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Three European tourists beaten by Pattaya bouncers

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It's seems the media and everyone with a keyboard has really blown this one the wrong way totally.

I've seen these guys around the bar scene and they never make trouble or have problems. Most times I have seen them there is a lot of guys but always having fun and don't bully people. Actually spoke to the on an occasion and realised they were nice guys, they even bought me a drink!

Just because your big and covered with tattoos doesn't mean your a bad person.

The scumbag security mobbing a group of westerners, as that's the only way they can, believe me, is the real story here.

How is 'scumbag security' a news story in Pattaya - we all know how it works. Go-go bar : one way in and one way out and God help you if you make a scene over the bill or upset a dancer : Nightlife 1010. Are we to believe this is the only place your mates could get a drink at that hour on a Buddhist holiday ? Maybe it was, but I'm assuming a fun bunch of guys like that know their way around the bars here, and they also know that go-gos are notorious for bill padding backed up by over-zealous security - what followed seems pretty straightforward to those of us who have nothing more than the tabloid media accounts and a few photos. For men who aren't newbies to Pattaya they would seem to have made a major newbie blunder at some stage - happy to hear otherwise.

OK - I'll stop with the assumptions. I wasnt there but apparently neither were you. Thugs dressed as bouncers are the last people I'm looking to defend in Pattaya, so I'll hand the thread back to you. If this go-go was being run properly, they should have CCTV footage showing exactly who started the fracas - hopefully PattayaOne will do a followup in the near future.


It's seems the media and everyone with a keyboard has really blown this one the wrong way totally.

I've seen these guys around the bar scene and they never make trouble or have problems. Most times I have seen them there is a lot of guys but always having fun and don't bully people. Actually spoke to the on an occasion and realised they were nice guys, they even bought me a drink!

Just because your big and covered with tattoos doesn't mean your a bad person.

The scumbag security mobbing a group of westerners, as that's the only way they can, believe me, is the real story here.

" is the real story here."

'Don't think so. No one's saying they start a brawl literally everywhere they go. So just because YOU claim to have seen them behaving hardly means they always do, or were on this occasion. And no one's indicting them for being big & covered with tattoos either. Try & stay on topic.


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By and large men with tatoos are inadequate and lacking in self esteem frequently dysfunctional and often violent. .Ban visitors to Thailand with tatoos or subject them to criminal record checks and warnings at passport control. Tatoos are anti social and a good indication of criminality.

Like they do in hotels in Japan. Have a tattoo and you will not be given a room


A small tattoo is okay , but when you see these guys you wonder why they need to cover themselves in tattoos? I never understood that , something to do with self esteem , maybe they feel superior to anyone else .


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A small tattoo is okay , but when you see these guys you wonder why they need to cover themselves in tattoos? I never understood that , something to do with self esteem , maybe they feel superior to anyone else .

Does Thailand need these type of "visitors", I dont think so


By and large men with tatoos are inadequate and lacking in self esteem frequently dysfunctional and often violent. .Ban visitors to Thailand with tatoos or subject them to criminal record checks and warnings at passport control. Tatoos are anti social and a good indication of criminality.

Let me guess - after that you'd like to see anyone who goes into a beer bar questioned and deported if they dont meet your criteria for a 'quality tourist' ? Not everyone with tattoos is automatically public enemy number one, although I admit I have an aversion to tattoos that extend beyond the wrists or north of the chest : I guess we all have our prejudices, but I can no sooner ban those people than I can ban chain smokers or Arabs simply because I dont particularly like them. I have to accept that the world doesnt revolve around me and move on.

If Thailand started deporting everyone with antisocial tendencies, they'd need to take a good long look at some of their own citizens. Get all the tattoos and piercings you want - just keep your hands to yourself and a civil tongue in your head. The problem here appears to be too much alcohol, not too many tattoos. Trying to enforce your Utopian vision of what a society SHOULD look like in someone else's country reeks of white man's arrogance.

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Many of these people forget that we are guests in the country. As such we represent our own country. If we act like garbage then we cant blame others for judging us all as being the same


This is all sounding a bit unfair.

Yes, an old man was injured somehow in scuffle. I believe one of the guys is actually frends with the owner and tried to stop the situation, but guards from everywhere swarmed in as soon as they saw conflict (opportunity).As they do. By that time it's too late to be diffused.

Yes, they were taken to police station but were not arrested, as the reason for being taken to police station I believe was to get information/statements to shut down the gogo and charge the guards, that's the reason obviously they did not give names or cooperate as it says in original article.

And as for the no tattoos in Thailand comments, the streets of pattaya are riddled with tattoo shops for tourists, half the worlds sports stars are covered in ink these days, please,come on, don't judge a book by its cover.

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A troll post has been removed and yes you have broken forum rules which are to be found HERE

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


By and large GoGos are well regulated and hassle free. That is what I have experienced. I have never ever seen violence in a Go Go but have seen poorly behaved customers treated better than they deserve. Re tattoos:that they are an indicator of criminality, and an indicator of low intelligence and low self esteem is not my bigotry but a factual statistic.


By and large GoGos are well regulated and hassle free. That is what I have experienced. I have never ever seen violence in a Go Go but have seen poorly behaved customers treated better than they deserve. Re tattoos:that they are an indicator of criminality, and an indicator of low intelligence and low self esteem is not my bigotry but a factual statistic.

"Re tattoos:that they are an indicator of criminality, and an indicator of low intelligence and low self esteem is not my bigotry but a factual statistic."

I actually dislike tattoos intensely, but if someone wants to mutilate their body - up to them. However, would be interested to know where you get your factual statistic from.


By and large GoGos are well regulated and hassle free. That is what I have experienced. I have never ever seen violence in a Go Go but have seen poorly behaved customers treated better than they deserve. Re tattoos:that they are an indicator of criminality, and an indicator of low intelligence and low self esteem is not my bigotry but a factual statistic.

Got a link to anything peer reviewed that proves its a 'factual statistic' that people with tattoos have low intelligence/self esteem ? Beckham mightn't be the sharpest tool in the shed but he seems to have done pretty well for himself. I dont have a single visible tattoo nor any piercings, but as pointed out earlier the number of tattoo shops here has exploded in the last five or so years : its no longer considered the exclusive province of outlaw bikers and criminals. There are dozens of posts here that slam the Thais for judging people purely by the clothes they're wearing and the phone they're carrying - how can we honestly claim to be any better if we cant get past a few tattoos ?

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Stats on the relationship between criminality and anti social behavior are legion and have been reflected in studies by the prison service, the police, the probation service, and research done by criminologists. Start in Japan and work your away around the world.


Stats on the relationship between criminality and anti social behavior are legion and have been reflected in studies by the prison service, the police, the probation service, and research done by criminologists. Start in Japan and work your away around the world.

And yet you cant provide us with a single link - odd.

You're reference to Japan is misleading - its no secret that tattoos are strongly associated with the Yakuza in their very conservative society, but an increasing number of young Japanese have realised how rich the tradition is in their country : simply because you dont see tattoos on Japanese here in Thailand doesnt mean younger Japanese are completely closed-minded about the concept of body art.


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Googling the name of the manager may reveal more details..... Just saying like..

OK - originally a Brit with a shady past in Oz and NZ that dates back to the Fitzgerald Inquiry way back in the 80s : almost 30 years ago. If he was running a Kindergarten, I might be alarmed, but it would seem that he hasnt strayed too far from what he knows. No shortage of Poms with less-than-desirable criminal histories here in Pattaya - I admit that it would appear he's no angel, but does that automatically mean he instigated the confrontation ? Still keen to hear if there was any CCTV footage.

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Is Ronald Kingsnorth an alias for Ronnie Kray? If so, these "Europeans" were pushing their luck.

Bizarrely - or not - Ron told a reporter back in 2008 that he had been an associate of the Krays back in the day. No idea if that was simply to add to his reputation at the time, but its all there on Google. I dont think Reggie would have been in any condition to run a go-go even if he'd made it to 2015 - it appears that prison did them both in. Never quite understood why people like that - Ronnie Biggs was another - have cult followings in the UK when they were the last people you would want to see in a bar.


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Stats on the relationship between criminality and anti social behavior are legion and have been reflected in studies by the prison service, the police, the probation service, and research done by criminologists. Start in Japan and work your away around the world.

Well come on - show us some!

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By and large men with tatoos are inadequate and lacking in self esteem frequently dysfunctional and often violent. .Ban visitors to Thailand with tatoos or subject them to criminal record checks and warnings at passport control. Tatoos are anti social and a good indication of criminality.

Let me guess - after that you'd like to see anyone who goes into a beer bar questioned and deported if they dont meet your criteria for a 'quality tourist' ? Not everyone with tattoos is automatically public enemy number one, although I admit I have an aversion to tattoos that extend beyond the wrists or north of the chest : I guess we all have our prejudices, but I can no sooner ban those people than I can ban chain smokers or Arabs simply because I dont particularly like them. I have to accept that the world doesnt revolve around me and move on.

If Thailand started deporting everyone with antisocial tendencies, they'd need to take a good long look at some of their own citizens. Get all the tattoos and piercings you want - just keep your hands to yourself and a civil tongue in your head. The problem here appears to be too much alcohol, not too many tattoos. Trying to enforce your Utopian vision of what a society SHOULD look like in someone else's country reeks of white man's arrogance.

"If Thailand started deporting everyone with antisocial tendencies, they'd need to take a good long look at some of their own citizens."



By and large men with tatoos are inadequate and lacking in self esteem frequently dysfunctional and often violent. .Ban visitors to Thailand with tatoos or subject them to criminal record checks and warnings at passport control. Tatoos are anti social and a good indication of criminality.

What! How about the ladies w tattoos, are they the same?rolleyes.gif


By and large men with tatoos are inadequate and lacking in self esteem frequently dysfunctional and often violent. .Ban visitors to Thailand with tatoos or subject them to criminal record checks and warnings at passport control. Tatoos are anti social and a good indication of criminality.

What! How about the ladies w tattoos, are they the same?rolleyes.gif

I expect that in his world a tiny tattoo on a woman's ankle instantly puts her in the 'tramp' basket.


You raise a good point about chicks with 'tramp stamps' Yes they will be a bit thick and lacking in self esteem and in the long term trend, graduating towards criminality. Generally where stupid men go first stupid girls follow: ie smoking and drinking to excess.


You raise a good point about chicks with 'tramp stamps' Yes they will be a bit thick and lacking in self esteem and in the long term trend, graduating towards criminality. Generally where stupid men go first stupid girls follow: ie smoking and drinking to excess.

What's your stance on gum chewing ? Ten lashes for a first offence followed by crucifixion for repeat offenders ?

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You raise a good point about chicks with 'tramp stamps' Yes they will be a bit thick and lacking in self esteem and in the long term trend, graduating towards criminality. Generally where stupid men go first stupid girls follow: ie smoking and drinking to excess.

What's your stance on gum chewing ? Ten lashes for a first offence followed by crucifixion for repeat offenders ?

Bet he was beaten up by a girl with a tattoo!!!!!!

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