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Major survey shows most Americans support same-sex marriage


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Major survey shows most Americans support same-sex marriage

WASHINGTON (AP) — In the late 1980s, support for gay marriage was essentially unheard of in America. Just a quarter century later, it's now favored by clear majority of Americans.

That dramatic shift in opinion is among the fastest changes ever measured by the General Social Survey, a comprehensive and widely respected survey that has measured trends on a huge array of American attitudes for more than four decades.

Support for a right of same-sex couples to marry has risen 8 percentage points in the past two years and jumped 45 points since the question was first asked in 1988, when only 11 percent of Americans said they agreed with the idea. The survey now finds that only a third of Americans are opposed to gay marriage.

The largest shift in support since 2012 has come among Republicans, just under half of whom — 45 percent — now support marriage rights for same-sex couples. That's a jump of 14 percentage points since 2012.

"Many things don't change a lot. Most things change very slowly," said Tom W. Smith, director of the General Social Survey. "This is one of the most impressive changes we've measured."

The General Social Survey is conducted by NORC, an independent research organization based at the University of Chicago, with funding from the National Science Foundation. It is a highly regarded source of data about social trends because of its long-running and comprehensive set of questions about the demographics and attitudes of the American public.

Data from the 2014 survey was released this week, and an analysis of its findings on gay marriage was conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the General Social Survey.

As support for same-sex marriage has risen, the survey found, so has acceptance for gays and lesbians and for their relationships. Although 4 in 10 Americans still say sexual relationships between members of the same sex are always wrong, that's half as many as said so in 1987. And while in 1976 only about half of Americans — 53 percent — said a gay person should be allowed to teach at a college or university, 88 percent now say that is all right.

The release of the 2014 survey comes as federal courts have rapidly increased the number of states where same-sex couples can legally marry, and as marriages licenses are now being issued in at least 36 states. The U.S. Supreme Court is expected before July to rule on whether states can legally exclude gay and lesbian couples from marrying, or if those bans violate the U.S. Constitution.

The survey found that 56 percent of Americans overall now agree that gay and lesbian couples should have the right to get married, up from 48 percent who said so in 2012.

Although the largest growth in support came among Republicans, Democrats and independents are still more likely than Republicans to support marriage rights for gay and lesbian couples. And Democrats, too, are more likely to support marriage rights now — 65 percent— than they were two years ago, when this held favor with 59 percent of Democrats. Support held steady among independents, 54 percent of whom support marriage rights for gay couples.

When the GSS first asked Americans the question in 1988, support for gay marriage hovered in the range of 1 to 10 percent in all three groups.

The survey also found a double-digit increase in support over the past two years among 50 to 64 year olds, half of whom now favor marriage rights for gay couples, and among 18 to 34 year olds, more than 7 in 10 of whom support it.

At least half of Americans in all age groups, except those aged 65 and over, now favor legal same sex marriage, the survey found.

The General Social Survey is administered by NORC at the University of Chicago, primarily using in-person interviewing. The GSS started in 1972 and completed its 30th round in 2014.

The typical sample size was 1,500 prior to 1994, but increased to 2,700-3,000 until 2008, and decreased to 2,000 for the most recent surveys. Resulting margins of error are between plus or minus 3.1 percentage points for the smaller sample sizes and plus or minus 2.2 percentage points for the larger sample sizes at the 95 percent confidence level. The 2014 survey was conducted March 31-Oct. 11, 2014 among 2,538 American adults. The GSS 1972-2014 Cumulative File was utilized to produce the statistics presented.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-03-06

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The anti-gay marriage brigade keeps shrinking, yet are still vocal. Why do they insist on being on the wrong side of history? I believe we have a few TV members with that sort of outdated thinking. Don't they realize that they're dinosaurs who are about to be extinct?

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The anti-gay marriage brigade keeps shrinking, yet are still vocal. Why do they insist on being on the wrong side of history? I believe we have a few TV members with that sort of outdated thinking. Don't they realize that they're dinosaurs who are about to be extinct?

Of course not.. when have you ever seen anyone change his beliefs easy.. especially religious people. I know it would take a lot to change my point of view on things that are important to me. I think you would also not change your views fast.

People are hard to change and so are their ideas, that is why there are so much wars and violence.

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BS........maybe if the poll was conducted in San Francisco.

Nope, not conducted in San Francisco. The majority of people in the US have moved on from a dark ages mentality and support marriage equality.

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Atleast Muslims and I agree on one thing.....Dinosaur maybe. I'll go to my grave calling these kind what they are......wait... Scott will suspend me if I say it.

You read between the lines.

Oh well, I doubt there will many at your funeral to celebrate your caring nature- well maybe a few Muslims to cheer you on your way to oblivion.

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I think there is a huge difference between "support" and "acceptance" of.

Do you believe 2 consenting adults should be able to marry? That the basic rights reserved for married people should apply to 2 consenting adults ; such as inheritance or next of kin status?

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Atleast Muslims and I agree on one thing.....Dinosaur maybe. I'll go to my grave calling these kind what they are......wait... Scott will suspend me if I say it.

You read between the lines.

People like you are the worst of the worst. Considering how nasty you are and you have no problem posting something like this..... I will say what needs to be said. Younger people like myself are indeed waiting for people like you to go to your grave. The world will be a kinder and more accepting place.

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I think there is a huge difference between "support" and "acceptance" of.

Really? I don't think many people would support something that they don't accept.


Maybe there's just a huge difference between supporting something and wanting to do it yourself.

It's called tolerance.

I for example support people eating Brussel Sprouts but I believe that they are the spawn of Beelzebub.


Edited by Chicog
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Yes, and a vast majority also support stricter gun control. Doesn't mean that the politicians will do their job and represent their constituents. It just means the gun lobbyists and the religious lobbyists will have to spend more money lobbying (bribing) their corrupt congressmen.

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Yes, and a vast majority also support stricter gun control. Doesn't mean that the politicians will do their job and represent their constituents. It just means the gun lobbyists and the religious lobbyists will have to spend more money lobbying (bribing) their corrupt congressmen.

The courts will eventually take care of the situation. The equal protection clause applies to all Americans in the US.

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Major survey? By who? Sure didn't ask me or my neighbor or the guy down the street! This survey is flawed! I would vote no, no, no!

Sounds like you live in a bubble (unless you are just being sarcastic and I missed it). Edited by inbangkok
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Atleast Muslims and I agree on one thing.....Dinosaur maybe. I'll go to my grave calling these kind what they are......wait... Scott will suspend me if I say it.

You read between the lines.

People like you are the worst of the worst. Considering how nasty you are and you have no problem posting something like this..... I will say what needs to be said. Younger people like myself are indeed waiting for people like you to go to your grave. The world will be a kinder and more accepting place.

We don't have to read between the lines to see how kind and accepting you are do we?

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More proof of how sick the USA and the world is becoming.

Nope.... Just confirmation that sick people like you are dying off.

55555555555555 Your intelligent comeback astounds me.

That's because clearly you are the one that is not very intelligent. What I said is just a fact. The older, bigoted generation is dying off. In general, younger people don't hold such hateful views.

Most people have better and more important things to do than obsess over the lives of gay people. You obviously are not one of them.

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Atleast Muslims and I agree on one thing.....Dinosaur maybe. I'll go to my grave calling these kind what they are......wait... Scott will suspend me if I say it.

You read between the lines.

Oh well, I doubt there will many at your funeral to celebrate your caring nature- well maybe a few Muslims to cheer you on your way to oblivion.

Don't forget the hard core christians.

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