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Do you mind toning it down with the insults. I have only just started using this site. It dosen't seem very friendly when those with 1000's of previous posts start saying things like "are you off your head". Please save the insults to someone who deserves it. There are hundreds of options to let off steam.

there are two other currently issued cards available

- The halifax clarity is the only card without an annual fee, by the looks of it. The other cards it is tough to tell. Are you really suggesting the other cards come even close to what the halifax clarity offers.

Remember, count to 10 everytime you get angry.

I'm not angry, but you appear to be an annoying timewaster. Have you even applied for a Clarity card or are you here to just rabbit on about nothing?

What exactly is it that you are trying to achieve? All you seem to be doing is whinging.

The title of the thread is Over the counter money withdrawal at Bank using Overseas Debit Card and Passport.... So now you have the information that you need, you start complaining that there are only two options(when there are at least four). You should count yourself lucky that there are any. But instead of being grateful for small mercies, you babble on about complaining that there are just two options.

What use it that to anyone?? Do you think that the banks will suddenly begin offering the products that you want because of your incessant whinging?

Seriously, save us the heartache. Do something positive, instead of creating useless threads. Apply for the Clarity.

Seriously, if you are annoyed, why do you keep coming back? Do something positive instead of harassing legitimate posters seeking help; go have another whiskey and watch TV. The only one that has been "whinging" in this thread is YOU.

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"Has anyone had any experience withdrawing money..."

Have you tried to do it? What was your experience?

Hi, Its like I say in post #6 -

In my personal experience, the bank staff's immediate reaction is to point towards the ATM.

That's how come I started this post...because the posts on TV (ThaiVisa) about this topic are old, and I needed to get a fresh perspective on the topic. (I figured it would help others as well) Also, although there was advice that over the counter cash withdrawals can be done there were no personal experiences quoted by attaching any links (It would be out of topic to quote personal experiences about over the counter withdrawals on a thread about bank fees for example).

Anyhow, because I was unable to make the over the counter cash withdrawal I made ATM pulls instead. This experience is relayed here on this thread - post#17

Now as a result of this thread (topic), from other TV Members experiences, I am aware that over the counter withdrawals can be done -- so thanks everyone for sharing your stories and experiences.

I wasn't looking for advice on what card I should apply for, but seems I have been offered this anyway, AND for some strange reason I am expected to be grateful for this advice. When we post something here we are not looking to take advantage of a discovery someone has made (or abuse any special privilege) but like you say are asking other members experiences.

Just to clarify, my objective in all this is again as the title of the post says "Over the counter money withdrawal at Bank using Overseas Debit Card and Passport"** - could it be done. From all the replies, clearly it can.

** - Although this is the title - in the original post #1 of this thread, I have said

..Also, no thai bank ATM charge for making a withdrawal like this. Are there any fees by the home bank for making an over the counter cash withdrawal...

attaching a link to the related thread title "Fed up with bank fees".

Are there any fees by the home bank for making an over the counter cash withdrawal...

- From this discussion - clearly it depends on the kind of account and/or card.



If you are with the Halifax Bank, obtain a Halifax Clarity CC.

So we have the halifax clarity for a no overseas transaction fee CREDIT Card. Over the counter transactions would be "Free". Not ATM transactions, as they (Halifax) do not refund any foreign bank levied ATM fees.

For UK pps, It's just this CREDIT card available for no fee cash withdrawals (over the counter). I mean a card with no annual fee or any other conditions. The Santander Zero card is no longer issued. Saga, Post Office and Nationwide credit cards all charge a fee for cash withdrawals. Metro Bank credit card is only fee-less within Europe.

As for debit cards, there is the N&P Debit Card. Same story with that card. No Fees for overseas over the counter cash withdrawals, but potential fee by overseas bank for ATM use.

So, just one card on offer for each of these categories, CREDIT/DEBIT card. Surely, this is something worth complaining about.

Are you off your head? If you are a woman, you have surely lost all credibility with that ludicrous post. You have options of both a credit card and a debit card, but you are still whinging. Apart from anything else, there are two other currently issued cards available. So you have at least four options. They have no control over the scamming Thailand ATM system....so it's up to you to avoid them, rather than creating useless threads, one after the other.

You have options, utilise them or don't...but please, stop the whining.

Jui-Jitsu, with your unnecessarily rude and ugly tone, you personify everything that stinks about Thai Visa. If you can't write nicely, why don't you just stop and crawl back into your hole?

Oh the irony.....worse still without even a hint of the topic. Trolling at it's worst.

I'm still waiting for you to explain to the OP as to how she will open a Schwab account without having to convert her £ into US$10,000.

It appears that you have gone rather quiet over that issue....curious, since you were adamant and berated me.


"Has anyone had any experience withdrawing money..."

Have you tried to do it? What was your experience?

Hi, Its like I say in post #6 -

In my personal experience, the bank staff's immediate reaction is to point towards the ATM.

That's how come I started this post...because the posts on TV (ThaiVisa) about this topic are old, and I needed to get a fresh perspective on the topic. (I figured it would help others as well) Also, although there was advice that over the counter cash withdrawals can be done there were no personal experiences quoted by attaching any links (It would be out of topic to quote personal experiences about over the counter withdrawals on a thread about bank fees for example).

Anyhow, because I was unable to make the over the counter cash withdrawal I made ATM pulls instead. This experience is relayed here on this thread - post#17

Now as a result of this thread (topic), from other TV Members experiences, I am aware that over the counter withdrawals can be done -- so thanks everyone for sharing your stories and experiences.

I wasn't looking for advice on what card I should apply for, but seems I have been offered this anyway, AND for some strange reason I am expected to be grateful for this advice. When we post something here we are not looking to take advantage of a discovery someone has made (or abuse any special privilege) but like you say are asking other members experiences.

Just to clarify, my objective in all this is again as the title of the post says "Over the counter money withdrawal at Bank using Overseas Debit Card and Passport"** - could it be done. From all the replies, clearly it can.

** - Although this is the title - in the original post #1 of this thread, I have said

..Also, no thai bank ATM charge for making a withdrawal like this. Are there any fees by the home bank for making an over the counter cash withdrawal...

Also I have posted a link to the related thread title "Fed up with bank fees".

Are there any fees by the home bank for making an over the counter cash withdrawal...

- From this discussion - clearly it depends on the kind of account and/or card.

It has clearly escaped you that one of the main reasons for a card being rejected.....is because it is a debit card. Which is the reason why you have been told to apply for a credit card. Has it become clear to you now, as to why you have been offered that advice?

Can we stop the pointless posts of there being only one card available to you in each category? Apart from it not even being accurate, why is that even relevant to the topic?

It's seems that you haven't bothered to read the advice that you have been given by your fellow members. Get a credit card. The Clarity.

Can it be made any more simple or any clearer?


It has clearly escaped you that one of the main reasons for a card being rejected.....is because it is a debit card. Which is the reason why you have been told to apply for a credit card. Has it become clear to you now, as to why you have been offered that advice?

Can we stop the pointless posts of there being only one card available to you in each category? Apart from it not even being accurate, why is that even relevant to the topic?

It's seems that you haven't bothered to read the advice that you have been given by your fellow members. Get a credit card. The Clarity.

Can it be made any more simple or any clearer?

What other fellow members?. Only YOU keep saying "get the Clarity". I am certainly not going to follow your advice on a WHIM, without exploring the other three options you keep banging on about. I don't need you to tell me what they are (if they actually exist). If they exist, I will find them.

Has it ever occurred to you that some of us may not like using a CREDIT card for "cash advances". Maybe we are old fashioned and we immediately feel, CRedit card = Cash advance = exorbitant fees. Even through, now, there are cards that offer fee free overseas cash advances. Maybe, we dont like the idea of getting a cash advance and forgetting to pay the credit card immediately, so it starts accumilating interest from the day of over the counter cash withdrawal. So, that's how come I am asking for both options, CREdit and Debit card. From what you say only the credit card option is available.



It has clearly escaped you that one of the main reasons for a card being rejected.....is because it is a debit card. Which is the reason why you have been told to apply for a credit card. Has it become clear to you now, as to why you have been offered that advice?

Only you have offered this advice, without any background about your experiences. What is the basis of your advice, and is the advice relevant when the topic is asking about DEBIT cards. It would be relevant if you had said..look, I attempted using a debit card and I was charged a fee, so I obtained a clarity credit card and have been successfully using it to withdraw money over the counter without a fee, at a shopping centre branch in Bangkok or in the sticks. There's nothing like this in your posts, apart from how pointless you find this post. Is this not whingeing in it self?. Look, just because a thread was started to clear up something left unclear in one of your post. It does not make it pointless. Quite the contrary.

It's seems that you haven't bothered to read the advice that you have been given by your fellow members. Get a credit card. The Clarity.

I told you in the title of the post (title is specific to Debit Card), in the body of post #1

Has anyone had any experience withdrawing money over the counter at a bank using an overseas Debit Card and Passport.

, and post #33

I wasn't looking for advice on what card I should apply for...

How come this is so difficult for you to comprehend.

Also, there are several posts here, on this "pointless" post (as you put it) where members have been able to withdraw cash over the counter without a fee using a DEBIT card. Please check

Post #10, post #11,post #13

These experiences are real. Enough said.


Although I mentioned the card was Schwab, way back there, I did say it IS a DEBIT card and I use it regularly to withdraw cash over-the-counter at TMB Bank in Phitsanulok. It is a debit card and they call it an over-the-counter-cash advance. I have never been charged a fee either by my US bank or my Thai bank.

I cannot speak for any other originating bank in the world except Schwab, and I cannot speak for any Thai bank except the main branch of TMB in Phitsanulok. For me it has been no problem. I have taken amounts as high as 600,000 baht. For amounts of under 50,000 baht, I use the ATM because its easier.



It has clearly escaped you that one of the main reasons for a card being rejected.....is because it is a debit card. Which is the reason why you have been told to apply for a credit card. Has it become clear to you now, as to why you have been offered that advice?

Only you have offered this advice, without any background about your experiences. What is the basis of your advice, and is the advice relevant when the topic is asking about DEBIT cards. It would be relevant if you had said..look, I attempted using a debit card and I was charged a fee, so I obtained a clarity credit card and have been successfully using it to withdraw money over the counter without a fee, at a shopping centre branch in Bangkok or in the sticks. There's nothing like this in your posts, apart from how pointless you find this post. Is this not whingeing in it self?. Look, just because a thread was started to clear up something left unclear in one of your post. It does not make it pointless. Quite the contrary.

It's seems that you haven't bothered to read the advice that you have been given by your fellow members. Get a credit card. The Clarity.

I told you in the title of the post (title is specific to Debit Card), in the body of post #1

Has anyone had any experience withdrawing money over the counter at a bank using an overseas Debit Card and Passport.

, and post #33

I wasn't looking for advice on what card I should apply for...

How come this is so difficult for you to comprehend.

Also, there are several posts here, on this "pointless" post (as you put it) where members have been able to withdraw cash over the counter without a fee using a DEBIT card. Please check

Post #10, post #11,post #13

These experiences are real. Enough said.

Have you some kind of mental aberration? It has been made clear from this thread alone, that it is the policy of at least one of the banks to not accept debit cards. So getting a no-fee credit card would solve your issue.....but your issue is clearly not financial, but mental.
Now you start on a whole load of nonsense about my having to post my credentials before my recommendations and other nonsense about not wanting to have a credit card.
I'm sure that Waldo, who decided to hitch his truck to yours, is now cringing with embarrassment....wondering why he ever did such a thing.
You are a timewaster. You surely will not find the info of the other products unless it's from one of my posts. Just a stubborn old woman. What other reason would their be for someone choosing to use a debit card that charges a forex fee of 2.75% in addition to a cash withdrawal fee of £1.50. The card even has a fee of £1.50 for purchases abroad!

This is the kind of intelligence with which we are dealing. The Clarity would wipe away all of those issues, but instead of acting, you react like a stubborn old woman/child.


Although I mentioned the card was Schwab, way back there, I did say it IS a DEBIT card and I use it regularly to withdraw cash over-the-counter at TMB Bank in Phitsanulok. It is a debit card and they call it an over-the-counter-cash advance. I have never been charged a fee either by my US bank or my Thai bank.

I cannot speak for any other originating bank in the world except Schwab, and I cannot speak for any Thai bank except the main branch of TMB in Phitsanulok. For me it has been no problem. I have taken amounts as high as 600,000 baht. For amounts of under 50,000 baht, I use the ATM because its easier.

I think that even you may begin to see the issue here. The OP stubbornly insists on using a debit card that snatches away 2.75% plus a cash withdrawal fee of £1.50...even if used over the counter. Her problems would be solved immediately by applying for the no charge CC from the very same bank.

So she has little need to open a Schwab account in order to take advantage of fee free withdrawals. Understand now?

She is just wasting peoples time, cogitating.

She prefers to waste time reading anecdotes of how some banks will still accept debit cards. This action might have some substance if her current debit card was not a pile of steaming poo.

I know a timewaster when I meet one. So whilst you might think my replies brusque...there is good reason.

I could give her even more information on the other products available to her, but frankly it's a ridiculous waste of time. With online banking her accounts could be linked and she could cover her Clarity spends in seconds.

So, it's all a pointless timewasting exercise.

If she wants to know which banks in her area accept debit cards, she can simply take a walk around them. Asking here is totally pointless, as you know. Policy may differ between branches. But most of all...her current debit card is carp anyway.

So try to talk some sense into your new friend.


Clearly, the OP only wants to talk about a problem, not solve it. I have better things to do than to remain engaged in his nonsense.


Clearly, the OP only wants to talk about a problem, not solve it. I have better things to do than to remain engaged in his nonsense.

Women like to talk about problems.

If it were only a problem. The financial question has already been solved. The truth is that the problem is you. Your psychological status is what is in question now.

Men like to solve problems and then move on to the next thing. If you want general chit-chat, I'm sure there is a pub forum of some sort.

Here we try to give solutions....which is why you have ended up irritating everyone on this thread....as we have given you solutions and only then realised that you just wanted a general chit-chat.

So you want me to go for the Scwabb Account. You should have said!


Although I mentioned the card was Schwab, way back there, I did say it IS a DEBIT card and I use it regularly to withdraw cash over-the-counter at TMB Bank in Phitsanulok. It is a debit card and they call it an over-the-counter-cash advance. I have never been charged a fee either by my US bank or my Thai bank.

I cannot speak for any other originating bank in the world except Schwab, and I cannot speak for any Thai bank except the main branch of TMB in Phitsanulok. For me it has been no problem. I have taken amounts as high as 600,000 baht. For amounts of under 50,000 baht, I use the ATM because its easier.

I think that even you may begin to see the issue here. The OP stubbornly insists on using a debit card that snatches away 2.75% plus a cash withdrawal fee of £1.50...even if used over the counter. Her problems would be solved immediately by applying for the no charge CC from the very same bank.

So she has little need to open a Schwab account in order to take advantage of fee free withdrawals. Understand now?

She is just wasting peoples time, cogitating.

She prefers to waste time reading anecdotes of how some banks will still accept debit cards. This action might have some substance if her current debit card was not a pile of steaming poo.

I know a timewaster when I meet one. So whilst you might think my replies brusque...there is good reason.

I could give her even more information on the other products available to her, but frankly it's a ridiculous waste of time. With online banking her accounts could be linked and she could cover her Clarity spends in seconds.

So, it's all a pointless timewasting exercise.

If she wants to know which banks in her area accept debit cards, she can simply take a walk around them. Asking here is totally pointless, as you know. Policy may differ between branches. But most of all...her current debit card is carp anyway.

So try to talk some sense into your new friend.

What is this anyway, some kind of a contest. You are both whiners and you are both wasting everybody's time at this point. We are beating dead horse. I am going to unfollw this topic post haste. Bye bye.

This from the 'genius' who suggested that she invested US$10,000 in to a Schwab account in order to avoid cash withdrawal fees. Joker.

All right, its settled then. You've made your point clear. Schwab Account it is. Just about to phone them now to open account.


I started to clean out this thread but given the volume of "childish bickering" its now CLOSED.

The participants have been noted and if similar behaviour is exhibited direct action will be taken.



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