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China's tough new law hits 350 polluters


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China's tough new law hits 350 polluters
News Desk
China Daily

HONG KONG: -- The revised environmental protection law showed its teeth in its first two months, with more than 350 polluters receiving severe punishments, the national environmental watchdog said on Monday.

Considered the toughest measure against pollution to date, the new Environmental Protection Law, which took effect on January 1, levels stiff penalties on polluting companies, especially with its stipulations that polluters must pay daily fines for violations and with no ceiling on the total.

In the first two months of the year, 15 polluting companies were hit with daily fines, the largest one paying a total of 1.9 million yuan (US$303,000). The total paid by the 15 reached 7.23 million yuan, which represented "a good beginning of the revised law", according to Pan Yue, the deputy minister of environmental protection, on Monday.

In addition, the environmental authorities have ordered more than 120 polluting companies to stop polluting, even if that means suspending production, he said.

Full story: http://www.asianewsnet.net/news-72323.html

-- ANN 2015-03-03

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Probably mostly American companies. Gotta love those tax evading, we don't need an EPA, job creators!! Try creating some jobs at home!!

You obviously have no idea how business works in China. Just anti-American?


Actually my head office is based in Shanghai. I also know how business works in the US. Big corporations only care about profits and nothing about the environment. They are lobbying hard (bribing politicians) to do away with the EPA in America as they say it's not necessary. They are trying to have less regulations for polluters.

We all have the right to drink fresh water and breath clean air. Just because a few people can make a disgusting heap of money from a business that spews deadly toxins into the air and water does not give them right to pollute our environment for generations to come.

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What you say is not 100% true. Sure, corporations are interested in profits. That's the way it works no matter the country. At least in the US, they have the EPA. And many companies do have strong envrionmental ethics. Many don't and for sure many in China don't. And if they do, tea money allows many to get away with literally killing their environment. China is an ecological disaster. As you well know.


According to China's State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) in 2006, 60% of the country's rivers suffer from pollution to such an extent that they cannot be safely used as drinking water sources.[15]

A 2006 article by the Chinese Embassy in the UK stated that approximately 300 million nationwide have no access to clean water. Almost 90% of underground water in cities are affected by pollution and as well as 70% of China’s rivers and lakes.[17]


The smog that covers the majority of Chinese cities, including its capital, Beijing, has become so thick it is impeding photosynthesis, potentially disrupting China’s food supply. According to an associate professor at China Agricultural University, He Dongxian, if air pollution continues, China will experience something akin to a “nuclear winter.”

This topic is about China, not about other countries. Please stick to the OP.

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