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Canadian pastor goes 'missing' after aid mission to North Korea


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Canadian pastor goes 'missing' after aid mission to North Korea
Reuters in Toronto

HONG KONG: -- A head pastor of a large Canadian church has failed to return from a humanitarian mission to North Korea, and the Canadian government has reached out to try to locate him, his Toronto-based church said on Monday.

Reverend Hyeon Soo Lim, 60, has made hundreds of trips to North Korea, where he helps oversee a nursing home, a nursery and an orphanage in the Rajin region, said Lisa Pak, a spokeswoman for the Light Korean Presbyterian Church in suburban Toronto.

Pak said they have not heard from Lim since January 31 but were not initially worried because he is an experienced traveller and knows the country well. They also thought he could be caught up by North Korea’s quarantine of foreign travelers who may have been exposed to Ebola.

Lim left Toronto on January 27, flew to South Korea, and planned to visit China and North Korea during his trip, Pak said.

After hearing from Lim on January 31, the church expected him to be out of contact until February 4. When he did not contact the church, it waited another 21 days to allow for a possible Ebola quarantine.

Full story: http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/article/1728416/canadian-pastor-goes-missing-after-aid-mission-north-korea

-- South China Morning Post 2015-03-03[/b]

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Another well doer caught up in international affairs! When will theses religious people simply stay home in their own

country and help the needy there. I'm sure a lot of western countries are getting tired of bailing them out, or exchanging Embassy funds to release these well doers. In the long run, they really are not accomplishing anything but giving Christianity

a bad name, and poking their noses where it doesn't belong! They forget, a person of the cloth is not always granted immunity

from political oppression.

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Revenge of an altar boy?


when will these gullible holy joes learn! you cannot go into that cess pool and expect anything else except to be thrown into a gulag! it has been done time andtyime again and they still go there and expect their Gov't to help them! bunch of idiots!

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