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Not all r real monks.

Monk in Japan, monks in Japan can have girlfriends.

And wives... blink.png

Maybe that's one of the reasons there is not as much child abuse in Japan as for example here and in the Roman Catholic world where clerics have to vow to a life of celibacy. Human beings are not supposed to be celibate. We are animals with reproducing organs!! And where does it say that monks/clerics can only reach higher spirituality through celibacy? It's a load of c-rap. I only have to look at my native country to see the truth of the whole matter. Priests abusing young boys for centuries already. Maybe David Icke is right and the pedophiles know how to tap into the energy fields of kids when they fill them with fear through raping them. When kids are not safe anymore in this world it's really time to sit down and rethink this whole mess that we call society and hopefully people will wake up and redesign it

And ......lets go back to the beginning of the story of Buddhist or Buddhism ................young man in trouble sitting under a tree, dreams up this notion that if we be righteous in soul as well as mind through meditation, a sense of purity will overwhelm us. So I will travel on all the paths before me and pass along my wisdom I have learned for all to follow......... 3,000 years later look what we got, People dressed in orange or dark brown, preaching mumbo jumbo, collecting free meals every morning, creating many special events for the sole purpose of collecting money. weddings.....collect more money.....funerals.....even more money.....births more money! There is no end to it!.........then the 11 year old raping takes place within the wall of supposedly sacred ground.......simply disgraceful. I see young adolescence in shopping malls dressed head to toe in orange playing computer games. What the heck is going on here? The whole system being a Monk has changed in the last 40 years. It is not what it use to be.

forget castration there is no death too slow or painful that this man does not deserve. This childs life is basically ruined due to the acts of a degraded depraved paedo it makes no difference who or what he is the death penalty should be mandatory in all countries for those that abuse children, commit rape or murder anyone and for me personally I would prefer it to be as painful as possible stuff giving these maggots a quick release.. too sad for words


Sounds like he's was raping her regularly, I just hope for the girls' sake he was wearing a condom.

Don't think so? Neither do I.

Could be he just wrecked her life. So, who's gonna look after the baby? (there's a good chance of there being one).

Appropriate part of the punishment? Castration!!

Good idea, I suggest using the 2 house brick method - but a word of warning - watch out as it can inflict severe pain if you have your thumbs between the bricks


And where were the abbot and the rest of the monk in that temple? turning a blind eye

no doubt and maybe wishing they were so lucky too? the problem is that every head shaven

saffron rob wearing person can call themselves a monk, and go about doing dispeakble acts

with impunity and still no one notice....

Yes, I agree with this. There is no way in hell the abbot and other monks couldn't have known what was going on. Basically, there is no private life for a monk at a temple. Everyone knows where you are and pretty much what your doing. For a monk to have a visitor, especially a female visitor, everyone knows. coffee1.gif

The local people should place a complete embargo on the temple - no half measures - that is the only way the people can show their utter disgust of what has happened and probably was know to be happening by those in charge. It's called people power and a very useful and powerful tool when used correctly.


In Thailand anyone can become a monk.

One of my wife's relatives became a monks for 3 days and we had to go to their monk initiation party in the village in KK. He used to work in Pattaya at a gay bar! (nothing against gays though)

Unless there is a strict initiation into monk hood this unfortunate event will be all too common.

Starting to mimic Catholic priests methinks...


This is the reason why the Monks should be monitored, They bring the religious card shit into play, and expect to be able to do what they want, Shoot the piece of shit, scum bag.


This is the reason why the Monks should be monitored, They bring the religious card shit into play, and expect to be able to do what they want, Shoot the piece of shit, scum bag.

If the monk shot an 11 year old kid would you recommend rape for the monk?

I think that if a criminal rapes someone don't follow suit. Don't lower yourself to the standards of the scum that you describe.

I hate murderers ergo I will never condone the death penalty.

I hate rapists ergo I will never state "Rape the criminal in jail because he is a child rapist"

Give them a jail term for life. Let them suffer.

To say "shoot the piece of S**T scum bag says more about you than the crime the criminal committed.


"He admitted to recently raping the girl about three times though he said he gave money in exchange for sex."

What's worse, that this scumbag uttered this odious thing or that it's reported without slant, spin, or comment.

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