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Officials: US report finds racial bias in Ferguson police


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I am afraid that your positions are becoming more and more worrysome. To state as clearly as possible:

1) You believe that saying bad things about people can incite others to murder

2) You are spouting incredibly hateful statements about liberals, Black people, Ferguson's residents, President Obama and Attorney General Holder, etc.

If you really believe statement #1, then why do you so vigorously engage in statement #2?

Either you don't really believe that mere statements can incite others to violence, or you are trying to encourage violence of the worst kind against the people in this country that you don't like.

Is this something that you just haven't thought through, or are you knowingly hoping for a particular outcome?

This White Caucasian Hater somehow became an administrator of justice... the irony is beyond belief... and he has the nerve to label police in Ferguson MO. as Racists.. There is no greater racist in America than AG Eric Holder... \\\

As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of former Columbia University ROTC office...



You are so over the top in your exaggeration and embellishment of what I said... I do however believe that the inflaming racist rhetoric of AG Holder and the President - plus Al Sharpton and others have had an effect of elevating the black residents of Ferguson to riot and become violent -- most certainly I believe this as so many other Americans do including prominent Americans such as former New York Mayor Giuliani.

My positions on this issue are not worrisome to anyone except to leftist extremist such as you seem to reflect. Millions upon millions of Americans have the same opinion as me regarding the current AG and the President.... I am in the mainstream - you are what seems to be in the leftist agenda - totally detached from what mainstream Americans believe.

I am not making any statements about general / average black people in America ... my comments center on the racist attitudes of the current AG and President of the USA. Which are evidenced by demonstrable facts ...

I repeat and clarify - this situation is Ferguson was capitalized on by AG Holder, Obama, Sharpton and others to create a racial situation to reactivate black voting that has dwindled since the current President's initial election ... so the surge can be carried through to the elections of November 2016.

I am saying that the Ferguson incident was pounced upon by the current Presidential Administration for political purposes - not related to defending the rights of black people.

I am not inciting violence in any manner or form and the fact that you seem to want to manufacture such allegations shows me that you are dishonest in your presentation by engaging in silly propaganda to sully my good character.

However, I do believe that Eric Holder and the President and Al Sharpton have engaged in inciting violence by fabricating a crisis in Ferguson Mo. And that their actions have resulted in violence - as do other Americans ordinary and prominent

Furthermore as an American citizen - under the Constitution of the United States and the various Amendments - I am fully authorized to say anything I wish concerning the character of Government officials ... And I believe the character of AG Holder and the President is flawed and anti-American and worse. These two characters seem to wish to over throw all that America has stood for going on 250 years.

I do despise AG Holder and the current President for attempting to destroy the United States of America in the manner it has stood for these nearly 250 years

In short your post is dishonest and attempts to deceive ... your posts are more and more reflecting the slanted and distorted attitude of another TVF member who seems to be your alter ego.

My post that you are replying to -- which has conveniently left out the graphic of Holder as a Radical protester in his youth ... clearly demonstrates the nature and character of the current AG Eric Holder...

So I add the graphic again that you removed.


Edited by metisdead
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As for the actual shooting, witnesses both from the crowd and the police have been stating that the shots were fired from about 125 yards away, nowhere near the protesters themselves.

St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar, said police did not return fire and asserted the gunfire came from the middle of the crowd of protesters.

"I don't know who did the shooting, ... but somehow they were embedded in that group of folks,"


He was randomly spectulating directly after the shooting, and it turned out to be wrong.

Of course, you already know that. I already know that. The truth has been repeated in the media so many times that everyone reading this thread already knows that you're wrong. Even JD, posting right after you, admits that it's not true...so why are you trying to claim it? Just to win an internet battle...that you can't win because everyone already knows you're wrong?

The actual truth, from the SAME source, but with time to get an actual report of evidence. There's even a helpful map to show you how wrong you are.

The shots rang out from a hill overlooking the station shortly after midnight Wednesday, at the end of a protest against the Ferguson Police Department.

Officers saw "muzzle flashes ... about 125 yards away," Belmar said.


And again, also from Belmar, well AFTER the false information earlier reported that you keep quoting:

Belmar said that three or four shots were fired from across the street from where about 75 protesters and 40 police officers were gathered. He said that the shots did not come from the group of protesters who were gathered near the police station.


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Look, look, we're STILL talking about Officer Wilson, even though the thread has nothing to do with him.

Because people who want to remain ignorant are afraid to acknowledge that there is 102 pages of clear corruption, abuse, and discrimination just sitting in front of them, waiting to be read in the report which this thread is actually about.

What you do not understand is that all the 'facts' and situations you are talking about do not matter to most all Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians and many millions of others in America - we recognize the truth of the matter. BECAUSE Holder's and obama's actions in this onslaught are nothing more than an extension of their agenda to create a crisis and proceed to take control ... Create a stir, blacken the names of anyone who is NOT OF THEM ... and otherwise act as dictatorial prosecutors using any and every avenue .... having little or nothing to do with justice. Black Racists - obama and Holder must extend control - it is their mania ... Send in Federal police forces to take control - create a crisis over an issue that never was.

Destroy the police department of Ferguson is their agenda.. .

Quote one inflammatory statement in that report that you believe would insight someone to murder. Tell us exactly what part of the report you think the shooter read that would lead them to decide that killing random police officers (not even from the same department) was a reasonable reaction.

And please, try and connect Attorney General Holder to the police officers (of non-White background, remember) who were killed in New York. Try that.Q

Quote anything that Obama said about Ferguson that should lead to murder.

What about that anti-Muslim right-winger who assassinated the two cops in Virgina? Are you going to somehow connect that incident to Holder as well?

I am not talking about the report per se ... I am talking about all that preceded the shooting of the two cops -- many months of Obama and Holder fanning the flames of white cop hatred..

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So -- because of Holder, Sharpton, obama spewing their racial divisiveness, the crowds of protesters in Ferguson have resorted to anarchy. All because they will not accept a decision by a Grand Jury with testimony from black witnesses that the shooting was justified.

We have an upside down world going on in the USA... people who produce nothing, who think that what they want - cigars or otherwise are there for the taking and trying to wrestle a cops gun away is okay sport. Then the sob sisters and brothers fanned on by the racebaiters shoot two cops...

This kind of craziness will come to a head in America -- but not the way the black racists and liberal/leftist loons think it will be.

And here's another person falsely blaming the crowds of protesters for the shooting. In fact, he seems to know an incredible amount about the motive and identify of the shooter.

Wait, aren't these the same people who claim later on that "we don't know' who did it? Why is it okay for chuckD and JDGruen to jump to conclusions about the shooters so quickly?

I have fully explained my position in many posts on this thread... I did not say the shot came from the crowd of protesters ... but it is not a giant leap to believe the shooter was of the same ilk as the protesters ... further back - across a street in or near a house... You add much to my original statement that I did not say ... How about this --- upset protester -- does not join the protest crowd -- but rather -- takes a gun and goes to a hidden place behind the rows of protesters -- in a house - beside a house - on top of a house and fires the shots...

Show me where I said that people in the rows of protesters shot anyone.... It is entirely possible one of their kindred spirits did it -- from further back ... USE A LITTLE IMAGINATION... please ...

it is not a giant leap to believe the shooter was of the same ilk as the protesters

That's a full-throated frontal charge into one possibility, and one possibility only and exclusively. Given the statements of the authorities at the scene at the time of the shootings and since, it is an aggressive position that goes beyond anything said so far by any St Louis police or civil authorities who are in a position of responsibility to the community and to themselves.

The perps if they are tracked down and apprehended may or may not be somewhat or marginally associated with the protesters and demonstrators, but even if it were a sibling or relative of someone who attended a demonstration, would that necessarily condemn all protesters, protests, demonstrators, demonstrations, since last August when the shooting occurred that started all of this madness? No, it certainly would not. We otherwise would have guilt by association and guilt by accusation...guilt by opinion.

The perps may be hard core incorrigibles or they may not be. Presuming the police will get them, we will find out one way or the other. But wishing for the perps to suit one's regularly discredited extremist mindset accomplishes nothing at any time or point relative to the shooting crimes in Ferguson of either last year or this year.

Here's another one of the false right wing media statements from outer space that you have posted that disrupt the normal posting and the regular database of a given thread topic:

As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of

former Columbia University ROTC office...

So we see without variance that it is a giant leap indeed to believe on the face of it, any post made by the far out extremist right wingnuts who will say anything anytime every time, against in particular Attorney General Eric Holder and Prez Barack Obama.....few if any would wonder the real reason why the two are the focus of the right wingnuts who arbitrarily and whimsically pronounce repeatedly and interminably that each one separately and the two together in government are racist!

Edited by Publicus for spacing

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So -- because of Holder, Sharpton, obama spewing their racial divisiveness, the crowds of protesters in Ferguson have resorted to anarchy. All because they will not accept a decision by a Grand Jury with testimony from black witnesses that the shooting was justified.

We have an upside down world going on in the USA... people who produce nothing, who think that what they want - cigars or otherwise are there for the taking and trying to wrestle a cops gun away is okay sport. Then the sob sisters and brothers fanned on by the racebaiters shoot two cops...

This kind of craziness will come to a head in America -- but not the way the black racists and liberal/leftist loons think it will be.

And here's another person falsely blaming the crowds of protesters for the shooting. In fact, he seems to know an incredible amount about the motive and identify of the shooter.

Wait, aren't these the same people who claim later on that "we don't know' who did it? Why is it okay for chuckD and JDGruen to jump to conclusions about the shooters so quickly?

I have fully explained my position in many posts on this thread... I did not say the shot came from the crowd of protesters ... but it is not a giant leap to believe the shooter was of the same ilk as the protesters ... further back - across a street in or near a house... You add much to my original statement that I did not say ... How about this --- upset protester -- does not join the protest crowd -- but rather -- takes a gun and goes to a hidden place behind the rows of protesters -- in a house - beside a house - on top of a house and fires the shots...

Show me where I said that people in the rows of protesters shot anyone.... It is entirely possible one of their kindred spirits did it -- from further back ... USE A LITTLE IMAGINATION... please ...

it is not a giant leap to believe the shooter was of the same ilk as the protesters

That's a full-throated frontal charge into one possibility, and one possibility only and exclusively. Given the statements of the authorities at the scene at the time of the shootings and since, it is an aggressive position that goes beyond anything said so far by any St Louis police or civil authorities who are in a position of responsibility to the community and to themselves.

The perps if they are tracked down and apprehended may or may not be somewhat or marginally associated with the protesters and demonstrators, but even if it were a sibling or relative of someone who attended a demonstration, would that necessarily condemn all protesters, protests, demonstrators, demonstrations, since last August when the shooting occurred that started all of this madness? No, it certainly would not. We otherwise would have guilt by association and guilt by accusation...guilt by opinion.

The perps may be hard core incorrigibles or they may not be. Presuming the police will get them, we will find out one way or the other. But wishing for the perps to suit one's regularly discredited extremist mindset accomplishes nothing at any time or point relative to the shooting crimes in Ferguson of either last year or this year.

Here's another one of the false right wing media statements from outer space that you have posted that disrupt the normal posting and the regular database of a given thread topic:

As college student, Eric Holder participated in ‘armed’ takeover of

former Columbia University ROTC office...

So we see without variance that it is a giant leap indeed to believe on the face of it, any post made by the far out extremist right wingnuts who will say anything anytime every time, against in particular Attorney General Eric Holder and Prez Barack Obama.....few if any would wonder the real reason why the two are the focus of the right wingnuts who arbitrarily and whimsically pronounce repeatedly and interminably that each one separately and the two together in government are racist!

Edited by Publicus for spacing

Get over yourself Publicus ... my post you are responding to is a rather sane and rational analysis ... only raising possibilities as to whom the shooter could have been aligned with ... while your so all fired sure that the shooter was without any doubt NOT aligned with the protesters... Your positive assurance otherwise is just plain silly ... naive ... You cannot possibly know who the shooter was or wasn't... Yet - you rule out possible suspects... Simply amazing ...

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while your so all fired sure that the shooter was without any doubt NOT aligned with the protesters... Your positive assurance otherwise is just plain silly ... naive ...

A 100% misrepresentation of my post. My post says no such thing. The claim is wrong, or false.


my post you are responding to is a rather sane and rational analysis


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As for the actual shooting, witnesses both from the crowd and the police have been stating that the shots were fired from about 125 yards away, nowhere near the protesters themselves.

St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar, said police did not return fire and asserted the gunfire came from the middle of the crowd of protesters.

"I don't know who did the shooting, ... but somehow they were embedded in that group of folks,"


There's probably a separate thread on this by now, but a 20 year old guy has been arrested and pretty seriously charged for shooting the two police Thursday.

District Attorney Robert McCulloch said Jeffrey Williams had been in the demonstration briefly and had a beef against someone there so Williams may not have been shooting at the police. McColloch has never appeared too bright so the statement should come as no surprise.

Police said a handgun found in Williams' apartment matched the shell casings found at the scene and that Williams admitted he fired the shots that hit two police officers who are now recovering after initial treatment.

Wlliams was charged with two counts of first-degree assault, one count of firing a weapon from a vehicle, three counts of armed criminal action, and is being held on $300,000 cash bond.

Arrest Made In Connection To Ferguson Police Shooting

St. Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch announced that authorities had brought charges, including assault in the first degree, against 20-year-old Jeffrey Williams. Williams is from the St. Louis area and had been on probation for receiving stolen property.

Williams had been involved in protests on the evening that the shooting occurred and had "acknowledged" firing shots, according to McCulloch. McCulloch said that Williams, who is African-American, may have been firing at someone other than the police.


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Inflammatory posts and replies removed.

Please stay on the topic of the thread. That means addressing the issues presented in the post, not in making comments to or about other posters. Doing so is off-topic and your post will be removed and you could face a suspension.

You have every right to express your opinion about the topic. You may disagree, but it must be done in a civil manner.

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After pages of dodging and hedging and outright weasel word deflection by some on this thread to attempt to make it nearly impossible that a protester or some 'kindred spirit' did the shooting of the two cops .. we now see that is was 'one of their ilk'.

I was going to post a long winded piece citing the number of times and ways I stated what now seems to be a fact. One of the protesters (left the crowd early on perhaps) and did the shooting. So instead of posting that multi-paragraph piece - I will just say ...


Here's my comment to one of your posts about this.

You think I did not anticipate a certain possibility?

My remarks were directed more toward the protesters and demonstrators and that they as a whole should not be vilified for the actions of one if it were discovered that the shooter had been in the demonstrations of protest once or even twice, perhaps a few times more.

The perps if they are tracked down and apprehended may or may not be somewhat or marginally associated with the protesters and demonstrators, but even if it were a sibling or relative of someone who attended a demonstration, would that necessarily condemn all protesters, protests, demonstrators, demonstrations, since last August when the shooting occurred that started all of this madness? No, it certainly would not. We otherwise would have guilt by association and guilt by accusation...guilt by opinion.

The perps may be hard core incorrigibles or they may not be. Presuming the police will get them, we will find out one way or the other. But wishing for the perps to suit one's regularly discredited extremist mindset accomplishes nothing at any time or point relative to the shooting crimes in Ferguson of either last year or this year.

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Sorry for the couple of days off. Been fishing and enjoying the company of ex-pats that don't have their respective heads up faux (not the) news ass. I have not seen one shred of evidence presented by the right wing spinners that the DOJ report was inaccurate. Nor have I seen one shred of evidence that the AG and/or the President plotted or caused any racial problems. I have seen a lot of white racism in America and in the DOJ report. Yes lawyer boy, I was born a bastard child, grew up, lived, worked, fought an illegal/immoral war for America, went to college, raised a family (all with a lot of government help, no thanks to you and your ilk) and retired-twice in America, I have all the room in the world to criticize it and people like you. Rich means nothing, it certainly doesn't mean you earn my respect. I have seen a lot of thinly disguised right wing racism on this thread. Racist right wingers will never be convinced to look at the facts or with objectivity to anything that is not on their agenda or spoon fed to them by faux (not the) news. You are entitled to the real facts, not your false set of facts. Ferguson is a symptom. Until blacks and all minorities are treated like equal citizens it will just get worse.

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Sorry for the couple of days off. Been fishing and enjoying the company of ex-pats that don't have their respective heads up faux (not the) news ass. I have not seen one shred of evidence presented by the right wing spinners that the DOJ report was inaccurate. Nor have I seen one shred of evidence that the AG and/or the President plotted or caused any racial problems. I have seen a lot of white racism in America and in the DOJ report. Yes lawyer boy, I was born a bastard child, grew up, lived, worked, fought an illegal/immoral war for America, went to college, raised a family (all with a lot of government help, no thanks to you and your ilk) and retired-twice in America, I have all the room in the world to criticize it and people like you. Rich means nothing, it certainly doesn't mean you earn my respect. I have seen a lot of thinly disguised right wing racism on this thread. Racist right wingers will never be convinced to look at the facts or with objectivity to anything that is not on their agenda or spoon fed to them by faux (not the) news. You are entitled to the real facts, not your false set of facts. Ferguson is a symptom. Until blacks and all minorities are treated like equal citizens it will just get worse.


One would have to have either not read the DOJ report or be pretty much dumb to buy into it if they actually read it. I mean seriously, Ferguson is discriminatory because blacks are issued a warrant when failing to show up to court for a ticket. HUH????? Try not showing up for your next court date if you are white and see what happens!!!

Then you gotta love the discriminatory issuance of parking tickets. Hello, does the EMPTY cars parked at expired meters have flashing neons saying "BLACK OWNED VEHICLE" on it? Hate to break it you. My cars get tickets when my meter runs out so I should ask the DOJ to investigate because they are obviously ticketing my car because I am white and not because I failed to pay for parking.

It amazes me that someone could be dumb enough to buy into this stuff without actually thinking it through, but the DOJ knows its audience will buy whatever it says without thinking it through.

FACTS . . . here are some:


Ferguson fake-out: Justice Department’s bogus report

The Justice report doesn’t prove disparate treatment, let alone discrimination. In fact, it looks more like something ginned up to distract from the embarrassing fact that Justice (in another report released the same day) wound up fully validating the findings of the Ferguson grand jury.

Racism is serious, and those engaging in it should be shamed — but we should have real evidence before accusing others of it. And every one of the Justice report’s main claims of evidence of discrimination falls short.


Starting with the primary numerical claim. The report notes on Page 4: “Ferguson’s law-enforcement practices overwhelmingly impact African-Americans.

“Data collected by the Ferguson Police Department from 2012 to 2014 shows that African-Americans account for 85 percent of vehicle stops, 90 percent of citations, and 93 percent of arrests made by FPD officers, despite comprising only 67 percent of Ferguson’s population.”

Those statistics don’t prove racism, because blacks don’t commit traffic offenses at the same rate as other population groups. The Bureau of Justice Statistics’ 2011 Police-Public Contact Survey indicates that, nationwide, blacks were 31 percent more likely than whites to be pulled over for a traffic stop.

Ferguson is a black-majority town. If its blacks were pulled over at the same rate as blacks nationally, they’d account for 87.5 percent of traffic stops.


Another major complaint in the Justice report: “Most strikingly, the court issues municipal arrest warrants not on the basis of public-safety needs, but rather as a routine response to missed court appearances and required fine payments.”

If you think that this is unique to Ferguson, try not paying your next speeding ticket.


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Seeing as how not showing up for court is not the basis for the racism in the report, exactly what is your point? Just more right wing bullshit talking points, trying to take the focus away from the victims and lay blame on them, typical right wing strategy. Since 1993, the Post has been owned by News Corporation and its successor, News Corp (owner of Fox News, as established in 2013), which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988. Just another one of Rupert Murdock's right wing propaganda rag. I suppose if you didn't have the money to pay a ticket, you just might not pay either, but then again you are wealthy so you can pay. And why are you breaking the law parking illegally in the first place? http://mediamatters.org/research/2012/12/17/who-is-gun-advocate-john-lott/191885 . I don't have anything at all against guns and gun ownership. I owned many, some would say a small arsenal before selling and giving to my friends along with 1,000s of rounds of self-loaded ammunition and re-loading equipement. I do have a problem with people like John Lott. Lott Created A Fake Internet Persona To Defend His Research in the above link. http://www.sourcewatch.org/wiki.phtml?title=John_Lott . Actually anybody dumb enough to not believe the report and the reason blacks were targeted has to be a racist unwilling to face the facts. Still waiting for evidence, and I'll be waiting for a long, long time. Just a thought, do you live in Ferguson or any part of the South, were you raised in the South? I was.

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Seeing as how not showing up for court is not the basis for the racism in the report, exactly what is your point? Just more right wing bullshit talking points, trying to take the focus away from the victims and lay blame on them, typical right wing strategy. Since 1993, the Post has been owned by News Corporation and its successor, News Corp (owner of Fox News, as established in 2013), which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988. Just another one of Rupert Murdock's right wing propaganda rag. I suppose if you didn't have the money to pay a ticket, you just might not pay either, but then again you are wealthy so you can pay. And why are you breaking the law parking illegally in the first place? http://mediamatters.org/research/2012/12/17/who-is-gun-advocate-john-lott/191885 . I don't have anything at all against guns and gun ownership. I owned many, some would say a small arsenal before selling and giving to my friends along with 1,000s of rounds of self-loaded ammunition and re-loading equipement. I do have a problem with people like John Lott. Lott Created A Fake Internet Persona To Defend His Research in the above link. http://www.sourcewatch.org/wiki.phtml?title=John_Lott . Actually anybody dumb enough to not believe the report and the reason blacks were targeted has to be a racist unwilling to face the facts. Still waiting for evidence, and I'll be waiting for a long, long time. Just a thought, do you live in Ferguson or any part of the South, were you raised in the South? I was.

Huh? You apparently have not read the report. I addressed the 3 primary points of the DOJ report. Ah yes, there were something like 7 emails between 2008 and 2011 that were described as offensive to blacks, Muslims, women, Obama and his wife. Wow, really? 7 emails spanning 4 years in a department of how many and out of how many thousands of email, the latest of which was 4 years ago. Dude, seriously? That is a witch hunt.

Lol, what the heck are you talking about? Fox news? Fake internet research. Owning a small arsenal of weapons. You make yourself sound like a fruit loop. Let's see, you hate the US and moved away, yet you permit your deep resentment against the US for forcing you to fight as you say in an illegal, immoral war, to follow you around no matter where you go or live is kind of sad.

Life is too short man or already passing you by and yet you continue to live in hate and worry. Step away from the news. Stop reading the internet. Find happy stuff and happy thoughts and try to enjoy your last few moments on this planet. Jeez, I need to take the same advice.

BTW, I practiced law in Memphis, Tennessee, for many years and now live in and practice law in Nashville, Tennessee, about 6 to 8 months out of the year. Very familiar with the South and the CURRENT issues present in the South. LOL, when did you grow up in the South, 1950s and 60s?

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In the South, 40's, 50's, 60's returned from Vietnam in 1967, left the redneck racist south for good in 1972 to devote full time to stopping that illegal, immoral war, VVAW. Justice William O. Douglas freed me. I would have hated to have gotten stuck with you as one of my lawyers, I had good ones, CCR for one. On occasion I would return to visit my parents and ride night patrol in local PD with a friend and fellow officer I grew up with. I did move back to that racist redneck place after a divorce from hell in the late 90's. If anything it was worse. Retired again in 2010 and haven't been back since and hope to never return to the Corporate Police State of Amerika. I have to admit, I haven't completely read the entire report, skimmed it, but there is nothing in there that could possible be conceived as black against white racism as you right wingers are implying. If anything, I'd say a bit light on the PD and Ferguson management. I haven't had the time, been fishing and enjoying the company of non-racists expats, there are a lot of us.

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In the South, 40's, 50's, 60's returned from Vietnam in 1967, left the redneck racist south for good in 1972 to devote full time to stopping that illegal, immoral war, VVAW. Justice William O. Douglas freed me. I would have hated to have gotten stuck with you as one of my lawyers, I had good ones, CCR for one. On occasion I would return to visit my parents and ride night patrol in local PD with a friend and fellow officer I grew up with. I did move back to that racist redneck place after a divorce from hell in the late 90's. If anything it was worse. Retired again in 2010 and haven't been back since and hope to never return to the Corporate Police State of Amerika. I have to admit, I haven't completely read the entire report, skimmed it, but there is nothing in there that could possible be conceived as black against white racism as you right wingers are implying. If anything, I'd say a bit light on the PD and Ferguson management. I haven't had the time, been fishing and enjoying the company of non-racists expats, there are a lot of us.

Vietnam, divorce from hell, rough childhood, legal scrape and etc. I feel for ya. Sounds like a rough life.

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Sorry for the couple of days off. Been fishing and enjoying the company of ex-pats that don't have their respective heads up faux (not the) news ass. I have not seen one shred of evidence presented by the right wing spinners that the DOJ report was inaccurate. Nor have I seen one shred of evidence that the AG and/or the President plotted or caused any racial problems. I have seen a lot of white racism in America and in the DOJ report. Yes lawyer boy, I was born a bastard child, grew up, lived, worked, fought an illegal/immoral war for America, went to college, raised a family (all with a lot of government help, no thanks to you and your ilk) and retired-twice in America, I have all the room in the world to criticize it and people like you. Rich means nothing, it certainly doesn't mean you earn my respect. I have seen a lot of thinly disguised right wing racism on this thread. Racist right wingers will never be convinced to look at the facts or with objectivity to anything that is not on their agenda or spoon fed to them by faux (not the) news. You are entitled to the real facts, not your false set of facts. Ferguson is a symptom. Until blacks and all minorities are treated like equal citizens it will just get worse.

YAWN ....


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In the South, 40's, 50's, 60's returned from Vietnam in 1967, left the redneck racist south for good in 1972 to devote full time to stopping that illegal, immoral war, VVAW. Justice William O. Douglas freed me. I would have hated to have gotten stuck with you as one of my lawyers, I had good ones, CCR for one. On occasion I would return to visit my parents and ride night patrol in local PD with a friend and fellow officer I grew up with. I did move back to that racist redneck place after a divorce from hell in the late 90's. If anything it was worse. Retired again in 2010 and haven't been back since and hope to never return to the Corporate Police State of Amerika. I have to admit, I haven't completely read the entire report, skimmed it, but there is nothing in there that could possible be conceived as black against white racism as you right wingers are implying. If anything, I'd say a bit light on the PD and Ferguson management. I haven't had the time, been fishing and enjoying the company of non-racists expats, there are a lot of us.

More Yawn at this egotistical blather that is 99% off topic ...

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Seeing as how not showing up for court is not the basis for the racism in the report, exactly what is your point? Just more right wing bullshit talking points, trying to take the focus away from the victims and lay blame on them, typical right wing strategy. Since 1993, the Post has been owned by News Corporation and its successor, News Corp (owner of Fox News, as established in 2013), which had owned it previously from 1976 to 1988. Just another one of Rupert Murdock's right wing propaganda rag. I suppose if you didn't have the money to pay a ticket, you just might not pay either, but then again you are wealthy so you can pay. And why are you breaking the law parking illegally in the first place? http://mediamatters.org/research/2012/12/17/who-is-gun-advocate-john-lott/191885 . I don't have anything at all against guns and gun ownership. I owned many, some would say a small arsenal before selling and giving to my friends along with 1,000s of rounds of self-loaded ammunition and re-loading equipement. I do have a problem with people like John Lott. Lott Created A Fake Internet Persona To Defend His Research in the above link. http://www.sourcewatch.org/wiki.phtml?title=John_Lott . Actually anybody dumb enough to not believe the report and the reason blacks were targeted has to be a racist unwilling to face the facts. Still waiting for evidence, and I'll be waiting for a long, long time. Just a thought, do you live in Ferguson or any part of the South, were you raised in the South? I was.

Yawn and yada yada yada ... poking at news sources, egotistical diatribe, deflection... , and yawn again ...

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Yea, no silver spoon in my mouth when I was born. I did it my way and it the right way. That was no "legal scrape", I was a political prisoner of the Nixon regime. I never cut anybody's throat to get a job or advance in a job. I never cheated. Perhaps why I retired only making 50,000 + and I'm damned proud of it. I stood up for what is right, spoke truth to the power, questioned authority, the American way. I live on my feet, not my knees and that is the way I will die, comprende' ese'? No right wing racist blaming blacks or minorities for my own life, nor blaming them for the failure of the US to live up to it's Constitution and goals. It has been a great ride and I hope it's far from over, I'm still good to go. I enjoy my life, I've seen that bastard in black with the scythe, he (she?) didn't get me then but he will and I will not go gentle into that dying light. And now, I've still not seen one single piece of evidence that the DOJ report was biased in anyway.

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Yea, no silver spoon in my mouth when I was born. I did it my way and it the right way. That was no "legal scrape", I was a political prisoner of the Nixon regime. I never cut anybody's throat to get a job or advance in a job. I never cheated. Perhaps why I retired only making 50,000 + and I'm damned proud of it. I stood up for what is right, spoke truth to the power, questioned authority, the American way. I live on my feet, not my knees and that is the way I will die, comprende' ese'? No right wing racist blaming blacks or minorities for my own life, nor blaming them for the failure of the US to live up to it's Constitution and goals. It has been a great ride and I hope it's far from over, I'm still good to go. I enjoy my life, I've seen that bastard in black with the scythe, he (she?) didn't get me then but he will and I will not go gentle into that dying light. And now, I've still not seen one single piece of evidence that the DOJ report was biased in anyway.

98% Off Topic... way to go SGT Sabai

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Seeing as how 99% of everything you right wingers post is off topic, right wing spin I don't feel to bad. If you right wingers want to probe and attack me, I'm more than happy to respond, especially in person. In the meantime if you could stick to the subject and show any proof that the DOJ report is biased we would all appreciate it. Oh I forget, there isn't any so you have to spin and change the subject as often as possible. Evidence, proof, I'm waiting, waiting, waiting. I'll still be waiting this time next year.

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Seeing as how 99% of everything you right wingers post is off topic, right wing spin I don't feel to bad. If you right wingers want to probe and attack me, I'm more than happy to respond, especially in person. In the meantime if you could stick to the subject and show any proof that the DOJ report is biased we would all appreciate it. Oh I forget, there isn't any so you have to spin and change the subject as often as possible. Evidence, proof, I'm waiting, waiting, waiting. I'll still be waiting this time next year.

So, you want someone to prove a negative, which is impossible to do. The DoJ set out to prove there was racism, not whether or not there was systemic racism. Reading the report, which I have, in full, the claims of systemic racism are on shaky ground. To whit; no charges have been filed.

When you talk about spin, you are denying your own side has any, which is foolish.

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And where is your proof that the DOJ set out to prove there was racism? I'm waiting, waiting, waiting, and I'll still be waiting this time next year. Oh, I know where your proof is, in your mind and on faux (not the) news, oops no proof there.

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