there is a call for change (which would require an admittance that the holy book has issues...an admission that will destroy any religion) all the pontificating by non-Muslims about it means nothing.

Note; I am not attacking the people who are raised Muslim. That does no good. Rather it's the religion itself that was conceived and executed all these years as a force of evil.

No, what I am saying is it is complete nonsense to claim all muslims support, defend and justify violence.

Which faith is leading the fight against the insanity, bigotry and intolerance of IS?

Which faith has suffered the most at the hands of these scum?

I am saying it is wrong to judge a faith by the actions of a minority of bigots.

I am saying this applies to all faiths.


I would have thought the first question to be asked is "who is funding the building of the mosque?" If the answer is "Saudi Arabia", then I'd be very concerned. Saudi Arabia has used its petrodollars to build mosques across the globe which promote Wahhabism, a particularly unpleasant, primitive and barbaric form of Islam. It's this spread of Wahhabism that is responsible for inspiring much of the Moslem violence and intolerance that we're currently seeing in many countries.

If, however, the people are funding it themselves I don't really see a problem. Thai Moslems for the most part get along very well with their Buddhist neighbours and are not (again for the most part) fanatical. If they want to get together to worship their "god", sobeit. The Buddhist protesters are causing far more long term harm by creating a rift between the communities.

(Yes, there are problems in the southern provinces, but that's a much more complex issue than just religion. They involve separatism, language and identity, smuggling, drug dealing, lack of investment in infrastructure and education by the (very remote) Bangkok government, &c..)

  • Like 2

i thought religion preached tolerance.

Just because they call their religion the, 'Religion of Peace' does not make it so. ISIS is very fundamentalist and follows the Koran to the letter with no broad interpretation. This article comes from a, politically, very left-of-center, highly regarded, publication. ISIS is killing many Muslims for not being Muslim enough. There is no room for coexistence with any other group. Where did you hear of Muslims preaching tolerance?

What ISIS Really Wants http://www.theatlantic.com/features/archive/2015/02/what-isis-really-wants/384980/

contemporary Muslim extremists and militants model their behavior on Muhammad. Their violence and intolerance, far from being alien to an inherently peaceful religion, is directly rooted in Muhammad's example. His powerful central argument demonstrates that many of the problems in the Muslim world today can be traced directly to the regrettable precedents set by the founder of the faith.


At its core, Islam is a religion of intolerance and forced adherence to Sharia Law by any means necessary. As Muslim fundamentalism spreads, moderate Muslims will be forced to become fundamentalists or die. Some (Bluespunk) may not like the truth, but it is there and getting more and more difficult to deny.

  • Like 2

"differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

On whose part?

The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with wanting a place to pray. But people no longer trust the followers of Islam. They do not want them . All followers of Islam are no longer trusted, is he my friend and co-worker or has he become radicalised and will he destroy me and mine? I cannot tell. If someone has been exposed to an infectious desease, they are quarintined until proven healthy. Islam has been exposed to a virilant dose of radicalism, so it is natural that those not exposed are wary of those that could be infectious.

You cannot judge a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a minority who misuse it's teachings to justify violencethis applies to all faiths.

Are you saying that the majority of all followers of a religion follow that religion 100%?

Christians turn the other cheek? Buddhists and Sikh refrain from all meats? Etc.

Of course not. And Islam is not magical where the followers are more observant than those of other religions. To say that the vast majority of Muslims are more compliant to their faith dehumanises them. And if the majority is not following it faithfully calling those that do "radicals" begs one to suspend belief. Also, ignoring almost 1500 years of behaviour to use a perogative to fit a personal narrative is almost absurd beyond all reason. And unless in the heart of the religion there is a call for change (which would require an admittance that the holy book has issues...an admission that will destroy any religion) all the pontificating by non-Muslims about it means nothing.

Note; I am not attacking the people who are raised Muslim. That does no good. Rather it's the religion itself that was conceived and executed all these years as a force of evil.

No, what I am saying is it is complete nonsense to claim all muslims support, defend and justify violence.

Which faith is leading the fight against the insanity, bigotry and intolerance of IS?

Which faith has suffered the most at the hands of these scum?

I am saying it is wrong to judge a faith by the actions of a minority of bigots.

I am saying this applies to all faiths.

Hindus. Estimates of 100's of millions have been floated. It is known that Muslims killed at least as many as Stalin and Mao combined.


A Thai friend told me that in Nan live primarily Buddhists.

The Moslems can practice their faith at home, no one has anything against it.

But no one has the desire to be woken up at 5 clock in the morning, through the loudspeakers from a mosque.

Boots wax earplugs work for me.


"differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

On whose part?

The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

Easy to be righteous behind a keyboard.

Try living next to a mosque and see how you enjoy the screaming at 5 am, followed by 4 more throughout the day

  • Like 1

i thought religion preached tolerance.

Just because they call their religion the, 'Religion of Peace' does not make it so. ISIS is very fundamentalist and follows the Koran to the letter with no broad interpretation. This article comes from a, politically, very left-of-center, highly regarded, publication. ISIS is killing many Muslims for not being Muslim enough. There is no room for coexistence with any other group. Where did you hear of Muslims preaching tolerance?

What ISIS Really Wants http://www.theatlantic.com/features/archive/2015/02/what-isis-really-wants/384980/

contemporary Muslim extremists and militants model their behavior on Muhammad. Their violence and intolerance, far from being alien to an inherently peaceful religion, is directly rooted in Muhammad's example. His powerful central argument demonstrates that many of the problems in the Muslim world today can be traced directly to the regrettable precedents set by the founder of the faith.


At its core, Islam is a religion of intolerance and forced adherence to Sharia Law by any means necessary. As Muslim fundamentalism spreads, moderate Muslims will be forced to become fundamentalists or die. Some (Bluespunk) may not like the truth, but it is there and getting more and more difficult to deny.

Many of the leading centres of Islamic teaching, religious scholars and community leaders have spoken out against IS and their warped interpretations of Islam. It is also mainly Muslims who are leading the fight against and driving IS back. They are in actuality fighting those who are labeled fundamentalist but in reality are nothing more than a minority of bigoted scum.

  • Like 1

Balls. Islaam is NOT a religion of peace, it's an all or nothing religion, to be a true Muslim you have to accept the Koran 100%. That includes stoning of apostates and adulterers, something that is accepted by 45% of Muslims in Europe as being justifiable, Killing those that are not submitting to their evil cult, sharia law... come on guys do some reading. Switzerland is the envy of Europe because it passed a law BY POPULAR VOTE stopping the construction of mosques.

I think it was the construction of minarets, not mosques?

A couple of decades ago Saudi Arabia asked for permission to construct a mosque in Axum, the holy see of the Ethiopian Coptic Church. The Ethiopian Patriarch replied along the lines of: "Of course, as soon as we can build a church in Mecca".

Austria bans foreign funding for mosques and imams.



"differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

On whose part?

The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

Easy to be righteous behind a keyboard.

Try living next to a mosque and see how you enjoy the screaming at 5 am, followed by 4 more throughout the day

Lived in Kuwait for 5 years next to a mosque. Lived near mosques in Bradford as well. Yes can be annoying around eid. Mostly wasn't that bad or loud.


I want to learn please tell me a Non Muslims Country that along with Muslims?

The Buddhist are acting like all the other Religions towards the Muslims

We all have to love they neighbor and his wife as they self .



You said

Hindus. Estimates of 100's of millions have been floated. It is known that Muslims killed at least as many as Stalin and Mao combined.


Over what time frame?

Because all faiths have murdered and slaughtered in the name of god.

Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists and all the rest have indiscriminately butchered each other and sects of their own faith over time.


Balls. Islaam is NOT a religion of peace, it's an all or nothing religion, to be a true Muslim you have to accept the Koran 100%. That includes stoning of apostates and adulterers, something that is accepted by 45% of Muslims in Europe as being justifiable, Killing those that are not submitting to their evil cult, sharia law... come on guys do some reading. Switzerland is the envy of Europe because it passed a law BY POPULAR VOTE stopping the construction of mosques.


Balls. Christianity is NOT a religion of peace, it's an all or nothing religion, to be a true Christian you have to accept the bible 100%. That includes canibalism, slavery and rape, something that is accepted by 45% of Christians in Europe as being justifiable, Killing those that are not submitting to their evil cult, canon law... come on guys do some reading.

I used Christianity but I could have used Buddism just as easily. (have a look at whats going on in Burma.)

This ignorant, prejudice, shit fails to aknowledge Islam is no different than any other imaginary friend which people kill in the name of.

If you knew anything about Christianity, which you so obviously don't, you would know that the New Testament Bible (which contain the rules for Christians) negates all the rules of the Old Testament Bible. As Jesus said, according to Matthew 5:38-48 New International Version (NIV)

Eye for Eye

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

Love for Enemies

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Retribution in the Koran

2. Retribution

This is the second type of punishment in Islamic Law. This is where the perpetrator of the crime is punished with the same injury that he caused to the victim. If the criminal killed the victim, then he is killed. If he cut off or injured a limb of the victim, then his own limb will be cut off or injured if it is possible without killing the criminal. Specialists are used to make this determination.


If you cannot see the difference in the two religions, you are too full of hate to see.

It is also quite apparent You know nothing of the teachings of the Lord Buddha. It is a dishonest debating tactic to use the bad deeds of professed followers of a particular religion to define the teachings of that religion. I define Islam by what is written in the Koran. Bad Muslims allow non-Muslims to exist without paying a tax.

  • Like 1

"differences in lifestyle and culture" between Buddhists and Muslims, and possible "unrest and violence" that could follow the construction of the mosque."

On whose part?

The Muslims just want a place to pray.

What's wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with wanting a place to pray. But people no longer trust the followers of Islam. They do not want them . All followers of Islam are no longer trusted, is he my friend and co-worker or has he become radicalised and will he destroy me and mine? I cannot tell. If someone has been exposed to an infectious desease, they are quarintined until proven healthy. Islam has been exposed to a virilant dose of radicalism, so it is natural that those not exposed are wary of those that could be infectious.

You cannot judge a whole faith on the basis of the actions of a minority who misuse it's teachings to justify violence……this applies to all faiths.

I am not judging any one, I am only stating a fact. In the eyes of the non Islamic world Islam has become tainted by an extremist minority. If you, in your liberal wisdom can identify that minority and eliminate it, I would be quite happy to have a more relaxed attitude to Islam, but until then I must look to protect myself from possible harm by looking upon those that practice Islam with a level of mistrust. Not allowing them to establish yet more centres of their religion that might be used for radical brainwashing purposes is a start.

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