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PM Prayut assures Thais he won't hang onto power

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Prayuth Assures Thais He Won't Hang Onto Power
By Khaosod English

BANGKOK — Junta chairman and Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha has assured the nation that he has no intention to stay involved in politics after democratic rule is restored in Thailand, despite recently dismissing a proposal that would have him and other junta leaders formally banned from politics for two years.

"I don't want anything," Gen. Prayuth said today in a keynote speech for an event promoting transparency in state projects. "This has nothing to do with self-interest. I and other ministers aren't gaining anything ... I have no intention to perpetuate my power or self-interest. If I thought like that, I wouldn't have come to work in these matters."

However, Gen. Prayuth repeated his opposition to a plan proposed by one of the drafters of the new constitution that would bar members of all five interim governing bodies, including the military junta, from politics for two years.

"Don't worry about the Five Rivers, about who will go, who will stay," Gen. Prayuth said, using a nickname for the five agencies. "I will stick to the interim charter, and I will give verdict on this issue. Please don't mix things up and make them contradict each other. Otherwise, the country won't go anywhere."

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1425629545&section=11&typecate=06

-- Khaosod English 2015-03-06


I am reminded of Diana King's Hit Song:

Oh why, oh why oh why you tell me La la la la L!@#.

Never t-t-t-t-t think That I woulda re-a-li-a-li-a-liz.

Things you say-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay
Will make you fay-ay-ay-ade away
B-b-b-b-bye-bye-bye-bye (goodbye)


He also assured Thais that there wouldn't be military coup less than 24 hours before he led the coup. LOL

As I recall it the roll out of the army onto the streets leading up to the imminent coup was emphatically announced as NOT A COUP. Immediately after that announcement the coup followed.

The OP seems to indicate more flip-flopping. Personally I would prefer to hear much less from the coup leader. I wish he'd say less and think more before he does.

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This is not the point , regardless of who is PM, if the un-elected process is approved the anointed person will have a title, General, Admiral or Air Vice Marshall, I rest my case..coffee1.gif

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You know I think PM Prayut is right when he says the press should report stories more accurately. He had no intention to run in the next election as PM and just mentioning he might was just a joke the same he was playing around on the motorcycle the other day. He has got a sense of hum our and he seems to love winding up the press. Good on you Prayut, its not easy being in charge and you're not all that bad.


I would prefer him to stay in power long enough to prevent the corrupt criminals with their violent troops managed by a fugitive criminal to come back to power or legality again, so that one day a truly democratic government can be stable in power, not on only "democratically elected"

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I'm waiting for his clarification coffee1.gif

Probably he wanted to say he's not hanging on to power
but he will be sitting on it. facepalm.gif

Anyway probably he'll say he didn't say anything is just
bad magic who makes us believe he said something wink.png


Yeeeees, but he said before he wasn't interested of becoming a Prime minister.........

Or this is different?

Bad me.........

No, Not bad you, bad him, He only tell's populist things, words that the people like to hear, how else can he bring happiness to the people.


I would prefer him to stay in power long enough to prevent the corrupt criminals with their violent troops managed by a fugitive criminal to come back to power or legality again, so that one day a truly democratic government can be stable in power, not on only "democratically elected"

Right, but by that time , Thailand ,economy wise, will be total washed out, and there will be noting more to work for.


When (and if) there's an election in the foreseeable future, he'll probably appoint himself as 'special advisor with wide sweeping powers' to the incoming incumbent before stepping down.

That way, he can continue to run the country in the background in the same way that Thaksin did when Yingluck was holding the reins.

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It seems he expect trust based nothing more than his verbal assurances . He said he was not going to stage a coup, but he did. He usurped power from the Thai people. The new constitution has some worrying clauses about demonstrations. He curtails free speach. No solace can be taken from anything he says.


yesterday he was yapping for 1 hour+ on all tv channels


i pay TRUE a lot of money and i missed SURVIVOR on TRUE SERIES

why they have to rob all FREE thai channels but also paying TRUE TV channels for this blablabla, i am expert in everything bullcrap every week

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